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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  2. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  3. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from _Kate_ in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Good luck for your operation Kate. I remember sitting waiting on my date coming round and feeling like a kid waiting on santa at christmas with a whole heap of nerves thrown in to the mix.
    I am a 15 months out now and have lost just short of half my body weight which without the operation I would never have been able to do.
  4. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from lovebugg2013 in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Thanks guys.
    When I was reading posts before my surgery I found most were made by the people in America and found things differed vastly to over here. I also found most sadly didn't keep the updates going after their operation so I wanted to do an update so people knew what it really was like months down the line from someone who had undergone a sleeve operation in the UK.
    Not everyone will have the pain or discomfort I went through or the burping situation I faced but I wanted to let them know that in the early days is common to think "Oh hell, I have made a huge mistake" but that it does come good and it is worth it. If it can help me it can help others too.
  5. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  6. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  7. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from SmilingBeauty in I did it!   
    Well done on reaching your goals and good luck for your op.
  8. Like
    willow13 reacted to EJS in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    @@willow 13
    I can't tell you how great it is to have found your post!
    I was sleeved on the 14th April 2015, 4 days later rushed into hospital with a Wound Infection. Last day of antibiotics today but can honestly say I've never felt so ill.
    Very tearful & full to the brim of regret ????
  9. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in Sleevers over 300lbs?   
    I was 350 when I started my weight loss journey to being sleeved. It really was the best thing I did. I am just over a year since my op and have done great up until recently when I hit a huge stall but this will hopefully pass.
  10. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in 10 months on   
    Its hard to believe its just over 10 months since I had my op, no it wasnt all plain sailing but I don't regret doing it for a minute.
    It really has given me my life back, yes I am still disabled but my health is so much better, I can walk more than I have been able to for years.
    Downside is saggy skin but would rather deal with that than have the excess weight I was carrying round with me.
    So to anyone wondering if the sleeve is the right decision for them I would say go for it, the early days are a nightmare, nothing prepares you for the head hunger and emotional rollercoaster ride but it is so so worth it and that stage does not last for ever.
  11. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from lovebugg2013 in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Thanks guys.
    When I was reading posts before my surgery I found most were made by the people in America and found things differed vastly to over here. I also found most sadly didn't keep the updates going after their operation so I wanted to do an update so people knew what it really was like months down the line from someone who had undergone a sleeve operation in the UK.
    Not everyone will have the pain or discomfort I went through or the burping situation I faced but I wanted to let them know that in the early days is common to think "Oh hell, I have made a huge mistake" but that it does come good and it is worth it. If it can help me it can help others too.
  12. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from GingerDiane in Sleeve? ... Done!   
    Congratulations you will not regret having your sleeve although in the early days it can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride for the emotions.
  13. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from DivaSue in Why Gastric Sleeve?   
    I went with the sleeve because my surgeon does not do bands any longer due to complications. I debated between the sleeve and bypass and went with the sleeve a decision I have not regretted. The recovery period was what swung it for me, no I will not loose weight as quickly as I would have had I gone with bypass surgery but would rather be slow and steady with it.
  14. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from estrob85 in Food melt down   
    I cried over my husband cooking bacon in the early days, it does get better and a lot easier. I had read about head hunger and the emotions going mad but never realised just how bad it could get. Don't worry about a melt down we all go through them.
  15. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from NavyMom2006 in Freaking Out Right Now   
    I think everyone gets nervous before their surgery. I knew that surgery was the right thing for me but it didn't stop me having those thoughts too. I did suffer pain afterwards, I did go through an emotional rollercoaster with emotions BUT the operation was definitely worth it. I am 7 months out from surgery, I have lost a fair bit of weight and I do enjoy food just on a smaller scale than before. I can eat everything except really spicy foods which for me is a pain as I was the spicy food queen lol but it was worth it for the weight I lost. I had tried diets but none worked long term and I just kept gaining.
    Good luck to you if you do decide it is not for you.
  16. Like
    willow13 reacted to *Lexie* in Food melt down   
    @@willow13 Willow, stop teasing me with the bacon already. Every time you bring it up, I think about it for like 2 days. Mmmm, bacon...
    In all seriousness, I was sleeved on 9/24 too and I would say that you lasted a long time before having a breakdown. I think I had mine in the first week. Those food demons are evil!!
  17. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from estrob85 in Food melt down   
    I cried over my husband cooking bacon in the early days, it does get better and a lot easier. I had read about head hunger and the emotions going mad but never realised just how bad it could get. Don't worry about a melt down we all go through them.
  18. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  19. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from lovebugg2013 in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Thanks guys.
    When I was reading posts before my surgery I found most were made by the people in America and found things differed vastly to over here. I also found most sadly didn't keep the updates going after their operation so I wanted to do an update so people knew what it really was like months down the line from someone who had undergone a sleeve operation in the UK.
    Not everyone will have the pain or discomfort I went through or the burping situation I faced but I wanted to let them know that in the early days is common to think "Oh hell, I have made a huge mistake" but that it does come good and it is worth it. If it can help me it can help others too.
  20. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  21. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  22. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from lovebugg2013 in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Thanks guys.
    When I was reading posts before my surgery I found most were made by the people in America and found things differed vastly to over here. I also found most sadly didn't keep the updates going after their operation so I wanted to do an update so people knew what it really was like months down the line from someone who had undergone a sleeve operation in the UK.
    Not everyone will have the pain or discomfort I went through or the burping situation I faced but I wanted to let them know that in the early days is common to think "Oh hell, I have made a huge mistake" but that it does come good and it is worth it. If it can help me it can help others too.
  23. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

