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Mrs. Whatsit

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Mrs. Whatsit got a reaction from ThomSB in Smoking !   
    lol, this is the first thing that has made me laugh all week. I smoke pot in Florida and it is ILLEGAL in Florida. Big flippidity deal. I'm 55, I have fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy. Would the powers that be rather I was taking oxycontin? If someone wants to come arrest this grandmother for smoking a little herb to help with her pain, then by all means bring it on. And then when you're done, I'll do my own investigating and dig out all the skeletons in your closet. I had my sleeve 5 days ago. I haven't smoked weed since December. I stopped smoking cigars in November but have probably smoked 15 since then. I smoked a cigar one week before my surgery. I'll try and wait 2 weeks before I smoke a cigar (and yes, I told my doctor all this info) and I'll smoke pot the next time I have a bad fibro flareup. Frankly, I'm not a big believer in telling my doctor everything. He's not my shrink. I'm an RN and I know what the doctor needs to know. If you're having problems, he needs to know what you're doing so he can evaluate it and decide if it's the cause. If you're not losing weight, then tell your doctor what you're eating and let him figure out what you need to change. Contrary to popular opinion, doctors are not the morality police and neither are members on a forum. I don't know anything about you and it would be completely inappropriate for me to tell you what to do or not to do. Likewise, you don't know me and are not in a position to tell me what I need to do or need to not do. All I can do is share my experience. I enjoy smoking and I don't really care what others think about it. I'm sure there are plenty of you who do things that I think are ridiculous but big frigging deal! We're here to support each other with our weight loss not judge each other on the other areas of our life.
    I will end this by saying I just got home from the hospital today and am rather irritable. My stomach is doing the spasm dance, which it has been doing all week. If I stepped on your toes, I apologize. I was aiming for the ground next to your toes.
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    Mrs. Whatsit got a reaction from Tigermouse74 in MAJOR regrets   
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Snapple is on the list of beverages to drink post op but I've stopped drinking them. I saw my doctor today and he says it will just take time. He suggested I mix my Protein with Water instead of almond milk and to try some other Protein powders. I tried some yogurt today and it caused me to have the same spasms as a Protein shake. My doctor said I could even just stick to Clear Liquids for the next week and give my stomach a rest. Time he says, it takes time.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Texasmeg in MAJOR regrets   
    I lost the first week and then quit losing for 2 - 3 weeks. It is frustrating (especially when everything is so hard), but it will pass. Hang in there - you are doing what you need to do to care for yourself.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to BigGirlPanties in MAJOR regrets   
    @Mrs. Whatsit sorry you are having such difficulties...and it may be cliche....but "this too shall pass"... things will get better and the weight will start to come off and you will look back and wonder why you regreted the surgery in the first place... keep us up to date so we can find out how you are feeling/doing... the first few weeks can be trying for many new WLS members, but it WILL get better!
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to loosinginSD in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Hi all! I am close to 2 months post-op! I understand what you all are feeling. Remember these 4 words:
    This Too Shall Pass!
    The discomfort and pain is only temporary. When it gets tough remind yourself of where you have been and where you are headed! You will do great!
    Congrats on your brave decision to have surgery!
    God bless!
  6. Like
    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Amanda121279 in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Yesterday, I got my first compliment. I was a frequent customer at Dunkin Donuts. I went in to get a cup of Decaf tea, and the cashier, who knows me well, said, "Wow! You look great! Every time I see you, you are getting thinner!" EPIC SUCCESS!
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to jerseygrl09 in March 2014 Sleevers   
    @mrs.Whatsit I totally feel the same way this week. Don't give up I hear it does get better I keep telling myself that. good luck we are all on this together i has to and will get better
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Chanlissa in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Before I had the surgery I read a lot of old posts, and soooo many people said they regretted having the surgery. But, when you look at their later posts they say it's the best decision they ever made. Sorry you're having such a hard time :-( just try to remember that is temporary, and eventually you'll forget this time ever existed :-) (especially wily you're out shopping for new clothes!). Everyone one is healing at a different rate, and before you know it, other people will be wishing they are where you are.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to msvalentine81 in MAJOR regrets   
    Hi Morgan, I just read your post and I am sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. I was sleeved on 3/31 and spent the first week truly miserable. I was unable to tolerate the liquid Lortab and had to crush Norco in a sandwich bag to get pain relief. Swallowing was pure hell, and I cried at least four times that week. On day 7 I decided enough was enough and that I had to do my part no matter what. Sipping became my job. All day I kept a Water bottle in my hand, walked, and used my incentive spirometer. I started each day with a cup of juice and a prayer for strength. Today I am 16 days post op and feel awesome. Yes I run into hiccups. But I am 22 pounds down, have energy, and see the new me emerging everyday. You will get past this. You will preserve, but most importantly you will emerge better than before. You have made a commitment to change your life, honor it and yourself. I know it's not what you expected. No matter what happens today, you can find comfort in the fact that this day will end and another will begin with as stronger you.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to aNewTanya in MAJOR regrets   
    Yes feeling better. Still not at a point where I would recommend this surgery to others but I am getting better physically and mentally. Thanks for asking
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to greensleeve in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Good luck Maggie!
