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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Carlotta1

  1. Omg.. What a wonderful transformation..thanks for posting your pics. A pic is certainly worth a thousand words in this case. U r looking so young and amazing., but more important. ..I am sure u r loving your new found energy and staved health problems .. A big congrats to you.
  2. Carlotta1

    How many calories per day?

    If u plan on losing more weight..it would seems that your max should be 1100 calories per day if over 5 months ..That is what was given to me by my nut .. Yes and exercise is a also a component in determining your caloric intake. It also depends on how fast u want to lose. 2 pounds per week to me is reasonable since u have had the surgery April 2013. Calories in <. Calories expended is the equation for continued weight loss. Figure how many pounds u want to lose per week (3500 calorie deficit = one pound loss). I would do a MedGen to find out what your resting metabolic rate is since u have been on the program for a while. That is a starting point for u
  3. Carlotta1

    Hello, my friends call me Sherri

    Welcome sherry. Glad u got on this website. It is motivating to me to read success stories, help others on their new journey, and asking questions when I can't figure things out myself. We t here for u. Also, congrats on your 26 pounds lost ..
  4. Love your whys of having the surgery. It surely is a motivator before your surgery. I was scared too with the surgery..but I made it with flying colors. And loving my sleeve. Wishing u a speedy recovery. Lots of prayers your way. Keep us posted on. How the surgery went .
  5. Carlotta1


    It may be hard..but u are taking care of yourself. Your health ..your appearance and your energy. Is there a way u can politely ask those who live with u to be aware of your needs right now. I am at a point that my husband eats anything he wants in front of me. However, he did consider me till I to this point. Keep your hands busy so that the noise u hear in the kitchen is taken away by what u are concentrating on, read a good book, read bariatric pal articles yo inspire you, go to your bedroom if u need yo till your head hunger passes. You have control over this situation more than u think. As for as eating out..limit your visits to restaurants. You have options..u r in control of your environment.. Also ask for that consideration.
  6. Wishing u a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your recovery. And post any questions u may have..we r here to help.
  7. Carlotta1

    Anyone feel dizzy post op

    When I push myself with exercise I do get a little dizzy. I think for me it may be my Bp meds which I may not need anymore and the 800 calories I am on. I do incorporate some carbs in my diet. My diet usually consist of 70 G Protein, 80 grams of carbs , and 20 grams of fat. I usually don't add fat to my foods.. The fat comes from what is in the foods I eat.. Like salmon, eggs, beef, catfish, etc. 70 G protein x 4 calories per grams =. 280 calories 80 g carbs x 4 cal per gram =. 320 calories 20 grams fat x 9 cal per gram. = 180 calories
  8. Carlotta1

    Love/hate my restriction

    So good to hear that even after 18 months there will be restriction. I heard that as times go by.. Our restriction diminishes even though we are careful with our portion size ..is that true.
  9. Carlotta1

    16 days Post-Op, Sad & full of regret

    I loved to gulp water pre op. Now that I am two months post op.. I can chug a little. It will get better I assure u. Be patient with the process. U may be tired and that is why u r feeling that way. Mentally Get rest. When I get tired. Ohh. It Is not good for me.., My mind is also effected ..
  10. Carlotta1

    Bougie size?

    I agree..don't get wrapped up with this. Your dr will do what is best for u.
  11. Carlotta1

    Getting frustrated slow weightloss

    Yes I agree, u may need to up calories if your exercise is intense. Are u pushing yourself at the gym., are u breaking into a sweat ..if not, up the intensity.
  12. Carlotta1

    7mo post op...I need help

    Myfitnesspal is a life save for me..it helps me know exactly where I stand with calories/protein grams. Take action.. Go back to basics that was given to u for eating the rest of your life on the sleeve. There r books out there that also can help u. Move..exercise..it will help keep your mind positive. Don't give up.. Like someone said before me ..it's a new day .. Bake chicken , salmon, fish with your favorite herbs. It is just a matter of seasoning and putting it in the oven. Buy the veggies that can be cooked in the bag. That is easy. Make yummy Protein shakes with pineapple, bananas , Or strawberries/blueberries with skim milk and Greek yogurt. The sky is the limit. This is easy to do. Google bariatric recipes. U have to put effort in your lifestyle if u want the sleeve to work for u. Taking your Vitamins is easy to do.. It seems u may be in a rut. Take action and get out of your rut.
  13. Carlotta1

    Almost There

    Yes I did an endoscopy and an upper GI .. It all went well.
  14. Carlotta1

    5 months, 78lbs Lost

    What a change in 5 months.. 10 inches lost in your waste.. What is your situation with the protein..since this is an obstacle for exercise.? since ii started exercising..my stomach is smaller.
  15. Carlotta1

    SO tired?

