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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by L-in-NJ

  1. I feel your pain! Im going with the stomach bug route I think.

    So what happens the next time you are at a family affair? You can't keep using the stomach virus excuse. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down with people and stand up for yourself. You don't have to be rude but be firm and let people know that you won't force your new lifestyle on them and they shouldn't force anything on you.

  2. On Monday I will tlk about this in group. right now I feel I can do this but then ill feel I can't yes im getting scare bc I have only four pounds to lose before surgery date can be plan. im just scare most of all. am afraid of the pain ima b in. Ok, tomorrow is a new day. thanks for responding.

    The pain isn't as bad as you think. Of course everyone has different experiences but you can check with the surgeon and hospital to find out their pain management system. I am 11 days post op and I don't have any pain at this point. I stop taking pain meds the next day. I can sleep on my stomach and side again. I'm still cautious with my activity but no pain. Don't let fear stop you from doing what you know will give you the opportunity to live a better, healthier lifestyle.

    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    2 Timothy 1:7

  3. It's better to quit now then have surgery and try to eat past your sleeve and risk serious complications. I remember reading another post where someone who was a nurse told the story of someone a week out of surgery eating a half chicken then dying from the complications. This is a serious lifestyle change and if you're not ready to commit then don't do it. I wish you all the best of luck in whatever journey you decide to take.

  4. Are any of the early December Sleevers exercising yet? It's been snowing here so I haven't been able to get out for a walk so I've considered going to the mall or Target to get in a half mile or so. My Dr. only have restrictions on lifting weights so I supposed I could hop on a treadmill too if so desired.

    I went walking around the mall yesterday for exercise. It's way too cold to be outside in NJ. I'm now 10 days post op.

  5. So I just told someone about my surgery coming up on Monday and I got the rudest response which is making me really upset. They said, oh no that's terrible. You couldn't do it on your own? Meanwhile, SHE was huge herself! I'm feeling a little discouraged :(

    Why are you letting someone who's in the same situation as you make you feel bad about your brave decision to do something about your health? I wouldn't give a second thought to whoever it was. You're not doing this for people. You're doing this for YOU!!!

  6. Just a question to those drinking so soon after surgery - Are any of you worried about dehydration? I'm not that much of a drinker so I can't relate to the feeling of having to have a drink but it seems pretty risky since alcohol makes you urinate more than if you just drank Water or another liquid. I'm not trying to be judgmental. Just curious is all.

  7. It's my Birthday!! I'll hopefully still be having surgery on Monday, but I wanted to wish all of the 12/12 sleevers a safe and successful surgery and a speedy recovery! I can't wait to hear how everyone's surgery went. I def can't wait to join all you sleeved wonders on that bench!! Sending my prayers up and out to everyone today! You guys are going to do A-MAZ-ING!!!

    Happy Birthday!! Have a fabulous day!!

  8. Thank you both for your kind words! This is such a big journey with so many ups and downs and as much as I prepared, I still feel blind sided by the feelings and urges. I will keep my head up though! L-in-NJ congrats on your new journey! :) I hope you're feeling well! Our one week tomorrow!

    Thank you. I'm am feeling pretty good. Each day gets better. Just remember you're not alone in this. The people on this site are wonderful!

  9. I was also sleeved on 12/4. Congrats on your new journey!! With that being said you are headed into unknown territory and it can be scary but you've prepared yourself for this by taking your nutrition classes and going thru all the pre-op prep. Speak to your nutritionist if you need to. Hang in there it will get better. I can't wait to see your posts 6 months from now.

  10. Holy moly did I have a bad night last night. I was doing GREAT...still so excited about my surgery which is tomorrow, and all of a sudden, it was like the floor fell out from below me, and I started getting extreme nausea and heart was racing, and I couldn't sleep (got about 2 hours). I got my surgery time today and spoke with the nurse who called, who recommended I call my primary for an anti-anxiety medication - she had no problem calling in a script for me...but sheesh, I had no idea that would happen. This time tomorrow I should be all done...with some extra anti-anxiety meds :)

    Hang in there. It's a huge change and anxiety is understandable. You will be just fine. You've come too far to turn back now. Good luck tomorrow.

  11. I also have pcos. I was fortunate not to have an issue prior to surgery but I was worried about it. Last time I lost weight it came on extremely heavy and for long periods of time. I was told its because fat stores estrogen and when you lose weight the estrogen gets released.

  12. I was sleeved on the 4th, and it seems like mostly everyone has had a smooth time. Mine wasn't terribly bad, but it wasn't great either. I remember waking up right after surgery in excruciating pain (I think that's the part most people don't remember, I'm the lucky one). They finally got my pain under control, and I got to see my husband. I had a catheter in, which I requested be taken out that night. They wanted me to go pee by 4AM or else they were going to put it back in. Luckily I finally got my lady parts working at 4 on the dot lol.... The gas pain sucks, the incision pain sucks. I popped an internal suture in my lower abdomen when I coughed so that didn't help. It hurt to swallow the first few days and I would get those muscle spasms in my stomach. Thankfully that went away! I'm doing pretty well getting in all my Protein, just need to work on my hydration. I haven't lost any weight yet, and I think I'm going to stay away from the scale until my 3 week checkup.

    I was sleeved on the 4th also and I had terrible gas pains as well. And you're right about the stomach spasms...ugh!!! However I am coming along well. I've actually been able to sleep on my side for 2 days and I'm much less sore each day. I'm still working in getting enough liquids but each day I get closer to goal. Today will be the first time in able to get in all my protein. I bought Liquid Protein shots to help me along. I hope by mid week to be able to reach both goals.

  13. Thank you Lin. Yes that helps. I use my hug me pillow at all times. It does help! How are you doing with your diet?

    I'm still struggling with getting all my fluids & Protein each day but it's increasing everyday. I'm hoping today still be the day I am able to start meeting all my requirements. My biggest fear is dehydration. I'm not worried yet because I do see progress on a daily basis.

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