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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sandisleeve

  1. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    Hw ever (2009): 293 Hw (2013): 259.6 Sw: 237 Cw: 222
  2. sandisleeve

    All of my December sleevers...

    I'm 5'7" Lowest adult weight (2002): 180 My highest adult weight ever (2009): 293 Lots of yo yo-ing since then but most recent stats.... October 2013: 259.8 Surg date weight (12-12-2013): about 237 (lost 22+ on my own personally devised pre-op diet) 1st follow up at surgeons office, dec20: 222 (with clothes on) So I guess I'm down around 15+ pounds since my surgery 8 days go! No surprise due to the clear/ full liquids and diarrhea (tmi I know). My Ultimate goal is around 170 -- surgeon thinks I can get to the 150s... Time will tell... Really don't want to get down too low as I'm large framed and like my occasional sweet treat (: I also love love love to bake!!
  3. sandisleeve

    All of my December sleevers...

    I'm 5'7" Lowest adult weight (2002): 180 My highest adult weight ever (2009): 293 Lots of yo yo-ing since then but most recent stats.... October 2013: 259.8 Surg date weight (12-12-2013): about 237 (lost 22+ on my own personally devised pre-op diet) 1st follow up at surgeons office, dec20: 222 (with clothes on) So I guess I'm down around 15+ pounds since my surgery 8 days go! No surprise due to the clear/ full liquids and diarrhea (tmi I know). My Ultimate goal is around 170 -- surgeon thinks I can get to the 150s... Time will tell... Really don't want to get down too low as I'm large framed and like my occasional sweet treat (: I also love love love to bake!!
  4. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    No shoulder pain whatsoever for me -- i was really expecting it too Just lots of wishy washy sounds around my belly and abdomen Some minor incision pain but I can live with that for a while -- only 4 small to medium incisions for me Worst pain is the sliding hiatal hernia repair in the middle of my chest as I've mentioned 99x before --- OY!!!!!!!! Almost finished with my entire day 7 and no roxicet (hope I can make it without it by bedtime) yay!!! Hernia pain comes and goes now but I took a long outdoor walk and think that made me a bit stronger Got a pedicure and manicure today and feeling really pretty after several days of mucho pain and discomfort. Best wishes for speedy recoveries everyone!
  5. sandisleeve

    Guys I need your help!

    Yes i was super week day 6 and asked my NUT IF I could start Protein shakes right away and she approved ... I did get my liquids in and I was doing broth but got sick of it (not sick from it) .... Sf Jello really smells bad to me I have more energy today on day 7 with the shakes and Water .... Hoping I can start some baby food and or pudding tomorrow after I see my surgeon and NUT be careful and stay hydrated!!!
  6. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    My first day of protein shakes!!! Woo hoo!! 7 days out and excited cause I'm sick of broth and sf jello and Popsicles Seem to be tolerating GNCs total lean shake (vanilla bean) pretty well; almost like a treat for me. I liked it before my VSG as well so glad that hasn't changed. My NUT won't allow me to blend any fruit in it just yet due to hiatal hernia repair work.
  7. sandisleeve

    1 month post op scare

    Surg date dec12 ... Diarrhea started dec 16 (3x) and then each day after including today still have it but so far only 1x a day luckily ... I want to take a walk outside despite snow and cold temps cause I'm getting cabin fever Haven't taken anything for it yet but I'm starting Protein shakes today and will see how that goes .. Have my 1st week follow up with surgeon and nut tomorrow dec 20 for their recommendations
  8. sandisleeve

    Post op pain?

    Happy to hear you had minimal pain, praise God!!! I'm just now 1 week out and starting to get some relief. Only took 2 doses of roxicet and gasX strips yesterday compared to my regular every 4-6 hours around the clock since my dec12 surg date. I too only have 4 incisions -- 2 tiny and 2 medium healing up nicely. Many I've heard have 5-6 incisions. Starting Protein Shakes today and hoping it gives me more energy cause I was super week yesterday. Had major regrets first few nights due to excessive pain from my surprise sliding hiatal hernia but I trust my surgeon used his best professional judgement and skill.... Slowly but surely believe I made a good decision .... I just can't wait to start eating normal foods in small portions. I enjoy Water but need more substance these days
  9. sandisleeve

    One Week Out...

