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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by roundisashape

  1. roundisashape

    Any Maryland Novembers?

    MEEE! 11/25 in Baltimore.
  2. roundisashape


    In the nutrition class I was in recently, the nutritionist said popcorn, nuts, etc could be added back in gradually once we're on regular solid food. I don't know if it's good for us or not, but not medically disallowed .
  3. Have you had a body analysis done? Sounds like you're extremely active, and that can throw the BMI off. Your fat mass might be a lot lower than you think it is. At 54 pounds overweight, even paying cash you might have trouble finding a surgeon willing to operate. As for the bi-polar disorder, I'm not sure. You could probably expect to need your medication fiddled with if you proceed anyway - you've probably been down that road before, so it might feel like things are worse instead of better for a while. Whatever you decide, I wish you luck!
  4. roundisashape

    What am I missing?

    Thanks! I'm not quite as worried about the actual hospital bag - at least the day I'm there, my niece will be with me and can run home for anything I forget - as I am about making sure I'm prepared for the early healing / full liquid / puree stage. If there's a way to mess this up, I'm guaranteed to find it, and I don't want something as stupid as "I can't strain the chunks out of my cream soup" to be what sends me off the rails! Pretty much everything but the robe/pants/slippers from the "hospital" part of the list are things I carry in my pocketbook anyway. Let's just say I have a reputation, and I'm the one people go to when the need stuff, lol! I'll check out the other tummy meds too - thanks! I didn't even think about that. @@Cody's mom, sounds like you had a great recovery! That's awesome, and I love hearing those stories. I just don't want to be in a position of having to figure things out when I'm not feeling great if something doesn't go as well as I hope it will. As for the debit card, it's just a security thing. I've been on the wrong end of identity theft before, and the only thing I plan to pay for there are the post op pain meds from the hospital pharmacy, the copay, and the parking. I *could* take it, but it makes me nervous!
  5. roundisashape

    Read me.

    so she knocked him out
  6. More scared of the IV than the surgery. It's really on my mind. Is that crazy or what?

    1. Packerfan61964


      I think that I am more scared of the anesthesia than an IV!!

    2. gbb77901


      ask for a painkiller shot before the IV!


    3. roundisashape


      I'd be cool with the anesthesia if they could gas me, lol. And I had no idea the shot before the IV was even an option!

  7. roundisashape

    November Sleevers, let's buddy up

    @@VSGfor150, what is your plan for the pre-op diet? Mine doesn't require one either, but I was thinking about doing the same thing just to get myself in the right head space and make things safer. So far I was thinking about 3 shakes and a lean & green (no sense in going ALL liquids if I don't have to).
  8. roundisashape

    November Sleevers, let's buddy up

    Hi Chicogirl! I'm 11/25 also, in Baltimore. No pre-op diet, just liquids the day before, but I thought about putting myself on one just for extra safety. I've been drinking a lot of Premier Protein because it's not super expensive, it's easy to find and it's packs a pretty good protein punch. Before that, I liked Muscle Milk Light, but the nutritionist said they stopped recommending it because of the level of heavy metals in it. Sucks, because that one really doesn't taste like protein, it's more like a melted Frosty.
  9. roundisashape

    Anybody doing NaNoWriMo next month?

    Just wondering if anyone out there is planning to participate in NaNoWriMo. I've started for at least the last 5 years, but never finished. Maybe this will be my year?
  10. roundisashape

    Anybody doing NaNoWriMo next month?

    Oh cool, I won't be alone this year! Deciding on a topic is always the hardest part for me. Maybe something a little sci-fi and escapist this time around!
  11. roundisashape

    Money out of pocket day of procedure

    Oh my gosh...this thread is terrifying me. I've got BCBS but no one has said anything about money upfront - if they ask when I get there, I'm going to pass out.
  12. Even if you have a lot of time saved, it's not a bad idea to fill out FMLA paperwork and open a case with the short term disability people. You don't have to use it, but it's not bad to start the discussion and at least be sure you know how it all works so if something goes wrong you're not trying to recover AND figure out what comes next. I've been there and done that in an emergency surgery situation and making those phone calls while high on pain meds is not productive, lol. I just started both of those processes at work myself - the PLAN is to take a week off, then work from home until I'm released to physically return to the office. If things go to hell in a handbasket though, I can "activate" the short term disability after I use up all my vacation time. FMLA will protect my job for 12 weeks (which can be used intermittently, so if I'm back in a week, then develop a leak a month later and need to go back out, I know I at least have a job to go back to...better safe than sorry, right?)
  13. roundisashape

    How did you settle on a goal?

