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About blkbrdgo

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  1. blkbrdgo

    unflavored protein powder

    To me it almost seems to have a slight "malted" flavor? Almost like the inside of Whoppers candy but without the sweetness.
  2. blkbrdgo

    unflavored protein powder

    Did a bunch of research on my own about this the other day. Unjury would have been my 1st option but ordering it and waiting for it to get to myho use isnt an option for me really and the local health care store sells it at a rediculous price. After looking into it and comparing I went to GNC and got some of their GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein-Naturally Flavored. GNC is 5 minutes from my house and the price wasnt too bad at $26 for 24g of protein, 2g fat, and 3 carbs per scoop. As stated in a previous post, these will have some flavor to them. They aren ot truly unflavored so watch your expectations. Hope all goes well for you
  3. Surgery date/time is Monday December 30th @ 5:30am. Been a long crazy journey since March but I'm hoping it was all well worth it. After my 6 monthly visits with my PCP my Bariatric Center switched surgeons up on me stating that my current surgeon handles the higher BMI cases. This made me a bit upset because the plan was to have the surgery in October and I knew this would delay things. Well, the new surgeon ordered multiple other tests (i.e. ABG, sleep study, another ekg, chest exray, ect...) From these tests we found out from the sleep study he ordered that I have mild sleep apnea. Odd how the other surgeon didnt feel the need to order a sleep study since it can be a major issue for anyone going under anesthesia for surgery. I asked my current surgeon why and he said the standard "every surgeon has their own way of doing things?" Possible blessing in disguise? Also, we had my wifes surgery put on hold by our surgeon too. Our plan was for me to have the surgery then her a month or so later. The surgeon says he can do that if we want but he didnt recommend it. Recommended atleast 8-12 weeks between surgeries. So I have been on the liquid Protein shake diet since December 20th now. Have never had too much of an issue with it other than 2 Christmas dinners, one with my family onth e 21st-one with hers on the 25th. Both times I tried to stay away from the high fat items. Been running strong on Carnation Instant Breakfast and skim milk ever since, already down another 10 or so pounds. Since the day they switched my surgeon my life (and weight) has been filled with ups and downs. New surgeon put me on phentermine to help get down to a minimum of 410lbs before the liquid diet. He requires patients to be under 400lbs to do the surgery stating that this makes it easier for the CT Scans incase there are any complications. Well i was 431 the day he put me on phentermine and he wanted to see where i was after a month. 2 days short of a full month later I was down to 400lbs exactly. Only mentioning this because if your a person having a hard time losing a few extra pounds for surgery ask your Dr if he can put you on phentermine to help? Was told my 31lb weight loss in a month is not at all typical and was actually the most he has ever seen by someone in that period of time by far so be weary of your expectations. Guess I was determined to not have anymore setbacks. So less than 2 days from "Go TIme" and I'm full of emotions right now. Anxiety, anxiousness, fear, anything you can think of. To help set my mind at ease my wife and I visited our Priest this morning. After a short annointing and prayer I walked out feeling better. To anyone in the pre-op stages of this who are wondering if they will make it, belieive you will! Its been a long year here but all seems to be for the best. Happy New Year to all of you! I will be spending my New Years Eve in a hospital recovery room with my wife getting ready to start "Life 2.0." Heres to a happy and healthy 2014!

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