    --- can't wait to start full liquids tomorrow -- 7 days out on dec19 Sick and tired of broth -- hate stinky nasty sf Jello and sf Popsicles are overrated. Love love love room temp water, warm tea and ice chips but I need real energy ....I woke up sooooo tired this morning even tho all I do is sleep really and take pain meds Dreaming of purée and soft food stage too!!!
  10. Wow ice chips are my best friend!!!! 6 days out and it's still my favorite "meal" I'm sick of broth and sf jello -- warm tea is ok
  11. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Back to work in 5 days??? Oh no no no -- not me . You are brave! Im Still on pain meds 5 days out and can't imagine dealing with the walking around and talking and mild lifting with this additional hiatal hernia repair work logged right smack in the middle of my chest
  12. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Dilaudid was heaven for me as well, but too bad you can't take it home with you. They gave me roxicet for home use which is almost half gone -- day 5 post op for me, hoping I'm done with this pain by Thursday or Friday --the surprise sliding hiatal hernia repair has taken me on a wild roller coaster ride. If it wasn't for that I don't think I would need any pain meds at all.
  13. -- Ree: some useful items to bring ... --Cell phone & charger -Chapstick -- eye glass case if needed --Lotion and deodorant After surgery cause your skin will be super dry --Large overnight sanitary napkins if you are on your period otherwise you will have to use and triple up their really thin ones and risk leaking onto your bed sheets if you have a heavy flow like me --- firm pillow for ride home to protect your incisions from seatbelt and potholes -- change of clothes and undies, loose fitting and warm if its winter for you --sneakers and coat you should come To hospital with already -- purse to carry insurance and ID along with all the home care and discharge forms they have you I think that's it really - pack as light as you can From my experience.... **Books were pointless for me cause I was in too much pain or too sleepy to enjoy a good read -- they have a TV in room **slippers pointless cause they give you the good grip warm socks and you can't really take a full shower while in the hospital unless doc permits it ** you'll be in hospital gown and can ask for many blankets to walk around in if too cold or exposed so no need for night gown and robe **theyll provide gas meds and an abdominal binder if you ask for it so no need to bring any GasX strips **they provide soap and toothpaste toothbrush
  14. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    --- I reeeeeally wish I had a similar experience I feel every bit of my sliding hiatal hernia repair and I'm just about 5 days out ....still feeling like a Mack truck ran over me just under my left breast and mid chest/throat area ..... I'm praying that I recover soon and get off these pain meds so I can be out and about like a normal person You are very lucky to be feeling no pain this early out, praise God! My hernia was a shock to my surgeon and he warned my mom that I would be in a very high level of pain once i came out of anesthesia My incision pain is tolerable -- only 4 small to medium cuts; I can live with that About to start another round of pain and gas meds now.... Ouch ouch ouch!
  15. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    -------As I write this note to you my new belly is in bubble heaven. I also have the runs today (TMI I know). Today is day 4 post op. can't wait to have some puréed hot cereal just not sure what flavorings I'm permitted. Will see my surgeon and NUT on thurs dec 19 if I'm off pain meds by then. Hope the runs isn't worse with purée stage but I'm assuming it will be. Incision pain is tough but nothing compared to the hiatal hernia repair work, I feel it more than anything. May have to extend my leave due to the hernia recovery and not the VSG -- crazy. My surgeon only needed to use 2 medium incisions and 2 tiny ones to get the work done; thank God! See belly Pic below. Already Sick of broth and sugar free jello (yuck)--- only like room temp water and ice chips -- sf Popsicles are ok if I lick very very slowly. Diet green tea room temp is ok and warm ginger tea is tolerable. Not sure how much I weigh now or how much I've lost but my family says they already see a loss in my face 4days out. Guess drinking only liquids for 5 days and fasting completely for 1 day will do that lol Feel Better soon! I pray that our 16-ers are recovering well or waiting patiently.
  16. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Prayers and positive thoughts for speedy recoveries and minimally painful hernia repairs if needed. I'm still in pain from my hernia repair on my 4th day out but I am feeling better than I did on night 1&2. Really thought I was going to faint from pain on night 1&2. Be courageous and allow God to work his mighty powers through your surgical teams expertise and skill sets.
  17. --- I agree; it's def a really tough lifelong decision to make. I'm only required to do Clear Liquids for a week after surgery plus Multivitamin ----- next week I get to start full liquids including Protein Shakes and Calcium pills
  18. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Mine took more than 2 hours due to hiatal hernia repair ... Night 4 for me and still on pain meds (roxicet) My understanding is that it's typically a 1.5 hour procedure
  19. Good luck I'm waiting for my pain to subside as well --- same dec 12 surg date and hospital release date as you?!
  20. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I didn't ask for or expected pics but my surgeon did provide my mom with 4 small picks that depicted my original stomach and my liver and along with a pic of my new sleeve and the hiatal hernia repair .... Grosses me out even though it all looks so perfect and clean It's my 1st night home (spent 2 nights in hospital) and although I'm still taking pain meds I don't need them as often
  21. sandisleeve

