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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by BladeFox

  1. Truly can't wait for July 7 to get here! I can say that it has overridden my weight-loss/fitness goals and stress is a weight gainer in the wrong places. I can see it! I never believed it until now, but it's true. Hurry 7/7~

    1. pupichupi


      YOU CAN DO IT!!! LOL Water boy!!! Girl you got this, since I have been talking to you you have overcome so much with the job and everything, you are amazing, don't stress!!!

    2. BladeFox


      Thanks pupichupi! I need this so much right now. I'm not a whiner, just whining now (ha) because I need an outlet. Geez....

    3. pupichupi


      LOL, we all need an outlet honey, don't worry we understand!!! It's life, but I have faith in you!!!

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  2. So proud of myself for not stepping on the scale in about 2 weeks now. Loving that I am weaning myself from this sometimes painful reliance of the numbers. My dress sizes gives a much happier experience!

    1. pupichupi


      I still get on the scale once a week, and I am good with that. It gives me that reassurance every monday when I see the numbers going down to make it through another week. It makes me feel good. We all have to do what works for us, but if I waited every 2 weeks, I think I would loose faith?

    2. RJ'S/beginning


      Yes..You should be proud. Means you are in control of it all. Including your health and well being.....

  3. Got sick last night off of Rotisseri Chicken from the local grocers. I thought it would be safe but it didn't sit well with me. I have learned the technique of 'finger down throat - tickle-tickle- there she blows' to save the day! TMI...

    1. pupichupi


      Girl I use that trick a lot lately!!! Although it's gotten to the point where I can just move my throat around a little to just get it out now??? I am a pro!!! lol such a bad thing to admit, but I know one thing I can not eat and won't eat ever again, Ice Cream, and that trick does not work for that!!!

    2. BladeFox


      So scared to eat ice cream. I am still eating good and right for the most part. I know that if I find that if I can eat ice cream...it won't stop. Love it!!! So I have been denying myself that this summer. The finger trick works wonders ;)

    3. pupichupi


      Yes I know what you mean about denying yourself, but now I know that ice cream doesn't agree with me AT ALL, I won't ever eat it again, I was just craving something very cold and creamy, and I loved ice cream before the surgery, and found out that I can't eat it now, well it's kind of a blessing in disguise? The finger trick doesn't work with ice cream though dear?

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  4. Nothing to say today....EXCEPT...Life is truly a blessing! Savor every moment of it~

  5. That HIIT training is so tough. I feel it everywhere. It's only a 25 min., cardio session, but returning two days later for another round is hard.

  6. You know what I need??? I need a break from grant writing!!! Not my favorite thing. Can't even eat. . . .

  7. I met my program partner at a meeting this morning and when I got out the car, he said, 'well hello there skinny!' He knows about my procedure but great to hear it from someone other than my family members. Great NSV!!!

    1. pupichupi


      Take a spongy ball and put it under your chin, and exercise that area by pushing down on the ball???? It works!!! lol looks funny but who cares??? Do it at home while watching tv or when you relax????

    2. BladeFox


      Ya'll are so funny on my post! LOL!!! Glad to know that you feel comfortable on my site, too funny! Anyhoo, BigGirlPanties, I am a program manager at my college and I work with Deans and Directors of other programs and beyond. So it was good to hear those words. BTW, my face is skinnier too. I'm not predisposed of the wattle but I sure am with the wings. Geez, I wish I could shrink those, however; I'm working on it!

    3. pupichupi


      LMAO, Blade, I have the bat wings too!!! We can try to fly together!!! hahaha, you know what I do I have a stretchy band tied to my bed post and while I am sitting watching tv or something I grab it and stretch it in front of me to work on my triceps that is whats going to work on the wings!!! lol


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  8. Exercise was not my friend this week. Only made it to the gym once. Will---Get---Better---

    1. rome


      I need to kick my butt in gear with the exercise! Time to get my treadmill back from niece so that I have it right in front of my face :-)

  9. Been craving a hot banana nut bread or a slice of chocolate cake BADLY! Just having a sweet tooth craving that won't let up. What should I do???

