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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sandisleeve

  1. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    My nut recommends 60-75g of protein per day abs minimum 6-8 cups of water not including the shakes. I think you are dangerously low and really surprised you are able to hold up during the workday. I was dehydrated and hospitalized on day 11 and probably was getting in what are now. Be careful!
  2. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    My mfp is ss121213
  3. sandisleeve

    African American Sleevers

    I also suspect my gossipy aunt has mentioned it to some family friends but I had to tell her cause I live with her and I've taken a month off work so there would be no way I could hide the reason for that
  4. sandisleeve

    African American Sleevers

    Rumor mills are common in my family I told my mom and a BFF, my aunt and ex husband -- a few cousins and my sisters now know but for the most party I just tell folks I had major hernia repair that restricts my food intake which is really the truth due to the pain - I just don't add that I also had vsg lol Eventually my gossipy sister will tell more cousins I'm sure Still on the fence about telling coworkers even the ones who have confided in me with Thier wls n
  5. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    I'll wait to post on Friday when i weigh in at my surgeons office cause I think my brand new bathroom scale is broken It read I was 210 on Saturday jan 11 and this morning it gave me a wide range of 186-197; something has to be wrong with it not me lol I'll do cartwheels if I truly hit ONEderland on Friday --- haven't been there in over 2.5 years and that was very very very short lived (like a week, lol)
  6. sandisleeve

    where's my period?

    ---I did. Was in the ER all day -- hemoglobin low at 10 -- blood pressure was a little low too which is unusual cause I'm always normal but no transfusion needed thank God, they gave me fluids and an rx to slow down the vaginal bleeding (post vsg safe) if i need it - the phys asst also gave me a pelvic exam The bleeding has managed to slow down On its own, thank God Will follow up with my regular Gyno tomorrow morning I'm still a little dizzy and lightheaded so I am resting up -- such a scary experience way worse than the dehydration 3 weeks ago
  7. sandisleeve

    where's my period?

    Will talk to my surgeon and most likely obgyn about this in the morning but I'm having an unusually extra extra heavy period. Im 1 month post op. Day 1 was normal with mild cramping but last night and this morning (day 2-3 of period) I've been leaking through 2 & 3& FOUR layers of the extra heavy extra protection purple wrapped always maxi pads!!! I've woken up 2x last night to wash up and change my bed sheets. I've never had to do this before surgery. Anyone had this experience post op? Large clumps of blood each time I use the bathroom. Pre op I only needed 2 large pads at night the first few days of my flow and would wear an ultra tampon while at work or working out with no leak outs. Now I doubt an ultra tampon would last more than 30 minutes without getting soaked and then leak through my undergarments. This can potentially be very embarrassing.
  8. sandisleeve

    6 days post op

    I am 1 month out today and folks my energy is still low -- it's gotten better from week 2-3 but its still rather low and I still get lightheaded from time to time but that was way worse during weeks 2 and 3 I try to keep my water and protein up but some days I fall asleep early due to fatigue and miss out on more fluid intake - it's tough Seeing doc and nut tomorrow but wish I could get a shot for more energy some days
  9. sandisleeve

    where's my period?

