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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by fotogrphr

  1. fotogrphr


    From the album: Before & After

    At my heaviest weight.

    © holtzlander 2014©

  2. fotogrphr

    Before & After

    100 lb difference!
  3. fotogrphr


    From the album: Before & After

    After losing almost 100lbs.

    © holtzlander 2014©

  4. fotogrphr


    From the album: Before & After

    After losing almost 100lbs.

    © holtzlander 2014©

  5. fotogrphr


    From the album: Before & After

    © Holtzlander 2014©

  6. fotogrphr


    Weight 229lbs. 4lbs. to the 100lb mark from my heaviest weight!
  7. From the album: Before & After

    © Holtzlander 2014©

  8. fotogrphr

    At My Heaviest.

    This is at my highest weight.
  9. fotogrphr

    Anyone from Virginia?

    Roanoke here and 6 months post op. Lucktong did my sleeve and I did great. No complications. I lost 35lbs on my own then 10lbs pre op on the liver reducing diet and another 45lbs after for a total of 90lbs. I still have 32lbs to goal. I haven't been able to exercise because of my back (awaiting surgery). Once it's stable I plan to hit the gym. :-)
  10. fotogrphr


    Roanoke here. I'm 6 months post op and doing good. Weight loss from highest weight is 90 lbs. 35 lbs pre op the rest after. I used Dr Lucktong at Carilion Roanoke Memorial. He was great and I only stayed in one night with no drain. No complications!!
  11. fotogrphr

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    Wondering how everyone from January is doing?? I'm down over 55lbs since surgery and 80 altogether. I still have 35-40 to goal. I can't exercise at all because I have back surgery coming up. My loss has been slow because of this.. but still am happy with my progress. I would have never lost and maybe gained while going through this. Especially while dealing with my mom's death. My sleeve has been great!
  12. I am in Salem, and going to Roanoke Memorial Carilion Hospital for my surgery. I am using Dr Lucktong. Just wondering if there is anyone else from this area? If so, what is your story.
  13. fotogrphr

    3 Months After

    Well, I'm only a few days away from my 3 month mark after surgery. I have lost almost 1/2 of my excess weight now, and am feeling pretty good. I had a rough go of it during the first month. My mom passed away and it has been really tough. She was just hanging on to see that I made it through surgery and recovered well and died 2 1/2 weeks after I got home. She had end stage Parkinson's and I knew it was coming, but you are never really prepared,regardless of how you try. At least I have the comfort of knowing she was happy I had the surgery, and was able to see me recover and start my weight loss journey. She had always worried about my weight, and was thrilled that I decided to get sleeved. I have been majorly stressed out from her death, and with it came the closing of our family business, and preparation to sell our family home. I live in the house and we are going through renovations and updates to get it on the market. We are almost ready now, but the stress is killing me. My whole world is upside down right now. Usually I would have eaten my way through the stress, but that isn't an options any longer. Even if I wanted to, my body would not allow it. I am amazed at how my life has changed all at once. My mom would have told me that it is good, I will be starting out fresh. A new body, a new home, and a new job are all going to be positive changes for me. I tell myself that daily, but I am having weird nightmares about it all. I obviously am stressed, but am not sure how to relieve it. I go to group in a few days, and that might help. Talking to friends online helps, but I still need that face to face, as well. If the weather would cooperate, I might get active outside more, but it seems like when I have the free time, it is cold. I don't do cold any more, I freeze to death since surgery. I used to sweat bullets at the blink of an eye, but now I want a fuzzy blanket and my cuddly little dog close by all the time. She is 6 lbs of soft furry heat!!! She is laying on the desk between my arms as I type this right now! My husband has been wonderful support, as well as my dad. I know that they are stressed too, but they don't show it. I know I'm a lucky girl to have them in my corner. Once we sell the house and move, my dad will be living with us. It will keep him going if he needs to take care of me. My hubby is my hero, and I couldn't ask for better support and help. He has been so wonderful through all of this, and we are much closer because of it. He has no problem with my dad living with us, and I am grateful for that. I am hoping that my weight will continue to drop steadily through the summer. I am more active when it is warm out, and think that will be a big plus for my journey. We hope to camp and bike some this summer. I love the outdoors, and hope it all works out to have some time to enjoy life a little. I have dedicated the last 7 years to taking care of my mom, now it's my turn. I miss her terribly, but she'd tell me to get out there and have some fun. I'm going to try to do just that!
  14. Good luck with your appointments and pre-surg diet. I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I lost my mom in Feb so I know what you mean by rough. Let me know if you want a referral credit at Bariatric choice. They have all kinds of protein and food and snacks as well as vitamins. You can use the credit on anything. I can't stand the calcium horse pills so I get the cake bites, but their protein bars and snack bars are good too. I know you are getting excited. It will be here and be over before you know it. I can't believe I am 2 1/2 months out now! I am still dropping but hoped it would be more than it is. I have to look at the big picture though. I am only 50 lbs from the goal now. When I say it that way it sounds better. Lol. Good luck and keep me posted!
  15. fotogrphr

