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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by redstacey

  1. Yes the caffeine acts as a stimulate and could make you hungry. Also in the early part of your healing it could irritate your new pouch. Also they say caffeine acts as a diuretic. So we don't want to get dehydrated when we are already having trouble getting our fluids in. I will admit that I am a diet coke aholic. Lol. And I do allow myself one a day.

  2. This is all too funny for me. I was an endoscopy nurse and I used to tell people on a daily basis to fart so I could discharge them. Endoscopy farts are the best until now. Gastric bypass farts rule the roost now. Lol. I do however have a few tricks up my sleeve for getting rid of trapped gas. Curl up in a fetal position on your left side for 15 minutes then roll over to your right side and continue as needed. This helps displace gas.

  3. Also I have been on this kick of oranges and orange juice. It's like I can't get enough. Has anyone else had this issue? I have found that it really does help with the gas. Not helping it go away or anything like that but it sure does help with the smell. I posted about that under the gas forum. Lol

  4. Hey Stacey, glad you're back. Sounds like you are building that emotional strength! The cooking thing is interesting. I've been cooking and baking up a storm since I'm off work these few weeks. It's funny - I think I enjoy it more now because I'm not tasting along the way or eating the final product. This means no more guilt from eating 3 cookies' worth of dough before eating 3 baked ones...or consuming a Pasta meal enough for two (I would make a whole box for the two of us). I enjoy cooking for my husband - providing him a good meal and keeping him nourished and happy. That may sound old school, but for once I have the time to cook, and I don't have to worry about stuffing my own face or what is Weight Watchers friendly, what am I going to eat, etc? It's kind of like school uniforms - it may be the same every day, but it takes the daily worry out of what to wear!

    It's not that I don't love to cook and take care of my family. When I was working as a nurse working horrendous hours, I would still come home and cook for them. Actually my family has been pushing me for a couple years now to open my own restaurant. I don't cook by recipes or anything like that. I just get an idea in my head and put it together and I know when it is right by the way it smells. That is one of my problems. I don't want to smell food right now. I think it may be because of all the problems I had after my sleeve surgery in September with the constant GERD and aspirating the gastric acid every night. I had gotten so scared to eat or drink anything during that time from September to December I mainly ate plain flour tortillas plain cream of wheat and Water. Since the RNY revision on December 10th I have not had any more problems with that but I am still a little scared. I am old school too when it comes to taking care of my family. I know when I would tell my coworkers things that I would do for my family, they said that I was nuts and stuck in a different era. I said no that is actually how it should be but with everyone having to have two incomes to survive these days, it's the little things like that that have been forgotten. I resigned my nursing position in June because of all of my other medical issues. I was a walking time bomb. My health had gotten so bad I could barely make it through the day. So I am trying to tell myself to buck up girlie. Yes you have had three major surgeries since September and it takes time for your body to bounce back. Especially my body because as far as bouncing back it's already half flat because of my other medical issues. I am trying. I have just fell into this hole and I am trying to claw my way out. As I am reading other people's posts I see that I am not the only one. It is definitely a good thing to have this site. It does help a lot. Things you can say to other people besides your family that don't necessarily understand and you don't want to burden them with these things.

  5. Well, I don't have a cure for the gas; but I have found something interesting. Here lately I have had this uncontrollable urge to eat oranges and drink orange juice. I don't know what is going on with that, but it seems like I just can't get enough. One thing that I have noticed since my orange fascination, is that the gas doesn't have that horrific smell any longer. I know that this is not a long term cure , but I will take what I can get for now. And so will my family. Lol

  6. Well I'm back gang. I fell off of the deep end for a few days. I was having a pitty party for one. Wondering have I made a mistake with having surgery. One of the things that I used to really enjoy was cooking wonderful meals for my family. I had got to a point where I was like they could fend for themselves. Why should I continue to cook these wonderful meals and not be able to eat a bite. I also wasn't seeing the scale move after my revision surgery to the RNY on December 10th. That was becoming very depressing. MySpace other health issues Rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, adrenal insufficiency, and the immune deficiency seemed to have been exasperated here lately. That has had me really down. Also, like many of you; I'm tired of eating and drinking the same thing over and over again. It seems like when I try to advance to what my head says it wants to eat, my St says hell no. I'm just so frustrated here lately. I know that I just need to take a deep breath and kick myself in the ass. Lol.