    Nope -- got mine the day before my surgery (liquid fast day) and I was fine for most part on surg date --- I was miserable without Advil that day but I figured anesthesia and pain meds would take care of the cramping in a flash I'm 1 month out today and obviously on my period again now lol
  10. Today is my 1 month surgiversary!!!! Was sleeved with hiatal hernia repair on 12.12.13 Like many of you I've had lots of cocerns and major fears going into it --- researched off and on for about a year or so; spoke to friends and strangers who had wls and read lots of stories and viewed tons of videos. I feared wls for a while and thought folks who did it were a little crazy. Started taking action toward preparing for wls in August of 2013 after I found out my insurance covers everything!! It's scary even as I was going through NUT appointments and pre adm testing and even registering at hospital the day of surgery I Still had cold feet My surgeon is very highly skilled and successful and I totally trusted his professionalism and expertise but still I was scared -- had some nightmares leading up to my surg date too I got to a point and realized that almost everything we do in life has uncertainties --- marriage, driving, traveling, childbirth, daily errands, job choices, relationships, academic careers -- I can go on and on so what can we do in order to avoid them? Nothing really? We have to adapt as changes arise As long as you are confident in the skills of your med staff and you are well informed of the pros and cons that is the best way to approach this -- it's life changing and you will certainly have regrets coming right out of surgery cause I sure did and still do really but I try to keep positives thoughts in my head Didn't help that my mom was freaking me out with her negativity too But I'm glad it's over and surgeries went well -- recovery was a doozy and still there are challenges with hernia repair for me but I'm doing better I have about 45 more lbs to lose before I reach maintenance (165-170) and YES I fear regain ....I've lost lots of weight on and off prior to wls only to regain what I lost and then some I think with surgery it will keep me more accountable because I went under the knife and don't want to have done this in vain -- I mean there really isn't any other option after wls so this BETTER work Or I better be sure I allow it to keep working It's a very long term commitment but I believe will be very much worth it in the end despite all frustrations that come with it Embrace your fears and concerns -realize they make you human and pray that you follow your hearts desire cause we all only have 1 life to live. Lets do our best to make it the best quality of life we can make it.
  11. sandisleeve

    where's my period?

    --- Just got my 1st cycle post vsg (jan 12 is my 1 month surgiversary!!) Cramps are not horrible as they were pre vsg -- managing pain pretty well with e.s. Tylenol (can't use Advil per my surgeon post vsg) .. Flow is lighter than normal which is very unusual -- I usually soak through ultra tampons and overnight extra protection pads within a couple hours for the first few days
  12. sandisleeve

    Second thoughts

    Wow @2 hernia repairs and minimal pain --- lucky you!!! I'm envious I'd take that over 1 painful one any day We will lose more if we stay on track --- I think I will have lots of restriction cause I have a pic of what my surgeon cut --- I literally have a pencil thin sleeve compared to my original stomach -- freaks me out!! Lol I get bloated quick too even tho my doc office insists I keep fluids up I tried 2/3 of one egg white today along with fage Greek yogurt straight (1 tblsp not blended) and bean Soup (2 tSp) throughout the day and no major concerns --- I went super duper slow and made sure everything was pretty thinned out or well chewed Happy I'm moving on -- bean soup sat a tiny bit heavy on my hernia but I managed to get through it without major discomfort ... Happy I can get in alternative Protein sources even if its small amounts cause shakes are boring although I tolerate them pretty well Good luck with your losses; im actually gaining -- 5 pounds up!! I think it's the up in fluids and the fact that my period is due though not here yet (2 days late and I'm aaaaalways on time at 28 days) I guess the trauma to our system causes cycle disruptions
  13. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    --- Flintstones complete Vitamins taste pretty good to me it's really the only thing I look forward to-- lots of people say the Bariatrics vitamins make them nauseous I take 2 flintstone a day plus cherry b12 and 2 chocolate Calcium disks Will start Biotin and Vitamin d3 soon Wow @ 80 grams protein required I'm 4 weeks out and just recently passed the 50g minimum per my nut -- most days I barely got 40 which is horrible and the reason for my extreme fatigue -- I'm 5'7" Good luck
  14. sandisleeve

