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Mrs. Whatsit

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Whatsit

  1. Mrs. Whatsit

    MAJOR regrets

    Well I'm ready to give up. I was sleeved on 3/31, stayed in the hospital for 5 days because I couldn't swallow anything, came home and had terrible cramps every time I tried to drink any Protein. For the last 2 weeks I have made every possible attempt to get in my protein and fluids. That's all I do, plus my 30 minutes exercise. And yet I've only lost 7 lbs since surgery. If I was losing weight I'd probably have no regrets but as it is right now, this is the biggest mistake I've ever made. It takes me an hour to drink an 8 oz shake. I have to wait an hour before I can drink anything or I have major pain. My entire day is spent focused on trying to get in protein and fluids. It's absurd! I even stay up late, trying to eat one last yogurt to reach the protein goal. And for what? I lost 7 lbs the first week and nothing since. Everything else was pre-op when I was basically eating a regular diet. I can't complain to my family because everyone was opposed to the surgery. You know, I'm doing everything right and I'm not losing weight. I can honestly say I would never, ever, recommend this surgery because my life only consists of sip, sip, sip, without any reward. Sorry to be such a downer but I'm at the end of my rope.
  2. Mrs. Whatsit

    March 2014 Sleevers

    I'm beginning to think I need to quit reading some of these posts. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago today. I've only lost 7 lbs since surgery, the rest was pre-op. I had trouble with liquids and just this week tried yogurt and cottage cheese. I have to say, I am really glad you all are losing weight but it depresses the hell out of me.
  3. Mrs. Whatsit

    When can i have coffee?!

    My doctor said no coffee ever again. He said coffee is very acidic and can cause ulcers. Tea is okay, it's the acid in the coffee. I switched to tea January 1. I do miss my coffee but I'm willing to skip it if it avoids ulcers.
  4. Mrs. Whatsit

    MAJOR regrets

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Snapple is on the list of beverages to drink post op but I've stopped drinking them. I saw my doctor today and he says it will just take time. He suggested I mix my Protein with Water instead of almond milk and to try some other protein powders. I tried some yogurt today and it caused me to have the same spasms as a Protein shake. My doctor said I could even just stick to Clear Liquids for the next week and give my stomach a rest. Time he says, it takes time.
  5. I am 55 years old, have fibromyalgia, and neuropathy in my feet and legs. I have to use a walker. I am very limited in what I can do however when I decided to have this surgery I made a decision to find some form of exercise that I was capable of doing. I bought this XL Glider. It is wonderful. For the first month or so, I could only go about 5 minutes at a time without having to stop because of back pain. I made it my goal to get 30 minutes finished over the course of the day. And that's how I did it. 3 minutes here, 6 minutes there, until I totaled 30. I can now go 30 minutes at one stretch, barely. It sits right in the middle of the living room. It's not shut off in some other room where I can't see it. It sits there mocking me until I get on the darn thing. You mentioned you have fatigue because of a liver disorder. I have incredible fatigue from my fibromyalgia and some days I don't even get out of bed. But the days I do, I get on my glider. The statistics show that those who exercise are more succesful with their weight loss surgery. I plan on being one of the successfull ones. Good luck! http://www.amazon.com/Gazelle-1285-Edge/dp/B0000AS7W2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397176300&sr=8-1&keywords=xl+glider
  6. I'm new and am doing the compare game. One thing I've figured out, just because it says someone lost 80 lbs, it doesn't mean they lost it post surgery. I lost 17 lbs before my surgery so it gives me an inflated weight loss on my ticker. I have thought about changing my starting weight number just so it would be an accurate account of my weight loss. So Miss I Lost 80 lbs might have lost 30 lbs before her surgery, giving her the envious 80 lb loss. I have to tell myself these things. Mental masturbation is about all I'm capable of these days.
  7. Mrs. Whatsit

    MAJOR regrets

    I could have written your post. I am 10 days post op and pretty darn miserable, angry, and regretful. My problem is my stomach has spasms every time I swallow anything. I stayed in the hospital 5 days because I could not get anything down. Every swallow causes a spasm and pain. On top of that, something is giving me gas. This isn't gas from the surgery, it's gas in my stomach. It hits on my left side and drops me to my knees in pain. Oh, and did I mention diarrhea, explosive diarrhea? If I knew what was causing it, I'd stop it. I've been drinking Almond Milk and using my Protein powder for 2 years. I don't think that's the cause. I have never drank Snapple before and that's what I've been drinking for fluids. Maybe all that fruity stuff is what's bothering me, I just don't know. I've eliminated the Snapple and I'll wait and see what my bowels decide. I am sorry you're having a hard time, believe me I know how how you feel, I do, I do, I do. I'm clinging to other people's posts that it does get better. We can cling together. Hang in there.
  8. Mrs. Whatsit

    having lots of pain

    I'm sorry you're hurting. I'm 10 days post op and still in the regret stage. My gas pains have been on my left side. They have been so bad that they drop me to my knees and make me cry. This isn't gas that was inserted for the surgery. This is gas in my stomach. I too have a hard time drinking anything. Everything makes my stomach spasm. I was in the hospital 5 days because I could not drink a thing, the spasming was just too painful. Yesterday was so bad I just gave up and didn't drink anything. I thought maybe my stomach needed a rest. I didn't sign on for this either but it's the hand I've been dealt. I know it will get better and I appreciate you sharing your story. I don't feel so alone and I don't feel like I'm overreacting. Take care.
  9. Mrs. Whatsit

    Mouth problems?

