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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sandisleeve

  1. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I'm scheduled for dec 10 and I am officially "nervo-cited" that's excited & nervous at the same time -- lol I went shopping on Black Friday just to look around and I felt so elated that soon I wouldn't have to dig deep for the big girl sizes and not be happy with how I looked in them and how it would be so surreal to pull out a more typical size and look great and Feel great!!!! I'm not being vane but a woman's confidence is a huge factor in the quality of life she lives The enemy is working overtime and I'm getting negative vibes from my mom (only 2 people know so far -- her and my best girlfriend who is a registered nurse) I'm also getting crazy thoughts about the stapling and recovery but I will stand firm in my faith and let the good thoughts outweigh the bad ... I have been working out and watching what I eat for the past 7 weeks so I hope that helps with a speedy and Smooth recovery good luck to all of you fabulous December sleevers; happy "slimmer" 2014!!!
  2. sandisleeve

    Cycling Newbie

    -- I have become smitten with spinning and I'm always on the lookout for a great groupon deal. I take classes at two different studios in my area. The key is a great instructor with an amazing playlist!!! I have a seat cushion and "lots of junk in my trunk" and I am fine - no but soreness .... 5 years ago I sat on a spin bike and thought I was going to die!! I swore off spinning for life and thought people who took spin classes were deranged!! Fast forward To April 2013 and I am hooked after mustering up the courage to give it another go. So glad I stuck with it .. I actually took four 45 minute classes this week to combat all the dessert and rich leftovers i knew I'd indulge in. Love love love the sweat and the feel good vibe after class. I've recommend it to soooo soo many people. I enjoy the low impact nature of the workout with the high intensity Cardio results. Can't say enough about it, I'm officially hooked!! 'Spin'cerely, Sandi
  3. sandisleeve

    Success/Failure of Sleeve

    For any believers out there I recommend reading "made to crave" by Lysa Terkeurst. It's been such a great help to me with the realities of head hunger and emotional eating/binging. I'm still post op (hoping for December sleeving) but I really need to get my mind right for this new lifelong journey. Been trying hard to not drink while eating and limiting simple carbs... It's hard, I had an apple fritter and caramel iced coffee from DD today but I won't beat myself up about it cause I'm human and I'm planning to put forth extra effort in my spin class tomorrow (:
  4. sandisleeve

    Success/Failure of Sleeve

    I have the same concerns but because I've successfully lost significant weight (90+ pounds only to regain some and lose some and gain again) in the past I'm hoping i won't be one of those "still fat" post- opers. The reality with WLS is that many who go through it don't really exercise (I know at least 3 women who never or rarely do) so their weightloss isn't maximized or significant ... I plan to incorporate fitness and portion control the best way I can with prayer and discipline so I can maximize my weightloss AND keep it off (the hardest part for me)
  5. sandisleeve

    Why would Cigna deny me?

    Wow, I'm amazed at all the number of denials. I had my last required nutrition appointment last Thursday and received a call from my insurance on Saturday about my hospitalization stay then just yesterday a rep called me to inform that my surgery was approved by BCBS! I have zero co-morbidities and started with BMI of 40 which is now around 38.9. Shocked and a bit nervous about how easy it all was for me. Met with my surgeon at the end of August -- diligently requested/completed blood work, psyc eval, 3 nut appts, pcp note, venous doppler, and nasal endoscopy. I was never asked to complete an EKG though. i received my official approval on Monday oct 28, just over 2 months time from meeting with my surgeon for the 1st time. Hoping for an early December surg date. Hope everyone else is blessed with speedy approvals too!
  6. sandisleeve

    Best and worst "compliments"

    @italian-girl ... So sweet of your young nephew. I have an 8 yr old niece that I adore and who is also one of my favorite people on the planet .... She continuously encourages me to stretch & exercise on the floor with her when she visits and says she loves me no matter how I look
  7. sandisleeve

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I think some people just want to see you fail or be as miserable as they are in life so whatever they see you struggle with is an opportunity for them to highlight some weakness or laziness in you to bring your confidence down.. It kills me when a lot of times the negative comments come from those who have weight issues as well along with a host of other personal problems Misery loves company I guess I'm admired by folks who are committed To healthier lifestyles in all arenas not just weight ... If you struggle I simply try to encourage and pray but never become condescending or bring light to a weakness that can make someone feel bad ....I thought we learned that in kindergarten but I guess ppl just don't care I use the negativity to keep me better focused on me not the vindictive person cause they typically have no goals set out for themselves otherwise they wouldn't use their energy to bring others down To those who ask about the number of pounds lost I think they just want to be nosy and assume that you did something unnatural and unsustainable if the weightloss is significant .. Say over 40+ pounds or so
  8. sandisleeve