    Second thoughts

    ----hi Jaime I'm exactly 4 weeks out today; surgery was 12.12 Struggling with Hernia repair recovery and scared to really try more soft solids such as tuna and grilled fish or even eggs I tried thinned out oatmeal at one week out and it literally sat in my chest like a bag of sand -- and that was only one tablespoon that took me 45 minutes to get through My doc prescribed me carafate about 2 weeks ago to help with the pulsing pain and pressure so things have gotten Better but I'm still nervous. I'm going to try egg whites this weekend in the comfort of my home and see how it goes I'm getting in more Protein shakes and Water these days which is giving me more energy --- I was super super weak for the majority of the past 4 weeks I think I'm stalled at 210.4 now -- been here since Monday jan 6 after a streak of coming down a pound or so a day Started losing weight on my own in oct 2013 -- from 260 to about 237 Then surgery on 12.12 and now steady at 210.4 after 4 weeks -- I'm 5'7" My ultimate goal is to maintain 165-170 so time will tell; I think it's realistic with all the carb and sweet restrictions and of course our automatic portion control device ???? I plan to start spin classes in a few weeks depending on how I feel -- I loved spinning prior to vsg and miss it dearly So where are you now? How's recovery? I was still pretty miserable at 2 weeks out; was even hospitalized for dehydration on day 11 and just came over a bout of painful constipation (TMI but I wouldn't wish that on anyone) Be sure to Stay hydrated!!!!
  15. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    -- yes Deez, please be careful! Rest up and pray up! Although I've struggled with extreme fatigue for the past 4 weeks and just now getting more energy I can't say I ever felt short of breath, not even once -- mostly lightheadedness, chills, and overall weakness/sleepiness My blood pressure has stayed normal the entire time I pray you gain strength soon
  16. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    -- I tried wonton soup liquid on New Year's Day and it sat ok but I could only manage 4 or 5 tablespoons -- it seemed too rich or flavorful even with only liquid ..... It smelled amazing though!! Never had hot sour soup or egg drop but I hear they are both good Do you eat the saltine crackers with the liquid? Don't think my NUT will allow crackers for me at 4 weeks out I loved spicy food before VSG so hope I have similar tolerance level when I start regular solids I have no issues with skim milk or cinnamon nutmeg and ginger -- I mix those in with my designer whey powder almost every morning Almond milk seems to bother me all of a sudden -- I really enjoyed it prior to my VSG Baby food and FAGE Greek yogurt sit will if I Blend blend blend
  17. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    --Thanks for the tips jerzy girl -- not sure how I will react to the salsa, I hear the acid doesn't sit well with many folks ... Perhaps I'll just try the whites and cheese as a start and see how I feel So nervous but I have to put my big girl pants on now!!
  18. sandisleeve

    Second thoughts

    ------- YES!!!! Lol I was having lots of doubts especially since I was able to lose a good 23 pounds in less than 2 months prior to surgery doing what my NUT recommended and keeping my body active ... I even had dreams that the staple gun malfunctioned inside me during surgery and woke up panicking; also my moms negativity wasn't helping either In the end I just had to get real with my weight loss struggles for the past 18 years really -- was born chubby but really only made an effort to Try and change in my teens and its been yoyo city ever since (I'm 31 now) From 180 to 215 From 215 to 180 From 180 to 293 From 293 to 199 From 199 to 260 Bad bad bad I really really needed more restriction long term and I didn't want to live the rest of my life yo-yoing My addiction to sweets and carbs was getting out of control and although surgery won't cure that for me I really don't want To have gone through all this for nothing -- it also helps that I don't feel any hunger even at 4 weeks out Surgery is risky and drastic and permanent but at the same time if you have a reputable surgeon from a center of excellence then I believe the concerns should be far and few in between Statistically most people (over 90%) who have lost over 50 pounds or more without WLS wont be able to keep it off on their own after a few years or so -- not to discourage anyone but those are the stats -- we can all do what we set out minds to do Best of luck to you during this time!
  19. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    -- thanks for your reassuring words of wisdom as always Mnwin!! I've been diligently trying to up my fluid intake the past few days due to the urgent recommendation of my med staff -- it's so hard but I have to do it. so perhaps this is the reason for the stall not sure cause I'm really not getting much of anything else in and God knows I'm not working out at this point cause my energy levels have seen much better days Hopefully I'll start spin classes again within the next few weeks after successfully moving towards regular soft foods; God willing!!!!
  20. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    Think I'm stalled... Been losing a pound a day since surgery up until Monday jan 6 - surgery was dec 12 HW 260 SW about 237 CW 210.4 (past 3 days) 4 weeks out tomorrow and really haven't tried any mushy pureed foods other than FAGE Greek yogurt and banana baby food blended well with protein shakes - other than that just water and broth on occasion. Split pea soup thinned out was ok. I'm scared to try anything else due to hernia pain and the heavy sandbag feeling in my chest after only 1 tablespoon of thinned oatmeal 2 weeks ago Can't imagine trying tuna and chili like so many others have tried even earlier out than me .... I have to start soon tho cause I def need more protein sources; these shakes are getting boring quick
  21. sandisleeve

