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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lissa_S

  1. Lol i don't even own scales. I was planning on weighing only when I go for my appointments with the dr but anyone want to bet how quickly I buy scales post op lol
  2. Congratulations! Best wishes and I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  3. Thanks guy's - I had been feeling pretty good over the weekend so wasn't expecting to have the nausea hit me as hard all over again! I am like you, Aussiegirl - really strict with the eating (even managed not to lick my fingers when cutting my son's birthday cake on the weekend lol) and I think that is why it's so awful. But it's another day over today (today was my last really big day, nope second last lol, day at work) so things are looking up Going to keep on having early nights and just keeping my eye on the prize
  4. Lissa_S

    New Me!

    Wow you look fantastic. Congratulations!
  5. Hello sleevers So at the beginning of the week, things got pretty rough. The first four days of my pre-op diet were beyond horrible. As so many of you commented, it was probably the Carb flu - detoxing is never a pleasant process. Many warned me before-hand, but I truly had no idea how bloody awful it was going to be. For those of you reading this and are just about to start, if I had some advice it would be: Be prepared - for how regularly you will need to eat, for how your tolerances for behaviours changes, how smells really effect you and how crappy you will feel. Be kind to yourself - I work long hours, am on call and had no support (work wise) planned. If I'd known what I was in for, I would have made adjustments to my work schedule, to have someone relieve me over this period. Keep your friends/family close - their support is vital but also watch that they don't inadvertently make things harder from their concern. Take things one day at a time - try not to get too focused on how much longer you have to go, just try to get through today. Go with it - I've had some pretty significant mood shifts this week, as the toxins were being expelled from my system, so just go with it. Apologise when you need to and do your very best to remind yourself of why you are doing this. I found the first few days, I almost didn't care anymore but that too passes So where am I at now? I am feeling pretty good - I got through my son's 7th birthday party without even licking the icing off my fingers lol. I am able to focus on what I will achieve from this surgery again and to feel the anticipation and excitement for my new life. I won't lie - I am glad I only have a week to go on this but I anticipate that the next week will go so very fast that I will have a much easier time of it this week. Pre-op diet, you are my Everest Hope you all are going well! The count-down has begun!! Cheers, Lila
  6. Lissa_S

    One Week Pre-Op Diet Down, One Week To Go :)

    Yeah it is quite the little trial but do try to remember that it does get better! I kept reminding myself of that (and it wasn't helping lol) but then I got to day 5 and it was a bit of a relief I hope things go well for you and you have an easier time of it than me!!
  7. Lissa_S

    Weight Goal, I Am Upset

    Hi there. I think that the best thign to remember is that the sleeve is a tool, a great one but it's only a tool - we are responsible for the outcome. So if you want to lose more and are dedicated to change, then you will achieve it. The way I look at it (and I wanna lose around 200 pounds) is that the sleeve just gives me the chance to make the changes I've tried to make in the past but were impossible to maintain without the tool. Good luck and it's always nice to be the "outlier" when presented with the "statistics" of our weight loss capacity...
  8. Ugh...not having a great day today...am feeling quite nauseated. Did anyone else feel like this on their pre-op diet? Or am I coming down with something
  9. So I have just paid the last of the costs for surgery - yay. I also found out that I am the second surgery (not the first as I'd originally thought) for the day and the clinic are going to get back to me later this week to let me know what time etc. A week to go ! Woot! Though I am wishing the time will fly by, I'll probably be lamenting it later in the week lol. So much to do to prepare before I go Hoping you all have a great week!
  10. I am glad to hear you are feeing well! Where did you have your surgery done if you don't me asking? I have a week to go (or close enough lol) to surgery...am excited but also a little worried. I always look forward to people posting afterwards saying that all is okay! Hope things continue to look up for you! Cheers, Lila
  11. Oh and I could get them from Woolies, even out here in the sticks were I often can't even get fresh oregano lol
  12. LOL that's them! My packet didn't have a smell but I gave it a really good rinse (several minutes lol) and then just ran the boiling water over it. It was really nice but as I said, so filling!! I'd recommend them for sure!
  13. LOL 33 kj not kg's hehehe - that's not so healthy
  14. 8 days to go on pre-op diet. Feel like it's really only a week though cause my surgery is at 8am on the 3rd so it doesn't really count Feeling pretty good - got through the son's birthday party without even licking the icing off my fingers lol...Has anyone tried SlimPasta? It is actually a vegetable that is a Pasta substitute. It's got 33kg per 100g and NO CARBS. As I am doing my pre-op diet by food, I tried it tonight. It's great! There is no smell, it's easy to cook and though it is clearly not pasta, it is the closest I am going to come for quite a while It is actually a japanese vegetable (they've used it to make noodles for years) and supposedly quite healthy. The best thing is that it is SO filling! I had about 50g of it and am full (and for the first time in a week, feel satisfied). Hope everyone is having a good weekend ! Cheers, Lila
  15. Lissa_S

