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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lauriearnold

  1. lauriearnold

    lap band removal

    wow Bandarella that's awful. did you have symptoms from the start?? i never had any symptoms and did so good until this past year. still now signs or symptoms but somehow i have a small prolapse. he said it's like a shirt being tucked in and when the shirt overhangs over your waist, that's what mine doing and it won't go back. it's just hanging there and he said it needs to come out before i do start having symptoms or it starts entering into my stomach area and doing major damage and can not be fixed. hopefully it'll be fine when they take it out to do the sleeve. that's why i'm really being careful what i eat right now. just keep it where it's at and not do damage to it anymore.
  2. my lap band has prolapsed and is unfixable. 2 upper gi's and no fill and no change. SO.....what i'm wondering is, has anybody on here went from band to sleeve and had any leaking like i've been reading or any other trouble switching to sleeve. I don't know if i'm a candidate for it but i'm sure going to try. I've had my band for 8 years now and this is the very first time i've ever had trouble with it. NO SYMPTOMS EVER!!!!! Just found it on a regular upper gi check up. took Fluid out 8 weeks ago and second gi showed no improvement so surgeon said it has to come out. NO chance of reposition due to the prolapse will happen again, it's just a matter of when and how bad it will be second time so he won't do it. would like to know if any complications going from lap band to sleeve?? HELP!!
  3. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    ok, cruisette i'm confused, lol doesn't take much for me. You got a 2nd band and it didn't take?? or you went from band to sleeve and it didn't take?? where did the 60 lb weight gain come from??
  4. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    NO, NO, NO Juliannabaca you did NOT offend me in anyway girl. Please don't think you did cause you did NOT!!! I hope and pray your second surgeon can get this ok'd for you. We all have to stick together and hope and pray for nothing but good news for you too!!
  5. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    i sure hope not juliannabaca@yahoo.com. i def do have a slip. I've had 2 upper gi's done and the doc has looked at both of them with the radiologist and it's def got to come out. My band is one of the very first one's they started with in 2006 and it doesn't have a buckle where they can go in and just unbuckle it for a few months AND he said this band, being the very first ones ever used, were not designed to stay in as long as i've had it. So, hopefully the insurance will approve the surgery to remove band AND do the sleeve in one surgery. This is a new dr i'm using and he seems to be pretty confident in my insurance company which is United Healthcare so i'm hoping to find out soon.
  6. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    went for psych evaluation yesterday and talked to the dr and his insurance girl that deals with insurance and both seem to think there will be no prob with insurance approving a revision due to me being 5 ft and still have 35 lbs to lose and bmi is 30.5 and still in the obese category. they are now working with insurance and hope to find out something soon juliannabaca@yahoo.com. I will keep you informed as i find out.
  7. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    that is great!!!
  8. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    WOW, short and chunky. that is vey scary. i believe that's why my dr is working so fast to get this out and switch it to the sleeve. i have no symptoms but i am being very, very careful right now. i'm only eating like 3 oz at a time and i make sure it's Protein and it's something i know can get through the band pretty easy right now. all my Fluid has been removed. your in my thoughts and prayers. take care of yourself.
  9. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    thank you so much girls. i will keep you posted. today i am working on the paperwork i have to fill out again and listening to the seminar online. I have to watch it cause at the end i have to take a short quiz about what he talked about so he knows i watched it and it sends him the results. this could take all day today, lol. i am so happy. i will keep you both posted.
  10. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    ok Laura71 and Juliannabaca@yahoo.com just got back from the dr and he said i have a minor slip but it's just enough that it won't repair itself so since i have the very 1st band they ever come out with and they have no buckle to just go in and pop it off and let it go back to normal in 3 months he suggested to just go the sleeve. So, he's dealing with my insurance and as soon as we find out something they're either going to replace my whole band since it's so old or do the sleeve but the dr is suggesting sleeve so i won't have to deal with all this again. So, thank you so much to everyone for all the prayers!!!! I can't tell you how much i appreciate all of you through this. I will keep you updated Julianna and Laura. Mine didn't go back down Juliannabaca because my band is the first "model", lol, he said they ever come out with and it needs to be either totally replaced or sleeve but he's pushing the sleeve so i won't have that pressure back on my stomach and he's going to do it all the same day. No Mexico for me!!!
  11. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    cool. see that's another thing i worry about, about losing my band is i've had a tummy tuck, lipo, and my boobs done too and i don't want to gain weight and all that money was shot to hell. i just want to get to my goal weight which i haven't done in 8 years and have followed the diet good. i eat clean, workout 2 hours a day with trainer and friday i do kickboxing. you'd think this weight would just fall off of me but it hasn't cause i guess cause of the prolapse i was eating more then i realized. was your band prolapsed Laura71?? I can't rememeber. i go to my dr here in the states this morning and i'm nervous as crap as what he's going to tell me. if i don't hear what i want, ive decided i'm going to Mexico i just have to get my husband on board. he's not liking the idea very well
  12. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    it's such a coincidence that i've been thinking about this and i have a friend that messages me on fb that lives 15 miles from me that went to Mexico and had it done 3 months ago, so if i don't get the results i want to hear tomorrow, i'll be going to her dr in Mexico. It was $8700 she said for everything except the flight Laura71. i'll keep you posted tomorrow.
  13. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    Laura71, so glad your doing so well. i go to the surgeon tomorrow at 10:40 to see where we go from here but i already know he said the band comes out so i'm hoping he'll do some wriggle work with my insurance and get them to pay for the sleeve. keep me posted and i will let you know tomorrow after i get out what the doc said. be good and obey doc, girl.
  14. my lap band has prolapsed and is unfixable. 2 upper gi's and no fill and no change. SO.....what i'm wondering is, has anybody on here went from band to sleeve and had any leaking like i've been reading or any other trouble switching to sleeve. I don't know if i'm a candidate for it but i'm sure going to try. I've had my band for 8 years now and this is the very first time i've ever had trouble with it. NO SYMPTOMS EVER!!!!! Just found it on a regular upper gi check up. took Fluid out 8 weeks ago and second gi showed no improvement so surgeon said it has to come out. NO chance of reposition due to the prolapse will happen again, it's just a matter of when and how bad it will be second time so he won't do it. would like to know if any complications going from lap band to sleeve?? HELP!!
  15. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    i sure will. thank you again!!!
  16. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    thank you so much to all of you. You really don't know how much i appreciate you taking the time out to give me info. I LOVE this website and all of you that have helped me. I have come to the comclusion that if he wants to wait and let my stomach heal that will be fine with me if it reduces my risk of a leak. It's now 10:40 here and still waiting for me to call to let me know what time to come in Wednesday. I'm really nervous that he won't want to do the sleeve cause my bmi is 30.3 but keep in mind i am 5 foot tall and shaped like an apple. all my weight in in my midsection, back and arms but mostly stomach and back. I have had a tummy tuck but still need to lose this 25 lbs to get it off around my heart and insides.
  17. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    oh man, you guys have just given me some hope. please say a prayer for me that my dr will work with me and my insurance to get this done and ins will pay for procedure. i need this so much. i did everything i was told to try and save this band but it didn't work and my heart just broke. i go wednesday so hoping and praying for a good outcome.
  18. lauriearnold