    Just hang in there your surgery will be here soon enough.. Your body is having withdrawals from carbs, as well as your diet drinks. Get some rest..slow down with your activity when u feel tired. Yes try the suggestion of a sublingual b12. Remember|. This too shall pass".
  16. I am so excited about the success I am having with the sleeve surgery. I am half way losing my excess weight. I was scared and doubtful having the sleeve ..whether I would be alive or lose weight post surgery. I had the lap band 7 years ago, and it did not work for me. The sleeve was so different. My hunger has really subsided ..I don't think about food much. Exercise has helped me with a stall I had for two weeks. I am enjoying food, but healthier and much, much less. I never thought I was a big ester be just liked sweets too much.. I think our society has forgotten what a decent serving pg size is to not gain weight. I was one of those people. I hardly eat out anymore. And if I do, I am shocked how many calories are in food at a restaurant. I do allow myself to have very little taste of rich foods when I do eat out. " I do want to break the all or non mentally ". One big change post op is my desire for sweets..I was a sugarholic. High fat and high sugar sweets were my binge foods. Now I do not crave these foods, even when they r offered to me. At 60 years old ..that is a miracle in itself. I do not look like my age. More like 45 yrs old, as I have been told many times .I am lucky I did not get the wrinkle genes or saggy ones. . More importantly, my cholesterol and blood pressure has improved since my surgery. I hope to get off my Bp soon. I was so afraid of getting diabetes if I continued on my path of not taking care of my body. I had a brother in law who due to the complications of this disease. I have struggled with my weight since I was in 11th grade. 20 or so pounds.. Constantly yo yo ing. Then in my 50 s the weight really started to pack on. My highest was 215. I was miserable. My weight loss efforts looked like this: I had full body lipo suction twice in my late 40's , went to OA meetings , (approx $45,000 for both lipo surgeries ). Went on so, so meny diets. Lose and gain, lose and gain.. The lapband, liquid diets, I joined and rejoined weight watchers about 30 times in my life. Etc etc etc. So for those who think that having the sleeve was a cop out. Look at my insanity for years. I could have taken a trip around the world for the money I spent on "diets". I am seeing a psychiatrist who specializes in binge eating ( pre and post op )and a nutritionist . I Know the sleeve is a tool ..so I need to make sure I work on my mental state as we'll as l to address my food issues. I starting going to a psych two months before I had surgery, every week. I have new found energy and health. I am looking to the future. Going to st lucia next month at the sandals resort.. So I am looking forward to sailing, snorkeling, hiking in the rainforest, and sun bathing. I also want to thank members on this website for their continued support. I log in every morning at bariatricpal ..it sets my tone before I start the day..of commitment and determination to achieve my goals for the next 40 years. LIFE IS MET TO BE GOOD.
  17. Thanks to all for your encouragement and replies.
  18. Just get back on board with your pre op diet. Don't dwell on your slack.
  19. Carlotta1

    A Famous quote

    I agree with this quote..
  20. Carlotta1

    I have a date!

    Wow..your surgery is just around the corner. Hope u have a speedy recovery.
  21. Carlotta1

    ? normal post op

    I am sure u will do just fine..gagging and spitting up is not painful and IF u get that during your first month..it will subside. Patience is the key here and following eating stages. If u can't move to the next stage ..stage on that stage longer. I had to stay on liquids only for three weeks. The best way to make sure u are chewing your food to a pulp is cut up your food into small bites before u eat it. Pre op..I always ate fast and not chew my food thoroughly.. Now half of it is done cause I take small bites..if u are like me ..this is a habit you will have to break..I am 8 weeks out and still have to remind myself that I need to eat slowly and chew, chew and chew. Let us know how u progress . Hope u have a speedy recovery.
  22. Nmjg. Thanks for the link to calc how many grams of protein I should target., based on my age, height, activity level, étc. I should be at 70 grams per day. I need to up it just a bit.
  23. I had the surgery the same day as u. Dec 9th .. I was at a two week stall several weeks ago ...so I started my exercise routine. 5 days a week ...1/2 hour medium intensity cardio. Then I alternate between upper body/lower body exercise with machines. So I exercise one hour , 5 days a week. I lost 3 pounds in one week after I started exercising, I am now consistently losing .. Don't do your exercise leisurely, push yourself .somewhat. If u r not using myfitnesspal, then start., My calorie intake is 800 calories per day,, 65-70 grams of protein per day.
  24. Carlotta1

    100 pounds so far....

    Incredible.....u look amazing. I am sure u have so much energy that u dont know what to do with it. U also look years younger.
  25. I always chugged my water pre op. Now post op .....I can now finally chug a little , but it took time to get to this place. Just be patient .. U will get there.

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