    1. pupichupi


      Get some fudgicles, Whenever I feel like sweets I get one and suck on it, and it helps!!!


    2. RJ'S/beginning


      personally..I would just eat it and get it over with and go on tomorrow as if nothing ever happened.That is living in the real world!!!!!!!

    3. BladeFox


      That may be it! I haven't had any protein bars in about a month. Thanks guys. Sometimes we forget.

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  10. Lost 7 lbs in 8 days!!!! Wish this could happen all the time! heaven~

    1. pupichupi


      Blade What is the HllT workout plan? I haven't heard of that one? Relief it so is, I knew it was too but it sometimes drags longer than you can handle?

    2. BladeFox


      It's interval training. You do 1 minute of fast intense training on the treadmill or bike and do 4 minutes of low-moderate cardio. Repeat three-four times and DONE! I used to do it a long time ago but forgot about it. It's a weight loss/fat burner. Look it up and try it!

    3. pupichupi


      I will thanks hun!!!

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  11. Guys, I have mood swings about the gym. Some weeks I'm motivated and others I am not. When I'm not motivated it feels like I'm walking through cement to make it there. Any suggestions to keep the momentum?

    1. BellaHugz


      I understand.. but it will all be worth it in the long run! Hang in there.


  12. Been having the best work week of my life! It has taken the place of logging and counting calories.

    1. relief57


      whew hoo........All things work together .......

    2. BladeFox


      Girrrrl! If folk don't know Jesus, they really should. SMH!!!

  13. Haven't stepped on the scale all week! Love not knowing and relying on how clothes fit.

    1. Sissy02


      Funny that is what I thought this morning when I put on my jeans and they were lose!


    2. pupichupi


      I only weigh in once a week, and I sometimes just forget, but normally monday morning is my weigh in day? I gives me something to look forward to, big or small loss? I love any loss, as long as it's not a gain, I am good!!! lol

    3. relief57


      I weigh in regularly just to keep me somewhat on track but use the Friday weight in as the final word for the week. I love the fact that my clothes sometimes tell a different story then the scale.

  14. Had the slimies yesterday and today. Seems like nothing is going down right or having heartburn that won't quit. Let's see, what did I eat that 'baby' doesn't like?

    1. terrydumont46


      I have a band but this works for us. drink warm or hot tea. I do this whenever I have the slimes or feel stuck for a long period of time.

    2. relief57


      hmmm, slimies....havent' had that experience yet....not looking forward to it. I do however keep ginger tea available.

    3. BladeFox


      Some people will tell you to drink hot water or tea when that happens, but how because I don't want another thing in my mouth when I get it.

  15. I GOT A JOB through October!!! Yeah, He truly loves me. Thank you Jesus!

    1. BladeFox


      Thanks all for standing with me.

    2. MrsGloMartin


      Praise God!!! We know that he promises to never see his seed forsaken but the human side of us causes us to worry. I wish you all the best on your new job. Just keep on believing on Him an He will always keep his promises, God Bless!!!

    3. Makinchanges4me


      God is good! Congrats on the job. Have a blessed week.

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  16. Memorial Day weekend wasn't fun and this one will not be either. I, again, must wait until Monday to find out if my employer has funds to contract me through October. This would give me time to a) look for a longer contract, or B) apply to a new position that's coming up. Mentally wanting to gorge! Need to shut down...

    1. Carlotta1


      This too shall pass.. Don't give up your health, your self esteem because of your job. I understand where you are coming from.. But giving into food will only make your situation work. It will work out,

    2. BladeFox


      Thanks Carlotta, I am learning how to cope through adversity with my sleeve. It has been a hard lesson because I want so badly to hide my pain under food and I can't. I know that storms only last a short period of time and me and 'baby' can wait it out.

  17. Well tomorrow is the day that I find out if I still have a job. This weekend was not pleasant because all I have been thinking about is that. Everything was riding on my manager, which got demoted, and her decision will sway what they do with me. Usually I would run for the border (Taco Bell) but not with 'baby' :)

    1. BladeFox


      Thank you releif57 and pupi! I do believe in when one door closes another one better will open. I have until June 30 to look, however, our Dean of Business is trying to work on my behalf as well. The other option may be a contract position and that stresses me out as well. Too much, too fast, but I know that All things work together for good!

