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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chrissy72

  1. Chrissy72

    Advice Appreciated

    I had done alll the research, I made my appoinment at the surgeons office, had the money in the bank ready to self pay for the op, I was mentally an emotionally VERY ready for the operation..... Then I felt like all my dreams came crashing down when the surgeon annouced that she no longer operated on people without private health insurance. She continued on by giving me examples of how things can sometimes go wrong and self pay patients can end up being up to their eye balls in debt at the end of the process. She said that she would hate to see me or anyone else end up in this position. She told me that, as there was no urgent pressing reason for me to get it done now, that I should go home and organise some private cover and come back in the months leading up to the end of my 12 month waiting period. Boy did I cry and cry (and I dont cry very pretty). It was such a blow. She was lovely about it all and insisted that the 12 months will fly by..... .... AND IT DID! I had the operation on the 26th October. It all went well and there were no complications thankfully. Looking back now at the waiting period - it was just another 12 months where I grew more determined than ever that this band was for me! I had no panic or fear before the operation - just excited about FINALLY starting the next phase of my life. The difference between you and me is that you have to make a decision - I had it made for me by the surgeon. The icing on the cake was that I now have $9000 + in the bank there for me to go out and by all of those outifts that I will be needing. Good luck with your decision.
  2. Chrissy72

    Mummy eating too soon

    I am 8 days post op and I am feeling really great. I am still on full liquids and I am not feeling even remotely deprived (which has surpised me - I was sure that I was going to be that hungry patient whose tummy rumbled the whole time). I guess the biggest frustration that I have found to this point is the vast difference in the post op diet that each surgeon suggests. It makes it so confusing for the average person to know what they can and cant do. I am adhereing to my surgeons instructions yet I am feeling guilty. Surely there is a recomendation by the distributors of the band that all surgeons must follow. I for one, was on Clear Liquids for 2 days only and then was told to move on tho full liquids (making sure to include 1 to 2 dairy serves each day). I am having thinned down yoghurts with processed fruit for brekkie and lunch and then thinned down/blended soups for dinner! It has worked well, no upsets and definatley no hunger. But after reading threads such as these .... was my surgeon advising me incorrectly?? Has it been too much too soon and will there be long term effects becuase of this. Oh how I wish there was ONE post op diet that every new bandster must follow!!!
  3. I am 2 days post op and I havent been able to shift the nausea feeling all day (in fact I think it is getting worse). A couple of times I actually thought I was going to be sick but it ended up being wind. In my pre-op world I would normally nibble on dry biscuits to ease this. Has anyone got some good options of how they have been able to ease the nausea blues.
  4. Chrissy72

    Best Solution for Nausea?

    Thanks for all of your responses. getting in contact with the surgeon is a little hard for me as we live 1.5 hours drive from her rooms. I could have gone to our local GP and got a script but it was the weekend. I am happy to say that the nauseau has all gone. After reading some of your posts - it got me thinking. Apart from my normal liquids that I was having, I was also taking a disolvable multivitam (called Supradym) which is fruit flavoured and slightly fizzy. My dietician recommended this. It was strong (given the quanitity of Water i was disolving it in). When someone mentioned about their juice being too strong and making them feel sick I wondered if it was the Multivitamin doing the damage? I cut them out the following day and Viola' - I was feeling great. I now plan to added some crushed Vitamins to my liquids. I am now day 5, and although a little tight where my port if placed (laughing and coughing doesnt help) I am feeling absolutley terrific. Thanks again for you help.
  5. I am 2 days post op and although i am not experiecing a great deal of pain, I am uncomfortable. I sort of dont know what to do with myself. I have been generally on juice and Water, but I am just about to have some of my left over Optislim to try and give me energy. I also cant see to drink sitting down, it is better when I am, standing. Please tell me this will get better as the days go on. I bit of gas pain in my shoulder but its not too bad.

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