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Posts posted by dreamscometrue

  1. Dreamscometrue, great journaling!!! Congrats on your WLS and success!! You're doing a great job and inspiring and motivating me the pre-op's and post-up's like me. I'm 6 wks post-up and doing well, just not getting my walking/exercise in due to low back injury/pain. WLS was 11/14/13 I'm 5'7 HW 266 SW 244 CW 236 GW 165 I'm losing inches but scale is not moving. I'm ok with my results though. Went from tight size 20 to lose size 16 I get all my Protein, Water and small meals in, but since I returned to work 2 wks ago I find myself not taking all my Vitamins. I have been feeling super tired and fatigued. I know it's got to be not taking all my vitamins. Prior to my surgery I was very on Vitamin D my Endricologist had me on 50k mlg once a week. Went to Vitamin Shoppe and bought all liquids of: Multivitamin Iron Omega 3 w/vitamins D3 Calcium w/vitamin D Vitamin D drops Biotin 5000mlg dissolvable ny Natrol (tastes like cherry/grape) really good. Tried to start taking all Thursday but haven't, can't stand the smell of vitamins especially iron. Yuk!! Look forward to reading your posts. Keep up the great job!! Love you enthusiasm and positive attitude. : )

    Hi there!! Thank you so much for the encouragement! While I was reading your post, I had a huge smile on my face because I couldn't have written the vitamin part any better myself. I stopped taking my Multivitamins about 4 days ago because they made me feel so nauseous and sometimes I would throw up! I bought a vitamin case that separates them all out and then each morning I put my vitamins in a snack ziplock bag for the day. I've noticed on the days where I'm at home, I tend to get my vitamins all in, however if I have plans or work, I find myself looking at my little bag at 11:00pm and realizing I still have an iron, calcium chew, and stupid carafate to take. Did your surgeon prescribe you liquid Carafate for 4 times a day for the first 4 months? That stuff is BRUTAL and I find myself only taking it twice a day... Ooopsies! Also, what liquid multivitamin did you end up buying? Maybe I should try that!

  2. Thanks. I sit down all day and talk to people. I am hoping to only have to take one week off but was wondering how realistic my thoughts were. Is one week realistic?

    Hi there! So I was sleeved almost 3 weeks ago and I asked the exact same question. A lot of people kept telling me 2-3 weeks off work... That was not the case for me! I travel and am in sales (in and out of the car all day) and I was sleeved on a Tuesday and felt fine and went back to work Monday. That being said, I only worked a half day due to weather, but I would have been completely fine, especially sitting at a desk all day! The only pain I had was a bit of discomfort getting in and out of the car (and in and out of bed). Again, I think everyone is different on how they handle recovery, but that was how it went for me!

  3. Hi. I just joined today. I am 4 days post op. My surgeon says I should be getting in at least 40 oz or liquid including Protein. That seems impossible. I have terrible cramps and it hurts going down. I have tried changing the temps and warm is def easier but it's just so hard. I also can't to the g2 everything tastes so sweet to me. I an nervous about dehydration and having a really hard time. Advise?

    I'm telling you, in 3 days from now, it will be completely different. Until then, just constantly keep a water bottle with you (I remember Crystal Lite going down much easier) and sip like it's your job. I just got off the treadmill and drank a half bottle of Water within 2 minutes... I promise, IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER! Just keep sipping, just keep sipping. :)

  4. @dreamscometrue,,,thank you so much for sharing your story. I was sleeved on the 18th and haven't encountered very many issues at all. I am on the full liquid stage as well. I have been having problems with milk products, including pudding, I switched to nectar brand Protein supplements which helped. Just wondering how you are feeling at this point now that you have returned to work?