    My Suffering After Vsg, Worried, And Scared.

    Wow you poor thing! It sounds like you're having a really tough time of it. With regards to medication, as long as you speak to your pharmacist, they'll let you know if it's too much or not a good combination. Or if you can see your Doc you can run it by them too. I just wish you well and hope that you feel better soon!
  16. Hello everyone. Well 5 days (almost) down...and only 9 days to go I have pretty much had an okay day today (OK is all I am aiming for at the moment lol). I am finding that today for some reason I am not really hungry at all and have to force myself to eat the Protein. I am mostly eating the veggies and the fruit allowance, drinking heaps (crazy amounts) of Water and cups of tea. I cooked dinner tonight and am just not all that into it - such a relief after the past few days of intense hunger (it was actually painful at times!). I've not eaten much at all today (2 mandarins, half a banana, 100g lean mince) and tonight I've had about a cup of veggies and nibbled on some steak but can't see myself finishing it at the moment. I can still have some pineapple later if I want to so I might even just have that. I can't believe the difference between yesterday and today. I think things were exacerbated by an intense work schedule (I worked 2 x 13 hour days this week) and a bit of exhaustion. I've throttled back quite a lot on the work for the next week so I am hoping that will make things go easier for me in the last week. I had a "moment" today when I realised it was only 9 days to go That was a great feeling. Tomorrow will be a bit trying as I have my son's 7th birthday party - taking him and 20 (oh my god) kids to the movies (we live in a small town and we've hired the theatre so it will just be us thank goodness - won't have to try to ride herd on 20 kids in a crowd) but there will be the smell of pop corn and then the birthday cake. It's not his birthday until the 31st but because I am leaving that weekend to go to the Coast for my surgery, he can't have his party then. So we have two cakes (one tomorrow, and again next Friday). Never been a cake eater but I am sure I will be looking at that cake like a drowning man looks at a dinghy LOL Anyway, thanks for all the support over the past few days! I literally couldn't have done it without you guy's!! Cheers, Lila
  17. OMG that is fantastic! Congratulations. That is an amazing amount in such a short period of time!
  18. Day 5 of pre-op diet and (fingers crossed) I do feel a bit better today have to get through my sons birthday party tomorrow but am feeling a Lott less stressed about things today thank goodness. I had another shocker yesterday but am really hoping that I have turned a corner. Part of it is that food is making me quite nauseated so it's taken a few days to work out what sits ok which I have done now to a point. And that my tastes are already changing- things I usually like and even liked on day 1 like jelly are now too sweet which is hilarious. Loving mandarins and pineapple at the moment to get rid of the nasty taste in my mouth from being in ketosis so that's a plus hope everyone is doing well
  19. Wishing you all the very best and please let us know how you go!! Be well!
  20. Lissa_S

    Just Started My Pre-Op Diet!

    I am on day 4 of 14 for my pre- op diet. I am having a really bad time of it at the moment. I feel physically ill most of the time and shake a lot. The headaches are lessening though thank goodness. I am just doing it through food as I can't have the shakes recommended but my surgeon as they have lactose in them. So I have half a banana snd a cup ofmskim milk for breakfast, 1-2 cups of vegetables twice a day, 2 serves of fruit and 2 serves of 100 g lean protein. That's it. No caffeine, no milk etc...it's a killer...
  21. Wow you look great! Congratulations
  22. Lissa_S

    Day 3 Of Liquid Diet

    I am on Day 3 (of 14) of my pre-op diet too I really hear you about the headaches etc. I feel a tiny bit better today (yesterday was terrible) so I am feeling a little more positive! Good luck for the rest of your pre-op diet!

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