    2. pupichupi


      just stay positive and everything will turn out the way you need it to!!!

    3. relief57


      Its great though that you have so much favor. Word says if your ways please God you will have favor with Him and man.

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  18. Made it to the gym yesterday after missing a whole week due to having a stressful work week. My body was hollering back at me during and after my workout, however, I have great clarity of thought since going and will push myself to go when I need it the most. ~during stress~

    1. relief57


      I know right, once you get past that why am I doing this stage it gets good. I'm trying to build up stamina for the elliptical machine. I try to go daily but hasn't worked out. I wanted to increase the amount of time each time. started to stop at 10 minutes but pushed to 15. glad i did.

  19. Did you know that GOD IS SUCH A GREAT GOD?!?!!!!

    1. 1Day1Life4Now


      I am more blessed than I deserve. Our God is an awesome God.


    2. joyann45


      Got to give Him Praise!!!!

    3. relief57


      Amen, Amen.....He is worthy to praised. In the good times and the bad times. He's working it ALL out....

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  20. Going through employment changes and a bit stressed. Went to sleep without eating last night at around 8pm and didn't get enough protein in. YAH!!!

  21. I believe I am starting to feel my restriction. I say this because lately, about 3 bites of food is all I can do. Very small, very tiny, barely nothing at each meal. Going back to protein shakes to get my protein in.

  22. I ate steak for dinner on Sunday, which is our time for family and fellowship, when I swallowed a piece without thinking. I told my husband, 'uh oh, I swallowed too big of a piece of meat, damn.' And sure enough, I was sick as a dog right afterwards. Well, there goes the good times right out the door. For an hour, I was burping like the grudge was coming out of my body, pain all in the esophagus area and burning, and I put my finger down my throat in hopes of making it come up and it didn't want to. Finally, I buried almost my whole hand down my throat (exag.) to get something up and that did it. Sick the whole evening and most of yesterday. Chew and don't talk, yet!

    1. BladeFox


      Yea, I'm learning how to do that :\ I think it's still trying to digest in my baby pouch because it has been difficult to eat ever since. Thanks.

    2. pupichupi


      Sorry to hear, I have been trying to take it very easy on everything I ate, So I measured today and OMG the drop in inches was awesome, I am so happy!!!

    3. BladeFox


      Whoop Pupi, Whoop!!!

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  23. A measley two pounds away from reaching my two month goal on May 19 (40lbs) and my body wants to play tricks on me! What the ham sandwich! This stall is killing me!!!

    1. pupichupi


      Hey I am 2 lbs away from 40 too!!! lol No worries, you will hit it, stop getting yourself all upset!!!

    2. BladeFox


      Pupi, I just can't help it girl. The 19th came and went with Nuthin', absolutely NOTHING! I guess we're in that two month post op stall that everyone talks about. Geez!!! I'm good though :)

    3. pupichupi


      Well I haven't really been on a stall too badly, just gradually losing 3 - 5 lbs a week mostly????

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  24. I'm finding that I need to let go of the following foods: Beef Sticks, Beef Jerky, Sargento Part-Skim Moz sticks, Deli Slice meats. They have too much sodium and too many nitrates in them which retains water. Doesn't make a girl happy when she steps on the scale so now I'm done!

    1. pupichupi


      Blade I can't do the beef jerkeys??? I chew 100x over and it still gets stuck???

    2. Carlotta1


      I love cottage cheese with canned peaches or pears..I know what you mean by too much salt and the effect on water retention. Cottage cheese is high in salt.

    3. BladeFox


      Carlotta1, I have started adding canned peaches and fruit in my cottage cheese too. I love it but you are right it is full of sodium still. I have got to find an alternative or just eat it once or twice a week.

  25. It must be in the stars for me this week! I am either in my calling or in my zone. Either way, I'll take it!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