    Hey there! I'm so glad to hear you haven't really had any issues so far! It's funny you should say that about dairy... I've read that a lot of people become lactose intolerant AFTER surgery or have a lot of sensitivity to dairy. I haven't encountered that yet thankfully. I'm feeling great back to work and haven't had any pain or anything getting in and out of the car. I will say that yesterday, I got off the couch and got the SHARPEST PAIN EVER on my lower right side of my abdomen and I kind of freaked out. I got on here and saw a lot of people have had that about two weeks out and their doctors said they popped an internal stitch and to call if it continues. I took a half of a pain pill and still went out and walked 2.5 miles and felt fine doing that. Today, no pain at all. Not sure what exactly was going on yesterday!

  5. Hi I was sleeved on Dec.16, when do you start eating regular foods, and does ur stomach hurt like a knot when you swallow? I'm on the puréed stage

    Hi there :) I was sleeved on the 17th and I'm assuming you were asking me about this since it's on my journal so I thought I would share my two cents! I'm on a full liquid diet (though the list they gave me has a lot of puréed foods), but I have taken small bites of a few items - ahi tuna, shrimp, and juicy turkey and they have gone down just fine. I think if your stomach is hurting, it sounds like you need to chew more before swallowing. Obviously, everybody handles food differently, but I know what feeling you are talking about and it's when I'm taking bites too quickly or not chewing enough. I hope this helps!

  6. Hi dreamscometrue how was your new year. Did u drink? How is the sleeve so far? I reply on your experience to have an idea as to what to expect. Happy new year to all sleevers. :-)

    Hello there! Haha, definitely ZERO alcohol! That would be a horrible idea, as I'm only 2 weeks out! I drank Crystal Lite at a NYE party we went to and nobody even said a word. There were a lot of yummy Desserts and I didn't even take a single bite of anything. I still had fun though and I really didn't have a desire to drink or eat any of the food. We ate dinner at home before we went and I felt satisfied! :) Thanks for asking and yes, Happy New Year to all! Here's to 2014!

  7. Tomorrow is the day! I'm very excited and not nearly as nervous as I thought I would be. I have my bag all packed and everything I need. Picking up my scripts from the pharmacy today so they'll already be at home when I get there. YAY!!!

    That's so exciting!!! I hope you get more sleep than I did the night before! No need to be nervous, everything will be just fine! Picking up your prescriptions ahead of time is so smart! I didn't get mine handed to me until after and it was kinda a pain. You'll be on the other side before you know it!

  8. Only 10 days out and feeling awesome..down 19 lbs and clothes literally falling off. Today I'm wearing some pants that I haven't been able to pull over my hips since I was going to the gym 2 hours a day every day plus Phentermine a few years a back ..I am so grateful for my sleeve and that I'm healthy and will be able to excercise in a healthy way and eat in moderation. Couldn't be happier with my decision. CHEERS TO 2014!

    Congratulations!!! I just got done posting on my thread about the same thing literally a few minutes ago! I'm 13 days out and I just spent the morning cleaning out my closet and trying on clothes for a NYE we have and I was THRILLED!!! Cheers to 2014! :)

  9. I made it out of this weekend alive and able to pull off our friends not knowing about the surgery! It was pretty hard being at a very nice steakhouse and seeing all of the AMAZING food around me. I ordered an ahi tuna appetizer and ate that while my husband and our friends had delicious steaks with sides of scalloped potatoes and gorgonzola mac n' cheese. I wanted to eat everything, but instead, I ate a few pieces of tuna and hid the rest under the pile of carrots the tuna was sitting on. :) Afterward, we went to several upscale bars and of course I did not have a sip of alcohol. Our friends kept accusing me of being pregnant, and boy will they be surprised in 9 months when I have lost a significant amount of weight instead of a baby appearing! As for today, I spent the morning deep cleaning my closet and organizing everything by size and getting rid of things I no longer want to wear. I was so excited to see that a lot of my work clothes and blazers are fitting now! Just in time for NYE :)Oh, and my winter coat that I couldn't even get over my shoulders a few months ago… it now fits! Today is the kind of day that makes me so happy to physically see the results instead of just looking at the number on the scale!