    Maybe it's this. http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/features/low-carb-diets-can-cause-bad-breath
  10. Mrs. Whatsit


    Congratulations!! This is really exciting.
  11. Mrs. Whatsit


    I just want to tell you that you are not alone. I have the same feelings of frustration. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  12. Mrs. Whatsit

    Sex drive

    Frankly, you don't tell her you feel like a teenage boy again. If you want some action, maybe try helping her out around the house, doing some laundry, making dinner. Those things are romantic to a woman. Try and woo her. If her sex drive is missing, sex is the last thing on her mind. I say this from my own experience. My husband ended up buying some lubrication and taking care of his needs in the shower. You need to turn her head and heart on. Her nether regions aren't what's important. You need to get her feeling romantic towards you, which has nothing to do with sex drive. I wish you AND your wife luck.
  13. The almond milk in my Protein Shakes doesn't count? That means I need to drink 24 more ounces? I think I'm going to cry.
  14. Well I've actually had to decide which is more important to get in, the protein or the fluid and I decided on the fluid. Fortunately for me, I like my protein and don't have any trouble eating it. I mix the chocolate powder with a cup of almond milk and some stevia. I mix it in the blender and it's almost like pudding. I just have to eat it really, really, slow. I also count that 8 oz of almond milk as part of my fluid. So if I have three 8 oz protein shakes, I count that as 24 ounces of fluid. That's the only way I can get near the 64 oz mark.
  15. Mrs. Whatsit

    Bad day for me

    I'm sorry you've had a rough day. It's just one bad day. Tomorrow starts a new week and the bad day will be a thing of the past. Take care and thanks for sharing because we all know those bad days can sneak up on any of us..
  16. Regarding your constipation, drink even more Water, if you possibly can. Go to the store and buy some colace or try a Health food Store and buy a tea called Smooth Move. The tea works really well. There's not going to be a lot of poop because you're not taking in a lot of food. If you're not taking in plenty of fluids, what poop you do have will be as hard as a rock. The sooner you have a poop the better. Seriously. Good luck!
  17. Thanks miayanna. Good luck to you too.
  18. I was sleeved March 31 and I've been on my glider every day since I came home. I have even managed 30 minutes each time. I might not be going super fast but I am moving. I went 1.25 miles today and managed to get my heartrate up. I usually have to quit before my heartrate goes up so maybe something good is happening. I do need to get some light weights for my arms. Maybe as light as 2 lbs. I'll have pain if I lift very much but I'm dreading my batwings getting bigger so I'd better get started. It's hard to work in the exercise around all this darn sipping!
  19. Mrs. Whatsit

    Weight coming off too fast?

    Well I'm going to be bitter Betty. My surgery was March 31 and I've lost 2 lbs. From reading you alls posts, it sounds like you're not eating Protein and your weight is dropping. I am drinking 3 protein shakes/day for 72 gms of protein and my weight is not dropping. It's stuck to me like super glue. No, my name is not Betty. I was going to say bitter Bella, but I didn't want to make fun of Kristen Stewart.
  20. My surgery was March 31. I think I've lost 2 lbs. I can't blame it on IV fluids because my urine is dark, meaning I'm dehydrated. I'm barely getting in my 3 protein shakes and 64 oz fluid. I'm a nurse and I'm kind of particular about bodily functions, lol. I have one of those hat things in my commode to measure my urine. I also wanted to keep an eye on the colour. So far, I am drinking more than I'm peeing and my urine is still kind of dark, meaning I'm staying dehydrated. I don't expect to lose any weight as long as I'm retaining these fluids. I'm not sure what to change. I am exercising 30 minutes/day and not eating anything but the damn shakes. I'm only eating 420 calories/day. I would think the weight would be falling off. I mean haven't we all been taught that it's simple math. Calories burned must be greater than calories consumed. Well, it seems my math is failing. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Good luck!
  21. Mrs. Whatsit

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    This is the most incredibly awesome sentence I believe I have ever read. Should you allow it, I would like to put it as my Facebook status. I have many bright, witty friends who would enjoy and appreciate your effusive use of the English language. Thank you for brightening up an otherwise tedious evening. 'I can now extend the definition of utter tedium to the attempted supercilious, mealy-mouthed idiots who contribute little of value and originality, other than a bilious vomitorium of defensive low-level vitriol to those they are clearly jealous'.
  22. My doctor and nutritionist say the best protein is from real food. I'm one week out from surgery and should be moving toward real food in a month. They say that even with eating real food, I'll need to eat one protein shake a day. I don't really mind protein drinks. I seem to do better with less food choices.
  23. Mrs. Whatsit

    2 days Post Op

    I am so sorry you're having diarrhea. Have you used artificial sweeteners in the past? If not, you really have to watch out for sorbitol and the sugar alcohols in sugar free products. They will give you both gas and diarrhea. I hope you feel better soon.
  24. Mrs. Whatsit

    Newbie here

    Hi Floe! You might be a newbie here but you're not a newbie as far as your experience goes. My surgery was just last week. If you're wanting some imput on how to get back on track, you might start a thread saying you're 3 months out from surgery and having trouble staying on track. There are lots of people here with lots of great advice, you just have to get their attention. Good luck and welcome!
  25. Mrs. Whatsit

    Too much liquid 5 days Post Op?

    I think everyone has a different threshold for discomfort. My surgery was a week ago. I've been trying for the last 10 hours to drink my three 4 oz Protein shakes and my 64 oz of Fluid. I have 8 more ozs to go. I cannot take two sips back to back or my stomach will spasm. I cannot take a large swallow. It takes me 1 hour to get that damn 4 oz of protein down. Not everyone spasms. I do. The doctor said it will go away. I can say that I honestly do not want to eat or drink one bite because it is uncomfortable. However, I am a wimp. I don't tolerate pain very well. You all might just have a higher pain threshold than me and can tolerate more fluids. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Good luck!

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