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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from lucky1gg33 in Labor Day Challenge!   
    CW- 141
    GW- 139
  2. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  3. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  4. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  5. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to Wendyfm in I am officially a veteran. today is my one year anniversary.   
    I have lost ninety five pounds, thirty before surgery and sixty five afterwards. While that is not as much as some and I still want to lose twenty more I am happy. I have gone from a size 28 down to a size 16/18. I feel healthier and happier, I was pre diabetic and I had high blood pressure. I have neither of those issues today. I can also get on the floor and get back up. I can walk a mile and more and I feel pretty. A good accomplishment for a year.
  6. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  7. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  8. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  9. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from MissRobin in Finally!,,   
    Twenty months out 100 lbs lots at last- today is going to be a good day
    Normal bmi as an added bonus!!! Hope to still drop a bit more 4-5 then I will have to figure out the maintenance thing????
  10. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    Last weigh in 142. Yeah !!! bring on the next one
  11. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to CowgirlJane in Epic NSV - even all these years out it was boost   
    Some of you know me well as I have been around a long time... but for back story I was pretty hopeless about losing weight and especially maintaining it when I began this sleeve journey. I had "failed" with the lapband in an epic way and by the time I revised to the sleeve I was well over 300# (although down from my lifetime recorded high of 332# while banded). I was super morbidly obese and spent a lot of years there. I felt aged beyond my years and besides feeling physically miserable, I was certainly NOT an object of attention from the opposite gender. Hell, i never even had a chubby chaser interested in me.
    (I did have a serious relationship, I have never been a loner, but my point is I have always been one to focus on intelligence and personality, not looks or body)
    Because of my active lifestyle, I have mostly had slender friends even when I was obese. I never went out for girls night with them, never went dancing, I felt like I didn't belong in those settings. So, after losing a bunch of weight, I had plastics and am now maintaining. I social with lots of people now and feel like i fit in many places, but am still sometimes surprised at my own preconceived notions.
    Currently, I am about 5# over my goal and about 25# over my lowest weight - I am 3.5 years post sleeve so this is frankly pretty typical. It can get a little discouraging as I am having a heck of a time re-losing this weight. I am fine at my current size, but i was finer thinner haha... so it is still something I want. You know how your state of mind is when your favorite jeans are too tight.... that is where i am!
    Okay, now my NSV Story!
    I went out to the racetrack on the 3rd for a big girls day of races and fireworks. I went with 3 very attractive ladies who are all naturally very trim. They range from tiny cute as a pixie (Which also makes her look really young) to that tall blond skinny model look (two of those, one fairly boyish looking the other more curvy - both very very attractive). Anyway, all 4 of us are unloading the cooler, doing stuff getting ready to go in. I was applying sunscreen. this really really really attractive man - probably about 40 (we are all about 50) walks by and looks right at me and smiles and says "need any help with that?". All of us freeze as it processes... he is talking to ME! What? I smiled at him as he walked away (it was only later I thought I should have said "YES") and one of the ladies said "this is going to be a good day".
    I don't spend alot of time comparing myself to others, I really don't. But after a lifetime of obesity, super morbid obesity - you never expect to be the one in your group of attractive friends to get the notice.
    Looks don't actually matter that much - one of the ironies i have learned in this journey, but it still felt good and my friends were all very happy for me too... That also makes me feel good that they are so pleased with my successes.
  12. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to Rogofulm in How to be Successful?   
    Hi @MarceMonster. Here’s the formula I used to get to goal weight:

