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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sandisleeve

  1. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Weighed in at 197.4 this morning .. 10.5 weeks out, sleeved on 12.12.13 Wish I could eat whatever I like in small portions but I'm still very restricted due to hernia repair Started at 260 in October 2013 Surgery weight around 236 Down a total of almost 63 pounds in 4 months (only 38 since surgery) Happy about that!! Spin classes 2-3 times per week and occasional walking DVDs and squats I really miss sushi rolls guys!! ): Wishing everyone great success along this roller coaster ride of a sleeved life.
  2. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    -- My 2nd cycle was fine thank God -- my gyn did give me agestrin just in case to stop bleeding if it occurred heavy to take 1x a day for 10 days I didn't have to take it - I think the Iron and Vitamin k helped me out a bit but not certain I'm 31 and only 10 weeks out tomorrow so not sure why this happened -- gyn says its due to anesthesia. I don't have children and have never been pregnant. Good luck to you! I'm sliming down but I miss good food like sushi and lamb .. Hernia repair prevent form getting anything down It's pretty much still Protein shakes for me and a little Peanut Butter and turkey deli or scrambled eggs once a day -- takes me over an hour to get through 1 egg
  3. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    9 weeks out - vsg on 12.12 Started my journey at 260 in October 2013 Surgery day around 235 Current 199.6 Goal 175 Height 5'7"
  4. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    I'm in the sassy sleevers and sistas with curves reborn Facebook groups - they are great! I weighed in at 199.6 yesterday
  5. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    -- Wow at your experiences nom & darianna--- I've never experienced what I did in January before surgery. Today is the 2nd day of my february cycle and its normal Heavy right now. I was put on Vitamin k and Iron so I'm hoping that has helped me -- no dizziness or lightheadedness at the moment and I hope it stays that way. I went to spin class yesterday and I was fine the whole time. I hope all goes well and that last month was just an isolated incident. So so So scary I can't imagine going through that on a monthly basis. I wish you both well and hope your cycles get easier over time.
  6. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    -- I'm here but been mostly on Facebook and mfp I weighed in yesterday at 200.2 from my highest last october at 260 and surgery day (12.12) was about 235-6. Slow losing but getting so many compliments and clothes are becoming incredibly loose. Today marks my 2 month surgiversary!!!! or 9 weeks out tomorrow. Good luck everyone And congrats!
  7. sandisleeve

    Debating sugery

    -- I'm able to do a lot more now at 9 weeks out than during weeks 1-5, I had so little energy at that time. I'm actually back into my spin classes which I missed so much. I go about 3 times a week sometimes 4 if I'm feeling daring, lol. I sometimes do walking or other fitness DVDs at home for a change and lighter workout. Hope I stay active and healthy throughout the rest of my post sleeve life. I just can't wait to eat more normal foods and not shakes all the time .... I really miss sushi and Turkey chili and roasted lamb with collards or some turkey sausage or scallops, shrimp, calamari --- man oh man. I'm also a home baker so I would love to have a dabble of my sweet potato pie or carrot cake. One day I guess... My NUT restricts all the fried and sweets and carbs for at least 6 months
  8. sandisleeve

    Debating sugery

    --------I'm 31 as well (turning 32 in april) and 9 weeks out tomorrow, today marks my 2 full month surgiversary (yay!) sleeved on 12.12 I have heard a lot about wls over the years but was too scared to go through it for a while even at my highest weight of 293 back in 2009. I used to think ppl who under went it were a bit cooocoo honestly. I lost 94 pounds on my own over 1.5 years and gained 62 back .. Was miserable and then considered wls. I lost about 25 pounds before surgery and since surgery another 35. I've had some challenges with dehydration and constipation and heavy clotting and dizziness during my period since surgery but I'm better now. Had a minor set back last week after eating baked flounder at a Cuban restaurant - it wasn't even fried or breaded but I guess the spices didn't agree with me so my doc put me back on full liquids for a week or so. I'm sad that I've had to take some steps back but I know it's for the better. I was doing fine with Tuna and salmon and tilapia homemade and Chinese Soups like egg drop before the flounder so I was shocked at my reaction. I will stay clear of Cuban and other takeout for a long while now. I guess I'm still healing. How is your food intake and tolerance at 10 weeks out?
  9. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    ---- Yes, side effects are not pleasant but I understand your dilemma with surgery and pregnancy timing!
  10. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    ----Not totally sure but aren't there non or low hormonal IUDs available? Never had a period that lasted more than 8 or 9 days and I don't have PCOS... My periods are pretty heavy normally from day 2-5 then tapers down from day 6- 8 or 9 and I had an ultrasound years ago that showed my uterus was slightly enlarged (common in obese women) and My recent ultrasound detected one very tiny fibroid behind my uterus. I just really hope no more ER visits due to heavy flow and dizziness - way too scary I am not on any hormonal birth control at the moment -- u was about 4 years ago for 6 months and didn't like effects
  11. sandisleeve

    Something is wrong you guys!