    hoping for lap band to sleeve

    thank you 1959JimmyJames. I won't find out anything till Wednesday but do know that there are not options other then the band has to come out. I don't know when he'll be able to do it cause I'm leaving for vacation to Vegas May 10th, kind of our 25th anniversary present to us and i've had this planned for 2 months and am NOT changing it due to my husband working off shore on the oil rigs and is only home for 4 weeks at a time. and that's another complication cause i can't have any kind of surgery unless he is home so he can help with the kids so this is going to be really difficult. I'm hoping maybe i can get this last 25 lbs off before it comes out but am going to talk to him about the sleeve. I'm 5 foot tall, very stocky built and all my fat is everywhere. kind of shaped like an apple so i really want to get this last 25 off. what i'm wondering though is will they even do the sleeve on me cause my bmi is 30.3 but it's still in the obese section so i'm hoping it will be an option. just sick over losing my band cause it's been working soo good for the last 8 years. like i said, they never would have found this if i hadn't fired my last dr cause he was an ass(sorry) and this new dr needed to know what band i had and how much Fluid was i it cause dr ass wouldn't tell him or give him my history. has anybody with a 30 bmi ever had the sleeve.
  19. lauriearnold

    lap band removal

    yes 2muchfun my stomach migrated through it over the past year. They don't know how or why but said it happens and there's nothing they can really do about it but to take it out. He told me that this is a chance you take when you do the lap band and have a foreign object in your body. After a while your body starts to reject it and that's what has happened. No saving it at all!!
  20. lauriearnold

    lap band removal

    yeah it's not a good feeling to know you've done everything like your suppose too and still have your band slip. they can't explain why, they say it just happens over time. I'm 8 years out and never had a problem. they just did a fluro on me last week to see how things were going cause i felt like i was eating more and they found it. it will NOT correct, no replacement cause stomach is damaged and insurance won't pay for anything else cause bmi is 30. just really scared right now.
  21. lauriearnold

    3 weeks post removal

    what kind of diet did they have you following afterward Leena. I'm just so upset right now i could die. I can't believe this happened and didn't even have any symptoms. it won't fix on it's own so only other option is to remove it. can't replace it because the stomach is damaged and insurance won't pay for another since my BMI is 30.3. i know how to eat, i'm just afraid my psych part is going to take over my smart plan
  22. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    your in my prayers girl
  23. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    ok, that is really awesome girls. Please keep me updated laughingirl71@yahoo.com and julianabaca@yahoo.com. i would def pay $5800 for a reverse. i haven't had any problems but i am tired of the port in my stomach cause when i exercise it becomes very sore after ab work and i hit it a lot on the washer cause i'm so short, lol
  24. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    please keep me updated laughingirl71@yahoo.com. How much is that procedure for all of it? This is the first time of a slip for me and i've been banded since 2/06 so i've done good up till now. my fault, i was way overeating. you can catch me at ldatda@hotmail.com
  25. lauriearnold

    Band Slipped and unfilled

    so sorry Juliannabaca@yahoo.com i believe we caught mine early enough that i think we saved it. i don't ever want mine removed. i have no liquid right now and have a lot more restriction then i did with 3cc of Fluid in me. not going to sleeve either, ins won't pay, bmi too low

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