  10. The 'panic' has happened once.. it has been the 'slimes'... Didn't quite make it to puking. How? Three bites of a roast chicken sandwich on a train when I was traveling for a long while from one end of a country to the other with no other food options. One bite - fine Second bite - yeah, okay Third bite - ......... erm... oooh, hold on.. thats just got stuck.. oh crap, I'm going to the loo to wait for the sweats and over-salivation to cease.. A puking moment? When I had had too much drink, made a delhi ham tortilla, chowed down on it like I would have done 'pre-sleeved'. Got four bites in and went 'Oh crap'.. Ran to the toilet and it came up as it went down - not properly chewed! :blink: I'm of the opinion that I can eat almost anything - as long as it's chewed really well. After exploring 'chicken' in all its varieties? I'm of the opinion that it is one thing which one day can work, one day won't. As such, I eat chicken at home and choose 'safer' options elsewhere. :D

    Ha!!! You described it so perfectly with the one bite, two bites, three.... I started this post a few days ago because I had not yet had "the moment" and surely enough, two days later... I got cocky and decided to slice a half of an avocado up into small pieces (and I had portioned out 2oz. cubes to mash)... Well, I decided to make an amazing soy sauce concoction to pour over my few bites hoping to get my "sushi fix". Then, exactly as you described... 1, 2, 3.... Up it came as fast as it went down. Needless to say, I now know the feeling to watch out for in the future!!!

  11. Dreamscometrue give me an idea about the phsyc eval? I read a lot of posts that's says the are afraid. Can they fail you. If the surgery is a requirement how can they fail u?

    Oh lord. My psych evaluation was a JOKE. The guy was a wack job and didn't ask me anything tough. Here's some examples of questions he asked: Have you researched this surgery? Do you have a support system? Do you realize this is a tool and not the only solution? Why do you want the surgery? Have you tried to lose weight on your own? " The guy didn't even realize when he sat down with me that I was there to get passed for WLS. Anyway, yes I've seen people on here post about being denied after the psych evaluation, but to me, it appeared it was for good causes. I'm just basing things off of the details provided. I'm not sure what you mean when you said "if the surgery is a requirement"... Who would require the surgery?

  12. Thanks dreamscometrue!! Following your advice. Been cleaning all day and about to get the laundry done. I have a few 2 oz cups but need to get more. I'm liquid for 3 weeks after anyway though so I won't need them right away. Also started with packing today!

    That's great! You'll be SO GLAD you got it all done ahead of time! Yeah, we just bought a bunch of the disposable Rubbermaid 4oz cups and filled them with food half way up. They wash nicely, and are perfect for these first weeks! Good luck to you and keep me posted!

  13. I am over six weeks out and following rules and plans exactly... Blessed with a good recovery and feeling great. Went for Mexican food and was eating the "guts" out of a beef enchilada. Doing great and had to have one bite of a fresh flour tortilla. One bite... Not even one inch of a piece... BAD THINGS HAPPENED! I am very afraid of tortillas now. Excellent lesson and a mistake I won't make again. Now I am afraid of bread too. Probably a very good thing.

    I'm seeing a trend here with Mexican food. Hahaha. Oh, such a shame too since fresh flour tortillas are DELISH! I am officially scared of them and bread after that horror story!

  14. Wedding night I got cocky with drinking. Not much of a drinker before. I was 8 months out from surgery and was out of my surgeons no alcohol window. Well my wedding night I spent most of the evening in the bathroom. Hangover was worse then I ever thought. Too much sugar wreaked havoc on my gut. Good thing my hubby is such an understanding guy. He laughs now that I spent our wedding night with the trots. Good thing it didn't kick in until after I changed.

    Holy crap!! Literally! Ha! Thankfully your husband can laugh at the situation! I don't blame you for wanting to drink on your wedding night and being 8 months out, who would have thought that you would have had that reaction?! Any experiences with alcohol since then?? I'm dying to know! ;)

  15. Got my results for my echo gram. Everything is ok. So glad. Now I have my endoscopy and psych val and then I guess they submit the info. Yay:-). One question for dreamscometrue did u lose your hair? That's my concern.

