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Posts posted by dreamscometrue

  1. hey dreamscometrue...what type of procedure did you have? so sorry to hear you are losing your hair...have you spoken yet to your provider? I hope you get past this phase and your hair starts growing back in...hang in there sweetie...I sending you some well deserved prayers!!!

    Hey there! I was sleeved almost 4 months ago. :) From everything I've read, it doesn't matter what the procedure was but more of a side effect after having gone through anesthesia. I've been taking my Biotin like a good girl and ... Well... No help! Ha! Luckily, I have a good amount of hair so I should be fine, it's just more annoying than anything!

  2. I knew this was inevitable... The infamous Hair loss. I just thought I would document this with a lovely picture to show those who haven't hit the 3-4 month mark yet what to expect (more than likely). Now, I have somewhat thick hair, but it is quite disturbing how much comes out each time I brush and/or wash it! Ugh! Not to mention, all day long, I'm constantly picking hair off of my clothes. So annoying. I just need to walk around with a lint roller attached to my hip! Yesterday, while I was washing my hair, my fingers were COVERED with hair coming out. Then, this picture is what come out of my perfectly clean brush as I was blow drying it. Yikes! Okay, my rant is over.


  3. @@jdillon - I just followed my doc's rules & made a few of my own (no rice, potatoes, bread, or pasta). I workout 3 or more times a week (usually everyday)... Jogging, TaeBo, BodyFlow classes, yoga classes, and a few different things around the house (squats, hand weights, planks, stuff like that).

    Hey there! Wow, you look phenomenal! I'm just finally into the size 14's, so I'm far out from an 8, however I'm curious how your arms toned up? I've been lifting weights, running, going to barre classes, etc... (I'm 28 years old) and I am just hating my arms currently! I was hoping to hear if your arms have toned or what your thoughts are??

  4. I'm so glad you asked this question because I got on here in the same search!! I began really working out hard this week (running, weights, barre class) and seriously EVERY DAY, the scale has gone up .5 lbs. EVERY DAY! I can handle stalls all day long (I'm 4 months post op), but gaining was really bothering me! I'll continue to keep on, keepin' on!

  5. Alrighty, I have an UPDATE on the situation and I'm happy to report it's a good one! Last Wednesday, I met up with my friend and her super sweet sister at our first bridesmaid dress appointment…well, I hadn't seen her sister in probably 4 years (we are friends on fb though so I'm sure she knows what I've looked like) and IMMEDIATELY, her sister said "Oh my gosh, you look fantastic!" Immediately, my friend said "Yeah, you've been doing so good!" I WAS SHOCKED. SHOCKED. So, we go inside and since her sister is a tiny little thing, we let her do the majority of the trying on for us. Once it got narrowed down to the final 2, my friend kept urging me to try them on… well the biggest size they had in one of them was a 10 and the other was a 12 (shocker. lol) …So, I go in the back with the lady who worked there and my friend and her sister were up front to where they couldn't hear us talking. I casually asked the lady if this style was easy to alter and said I would like to lose some more weight before the wedding. The lady told me they were super easy to alter and asked how much weight I had lost so I told her about 65 or 66 lbs… we were talking quietly and suddenly she said "HOLY SH*T!!!" REALLY LOUD. Ha! I tried the dresses on and the 12 almost fit (couldn't believe it! Such a great feeling!) Before we were leaving, my friend asked the lady when we would need to order them by and the lady (obviously not knowing the situation) said…"Luckily, this brand of dress comes in fast and within a month, plus they do free exchanges so if somebody orders a size and then loses/gains weight and that size doesn't work, they can swap them out free of charge. Just like your amazing friend right here who has lost so much weight! I am just so proud of you and think that's awesome!" Having a complete stranger sing my praises (given this situation) and make it known I had lost a bunch of weight (without saying the number) in front of my friend basically got my point across without me having to say a word! When we went to dinner, her sister asked me what all I was doing to lose weight so I told her no bread, alcohol, carbs for the most part, Protein Shakes, lean Protein (all true!)… and then I just said that I know it's been a struggle for my entire life and I appreciate all the support from friends and family because it really helps keep me motivated and my friend chimed in and said "well, I'm proud of you and keep up the good work!" WHEW! I feel much better about the situation and I was happy with how I looked in the dress! Ha! Sorry for all of the drama this post caused, but I appreciate all of the advice… I used some of it, kept some of it stored in my back pocket for a rainy day and ignored a few. Hahaha. Just wanted to update everybody! Thank you again!!!