    I had a very low energy day today. Spent a lot of time in bed and napping. I just don't get how some people are back to normal and I'm still dragging.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to hisandhersleeves in March 2014 Sleevers   
    My husband and I had our surgery 3/14...I too, sadly, seem to be able to eat anything...I have lost 25 lbs total but 10 was prior to surgery...I was hoping the weight would be falling off like it was with the pre-op diet but it's not...week 2-3 did not lose anything...a bit of a bummer but slow and steady wins the race, so I've been told. How have you been doing?
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to greensleeve in Who is in March?   
    I'll be three weeks tomorrow. I'm having days where I have no energy, I'm crabby, bored and feel like I don't know what to do.
    I have days where I feel ok.
    I'm down 32 pounds from February, 17 down since surgery.
    Working on my emotional and mental issues, really not feeling up to doing any exercise. I'm just so worn out.
    On a good day I'm getting 800 calories, most days 600 or so.
  14. Like
    Mrs. Whatsit got a reaction from MorganO87 in MAJOR regrets   
    I could have written your post. I am 10 days post op and pretty darn miserable, angry, and regretful. My problem is my stomach has spasms every time I swallow anything. I stayed in the hospital 5 days because I could not get anything down. Every swallow causes a spasm and pain. On top of that, something is giving me gas. This isn't gas from the surgery, it's gas in my stomach. It hits on my left side and drops me to my knees in pain. Oh, and did I mention diarrhea, explosive diarrhea? If I knew what was causing it, I'd stop it. I've been drinking Almond Milk and using my Protein powder for 2 years. I don't think that's the cause. I have never drank Snapple before and that's what I've been drinking for fluids. Maybe all that fruity stuff is what's bothering me, I just don't know. I've eliminated the Snapple and I'll wait and see what my bowels decide.
    I am sorry you're having a hard time, believe me I know how how you feel, I do, I do, I do. I'm clinging to other people's posts that it does get better. We can cling together. Hang in there.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to greensleeve in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Oh my other one. I was sitting on the couch and I realized I felt comfortable, I didn't feel like there was some huge bulky thing sitting on my stomach.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to sleevie.wonder in March 2014 Sleevers   
    I had 3 NSVs at Disneyland yesterday:
    1. My feet never hurt. Before surgery my feet would hurt within the first half hour.
    2. I could go through the turnstiles without getting stuck for a couple seconds (which was always mortifying)
    3. My boyfriend, daughter, and myself can all fit on Peter Pan! My boyfriend would always have to ride by himself because the three of us couldn't all fit together in one ship. Not to mention we weren't even squished, we were comfortable .
    Edit: Also noticed I am out of the 40s BMI range!
    Anyone else have any NSV's they want to share?
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to sleevie.wonder in March 2014 Sleevers   
    I hear ya. Has anyone else's tastes changed? I was a huge milk drinker before. Like, two large glasses with dinner type of drinker. Now I drink like 1/4 cup and it tastes awful. I made tuna salad, as well as egg salad, which I used to love. Now it tastes weird to me. Everything does. I get to start regular foods in 5 days and although I am excited about the variety, I am just sure that I am not going to enjoy 99% of things.
    Definitely puts a new meaning to "eat to live, not live to eat". That's literally what I've been doing lately.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Sassy Pants1 in What was I thinking?   
    I had a couple of sips of wine at thanksgiving and I was about 6 weeks out. It did not sit well. Now, at 6 months out, no problem. But I do limit myself to 2 glasses once a week. Too many empty calories, and I'd rather eat my calories!
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to PdxMan in Stretching pouch 1 week post op?   
