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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ad1203

  1. I asked my surgeon and he recommended a reputable plastic surgery group in my area.
  2. ad1203

    Brave enough to cut hair SHORT now!

    I have always wanted to go short, but didn't because of the same reasons. I have gradually gone shorter. Now that I am down 100 lbs, I think I, too, will go for it for the summer. Thanks for sharing!!
  3. Great post and great job! Congratulations!
  4. ad1203

    May Sleever Roll Call

    These stories make me smile. I was sleeved 5/6/14. Starting weight was 240. I just hit my 100 lb mark today! I can't believe I am saying I weigh 140 lbs. This has been so amazing. Aside from looking like a different person, I feel wonderful. I can do so many things that I would never do before. I have become more energetic and active. I don't hide in the house anymore or decline invitations. I have become more social. My sleep apnea is gone. My cholesterol is finally at a normal level. I don't wake up in the morning with aches and pains and dread the day. This surgery was the best thing I have done for myself. My family loves the new me also (or I should say, the me that was hidden inside). I am looking forward to enjoying the summer and doing things with my husband and kids. I have definitely changed my eating habits for the better. I eat Protein, protein, protein first, then veggies, then carbs (which there usually isn't any room for). I check labels in the grocery store and watch the sugar intake. I love walking and playing with the dog (and so does he). I also became an independent sales rep for Avon, and I am loving it! My whole world is different for the better and my sleeve surgery was the catalyst for it all. I love hearing other people's success stories, so keep them coming!
  5. I was sleeved on May 6, 2014. To date, I am -96 pounds. I have four more pounds to go to hit my original goal, 14 more to be at my final goal ( to give myself some wiggle room). This has been such an amazing journey, but I can't compare my weight loss or my journey to anyone else's. We all have different body types and differences in our lives that influence our rate of weight loss. You should be very proud of how far you have come and your own journey. I am. I feel like I have my life back (even better than before because I realize what I have been missing out on all these years). Enjoy your journey and savor it. I think we can appreciate it even more knowing where we started. Good job & best of luck to you!!
  6. ad1203

    My story

    Good for you & congratulations on making this decision. You will only feel better & better. I was sleeved last May and cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has changed for the better. Best of luck to you.
  7. ad1203


    That is awesome! Congratulations on a job well done! Enjoy every minute of the new you.
  8. ad1203

    Newer You... older habits...

    I really like this topic. I have a lot of the same issues. The one that is hardest for me to get over is going directly to the women's department. It has been my life for so long, it is the one that seems to take the longest to get over. But I am having fun working on it! Congrats to all of you!!
  9. ad1203

    May Sleever Roll Call

    I am just checking in after having surgery 7 months ago. My life has changed so much for the better. I am happier and feel so much healthier. I am down 82 pounds. I look like a different person and feel like a different person. I am more active. I don't focus my life around food anymore. I started selling Avon products and I'm loving it!! I never realized how much of life I missed because I was embarrassed of the way I looked, plus I just did not feel good, health wise. This surgery may not be for everyone, but it has been the best thing I ever did for myself! I am only sorry I didn't do it sooner - I feel like I wasted so much time hiding inside when there was so much waiting for me outside!! I wish all of you just starting the process the best of luck. For those of you who have been on this journey with me from the beginning and those of you that I have been following for advice, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
  10. Congratulations!!! You look wonderful and I bet you feel great too!
  11. ad1203

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I use myfitnesspal also. It has been a key tool in helping me with my weight loss. In addition to my sleeve, it helps keep me in check and be aware of what I am taking in on a daily basis. It also helps me make better choices.
  12. ad1203