  6. There certainly has been a lot of speculation here and I guess no one really knows what's on your friends mind here. The only way to really find out is to probably bring the subject up casually next time you see her... for example pretend you are asking for advice on the bridesmaid dress and say something like...... I don't know what size to order the dress in because I've lost so much weight and don't know what size I'll be in by then' And see what her response is and even if she acknowledges it at all.

    I guess it must be hard for some 'thin' people especially to adjust to role changes in friendships.... Before she was your thin friend and if you get as thin as her then it will make you equal maybe in her eyes.... Again that's just speculation. But for myself I just cannot fathom her as a friend not taking the effort to be supportive for you in your weight loss knowing that she knows that this has been such an obstacle and problem in your life.

    I lost a lot of weight three years ago and my good friend was kept telling me how good I looked (even though I still didn't feel thin and knew I wasn't what i wanted to be) It was very encouraging. Everyone needs praise for their accomplishments... it's only human. Why don't we applause people on stage that perform and do a good job don't we? And don't we praise our chidren when they do good in school or otherwise? If we can't encourage and support our friends and family then who can we support? If this friend was a casual acquaintance or friend then i could see their reluctance in commenting on your weight loss but not a good friend. That's just not how I view friendships either. It's a give and take... fifty fifty relationship.... we help each other and support each other in life.

    I guess one day she'll tell you or won't tell you why she didn't comment. In any case you'll know if she is indeed a friend or not by then..... I still can't understand how she is keeping quiet yet praises someone else to you about their weight loss.... that's like rubbing salt into a wound..... i bet you felt like saying 'well what am I? chopped liver? Geeeez..... Nuff said..... :);):) :)

    Love, love, LOVE this! Thank you!!

  7. Why is it so important that other people acknowledge your weight loss? To me, this is the real question.

    There's a difference between "other people" and someone who has been a big part of your life for 20 years who has watched how hard I've fought with my weight and knows how important it is for me to get my weight down. I know what's important to her about her life, so therefore it's important to me and I make sure to acknowledge those things. That's the way friendships work and it's my personal preference on how I like my friendships. I hope I answered your real question.

  8. So, I'm 4 months out today and I am down 48 pounds from surgery. It's been a little slow but I'm happy with my weight loss so far. So here's my issue. Aunt flow is visiting and I have the munchies like no other. I can't seem to get satisfied and I am really craving sugar and salt and just plain old volume. Is this normal? Anyone have any tips? Otherwise, I'm just going to call this a free day and give in to my cravings and start fresh tomorrow. BTW, I'm hormonal, so be nice!

    Hey there! I'm in the exact same situation right now with Aunt Flow and I'm about 3.5 months post op. Don't give in!! If you need to have a bite of something, fine, but you don't want to give in to a complete "free day". Too soon for that in my opinion! Free days turn into free weeks, etc... Just curious, how tall are you, what what your starting weight and what's your goal?

  9. I used to love mixing rotisserie chicken, red onion, broccoli, Tomato, cheese, and cucumber with a vinaigrette dressing and put in low carb tortilla shells. I'm 3 months out, think this would be acceptable?

    Sounds fine to me! I'm just a little over 3 months and on a rare occasion I eat something with a tortilla, I tear all of the tortilla off except the bottom (picture a hot dog bun) so the stuffing stays in and I eat it that way. Saves a bunch of carbs and you still get your tortilla fix!!!

  10. IMHO, you have to decide what is more important, the friendship or your need to be acknowledged for your wls...

    Is that your honest opinion? You seriously believe that you can either A. Have friendships in which nobody should ever acknowledge your weight loss or B. Don't have friendships but people can then acknowledge your hard work... ?! Sounds pretty ridiculous to me.

