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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Blue614

  1. Just had saw my dr. Friday. I'm down 41 pounds since surgery march 17. Not as much as I would like but not bad considering the stall I had. He put he on a 3 meal a day plan with no snacking. Overall he was pleased with my progress and my exercise regement.

  2. Went and had a upper GI Endoscopy today. Dr said my tummy looked great from the surgery and not my gallbladder! Yay but my tummy was inflamed and that is probably what my problems had been coming from. Gave me RX for Carafate to take 4 times a day and back on full liquids for 2 weeks to give tummy a break :) so happy it was nothing to bad

    Excellent news

  3. Im 6 weeks post op, down 35 lbs. It has been hell but I am happy to see my huge belly is shrinking fast.

    Nice job. . You look great

    6 weeks out today and down 42 lbs! Woop woop! Feeling really good about myself today!

    Looking good! !

  4. I have been constantly nauseated for 2 weeks with vomiting and dry heaving since I can't eat along with the dreaded Constipation. I finally came to the ER where they found low potassium levels and dehydration. Well, they admitted me and I'm glad I came. Grtting hydrated and helping me move my bowels. Not sure why I still get nauseous. My nut said some people take longer to adjust after surgery. Im on week 5. Still on puree foods.

    . Good thing you listened to your body and went to the ER. Feel better soon.

  5. Thank you guys for sharing your photos! I'm 4 months out and it really helps to see folks have such success. I've still got some lbs to lose but I'm headed in the right direction.

    very lovely

    Thank you guys for sharing your photos! I'm 4 months out and it really helps to see folks have such success. I've still got some lbs to lose but I'm headed in the right direction.

    very lovely

  6. I'm six weeks post-op and am having a very strange experience. For the last week, pretty much anything I eat makes me very nauseated, even foods that I had been tolerating well are making me sick. Very odd. . . I have my six week follow-up appt with my surgeon and dietician today, so will hopefully get some answers to this little mystery. Congrats, everyone, on continued success! :)

    keep us posted, would love to hear what the cause is....good luck

  7. I need a soda...diet soda!!! Are we ever going to be able to drink some? Does anyone know?

    I believe my doc said around six months. I haven't had soda in over a year and I don't miss it one bit. But it will stretch your pouch I was told from the carbonation and the calories are not good.

  8. I had surgery March 17, 2014. I got sick and became very nauseous 24/7. I have had a scope that led to the stretching of my stomach to intestine opening and the discovery of an ulcer. I had not eaten in almost 3 weeks. My levels were so dangerously low that I was admitted into the hospital for 2 weeks. I'm out now! Just in time to spend Easter with my kids :) i got a PICC line while in the hospital. I am fed TPN for 12 hours a day through this line. TPN is Total Parentenal Nutrition. It is 1300 calories and has every Vitamin, Protein and whatever I need to survive that is fed right into a line in my vein that leads to my heart. I have a home nurse that comes 2 times a day. I never would have thought this would be me! Im still shaking my head. Is this really happening? Yes, it is. And it can happen to anyone. I had a C-Section 3 years ago and it was so simple, I didn't expect to have trouble from surgery.

    omg! Sorry you are going through this! Thank goodness you are ok and recovering. I will keep you in my thoughts.

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