    More My Fitness Pal Friends

    Me too. ad1203.
  13. Almost 5 months and down 70 pounds. Not only is the difference obvious on the outside, but I am feeling great inside too. No more aches and pains. No more high cholesterol. No more CPAP machine. The benefits of this surgery are unbelievable to me. This was the best decision I have ever made!
  14. I'm four months out and down 65 lbs too. Feeling really good!!
  15. Wow! Congratulations on a job well done. Glad to hear how your health has improved!
  16. I had my VSG on May 6, 2014, and as of today I am down 60 lbs. I am very happy. I feel such a difference already. My back does not hurt anymore when I do simple household chores. I am not out of breath when I walk up a flight of steps. I have been more active and don't need a nap every afternoon. I am living life and loving it! I still have a ways to go, but so far the results have thrilled me. I also don't need my CPAP at night anymore. I am running out of clothes to wear, but that's ok because I will make do until I go on a little shopping spree when I lose a little more. Good luck to all of you going through this major life-changing journey. I do not regret it for one minute and would do it again in a heartbeat!
  17. ad1203


    I started drinking a glass of wine on the weekends when I was almost 3 months post op. I took it slow and it hit me quicker, but my tummy was fine and I did not get sick. Just take it slow and easy and see what you can tolerate. Everybody is different.
  18. ad1203

    Life After VSG

    I am 3 1/2 months post-op. At 2 weeks after surgery, I didn't feel like doing much either. You just had major surgery. We have had a very busy summer and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Now it isn't about the food for me. I love going to BBQ's and actually socializing with people instead of having the food be my main interest. Same with going to restaurants. I love to go out to a restaurant with my husband and/or friends for the atmosphere and I actually enjoy the socializing part more than the food. I eat what I can from my plate and always bring home for extra meals. You will start enjoying so many things that you didn't before. Just give it a little time. Take your time to really recover and then start enjoying your life. I am loving it and am so happy now! Good luck!
  19. I am 12 weeks post-op. For a while it was hard to get more than 500-600 calories in. Now I am averaging about 800 a day. I am using MFP also. It is a great way to keep track on what I am getting in. I am tracking all my Water intake and my Vitamins there also. It is really helpful. As long as I am gradually able to increase my caloric intake, my NUT feels this is okay for me. I am averaging about 3 lbs a week also. Down 51 lbs since my 2 week pre-op diet. It is okay to only lose 1 lb and sometimes even have a stall. Just keep track of everything and make sure you take all your vitamins and try to get as close to your goal of water as you can.
  20. ad1203

    bike riding

    Good for you! I just started riding my bike again too and I love it! 50 pounds ago I was uncomfortable riding and my tires kept going flat (lol). Now I enjoy it so much and it will help us to keep losing too!
  21. ad1203

    Date night with my hubby!

    You look wonderful! Congratulations!
  22. ad1203

    My surgery is tomorrow

    Alot of things go through your mind before surgery. That's only normal. Just take deep breaths and think of all the positive that will come from this. After surgery, you won't think about food for a while. Before you know it, so much time has passed and you are eating just about everything you could have before surgery, only in small amounts. I am ten weeks out and still have not had any sweets. I haven't even wanted any. You are so busy making sure you get in your Protein and liquids, that before you know it the day is over and you are losing weight. I am totally enjoying this journey. Once the weight starts coming off, you will be too. Best of luck to you and enjoy the ride!
  23. ad1203

    Secret Surgery

    Not everyone has the same people or same circumstances in their lives. I did what was best for me. Trust your instinct and do what you feel is the best for you! I do not regret my decision one bit.
  24. ad1203

    Secret Surgery

    I told my husband, my 3 kids, and my sister. I did not even tell my mother because she is older and I thought she would tell others. It is my own business and it has worked out fine for me this way. I didn't want to be the subject of everyone's opinions and judgements. Now when people notice how much weight I have lost, they tell me I look great and ask what I have done. I tell them I am eating a high Protein, low carb diet (not a lie) and I am exercising every day (also true). It seems to work for me. Everyone is different. You should do whatever makes you comfortable for now. You can always confide in people later on. Good luck to you!
  25. I use the CPAP. I noticed about a month after surgery It was too much air for me, so I stopped using it. I had a doctor appointment scheduled with the sleep doctor. I told her and she did another sleep study. They had to lower the pressure on my machine. I will probably have to do this again eventually as I lose more weight, but I don't care. I would rather be losing and eventually lose the machine too! I know the whole process with that is a pain, but you should probably have another sleep study. Definitely check with your doctor. Good luck!

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