    Anyone Use Dr. Nusbaum In Nj?

    I'm so excited I had to post, lol.. I managed to get in 70 grams of Protein today and boy was it not easy!!! I guess my doc visit yesterday really drilled the message in, lol That really is cause for celebration for me cause even tho I'll be 4 weeks out on Thursday I'm certain my average daily protein intake has been around 30-35g which is pretty bad not to mention my average of 3-4 cups of Water each day .... I'm working on getting up to 6 cups of water before the night is over, yesterday i got in 7 cups. I'm just stoked that I managed to get that much protein in within the day! I had more energy today too go figure! I'm alternating protein isopure powder shakes, GNC vanilla and costco premier chocolate (Breakfast lunch and dinner) I truly don't want to end up back in the ER or have too much hair and muscle loss simply because I'm not complying. Hope everyone is staying on track and keeping warm!!!
  22. sandisleeve

    Anyone Use Dr. Nusbaum In Nj?

    Hi Mk! We have the same goal weight of 165. I'm 5'7" so I think that would be healthy. Dr nusbaum believes i can reach the 150s but i think that may be a bit low for my frame. I'm at 210.4 now. Hoping I can reach goal by end of summer. I love taking spin classes but no energy for that at the moment -hopefully in a few weeks as you say. I will begin a walking routine as soon as I head back to work in the next couple weeks energy permitting. Your commitment to fitness and healthier living is very admirable! Stay warm everyone!!
  23. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    God bless you Deez!! So happy to hear the good news!!!
  24. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    ---Thanks for your reply Alice -- I'm still on colace 2x a day and don't have the stick painful feeling anymore after some movement sunday night and Monday morning --- I've been trying hard to up my fluid intake -- my doc office didn't recommend enemas and told me to stop the magnesium citrate after one successful attempt I had some movement this morning but very minor I'm just so thankful for not having to painfully push for over 15 minutes only to have no movement and a ton of pain sweating crying - not fun! I'm sure i will get normal bm with time -- I miss food but fear I won't be able to tolerate anything for a while with my hernia repair Best wishes for your post op recovery phase. I'll be 4 weeks out on Thursday and down about 25 pounds already since surgery and 47 pounds total since I started healthier lifestyle in oct 2013. Kind of fast loss especially since I only want to lose another 40-45 pounds more total but with all the restrictions and my low tolerance for anything it's no surprise.
  25. sandisleeve

    Anyone Use Dr. Nusbaum In Nj?

    ---Hi there! Thanks for the suggestions but I honestly find those isopure drinks repulsing even watered down -- I prefer their powder mixes. I'm returning the unopened bottles back to Vitamin shoppe tomorrow. I was hoping those clear drinks were the answer to my prayers for more protein Carla wants me to try the sunkist bullets - 42g protein in 3oz liquid ... I've read that most ppl don't like them but she insists I try it out or else I may end up back in ER I'm doing mostly chocolate premier with decaf coffee or skim milk and GNC lean vanilla mixed with FAGE Greek yogurt and banana baby food Congrats on your weightloss - how much more do you want to lose? 81 in 5 months is amazing --- I'm down about 25 pounds in 25 days but I'm really weak and tired most of the day Trying hard to up my fluids -- managed a little over 7 cups of water today despite my hernia repair fighting back at me -- if you didn't already realize from prior posts that's been my biggest challenge: recovering from this hernia repair .. So draining I believe it will get better with time

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