    scared of eating to much

    Why on earth would you want dumping at this stage. You are no where near healed and could cause a rupture with the strain of dumping. Even normal elimination is hard on you at this stage. Follow the plan and let your body heal. If you need dumping to control your eating you have bulimic tendencies. Go see the shrink that evaluated you for surgery. There is some work to be done there. Good luck.
  16. fotogrphr

    Muscle pain and bloating

    I have had some of that and they told me to use cocoa butter and firmly massage the area. It went away after a couple of weeks. Also if it hurts to lay on your side try rolling up a small soft throw blanket and tuck it under you tummy to support it. It is pulling against the scar tissue from surgery. These things have helped me. I hope they help you.
  17. Hey Tara. Just wondering how you are doing? Send me an update! I am ordering my calcium from Bariatric Choice. It is a cake like bite that is yummy. I can 'refer a friend' and we can each get a $20 credit. If you are interested send me your last name and email and I will refer you. If you haven't been to their website you should check it out. They have everything. Even snack foods, etc. Take care. Tina Holtzlander
  18. Yay!!!!! Congrats! It will all start feeling like it is happening really fast, now. I'm so excited for you! I'm doing well. I had a slight stall in losing, but that is normal. It has broken and I'm dropping again now. I am wearing jeans 3 sizes smaller and they are button/zip kind.. not stretch. I had kept them from years ago. I am glad I did because it has been more rewarding getting those on comfortably than any number that the scale can show. I am eating pretty much what I want but in small amounts. I love my sleeve!!!! I could not have done this without it. It is tough getting through the healing and adjustment period , but now that I am used to it it is great. I am very happy I did this. Now it's YOUR TURN!! WOOHOO!
  19. fotogrphr

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    It is a rediculous method to cheat in weight loss competitions (biggest loser). The contestant uses sodium overload to make their body retain water so they weigh in heavy at the start of the contest. Then they stop all sodium to lose it so they have a huge weight loss. It should never be used by anyone seriously trying to lose weight properly.
  20. fotogrphr

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    Did they not put you on something for that?? My doc put me on nexium in the soluable form. No acid problems at all.
  21. Tara, I'm not telling on fb about this. I have too many colleagues and clients on there to share this. I prefer to just use this forum to discuss weight issues. I have always been VERY private about my weight, so even this site is a stretch for me. I do wanr to be friends though. So don't think the fb thing means I dont!! I am Tina Holtzlander in Salem. If you want to talk somtime you can call me. 540-537-0453. Evenings are best for me. :-)
  22. I did go to a group meeting with Missy and Kay. They talked about the stages and what to expect. We could ask questions and then took a multiple choice test to see what they need to talk to us about. No big deal. I did have to go for a 'care' meeting too. They did bloodwork and an RN sat down with me and went over my history, meds, and what to expect on the day of surgery. They tell you everything. When the scheduler called she gave me several dates to choose from. It was 2 weeks and 2 days from when she called... just in time to do the liver shrinking diet. It all went pretty quick. Im glad you reached Missy. She gets things done!!
  23. Oh.... and my date was already set when I had those 2 tests. They wanted to be sure they didnt need to take out my gallbladder during surgery. The echo was just precaution. It was a treadmill test with ultrasound.
  24. He added those tests because of family history. You might have something unexpected pop up. I went today and did not see Missy there. There was a new nurse. That must be who you talked for. She was ok.. but not as friendly as Missy. They were happy with my progress. I have been released to try any food I want. If it doesnt sit well just wait a bit before trying it again. In 2 weeks I can take my pills without crushing/opening!! Yay!!!!! I go back in 2 months.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