  11. I guess for me the test is if you see someone who is watching what they eat and exercising and still struggling with being overweight would you tell them about how WLS helped you?

    If it were someone who I felt I could trust and was already considering WLS, then I would definitely talk to that person about it. I just choose to live my life with almost everyone around me not knowing and for me, it makes things much easier and less complicated. :)

  12. @@Madam Reverie she's gonna be a beautiful bridesmaid that's why! :) sweet revenge.....lol :rolleyes:

    Ha!!! Thanks girl! Yes, I hope that's the case! You know I'll be posting pics on here to keep you all updated! ANNNDD... I'll for sure update you all once I have this "talk" with my friend. Who knows- maybe this discussion will make things a little better for us now that she will know how I've been upset by her actions. I know if a friend came to me and told me I had been hurting their feelings. I would do everything in my power to make things better and fix stuff!

  13. Remind me why you're going to be this birds bridesmaid again? For the life of me, I can't fathom it. @Frederic. I think I love you. :blink:

    Ha! Trust me... I've thought several times about backing out of the wedding party and saving the $1000+ dollars I'll be spending to take part in it, however- that would surely end the friendship on horrible terms after 20 years. Plus, when she asked me... It was right as we both just moved to the same state at the exact same time and I was really hoping/still hope that our friendship can get back to where it used to be. Not sure that's even possible. :(

  14. Man, you dudes are clueless - and I say that in the nicest way possible! :)

    To those who think you should sing the praises of WLS from the highest mountain, did you ever think people get tired of hearing ALL about it? I don't care what others do but think about how others perceive you. I had a coworker get a RNY about 8 years ago. She went on and on and on and on about it for months! People were so sick of hearing about it. She didn't have a lot of family so maybe she needed people to listen. But trust me, it was TMI! And why do you think they put HIPPA laws into action? It's called privacy and it's a basic rite in healthcare. For those of us who work in healthcare, we are a snarky bunch. I choose to not cause a general distraction and keep them occupied with gossip. My closet inner circle knows. I have zero intention of answering questions about my weight or listening to acquaintances opinions on WLS. Give her a break for not telling people! It's her damn rite! I think many have misread the OP comments that this isn't a best friend anymore. You don't have to take out a sign on the interstate telling everyone nor is everyone entitled to a full disclosure about your life just because you were friends once. Lordy! This thread sure brought out some opinions!

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I think we all have those friends on Facebook or in life that constantly post all of their drama with their marriages, ex boyfriends, baby daddy issues, etc… and then we all have those friends who scream for attention by broadcasting every time they go to the gym. I even know a few people who have gone through WLS and have chosen to talk about it CONSTANTLY on Facebook. I'm sorry, but that becomes their new identity to everyone looking in, and I hate to admit it, but I kind of find it pathetic that it's all they can talk about after the surgery. We did this to change our lives for the better and not dwell on some surgery all day every day. I chose not to tell people because I am 28, have my entire life ahead of me, a great career in the medical field, and I don't want that to be the gossip of "well she had surgery so that's why she lost weight" conversation. No thanks! I chose my select few people that I trust more than anything in the world, and that was enough for me! Now, instead of people talking about WLS, people are talking about how happy and energetic I am! That's what I wanted the end result of this to be. I was so sick of my weight being constantly talked about in a negative way, and for some of us, we wanted that topic to turn into a positive for people. Ha, and you are correct, this brought out lots of opinions!

  15. @dreamscometrue It's a little unsettling listening to all the excuses people are making for you 'friend' Even if by some long shot she intuitively knows that you must have had surgery for weight loss, is she was any kind of friend at all she would have at least complimented you on your weight loss. She wouldn't have had to ask you 'how' or anything. All you wanted was a simple acknowledgment of your accomplishment as any real friend would have done. True if she is that self obsessed with her wedding that she can't even compliment a friend then she is the one with a problem You have to be a friend to have friends. in my opinion she is jealous of you now or feels threatened by your sudden transformation somehow. People can be strange and sometimes the green eyed monster within people comes out and then shows you their true colors in times like this. I would make no excuses for her rude behaviour...... I'm not buying that she is 'hurt' or doesn't want to embarrass you by bringing up the subject.... that's a bunch of BS..... sorry. If she hasn't said anything after the fitting then after the wedding I'd be done with her as a friend..... I'm not sugar coating anything.... Rude is Rude.....no excuses for that.