  7. I know that everyone is tired of broth but I have found a really good one. It's made by Swanson and it is in the box Mexican tortilla is the flavor. You don't have to add anything to it. If you close your eyes you could imagine it being a hearty Soup. It is so delicious. They do make another flavor as well. I think it is Chinese something. I know when I am having the Mexican broth, I don't feel like I am being cheated one bit!

  8. Can you tell me the name of those capsule Vitamins? are they prescribed. Sounds like what I need. I need to ask around for them

    The name of the vitamins that I take are bariactric advantage with Iron. It is a capsule. You take one capsule three times a day. I absolutely love them. I was so disheartened when I started the chewable vitamins. I figured "hey it's chewable vitamins how bad can they be". WRONG! I couldn't do it. I would get so sick after taking them. So the capsules have been a godsend for me. You should be able to get them from your doctor's office or your nut.

  9. On Chrismas, I was able to put on jeans and a bra. For the jeans, I wore a long shirt and kept the top jeans button unbuttoned, and I put an extra gauze pad on that incision just in case. The bra one was a little harder...not bad when standing, but when I sat, it came a little close to the top incision. At home, I too rock the pajamas, but am about to graduate to sweats. Other than Christmas, I really haven't been out, but that will be sweats, no bra (watch out! Lol).

    When I go out, I have been wearing some of my really big elastic waist pants in various types of material. I usually just wear a sports bra because of that top incision. I have had to wear a real bra once since my surgery. As soon as we left the function we were attending, it was everything I could do to get it off. I had my husband helping me unhook it in the car so I could do the magical slide the bra out of your shirt sleeve. Taaadaaa. Mostly around the house, it is my super soft fuzzy pajama bottoms and a tshirt sans bra. Lol.

  10. I live on Greek yogurts. Love them. I also like Tomato Soup. I find applesauce is a good snack. Split pea Soup, broccoli soup, and potato soup. My nut did say to only use red potatoes. Oh another one of my favorites is baked sweet potato. Sometimes I will treat myself to a smoothie from smoothie king called the gladiator. It has a killer amount of Protein in it and you can add two fruits to it and it has the least amount of calories of them all. I too was having a drinking problem with getting in too much air. So I talked to my doc and my nut and told them that I had been doing the big "no no". I started drinking through a straw. It made a world of difference for me. So they fuss at me all the time, but like I tell them it works so why bother fussing. I had my surgery on the 10th and I to am still having problems with energy. Also something that just started within the last few days is a little depression. Over silly things. I get really emotional really quick. Anyone having any issues with that?

  11. I didn't even eat one whole egg. I was rolling around on my bed like I was dying. I will say that it does scare you to try new things but you just have to push through. I had the sleeve surgery first in September. So I've been through the advancing diet ordeal. I will say that I find the advancing diet has been a great deal easier with the gastric bypass. Trust me I still make mistakes and I have to pay for it. Sometimes it's as simple as being nauseated, but other times it's full out gagging and throwing up. I just go by the trial and error technique.

  12. I found that when I started taking my Vitamins is when I started with the dizzy feelings. I got to where I couldn't handle the chewable vitamins at all. I would get dizzy, weak, and I would break out with the cold sweats. At my last visit with my doc and my nut, I was telling them about this and they told me about the new bariactric capsule vitamins that just came out. You take one capsule three times a day. That has seemed to do the trick for me.

  13. I am so glad that I was referred to this forum. I was hoping that I was not alone or that something was terribly wrong with me. Lol. This has had me laughing so hard. I want to figure out a way to propel my car with my new found talent!

  14. I'm doing great post op this time around. My doctor isn't making me do all the crazy diet this time because I've already been through that when I had my sleeve surgery. I know what it feels like to introduce different textures of food into my new pouch. So I did clears for a few days then moved to soft foods. I have been a little too overzealous with some of my food choices and I have paid the price. I have learned very quickly that the gastric bypass pouch is very very different than my gastric sleeve pouch. I have a question for everyone. Is anyone else experiencing excessive gas? I didn't have this before. And not regular gas either. I mean kill living creatures gas and enough that I could project myself across a football field.

  15. Hello all. I am a December gastric bypass post op. I originally had the gastric sleeve surgery on September 2nd 2013. I was having horrible acid reflux that was resulting to me aspirating gastric acid almost every night. So, I just had a revision surgery to the gastric bypass on December 10th 2013.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