    --- I agree, solid stuff takes me forever. I'm 7 weeks out today (vsg plus hernia repair 12.12) Just to get an idea ... 1 large scrambled egg with dash skim milk and shredded cheese : about 1 hour or so to consume 2 tbls tuna: 45 minutes (initially 1 tbs in one hour) 1 oz baked salmon: 90% in 75 minutes (so tasty!!) 2 very thin slices honey turkey deli plus 1/4 slice Swiss: about 1 hour Sometimes I give up before im done and i still need to incorporate shakes to get in adequate Protein but I've learned to deal with my new reality and realize I need protein as if it were oxygen in order to heal so I have to stay focused. I really don't know what full feels like but I know I have to take it easy chew very well or else my hernia and stomach will go bazerk inside my abdomen. I believe this will get better with time. I've progressed a lot with Water and Protein shake intake. Smart water room temp seems to be the easiest for me to get down past hernia (about 16oz 30 minutes compared to 16oz of poland spring in 3 hours when I was 2 weeks out). one 11 oz Premier Protein shake with blended frozen fruit and unsweetened almond milk take me about an hour and maybe a little longer if not at room temp. good luck and stay in touch with your surgeons office for recommendations and support!
  12. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    My obgyn says the anesthesia during surgery can throw off our periods. I'm due again around feb 10 and I'm hoping I don't get the heavy clotting and dizziness that sent me to ER on jan 13. Nuts!!! I'm on Iron supplements too 27mcg 1x a day -- metabolic weightloss doc put me on Vitamin k for one month due to all the menstrual bleeding and OB also gave me aygestin to help slow down extra heavy bleeding next month if it happens for more than 6 hours I'm so hoping I never have to go through that again it's so scary and worse than dehydration for me Wouldn't want to go on any birth control pills either due to weight gain and the bad experience I had with them 6 years ago with rapid heart beat (I was on yasmine) I'll be 7 weeks out tomorrow and feeling so much better these days
  13. sandisleeve

    African American Sleevers

    Everyone says it's temporary and will grow back. Small price to pay for a much better quality of life. Keep your Protein Water and Biotin up and that should help. I'm 6.5 weeks out and haven't noticed any shedding but I realize it may come soon.
  14. ---I got the mr coffee mug warmer on amazon since my portions are so small at almost 6 weeks out. Works great but have to keep plugged in of course.
  15. This isn't really a struggle because I have no choice but to do it-- however, it is rather frustrating... Due to my hernia repair sipping anything was super painful and uncomfortable -- so much pulsing pressure that it took me almost 3 hours to finish 2 cups of Water. I cried and sipped. So I poured my heart out to PA and doc and they prescribed me carafate!! It helps so much although not perfect complete relief I will take it before going back to my sip & cry days. The issue with carafate is the timing .... Must take it 3x a day on an empty stomach and no earlier than 2-3 hours after a meal/1 hour before a meal and 1 hour b4 or after Vitamins. This makes life tough and snacking almost impossible. I have to walk around with a small travel bottle of carafate just in case I don't make it home in time. I need the relief but can't imagine being on this thing for a whole lot longer. I'm almost 6 weeks out.
  16. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    -- Wow that's scary! glad to hear you are cancer free now but sorry you had to go through such an ordeal at such an early time in your life. We just really don't know what to expect from day to day with our health and should cherish all we have each day. With all the bleeding sunday into monday I really was thinking the worst and that I'd have to have my uterus removed -- the menstrual flow was so intense and literally everywhere; the clots were massive and I could barely hold myself up to cleanup and change my bed sheets. A nightmare essentially. I'm 31 yrs old with no kids. I adore children and hope I find someone special to share that experience with one of these days. I will surely keep in touch with my obgyn about ultrasound test results. I'm hoping for the best. Good luck to you!
  17. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    -- Thanks for the well wishes. I am a bit better, the dizziness and bleeding subsided the following day without the rx. Although i am now unfortunately a bit constipated since the bleeding. I have a feeling my body would have responded to any surgery like this not simply the vsg -- it's just very unusual for me and I've never had major surgery before
  18. sandisleeve