    Man, it's like we are the same person! I couldn't have written that better myself! I know we all like to hear what we want to hear, but some of the comments that I should give her the benefit of the doubt for not noticing, this should only be about her wedding, she doesn't want to hurt my feelings by giving me a compliment... What?!?! First of all, her wedding isn't until October, so I don't think it's realistic after I've lost probably close to 100 lbs to finally address this situation. I obviously don't plan on having this heart-to-heart with her on Wednesday, because I want to be a SUPPORTIVE friend. I love what you said- rude is rude. So true!!!

  16. In my experience, naturally thin people are oblivious to things like weight loss surgery. Unless they know people who have had it, it's not part of their consciousness to even think of it as a possibility. I'm sure there are exceptions, but for the general public? When I told a couple of people that I was having bariatric surgery, they didn't even know what it was. Again, people who don't live in the world of "diets on, diets off". Just the general description of this "friend", she sounds shallow and conniving. But then again, I have no idea who all the players really are, but at face value??

    This is EXACTLY how naturally thin people think, including this friend. You're right, it wouldn't even be on her radar. And honestly, most people would have said I wasn't big enough (even though I clearly was) to have weight loss surgery, so I know she wouldn't think I would ever do something that drastic!

    She is very calculated and competitive in every move she makes, which therefore makes me anxious and reserved in telling her anything about my life. It's horrible that I'm saying that, but unfortunately that's how I have felt for the past few years.

  17. No way to know ...? Dropping 60 pounds in 3 months? Uh ... she has an idea something is going on. Even on the greatest of diets, a small fraction of people can be hitting those kinds of numbers. You say she is observant, my guess is she is also respectful. If I were to try to go inside the female mind for a second, I would think: "Something has occurred with her that she is losing this weight. She looks healthy and appears to have great energy, so it must not be an illness ... it might be a bariatric procedure ... but we have been friends for so long, surely she would have told me about this decision. Maybe we are not as close as I thought we were. I don't know exactly what it is, but obviously she wants to keep it to herself, so I will respect her privacy and not say anything." I post on this site quite often about expectations. They are future resentments. Communication here is key. If you want to know about something, ask. It is not their fault if you get a resentment over something. Oye! I am so glad I'm a boy! I'm just curious, since the wedding is in October, how are you going to do the whole fitting thing? This is going to be something you are going to have to discuss with her. You will have to ensure the dress you get will be easily alterable. Not all dress styles nor materials are conducive to alterations. (My first wife was an extraordinary seamstress)

    Hey there :) So a few things: She doesn't know when I started losing weight and I only saw her once in October and had not seen her for a month prior to that... Then I saw her once in November and then pretty much not again until January. Sooo, as far as she knows, I started losing this weight back in September through now, which is 7 months. Also, I have never said to her that I've lost 60 lbs (65 now), nor have I told her what size I used to be and what size I am now, so she wouldn't be able to do the calculations you are doing. I do agree that communication is key and resentment isn't her fault... That's a ME problem...but her not being a good friend and being supportive when I have mentioned how hard I've been working out and eating healthy ... That's a HER problem.

    I'm telling you, she would never think I got surgery. I bounced back and was working on day 4 in outside sales, never missed social events, etc... If people have asked what I've been doing, I've just said that I've been working with a nutritionist, she has me eating small meals every few hours to keep up my metabolism and I've been working out almost every day, drinking Protein shakes to replace Breakfast and dinner on most days, cutting carbs, etc...

    As for the bridesmaid dress, we are not being fitted on Wednesday, we are just going to look at dresses to see if there is one that we all can decide on. I won't have to order a dress until June and I will go on my own to place my dress order. If I am alone with the lady at all on Wednesday, I will ask how much these dresses can be taken in. Typically, the rule of thumb is 4 sizes max for alterations, but it depends on the style my friend chooses. If that's the case, I will just order a size or 2 down and then have it barely altered. I just did this same thing for a wedding I'm in this May and now the dress is big but won't need crazy alterations had I ordered the size I used to be when I got fitted. Be glad you aren't a woman!!