    Post op pain?

    You all are lucky -- I'm still suffering 2 nights out. Pain management does get better with time and walking but no jokes my pain was a 900 on a scale of 1-10 ... Wish I was exaggerating but I'm not -- I really wanted to be sedated and I pleaded with the nursing staff about that in addition to screaming for Jesus' healing powers Boy did I have buyers remorse that first night I'm on roxicet while at home and it's ok but the diluden(probably wrong spelling) they gave me in the hospital was much much more effective and lasted longer ..... I thought I was going to faint due to pain initially ... I get pretty bad menstrual cramps too but the VSG and hernia pain was 1000x worse in my opinion ... I do have low tolerance for pain although not afraid of needles for blood work and IV Don't want to scare anyone but my first couple nights were rough I'm hoping and praying to get back to normal very soon, I'm heading back to work on jan 6 which is a good thing but wish I could take off even more time
  22. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I did have regrets right after I awoke from anesthesia on Thursday night ... The pain was indescribable for me due to unexpected hiatal hernia repair On scale from 1 to 10 I said pain was 900-- no lie -- I thought they woke me up too soon and I wanted to go back to sleep so the pain would go away magically I'm back home (2 nights out) and still need pain meds but I'm hoping the recovery process goes super fast --- I'm not hungry but I do think about food a lot so weird Cold water hurts my new belly so I drink tea or room temp water... Can't wait to get to full liquids and then mashed up purée foods I'm hoping weight loss is significant and I have a problem free future with my sleeve
  23. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Yes that is the reason I chose to stay an extra night-- i was in a lot of pain and meds weren't really helping and really still in a lot of pain .. I'm not even sure if its nausea and gas or just plain pain and discomfort from the hernia repair work ... I Don't feel anything in my back or neck or shoulders just the area right below my left breast. Good luck to you and the rest of you brave pre and post sleevers!!
  24. I think the pain killers they've given me work well for menstrual cramping but not so great for the hernia pain and gas -- every 4 hours seems like an eternity for me. The meds where off about an hour after I take them Dilaudin, liquid Tylenol and Percocet in addition to their gas medicine and nausea Patches I think the hernia is the worst cause my hospital roommate had the VSG as well by the same surgeon and she never complained -- she left the next morning and this is my 2nd night in hospital ..... Waiting patiently for my 2:50am dose, ugh
  25. sandisleeve

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I'm 1 night out. I know I'm getting stronger each minute but I had to have a hiatal hernia removed during my VSG so that is the most painful part. Trying hard to keep liquids down but it's hard I should be home tomorrow morning God willing Will fill you in on how I feel then but had no clue about the hernia - My surgeon was surprised too

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
