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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jess9395

  1. jess9395

    Clothing purge

    Save one of your favorites so you can take this kind of photo—Creek you can do it with those cargoes. I saved my favorite shirt too—I could belt it and wear it as a dress.
  2. jess9395

    Exercise tips

    Running for cardio, yoga for strength and flexibility (mostly Vinyasa and Asthanga)
  3. jess9395

    Post Op Questions!

    True but at least Ash’s work on a response can still be beneficial
  4. jess9395

    Cheez its, my little snack

    And 24 grams of simple carbs. Well ok 23. One gram is fiber. So of their 210 calories, 99 are from fat, 92 from simple carbs, 4 from fiber and 20 from protein.
  5. jess9395

    Post Op Questions!

    The great thing about message boards is 100 other people will benefit from your words even if the OP doesn’t
  6. Actually yes. Talking to one did for me. I had never really considered bypass though I knew about it from acquaintances.  I didn’t know the sleeve existed.  A nurse brought it up to me.  I am forever in her debt!  So as with everything different things work for different people. So I hope people in the medical profession do take the initiative bc you don’t know who it will work for. Honestly I would happily piss off a dozen people to help one. But that’s me.
  7. jess9395

    Post Op Questions!

    1. Indulge on occasion, sure. But even now 5 years out I can’t eat all that, no, not even 1/3-1/2. And the bread would upset my stomach. Can you share with your mom? 2. Some can some can’t. At 5 years out carbonation still hurts my stomach. 3. I can do a mixed drink or wine. But half of one gets me really tipsy. 4. When I open that door it’s hard to close it. I gained almost 20lbs after Christmas at two years out just because I started occasional treats and it was hard to stop and keep them “occasional” since then I am a LOT more careful. 5. Drink them but don’t add any sugar to them. Keep them sugar free. That matcha powder and simple syrup adds up FAST and stimulates your appetite. 6. N/A 7. You will get used to it why would you try to after you’re used to it?
  8. jess9395

    Cheez its, my little snack

    Yup! They are fantastic but I can eat way more of those than I should too! I can get a small package at Starbucks or something but never buy the Costco size bag anymore
  9. Wow! Interesting thread!!! I’ve always believed that while doctors treat a condition or disease nurses treat a whole person, and usually have way more time to spend and discuss and explore. So I don’t mind at all when one opens up conversations. I mean I wouldn’t want them to keep on the topic if I didn’t “bite” but I’m totally up for them bringing it up. And I love talking with all sorts of things with my PT for the same reason including diagnosis and medications ha. Same reason... and I honestly have had times I trusted my PT’s call more than my ortho and have discussed prescriptions too. So yeah you clearly might piss some people off as this thread shows. But if you caught any someone else at the right moment and changed a life.... I dunno. This is a tough call. I never ft asked just bringing it up (not pushing) would be so polarizing. Yikes
  10. jess9395

    Cheez its, my little snack

    Cheezits are my kryptonite. Total slider that I can eat WAY too much of. So while Creek might prefer something that that “tastes a hell of a lot better” there ain’t much that tastes better to me. BUT they make me lose control and eat way too many carbs... make me crave more simple carbs and really throw off my plan. So they don’t come in my house. I can eat half a cookie or a couple bites of ice cream... but cheezits I can’t eat just one. I’ve given them up.
  11. jess9395

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    I can’t make the new app work the way I want it to! Yes I was trying to quote her post asking about Genepro. She said she didn’t know how it could have those calories and no carbs.
  12. jess9395

    Calling all vets- where are you

    Me. Almost five years. I am not here daily anymore but at least once a week.
  13. jess9395

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Protein has calories. It has four calories per gram so 58.7 calories is about 15 grams of protein. Not the 30 it claims. Count it as 15 and you’re probably good
  14. jess9395

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Well no..., your list in the initial post lists—tea with milk and SUGAR, toast with avocado, two cups blended soup (don’t know what kind) a pack of popped chips, a Protein Bar, a Fiber one bar (loaded with simple carbs and sugar), 2 shortbread biscuits the dark chocolate and the Mac an cheese pie. So let’s just be honest here. It was more than a Protein bar and the dark chocolate
  15. Sorry I think maybe I was actually responding to Matt... maybe it was him who said he didn’t think anyone over two months out should be consuming less than 1000 calories per day. That suggests it’s the only path. Or was that you who said it? I can’t find it now.... but anyhow that’s what I was responding to. I’m all for experimenting with a higher healthy calorie level to see if it stops any sort of hunger. If i had been hungry at 500 calories I would have added more!
  16. I have to snack to get in all my calories. Always have even when I was only at 600 ish calories.
  17. You have an opinion and you are entitled to it as long as it’s stated as such. Because that is all it is, an opinion. Your program is working on research to back it up, but it’s not out there yet. Is it a controlled study with experimental and control groups? It’s not double blind, it can’t be. I will be interested in seeing the results. But, Many doctors have a different opinion. I did just fine at far less than 1000 calories long term and have been successful in maintenance. So the more than 1000 calories is not a only one path equals success.
  18. I think what we all try do to is open up peoples eyes to other possibilities... other interpretations than the one we are already at. I mean when we post in distress we have our own perspective and yet we are still suffering. So when someone answers they are trying to give an alternate view for the poster to try on and see if it fits. I tend to give the “will anything satisfy it even something on plan” trick. Then I suggest medicine for acid because that mimics hunger for me and many others. And I can’t get rid of the “hunger” it causes except by constant eating, even when I’ve had enough calories and such. So it’s something that might be valuable insight for someone else. Take what you like and leave the rest. No need to get defensive.
  19. Yup. I too didn’t have actually hunger for over a year despite being in that calorie range.
  20. That’s always been my criteria—would anything satisfy the hunger including something healthy? If yes, it’s real. If I am hungry FOR a particular food like a cookie or a hamburger then it’s head hunger. So yeah, important to note the differences and treat them differently. Doesn’t mean they don’t both exist and sometimes even feel the same.
  21. Coconut macaroon!?!?! I have never seen that flavor! My Vons grocery still has it.
  22. jess9395

    Concerns about calorie intake

    I never ate more than 900 during the losing phase... closer to 600 most of the time. At five years out I am quite active.... I run 20+ miles per week and do yoga 3-4 hours a week. I do get hungry but not at all like before. On a high mileage day I can eat over 2400 calories and maintain. On a day I don’t run I’m more like 1800. Some days I splurge and eat 3000. It evens out. But I maintain and didn’t wreck my metabolism at the low calorie range. Other posters have different plans and Creek is part of a long term study by research doctors on getting patients up to a higher calorie diet quickly to study the metabolism effects of that.
  23. jess9395

    If you could close one fast food chain

    What’s wrong with cheek meat
  24. jess9395

    If you could close one fast food chain

    Stupid autocorrect should have said ground beef doesn’t belong in Mexican food smh

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