  18. Maybe she found out about the surgery and that you were keeping it private. If that is the case it would be awkward mentioning the weight loss, in fear that you might find out she knows. On another note. Fast weight loss can sometimes be due to some sort of illness. and again, maybe she dont want to mention it in case that was the circumstance. I personally do not hide the fact I had the surgery. I wear it proudly and tell anyone that will listen about it. All I ever get is "well it is definitely working, you are looking great"

    Nope, she definitely would not have found out about the surgery. No way no how.

  19. I've always been a side sleeper most of my life. And I just started noticing a few weeks ago, every time I wake up, the inner portions of both knees (the part of the knees that touch together when you lay on your side) are really sore when I wake up, and if I press on the during the day they're still sore. Anyone experience anything like that?? So weird!

    This is the strangest thing that I just ran across this thread because two nights ago, it's the first time I noticed this exact issue! I didn't think much about it, but reading everyone else's response let's me know I'm not crazy! I'm grabbing a pillow to try that tonight!

  20. I also decided not to share my plan for surgery with anyone except my boyfriend and one co-worker. I was so sure that was the proper way to go, I didn't want people to suddenly look at me and think "is she fat enough for gastric sleeve" give me a good look and think "oh yea, she is" I was embarrassed and didn't want people to realize that I had indeed gained that much weight. (50lbs in two years). But a few days before my surgery I told my best friend of twenty years because I felt SO guilty for hiding it from her. She totally understood why I hadn't said anything....but then got sad. Her feelings were hurt that she felt I couldn't have come to her during my decision making. She felt out of all people...why wouldn't I share it with her. Which is ultimately why I did. (She too has been a 9/10, most of her adult life) So maybe just maybe....your friend has her feelings hurt because you haven't shared your weight loss success with her. Fortunately I have not been heavy my whole life. So once I get back to my normal weight, it won't be anything "new" toy best friend, so I don't expect any changes on our friendship. I'd give your friend the benefit of the doubt as well...maybe she hasn't said anything because you haven't said anything. Another thing, not that I am judging...but my best friend lives 20 minutes away from me...she is married with a child. And I have 2 children and a serious boyfriend and I see her atleast once a week. It shocked me you only see your best fried that is 30 minutes away once a month. Perhaps it's time to look at your friendship and see if you really are best friends still...you could have grown apart. Or your friendship could have changed from best friends to just friends over the course of the years.

    Hey there!! Im not sure if you've read throughout my comments to other people but I have said things to her several times over the past 3 months (I tell everyone I started working out/eating healthy in October) about me cutting out carbs, alcohol, working out like crazy, lifestyle changes, etc... So she can't use the excuse that I never brought it up! I should have clarified more in my original post, but this girl and I are definitely not best friends! We were in high school but we weren't as close in college and then after college, she moved several hours away and every time we would talk, all she would talk about is brag about her job and how much money she made (and not that it matters, but I never said a word even though knowing that I make and have made significantly more than her) because I never want her to feel in competition with me, yet she always has. If my BEST FRIEND lived 30 minutes away, holy crap, we would try to talk our husbands into living together! I would stalk her daily haha! That's what close friends do so I'm glad you've got that with your BFF! I honestly hoped when we both moved fairly close again that we would re-kindle the high school days and become closer, but to me, I find myself pulling away even more. I'm waiting for my old high school friend to show herself, but unfortunately I think she is gone. :(