    • Start every morning with a Protein shake for Breakfast.
    • Eat 60–80 or more grams of Protein daily.
    • Drink 64–120 ounces of fluids daily. (I drink tons of Crystal Light, or generic, sugar-free/decaf iced tea.)
    • Do not consume any starches or sugars.
    • Get all carbs from green veggies, legumes, and dairy products.
    • Do not consume empty liquid calories/sugar (fruit juices, ice cream, etc).
    • Try to avoid alcohol. It’s empty liquid calories that turn to sugar in your body and can lead to poor choices.
    • All Snacks must be protein-based (Jerky, nuts, cheese, Greek yogurt, deli meats, etc.).
    • Get some exercise 4-6 times a week.
    • Never leave the house without a plan for what you can eat and drink while you’re out. If necessary, bring food and drink with you.
    • Restaurant eating is not hard: 1) skip the bread; 2) order a meat (or legume/bean) dish; 3) replace the starch with a second vegetable; 4) skip the dessert. You’ll probably end up taking some of the meat and most of the veggies home for another meal.
    • Beef/turkey Jerky is my secret weapon. It’s saved me more times than I can count, so I try to always have some in the car for emergencies. You can buy a bag of jerky almost anywhere. It’s kind of expensive and not great for sodium-restricted diets, but it’s also high protein, low fat, okay sugar, and a 3.5-ounce bag is a meal by itself!
    • If you fall off the horse, get back on immediately – at the next meal. Not tomorrow, and definitely not next Monday. That’s what got us here!
    • Go to Bariatric Support Group meetings in your area, if possible.
    • Participate actively in online forums like BariatricPal.
    • Read as much as you can about the process and the journey; and especially, read posts and articles from those who had their surgery a few years ago. Try to understand what lead to their successes and/or struggles.
    • Share your story and reach out to help others who are behind you in their journey. By helping them, you’ll help yourself as well.
    • Have a goal weight in mind and strive to get there. (I weigh myself every single day.) But also set lots of smaller goals. It’s fun and inspiring to achieve them.
    • Always be looking forward. Don’t look back over your shoulder waiting for the heavier person to drag you back. Let that person fade into history.
    • Believe that the slimmer person in the mirror is the real you.
    • A little vanity is okay. Enjoy how you look. Accept compliments graciously and don’t deflect them. Have fun trying on smaller-sized clothes that fit now. Compare before and after pictures. Take pride in your accomplishments!
    • Accept that this is a somewhat selfish process. That’s okay, too. You don’t have to apologize for it. And don’t let other people interfere with your progress. We have to make our weight loss program a priority in our lives.
    • But at the same time, recognize that your journey affects your friends and loved ones as well. Be sensitive to their reactions and their emotional needs, without allowing it to derail your program.
    • And finally, try to have fun losing the weight and getting healthy!

    Hold onto your determination! That's what'll keep you going during the difficult times and the stalls. Good luck!

  13. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    Today's weight for the 29th- 142.1
  14. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    Today's weight 144.5 -
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    Yoga-lady reacted to CBT in I need a laugh.   
  16. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to Essence46 in Today is my one year anniversary.   
    I sit here in tears thinking about how far I have come... how my life has changed for the better... how I have struggled emotionally to adjust... how I have had to learn to love me (good, bad and ugly)... how hard I have worked and continue to work in the gym 5 days a week... how good I feel... how good I look... I saved my life and I am so glad for the second chance. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and I smiled and cried.
  17. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    Hi all! We lost a total of 174.8 pounds last week! Great job everyone!
    Have a good week this week! See less of you next Monday
  18. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    Weigh in today - can't tomorrow
    Cw 145- goal!!!!!
    New goal two more???
  19. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    It's a happy Monday
    Cw. 146!!!!! Yeah
  20. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to Wynnie in Crohn's in the Veteran's Forum anyone?   
    Feedyoureye I know for me the sleeve was the only WLS procedure my gastroenterologist would support as it does not involve re-routing the intestine. It also allowed me to have a horrible hiatial hernia that my gastroenterologist wanted me to have repaired for the last couple of years, finally corrected. Be well
  21. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to Wynnie in Crohn's in the Veteran's Forum anyone?   
    Yoga lady I had no idea. It's been 18 months for me. Gave up 6mp and Asacol. Still take Humira and Neurontin for Crohn's related spondylarthopy and Enthesitis which I don't mind at all. I'm actually ( dare I say it) enjoying Constipation
  22. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from stephh in 4th of July Challenge   
    First weigh in. 147
    Goal. 145 ( or better!)
  23. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to CowgirlJane in Feeling a Bit.....well....Unwelcome?   
    There is a maintenance forum now but I see the vets forum as a maintenance forum! I am 3.5 YEAR'S post op and finding maintaining harder now...more than ever!
    I think we still need to support each other!
  24. Like
    Yoga-lady reacted to livvsmum in Feeling a Bit.....well....Unwelcome?   
    So I'm a pretty regular poster on the "general discussion" board since before my surgery in 2013. I still need support to maintain my weight loss as much as those who are actively losing. I still struggle everyday to work with my new "tool", I still struggle to make the right choices, and I struggle to keep myself in line. I join the holiday challenges to get me to goal and to keep me accountable to maintain. But more than once I've gotten snarky comments there like I don't have a right to be tracking my weight there. And sometimes when I post responses in other threads about struggles etc I feel like I get some snarky comments there as well. Like maybe once you reach goal or a certain point people don't really want to hear about struggles, or think that you don't need support? IDK......
    I mean people on on the pre- and post- surgery forum seem more than happy to get feedback, so I don't get that vibe there, but I guess I just am disappointed because we all need support in this journey, no matter if we are 100 pounds from goal or at goal.
    Oh well Does anyone else ever get that vibe??
  25. Like
    Yoga-lady got a reaction from feedyoureye in Crohn's in the Veteran's Forum anyone?   
    17 months still in remission feeling great

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