    Thanks! I think I'm mainly afraid that if I set my goal too low and can't meet it, I'll fall back into the "all or nothing" thinking again. Setting it too high isn't all that helpful either, lol. My magic number has been 130 as long as I can remember, since it would put me solidly in the middle of a normal BMI for my height. I'm so indecisive - I think a goal somewhere between 130 and 150 would be good, but picking that number is tough!
  14. roundisashape

    What size sleeve did your surgeon use?

    There's a video floating around somewhere with a doctor showing the difference in sizes - it's pretty minimal, and the larger size has a lower leak rate from what I heard. Best of luck with your surgery!
  15. I wish there was a software program that would show us what we're going to look like!

    1. haleytrim


      There is sort of. Google "weight loss avatar". It will show you several different programs.

    2. roundisashape


      Oh cool, thanks!

    3. Bandora


      It's fun to take pictures of yourself during the journey also. You would be surprised what a difference you can see in a month. Its fun to look back over the last 16 months

  16. roundisashape

    Flappy Skin

    Great ideas! I have one of those hoops, but right now the only exercise I get from it is bending over to pick it up off my feet.
  17. Erin, I wish I had a spouse to come to the hospital with me that's as attentive as you were! Hope you're feeling better . WLS Husband - those are all fair questions, but a lot of the answers depend on your relationship with your wife. Setting up your own blog sounds like a great idea! The surgery should help her diabetes. Just try to bear in mind that, even though this is elective (ie, "her idea") there are a lot of rules and requirements in place to make sure that the people getting surgery are the ones that medically need it. You've been together 25 years (and wow, that's awesome!) and hopefully this surgery will give you at LEAST another 25 more!
  18. roundisashape

    MD - Baltimore County

    Actually, Baltimore coffee & Tea sounds PERFECT to me, and I'm usually good for a lunch meeting. Wednesdays, most Thursdays and most Fridays are my best shots at ducking out.
  19. roundisashape

    MD - Baltimore County

    Weekdays are usually best for me - I don't come up this way much except during the work week, but I could (it's not that far away, I'm just lazy, lol)
  20. roundisashape

    Dog ears after panniculectomy

    I don't know anything about the procedure you're having, but I can tell you I had some major slicing and dicing of the lower abdomen almost 15 years ago, and still have numb spots around the incision line. Good luck on Tuesday!
  21. roundisashape

    Halloween help

    A couple of years ago, I bought a dress from Fashion Bug (oh, how I miss thee). It's a black, velvety knee length halter with a jacket. Definitely a Christmas / New Year's dress. I never had a chance to wear it, and I really want to! My sleeve is scheduled for 11/25, and I'm starting at about 300 pounds. I'm torn between hoping it doesn't look like a shiny potato sack on me at New Year's, and just incorporating it into a halloween costume so I can finally wear the thing. Think it'll be wearable? If not, any ideas for how I can turn this dress into something Halloween-y?
  22. roundisashape

    Halloween help

    Absolutely! I found the cats at the dollar store, and the granny gown at Wal-Mart
  23. roundisashape

    Halloween help

    Thanks, all! Some great ideas here! Halloween is my favorite holiday. I try to get creative every year. The last two years I went as a cat lady (in a granny gown with stuffed cats superglued all over it) and a crazy Roswell groupie (with a tinfoil hat and a "beam me up" poster).
  24. roundisashape

    Halloween help

    Thanks! This one fits now, I'm just afraid it'll be too big and look sloppy if I wait until New Year's to wear it. Well, I'm HOPING I'll be small enough for that, anyway . Seems like Halloween it is! I might make an aluminum foil award and put on a fancy wig and go as a famous actress, lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