  21. Currently my meals consist of a Protein Shake (body fortress super advanced whet isolated) vanilla cream with coffee and two tablespoons of hazelnut creamer for Breakfast. For lunch I normally eat about 200-300 calories. I eat chicken, tuna creations, shrimp or steak. I normally like to get green veggies like broccoli, asparagus, or salad. My favor dressing for salad is Bolthouse Caesar yogurt dressing. My Protein portions that I can eat for chicken or steak are about 4-6 oz. I normally have to eat steak very slow and small pieces or I will get full in about four bits. For dinner, I normally have chicken or tilapia (easy to cook) or a salad with grill veggies. I love eating lettuce wrap with chicken or pork. I tried tacos and substitute the corn shell with lettuce. Very good!!! Regarding your question about Pasta, bread and grains. I can eat one slice of bread and half of a biscuit. I can eat about four bits of pasta. For pizza I can eat about one small slide of thin crust pizza and about half of pizza if it's pan. Being Hispanic it seemed that every dish consisted of rice. My family now eats brown rice and I can eat about four tablespoons of brown rice. However, I can eat couscous, and quinoa. I can also eat half of sweet potato baked or baked potaoes. I can't drink any kind of carbonated drinks. Regarding sweets I try not to eat much sweets because it is full of empty calories (sugar and no protein). However, I have tried ice cream cone from McDonald and I could eat about half and then it made me sick. I tried dark chocolate and it also made me sick. I just stick to hot chocolate protein mix and that is good. Veggies/fruit- I can eat very little carrots and watermelon or melon I just can't eat they make me sick. My sleeve likes any kind of berry and apple or pear. let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to give specific examples of exactly what you can eat!!! Just another reason why I love journaling because I will always be able to come back and reference your post. You've also inspired me to make tacos tomorrow night for dinner with lettuce wraps instead. Sounds delish! I don't know what it is about I've cream, but I throw it up every time and I've only taken a max of 3 bites. I'm venturing into cantelope tonight so I hope that I don't get sick off of that. Oh, and I'm glad you gave me a head's up on the pizza because I haven't tried it yet, but there are several events coming up where pizza is the only option. Note to self- don't try and eat that in front of people! It would be pretty obvious, ha! If I think of other questions, I'll send them your way!

  22. Someone asked why you care. I won't pretend to know but I can image it feels as though she's not happy for you. And at the core of healthy relationships, friendships, partnerships is the believe that people love us and WANT to see us happy. I've have been rich beyond measure with truly good girlfriends and a handful of guy friends that have travelled through my life. I'm 45. I have 2 best girlfriends who have been rocks through my decision. They have picked up kids, babysat, helped out my husband with getting them places while I was on the mend. They wrote me inspiring texts, flowers, fixed meals for my family. They told me how much they loved me. My other 5 best girlfriends (spread out across the country but MY GIRLS nonetheless) are from elementary school. Each if them has been supportive, some more than others. I've told only a few others. Friendships evolve through your 20's, 30's and 40's. I've lost touch with many but my core - the ones who are my rock and I am theirs - I expect them to care. Some friends move to the acquaintance category and that's ok. You will grow, flourish, blossom with this. Look at your beautiful picture!!! You are ready to take on the world! You are young and have so much ahead. A word of advice - let nothing hold you back, including negative feelings or less than supportive friends.. At the core of true friendship is love. If you don't feel the love, I promise you'll find it elsewhere. Move her to the acquaintance category. Don't focus on this person. If I wanted to be mean, I'd say she sounds shallow. Maybe you have too much depth for her now. Go forth and conquer and Celebrate your success! You are beautiful!

    I cannot begin to tell you how meaningful your post was to me. You nailed it. Exactly. I even got a little teary-eyed reading how much your friendships mean to you because that is exactly how I feel about my closest friends. I would do anything in the world for them. Although I'm only 28, most of my friends are in their 30's-50's and I have been their rock throughout the birth of their children, divorces, new marriages, deaths, new careers, quitting jobs, etc.... And call me crazy, but I expect my friends to be there for me. Very rarely do I need positive reinforcement, but with weight, I'll admit it... I would like some from my friends! It doesn't matter that I haven't told the world about my surgery, that's besides the point... The point is about being supportive to the people who mean the most to you. It sounds like you have a fabulous support system and great life-long friends! I thought I had put this person into the "acquaintance" category and began distancing myself, but then I got asked to be a bridesmaid, so there's that. Thank you again for such an inspiring message to me! It brings a huge smile to my face! Your friends are very lucky to have you! :)

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