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Everything posted by TheNewSusie

  1. TheNewSusie

    The Pill

    What about an IUD ??
  2. http://www.focus28diet.com/store/products/Variety-Pack-Fruit-Drinks-pv.html Found this and want to try them out !
  3. So as most of you know, I had a loan fall through then I got approved, then that one fell through again!! All because I'm having it done in Mexico and they have all these requirements .... So I have to wait until September 1st, when I have all my money saved and pay it all cash. What a migraine I've been getting daily, and the tears I've cried . My eyes and face are burning ;(. Anyways , well that's my update, just had to vent away. Thanks guys !!!
  4. TheNewSusie

    I Have No Choice Vut To Wait....

    More months sounds dreadful, I guess I have to be patient.
  5. TheNewSusie

    I Have No Choice Vut To Wait....

    Beauty- I need to hear those words, thanks a million. I've been tossing and turning all night and can't think straight. I've been wanting this for almost two years and the thought of four
  6. TheNewSusie

    Relationship Troubles

    That takes a lot! Great for u, and god has a plan in store for you. Trust me . After a six year relationship I thought I'd be single for life then an angel came into my life a few years later and has been here since. Work on yourself and do things for yourself and U will be happy you did what u had to do. God bless.
  7. So I got approved through a third party lender since my other loan fell through when they found out I was going to Mexico, and they don't fund to Mexico anymore. So I wanted to know from others how long they waited for the third party lender to get in touch with their doctors office. I'm freaking out and stressing each minute. The loan company I went through told me its not up to them since it's a third party and I have to wait until they contact my office. Somebody help me! Lol I'm going insane. And my surgery is in one month! Thanks in advance everyone
  8. TheNewSusie

    Relationship Troubles

    I agree with other about you need to be happy. You can either talk to him and work ur way through it or make a choice and leave. You need to find which way you will be happier. I'm in a long distance relationship but everytime I talk or see my boyfriend my heart warns up. As hard as long distance is, I'm very happy. He also travels daily for his job so when he comes to Houston, ( which is always a surprise because it's never a set date) I'm the happiest person in the world. My point is BBJ and now Mesaucedo. Do what makes u happy now kinda happy or annoyed, then ull never be happy. Best of luck!
  9. TheNewSusie

    It Doesnt Help When....

    It doesn't help being a chef , LoL. I Love it though!!
  10. TheNewSusie

    I Need Prayers

    Thank u thank u all !!
  11. TheNewSusie

    Craving Salt

    Lol sorry about the feta craving. It's my favorite!!
  12. TheNewSusie

    Craving Salt

    Oh yeah also some avocado w a dash of lemon and salt right out the shell or feta cheese w a little evoo! Yum
  13. TheNewSusie

    Craving Salt

    Ok sounds weird but when I crave salt I peel a lemon and sprinkle some salt on it. It's sour and salty but do good! Pickles also fight my craving.
  14. TheNewSusie

    I Need Prayers

    Thanks to all the prayers!! I just got approval!! Woohoo! Let's just pray nothing falls apart! I can not wait
  15. If you don't mind me asking roxy, did u finance ur surgery? If so with who?
  16. TheNewSusie

    Financing Fell Throught

    Did you go through glamour credit ?
  17. TheNewSusie

    Dr Alvarez In Piedras Negras

    You fly into San Antonio
  18. TheNewSusie

    Financing Fell Throught

    Same thing happened to me AK! What happened if u don't mind me asking ? I was all approved and ready to go so I called my finance company and she told me that they no longer find Mexico. And I had to call and find out! They didnt even call me!!
  19. TheNewSusie

    I Need Prayers

  20. Yay! Glad ur doing great! I'm set up with Dr. A next month. As long as they can still fund my Loan through another lender. Ugh... Enjoy yr day!
  21. TheNewSusie

    Freaking Out

    Ur body fluctuates daily from water and salt. So as healthy as you maybe eating to scale can fluctuate between 3-5 pounds. You're ok, throw ur scale away!! Lol
  22. TheNewSusie

    Sugar Free/no Sugar Added?

    My doctor says I can have sugar in my pre-op. no sugar added means the product has its natural sugars but nothing extra added to it. To be safe check with ur doctor
  23. TheNewSusie

    I Need Prayers

    I was looking at two doctors . One here in Houston and Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. When I couldn't get approved with My local doctor the lady from the financial company referred me to doctor Alvarez and that's when I knew he was the one, it wasn't about the price, it's how comfortable I feel and I felt it was a sign. I was so excited. I've been working crazy hours and feeling like a workaholic. I had to save the other half and I was determined. Now I'm bummed and sad. ????
  24. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm kinda in the same situation because the loan I got approved for doesn't fund loans outside the US anymore. I'm hoping I get good news tomorrow because there's still a possibility. Best wishes to you

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