    YAY!!! You are one step closer to having surgery, which has got to be a great feeling! To answer your question, I have not lost any hair. I started taking Biotin from day 1 post-op and I'm still only 10 days out, so I would expect that if it's going to happen, it would be at least a month from now. Luckily, I have A LOT of hair, but that was a major concern of mine before surgery. I will definitely post about it if I notice a change though.

  16. I'm officially out of the 40+ BMI range! Just updated my ticker and was DELIGHTED to see 39 as my new BMI. :) I'm sure that sounds really stupid, but I remember being so embarrassed when I realized my BMI had reached 40 awhile back. It's nice to think I won't see that number anymore! So, tomorrow we are heading out of town to meet up with another couple for an annual "get-away" weekend trip. I posted about this prior to surgery and had a ton of anxiety about if I would feel up to going, what I was going to eat, would I run out of energy, etc… Now that I'm on the other side, I know I'll have plenty of energy and am excited about going EXCEPT I had to start a little lie today saying that I've caught a stomach bug and haven't felt like eating much and that Soup is really all I can hold down. Hopefully, that will be enough to keep the questions away. Nothing else really to report other than Jello, refried Beans, pudding, watered down soup are REALLY GETTING OLD. I've been reading some interesting topics on here from the vets these past few days and now knowing that I'm in the "honeymoon phase and don't know what it's really like until I'm 6 months out and it feels as if I almost was never sleeved," i'm trying to embrace this regimented phase of full liquids and staying on track. It's been making me question what the future holds. I've gone through so many diets over the years and have lost track of how many times I've ran my ass off, eaten 1200 calories a day, and lived at the gym taking every workout class available, which led to losing 50 pounds to turn around and gain 60 pounds the next year. I know that this will be a lifetime of this new "normal", and when things get more difficult a few months from now, I'll know that I'm much better off with the sleeve to fight this battle than I would have ever been without it. That's all for now. Wish me luck this weekend! :)

  17. Love reading your journal @dreamscometrue. It's really inspiring and I think I will journal too once I hit post op. My surgery is Tuesday, the 31st and I am soooo excited. I feel like it's taking forever to get here!

    Oh my gosh, the 31st is just right around the corner! I'm sure you've been doing this, but if you are anxious like I was, you can start getting food prepped at home and divided into 2 oz. cups, start packing your hospital bag (don't forget gas-x strips and chapstick), and clean your house meticulously! That's at least what I did because I like a really clean house and not having laundry to do, which was SO NICE to come home from the hospital to a house like that! Good luck on your journey, you will do great! I just got off the treadmill and feel great and it's only been a week! Once those first 3 days are over, you'll be back to feeling normal. :)

  18. Every time I eat rice I wished that I had not. It seems to ball up in my stomach and becomes unpleasant. The trouble is...I just don't want to believe it. Chinese and Mexican food were offered to me by relatives over the holidays and I tested it and came up with the same answer. Reminds me of when we weaned my sweet daughter from the bottle. We said, "No, baba." She would do some light crying for about 15 seconds and then say, "Baba?" "No baba", we said. Again with the crying and then, "Baba?" "No, baba."... "waaaaa.." It must have taken 10 cycles of this before reality set in.

    Hahahaha... Great example! Yikes, I'm very nervous to have rice (when the time comes). Sushi is my ALL-TIME favorite food and I've heard horror stories of that coming right back up as fast as it went down! I wouldn't want to believe it either if I were you... Chinese and Mexican food are so yummy!

  19. I'm 9 days out, recovering very very well after a ROUGH start. I'm dying to go to the gym and get on an elliptical. Does anyone know if an elliptical is safe? The treadmill is so boring.