    Menstrual cycles

    Im 5 weeks post op now. Can't seem to connect with anyone who's had a similar post vsg period experience as i had so I'm assuming I am an outlier but I was rushed to ER on Monday ( day 3 of my 1st post op period). Extra extra heavy flow and large palm sized clots -- leaked through layered overnight padding. Cramps were bad but managed with es Tylenol and heat pad - very odd but I've had way worse cramps with less bleeding and smaller clots pre op. used to be addicted to advil pre op. the scary part was not being able to walk straight and the intense dizziness and feeling like I would black out at any second. Thank God my sister lives close and was available cause I was home alone and would have blacked out if I took anymore steps. I was wheeled into the ER and so emotional. An entire night of non stop heavy bleeding and leaking and Scary sized clotting. Hemoglobin was 10 and blood pressure was low. No transfusion needed but my obgyn believes this reaction is related to the surgery-- she sent me for ultrasounds and put me on iron. My surgeon says my heavy flow and clotting are not related to the surgery. I'm at a loss cause this hasn't ever happened before. I do normally have fairly heavy periods with quarter sized clots and cramping but nothing to the point where I leak through layered overnight pads and become dizzy and feel faint. Obgyn suggests taking agestryn (sp?) in case it happens next month which she believes It will -- I'm nervous about that but hoping it doesn't happen and this was just 1 isolated incident.
  19. sandisleeve

    African American Sleevers

    -- I was cleared for tuna with l.f. mayo at 4 weeks out but the wrap you may have to wait 6 months or so -- pretty strict restrictions on breads fried foods pasta rice and sweets Good luck! Walk sip & take it easy!
  20. sandisleeve

    African American Sleevers

    ---Yikes!! I don't rock my natural hair out in public so I'm at a loss It's been braided for a while - I don't do sew ins I don't want to relax again cause I know it breaks my hair worse than braids I'm 5 weeks out today and have had the same braids in since just before surgery
  21. - Talk to your doc about stool softeners because you are pretty early out I had head hunger for a while (week 1.5-3) cause of holiday festivities but no physical hunger not even now at 5 weeks out I know I need food for energy and healing but I still don't know what physical hunger feels like post vsg or how much I should be eating for satisfaction not fullness gas wasn't my issue for the most part it's just hernia discomfort and pain that made everything so difficult to get down - even now with carafate rx it's still a challenge I do my best but staying hydrated is very very vitally important -- Protein is too when u get approved to start shakes I was sent to ER on day 11 for dehydration and again this past Monday for low hemoglobin levels (heavy heavy period and lost way too much fluid) -- felt like i was going to faint -- so dizzy Getting better but slow recovery for me Take it easy!
  22. sandisleeve

    Trans nasal Endoscopy

    Awesome! Glad I did non anesthesia too!
  23. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    ---//I'm always tired at 5 weeks out and I take all the same vitamins plus calcium -- I start back to work on jan 24. Been out since dec11. I've had bouts with dehydration constipation diarrhea dangerously heavy menses dizzyness/lightheaded and hernia repair pain since surgery. I'm averaging about 400 calories on a good day cause I'm nervous about trying new soft solids due to hernia. It's getting better but it's a slow recovery for me I thinks it's normal to be tired especially after a workday -- just try hard to stay hydrated and get enough protein / I only walk no gym activities yet cause I just am not getting enough nutrients in my opinion Many people still complain of fatigue at over 3 or 4 months out Good luck!
  24. sandisleeve

    African American Sleevers

    --- I'll be 5 weeks out tomorrow and its a concern of mine cause its been a struggle to get in enough protein with hernia repair When did it start for you? I hear it usually lasts from month 3-6 for most but many say growth comes back strong at 7 or 8 months. How much protein are you averaging each day? My hair is usually in braids so not sure if that's better or worse -- I also plan to cut off my relaxed ends soon as I haven't had a touch up in over 5 months Biotin and nioxin I hear are good remedies. I've also been massaging my scalp with a mixture of Virgin organic coconut oil (barleans brand) & pure jojoba oil every 2 or 3 days. I've always had some form of hair loss most of my life from relaxer and braiding damage so I won't be surprised if i have some loss at some point in the future due to WLS especially with the struggle to get in enough protein
  25. --- I'll be 5 weeks out on thu jan 16 My surgeon would say 33g is far too low - even with the initial range of 50g-75g 50 grams is reeeeally low and hair loss and muscle loss will be a big concern very soon 16 oz of water is like getting in next to nothing -- should aim for minimum 48-64oz; it's tough for me cause I had hernia repair and the pain makes me cry when I drink but I have to get past it if I want to properly heal and advance my diet Be careful, our bodies need adequate water and protein for proper healing; we went through MAJOR surgery. I wish you well but take it from me who was hospitalized for dehydration on day 11 and had constipation from hell from jan 1-5: stay hydrated!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