    OK, let's start off by saying you are fine. Totally agree with Stephanie about being conscientious about taking smaller drinks. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
    Since you had VSG, know that you do not have a pouch, it is called a sleeve because it resembles a long sleeved shirt whereas RnY procedures actually create a little pouch about the size of a golf ball. Your food is still going to pass through the pyloric valve. Most of the stretchy part, the fundus, was removed, so when you say stretching, it is not like how our stomach's distended after going large at Thanksgiving.
    So, what is happening? You are still early out. You had 85% of your stomach removed. Surely you know your stomach is going to be swollen, right? At this time, you cannot drink very much as you have a tiny stomach now and what you do have is quite swollen. As you heal, that swelling is going to go down, so it will appear you can drink more. Also know that you are consuming liquids. This passes right through the pyloric valve and into the intestines. Once you get on eating "real" food, you will begin to feel the restriction. Until then, just take small drinks and stay off the scale.< /p>
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Bufflehead in 9 days post-sleeve looking for suggestions   
    @@hopeful2loose2014 @ seems like every surgeon has a different plan. My surgeon's team does not allow mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, or applesauce on purees -- only protein-rich foods. I'm still not allowed potatoes or grains of any sort (including cream of wheat) until I hit maintenance. I think every poster should follow the dietary guidelines from their own medical team.
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to cah1128 in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Hi all! It's been a while since I posted, but I have been reading all the posts as they come. I've seen alot of folks having issues with getting enough food in, and feeling satisfied, and/or not being able to tolerate some foods.
    I have been lucky enough to have liked just about everything I've tried, and I've succeeded thus far.
    I am 5 1/2 weeks post op, and down 30lbs.
    My doctors diet regimen means between weeks 4-6 after I've seen the doc, I can eat whatever I want. Now it's up to ME to make sure what I eat is healthy, and nutritious.
    I use the app "MyFitnessPal" to keep track of EVERYTHING I eat. And my doc says don't worry about calories, as long as you are getting enough Protein (60-70g/day), GOOD CARBS, and SOME Fat. Watch SUGAR! and keep SODIUM as low as you can. And HYDRATE!!! 64+oz of Water a day.
    So far, if anything, I have had trouble getting enough water.
    But for those who are struggling with getting enough protein, I have a list of Protein shakes/powders, etc.....that may help you find a good one. I use "Pure Protein" brand, Frosty chocolate, found in Shoprite, Walmart and probably alot of other places. Maybe I can inbox it to whomever wants it?
    And once you can have FISH, it's SO PROTEIN PACKED, so make sure you eat your fish.
    I was basically vegetarian for a month (and Fish) and between that, and the shakes, i kept my energy up. Vitamins are a key too.
    Well, that's enough babbling....I hope you all are doing well. Keep your chins up, and never give up!
    This is a new life for us all!
  22. Like
    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to KajunGumbo in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Dropped another 2.5 YAY
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Chanlissa in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine
    While I'm not a fan of focusing on the negative myself, I don't necessarily see what people are pointing out as frustrations so much as complaining, as I do venting. Also, it's a way to compare their experiences to see if they are the only ones having these issues. I know for me the "complaining" has helped me see that I'm doing pretty darn good with my progress, and for others I think it helps them see that they are not alone.
    So, even though I prefer not to focus n the negative, if it's helping you guys post away!! Personally if I were bothered by it I just wouldn't read it seems like the easiest solution
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to Curly Swirley in Exercise "March sleevers" who is up & moving?   
    My surgery was March 5th. At my 2-week check-up my doctor said my incisions looked great and after 4 weeks post-op I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't work my stomach/abs. So I started hitting weights the beginning of last week and I've felt amazing. I get most of my cardio in by walking during my breaks at work. I started my weight load off light with 10lb dumbbells but I've progressed on certain exercises to 15lbs. I actually worked chest, shoudlers, and triceps yesterday and am sore today, so I know I'm benefitting now. My next doctor's appointment is next Thursday, and I will weigh and update then. I've tried to stay away from the scales as much as possible so as to not discourage myself. I see and feel the inches falling off by my clothes. The weight is a number to me, and I try to see it as nothing more. Hope this was helpful!
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    Mrs. Whatsit reacted to CrazyJaney in Exercise "March sleevers" who is up & moving?   
    I'm cleared for all exercise today. At one Month appointment now. Went to Water aerobics last night. Felt great!!!!!! Still so hard to schedule exercise into my day. Wish I didn't work and commute. Or I wish there were more hours in the day!

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