    I asked my surgeon on day 2 when he came into my room when it would be okay to start jogging again and his words exactly, "as long as you feel up to it, you can start running next week. Hell, you can go play football the week after that if you want!" Haha, I told him that football wouldn't be happening, but it was good to know I could start jogging again. I'm no expert, but if he cleared me to run, he would have cleared me to use an elliptical-much less impact on the body! Good luck! :)

  20. Just wanted to add that the vets have said that it first gets "hard" at 6 months. But to anyone who's coming up behind me timing-wise, I would say it first gets to be work after you are off liquids/mushies/soft. Because at least when you're on those you are still on a plan. I would guess that where I am now is the place that people start to slip up the most because the rules aren't quite as clear cut. 2 oz or 3 oz of Protein? What kinds of carbs? What can you eat, but more importantly what does your body respond best to? If you "get away" with something, are you the type of person who is likely to keep going back? The problem with junk food, or even processed food is that it is so darned easy. Maybe in theory it's not really easier to eat a couple of crackers than to measure out a 1 oz portion of protein-rich food. But we didn't get to the point of WLS by making good choices before. And the big issue for me is that the liquids felt like a time out of reality, now that I'm out of them. And even though my recovery was easy physically that means I have to be extra careful now not to fall into old habits. Not portion size, but snacking/grazing. Okay, off the soapbox now. Just my observations from the last couple of weeks back here in the world of "real" food.

    Very good insight!! I completely agree that this full liquid stage I am in right now is almost surreal and definitely not reality, yet nice that there is a packet of paper I can currently go to as my "guide" when I have a questionable food. I think the key to success is always trying to have a plan. I travel for my career and I can see it being very challenging a few months from now if I just try and "wing it" for lunch, Snacks, etc... It's been nice getting into the habit each night and putting my ziplock bag of Vitamins for the next day out, along with my measured out Protein Powder, shaker and Water bottles. Hopefully, when things get really hard around that 6 month mark, I'll be down a few more sizes and it may seem a bit more tolerable! ;)

  21. For me, personally…the biggest "danger" is that I sometimes forget that I can't behave the way I used to behave. So last night I felt a little bit full after dinner and had a glass of milk to settle things about an hour later. It came right back up. As I think about this, the issue was more that I needed to wait things out than to add anything to the mix. I was at home, so it wasn't a big deal. But I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago when I was out with friends. We were drinking wine, talking…and I sort of thoughtlessly ate a couple of small pieces of flatbread pizza. Again, old mindset, new stomach. I felt the hiccups start to come on (thankfully!) and backed away slowly. But it was sobering. I need to constantly remind myself to be on guard, at least a little bit. The good part is that so far I haven't given my stomach anything it can't digest. But I definitely have to be careful both with the social stuff, and with not thinking through what is really going on with my body.

    Yes!! That's exactly how I felt yesterday! It's weird, because I have had such an easy recovery, feel like myself (with a mild pain like I've just done sit-ups for a week), and as we were all standing around the kitchen, people were pouring wine, and as I was cooking, I naturally started to take a bite to taste the level of seasonings and had to stop myself. You are totally right though, we have to constantly remind ourselves to be on guard. Social gatherings always put us in a bit of a vulnerable state. (I would have probably done the same thing with the flatbread pizza haha)

  22. Lynzi, relax, until you are back on solids, you don't really feel the full effect of your sleeve - trust me, you will :-) in a few weeks time you may even be posting about how little you can eat compared to before, lol. You haven't wasted anything but you need to be patient. Your stomach is likely to still be numb from surgery so be careful, you may not feel anything if you put too much in. So stick to the plan you got from your surgeon, the time will pass and you will lose weight - and eat less!!!! Merry Christmas

    Thank you for this post! I'm a little over a week post-op and I've been doing well- getting Protein and Water in, however I have noticed that every night when I'm laying in bed, my stomach is growling and I feel so hungry. Also, when I eat, I stop at my 2oz, and I feel content, but I'm not getting this I'M STUFFED AND SO FULL feeling. Good to know that once we incorporate solid foods, we will see the full effect of our awesome sleeves! :)

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