  24. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from lovebugg2013 in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Thanks guys.
    When I was reading posts before my surgery I found most were made by the people in America and found things differed vastly to over here. I also found most sadly didn't keep the updates going after their operation so I wanted to do an update so people knew what it really was like months down the line from someone who had undergone a sleeve operation in the UK.
    Not everyone will have the pain or discomfort I went through or the burping situation I faced but I wanted to let them know that in the early days is common to think "Oh hell, I have made a huge mistake" but that it does come good and it is worth it. If it can help me it can help others too.
  25. Like
    willow13 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in 6 Months since my Op. An update on my journey   
    Its been just over 6 months since I had my operation so thought I would give an update for people who are undecided and unsure if a sleeve is the way to go.
    First off let me say the sleeve isn't a miracle cure, you have to be prepared to work with it and change the way you view food or it alone will not help you. BUT saying that I know if I had not have had my sleeve I would have gained more weight and would have ended up crippling myself or even worse. I am disabled so exercise for me is not really an option, not only do I have arthritis and fibro I also have a severely under-active thyroid and poly-cystic ovary disease. So it was never going to be a quick fix for me to loose the extra weight. My heaviest weight was 350lb.

    I began my journey about 2 years before my operation date, I was working with a lifestyle advisor and despite everything she was telling me I should be doing I was still gaining more weight which was getting me further and further down. After 6 months I said look enough is enough if you cant help then cancel my appointments as this simply isn't working. She asked what I wanted and I said a referral to someone who could help. She referred me to the specialist weight management team which is where my journey really began.
    I saw a psychiatrist who was lovely, we discussed everything about my eating habits, my life and what I wanted from a referral. My answer was simply to be healthier, loose weight and have people who could actually help me because I could not see light at the end of the tunnel, my weight had beaten me and I didn't mind admitting that. She told me she considered me a suitable candidate for the next step and warned I would go on a rollercoaster of emotions and I would need to be dedicated to working with them. I was prepared or so I thought for everything that would come next....................
    For the next 3 months I had to attend fortnightly meetings with her, a dietician and different members from the weight loss team. With their help I lost 11kg which for me was amazing. It wasnt easy and involved making changes to portion size as that was one of my downfalls, I also had to cut the cola out which I believe was the biggest contributor to my weight and start eating 3 meals a day as previously I had been really bad for only eating one large meal a day.
    I then met with the team every month for 6 months.

    In december 2013 I met with the surgeon and the anesthetist, who told me they considered I was a candidate for surgery. I was still under the impression I would either be given the option of a band or a bypass I had never heard of the sleeve. He discussed it with me what the sleeve operation consisted off and gave me some literature to read and left it with me until the new year to make my decision although due to the complications involved with bands he had ruled that part out.
    I went away joined as many groups as I could, read everything I could and decided the sleeve was the right option for me.