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Indeed she is -- and I never comment on her continuous weight gain
  9. sandisleeve

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I'm pre op by the way -- awaiting approval from my insurance company for VSG
  10. sandisleeve

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Someone at work asked me if I was expecting and I believe in my heart she was just intentionally being rude despite the fact that she is morbidly obese as well ... I've gained 60 pounds after a 92 pound loss over the past 2 years so its noticeable ... She was the one who always complimented me on my weightloss 2 years ago This woman also knows I'm not married or have a boyfriend
  11. sandisleeve

    Endoscopy Question

    I was awake and did it with the nasal spray back in September 2013 It's uncomfortable Felt like I wanted to vomit as the tube was going down Dr nusbaum at morristown memorial was as gentle and professional as he could be which I'm grateful for but I did gently push his hand away as I felt like I was gagging horribly -- I hope he wasn't offended by that The spray tastes GROSS!!! The male nurse was sooooooo comforting and had me squeeze his fingers the whole time (which is less than 2 minutes I think) I called out of work that day and glad I did cause I was uncomfortable for a while after I'm glad I was brave enough to do it awake cause I had to drive myself around
  12. sandisleeve

    Anyone Use Dr. Nusbaum In Nj?

    I'm pre op and will be having my VSG by dr nusbaum once I get approved. He did my nasal endoscopy which was uncomfortable but still professionally done. I'm in Essex county. Let me know if you want to chat further.
  13. sandisleeve

    Who did you tell?

    I vaguely mentioned it to my mom (a "nervous Nellie") that I'm thinking about it but I still haven't been fully approved by my insurance or even have a surgery date yet I don't want my supervisors to know but I gather they will find out since I have to provide a doctors note requesting additional sick time off as I'm planning on taking 4.5-5 weeks off work My BFF who is a registered nurse and who i hope will be able to be at the hospital with me on my surgery date knows the most .... She has weight struggles too but nothing compared to my history of morbid obesity. She's supportive and realistic about what this change will mean for me. My ex husband knows and is supportive -- he works at the facility of the obesity center that my surgeon directs coincidentally I have a colleague who has recently had the VSG but I'm not entirely sure if I will fully open up to her that I am going for it .... Gossip travels fast and many people at work negatively comment about her decision already I live with my aunt and 2 younger male cousins and will eventually open up to them about it in very general terms once I get approved .... But my family gossips and I'm sure the word will get out to other folks soon thereafter Not planning on telling my elderly father who lives out of state or my 2 sisters and closest cousins immediately but will consider as time passes. I would tell my niece if she were older but she's only 8 years old and I don't want her to reveal anything to her parents (: I feel the VSG is the best decision for me and I'm approaching it with lots of prayer and hope. If people critically judge be so be it, I believe I'll be healthier and happier in the end. I've lost over 90 pounds on my own within 15 months only to regain 60+ .... It's been a long road of weightloss ups and downs for me (at 31 years of age) throughout my aduthood and I feel this surgery can be my hope for sustained weightloss
  14. I'm pre op but I'm honestly sick of the yo yo dieting and weightloss I'm a 31 year old single black female about 5'7" tall, large frame ... Been chubby my entire childhood My weight history: Throughout high school I maintained a size 14....overweight but not obese and certainly not physically active but pretty much only ate my mom's home cooked meals -- restaurants only on special occasions no more than 5 or 6 times a year 2001-2002 (college years): got up to 215 or so and couldn't fit any of my clothes so decided to get serious about diet and fitness --- got down to 180 within the following year (size 10-12) and felt great but burned myself out with intense fitness and minimal calories so slowly started gaining 2009 (unhappily married at 27 yrs old): stressed out with work, grad school, home demands and unhappy marriage led to highest adult weight at 292-293 (snug size 22-24) 2010-2011: Decided to separate from the ex and get serious about weightloss so got down to 199-200 within 14 months on my own with portion control and fitness ... Essentially losing almost 100 pounds without WLS 2013: Emotional eating and stress have led to my regain of almost 60 pounds in 2 years which put me at 254-257 today (BMI 40) Enough is enough and I'm ready for more sustained weightloss success ... Here I come #teamVSG

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