    I had to go for different tests including being checked for a hiatus hernia. That was horrid, that camera down the throat almost put me off the full operation. Everything came back great and I was good to go. My operation was booked for the 3rd March.
    I went to the hospital early that morning looking forward to beginning my new life. I woke from surgery in agony, I was doubled in pain and had not prepared myself for that. I had read some people suffered pain but most had no pain or very little so being in so much I was convinced something had went wrong. My surgeon was a bit worried and sent me for scans but everything looked fine except I had some lovely bruising coming out across my full stomach, which they didn't know why. It honestly felt like they had left something inside me I was that sore.
    Nurses kept coming into the ward to see if I wanted something to eat and drink which annoyed me as they didn't have a dedicated ward, I was in a general surgery ward which the nurses didn't seem to know the ins and outs of gastric surgery. All I wanted was to sleep and a decent cuppa. Then I remembered the surgeon saying it would depend on how quick I was up and moving as to when I got home so I forced myself awake and got dressed and sat on the chair at the side of the bed. The surgeon was surprised to see me sitting when he came for rounds a couple of hours after. I told him I wanted to go home and was told it would be a day or two as I wasn't taking in enough fluids for his liking.
    By the following day I was reaching my targets for fluids and played down hugely how much pain I was in, I wanted home and nothing was going to stop that from happening. He finally agreed I could go home as long as I returned if I didnt feel right or started running a temperature. The trip home was agony, I made my poor husband stop at a supermarket to buy a pillow so I could squeeze it against my stomach because every bump on the road felt like agony.
    I slept a fair bit the following couple of days and despite drinking the thought of food was beyond me. Taking my medication was easier than I thought. My other side effect began to surface. If burping was an Olympic sport I would win gold. I also had really bad acid reflux. I phoned the surgeon who prescribed me omeprazol capsules.
    A week on and the pain had subsided quite a bit and I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to bed and kicked the bottom of the bed breaking my nail, my husband was in the shower so I thought ok I will try to get this myself. I bent over and got a pain from the largest of the incisions. I never thought much off it and just thought I had pushed things too far. I straightened up and went to put the piece of nail into the bin, walking past the bottom of the bed I thought I had felt something wet but never really worried, it wasn't until I went to get into bed I felt the wet feeling again and looked down at my PJ's. I shouted for my husband to hurry and bring me tissue. He immediately got on the phone to NHS 24. They suggested I make the emergency trip to the nearest hospital which was 45 miles away. I had a wound infection and an abscess had formed behind the wound which luckily when it burst had came out the way. I was prescribed a high dose of antibiotics and had to have the wound cleaned and dressings applied despite the fact I had just had the old ones removed that morning after being told I didn't need the dressings any longer. I felt like crap, burping was annoying me, food tasted vile, I cried over my husband cooking bacon and just thought what the hell have i done to myself. I knew about head hunger having read all about it but never realised how bad it would actually be. By the time I finished my antibiotics a week later I was feeling better and less emotional. I had started eating soft foods which after 2 weeks of Soups was a welcome addition. I don't like milk or anything resembling milky drinks so Protein shakes for me were off the cards. I did try but just vomited with them so gave them up. I was tolerating multi Vitamins and Calcium tablets so hoped they would be enough. I was told I needed the Protein to heal so started adding minced beef, chicken and turkey to my diet along with fish.
    By week four I was eating poached egg for Breakfast. Soup for lunch and was tolerating things like spaghetti bolognaise, mash potatoes with softer meats with no vomiting or pain. Burping was still an issue and getting me really annoyed. I couldn't tolerate pork at this stage and it was one of the only things other than chilli I couldn't eat.
    By 8 weeks I could eat almost everything, spicy foods still didn't sit right and would make me feel sick although I wasn't being sick.
    Now I can eat some spicy foods although they still make me feel a little sickly if I overdo things but with the exception of that and fried foods I can eat normally just much smaller portions. The burping is still a bit of an issue but it is not as bad as it once was. I still take omeprazol and know all about it if I don't take them as the reflux is bad and the burping gets worse. My hair started falling out at about month 4, I went from having really long thick hair to limp thin hair, it got so bad I went and got it cut, it went from being half way down my back to jaw length, I still am not sure if I like it but it has really helped it.
    SO would I do it again despite everything.
    The simple answer is YES most definitely. Had you asked me that in the early days I would have said NO but I have gone from being a size 32 to a size 20, I was 350lbs at my heaviest I am now 225lbs. Yes I have loose skin which is horrid but I am happier dealing with that than I was the excess weight. My body is never going to recover fully but I have helped it by loosing weight and I am not in quite so much daily pain. I had got to the stage where I didn't want to go out because I was so unhappy with my weight, now I know I still have more weight to drop but I know its going in the right direction and no longer care what others think.
    I never told anyone about my surgery other than my husband and son who live at home. I never told anyone what caused me to gain weight and I didn't want to be judged by anyone for doing something about loosing weight and felt it was nothing to do with them. I still feel this was the correct decision for me.

    So for anyone who has just been sleeved or about to begin their journey I wish you luck. Its not always plain sailing the emotions do go through a massive roller coaster ride but it is definitely worth it at least that has been my experience.

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