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7 Bites_Jen

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by 7 Bites_Jen

  1. Catheter's aren't really that big a deal - you won't feel it until they take it out, and then it's kind of uncomfortable, but it's not too bad. You probably won't have to walk with it - most of the time they take it out pretty soon after you wake up (they want to get you up and walking as soon as possible). Don't let it be a deterrent!

  2. Oh my goodness, I felt like I was reading my own story.
    Once I realized I could have things like sugar, rice, and bread it was no-holds-barred!!
    I'm returning to the roots of WLS - going back to focusing on Protein and Water. Keeping water next to me at all times and taking sips constantly.
    I am also an addict. I think we all are in some ways or another.
    Keep us posted on how you're doing! I love the support and encouragement we get here!

  3. I was obese as a child.
    My daughter is currently obese.
    I don't know that I would consider surgery for her at this stage (she's 9), but at 13 ... Who knows?
    I don't know about surgeons in Mexico, but I do know that a lot of surgeons won't do it on someone quite so young because they are still developing. That being said, YOU are her parent and only you can say what is and isn't right for your child. Be sure she has support at every turn - find a good support group you can go to together so that she knows 100% what is going to happen and what all it entails.

    I do recommend, however, that you do see some specialists to rule out any underlying conditions first.
    If I may also ask - just how overweight is she? And you also need to do some soul searching of yourself to find YOUR reasons for wanting this so bad for her. Is it worth doing it NOW - or would it be worth waiting until she's 16 and giving her more time for growth and maturity.

    Good luck to you in whatever you chose for you and your daughter.

  4. I used everything they recommended for preventing Hair loss. Happened anyway. Still have a bit of a bald spot, to tell you the truth, LOL! I wore a LOT of ponytails and hats. When it started growing back in I chopped it off so it would all be even. It's coming in really thick and full, so don't despair - it will grow back! It's a pain, but well worth it in many ways considering the trade-off.

  5. Have you shown her some statistics on WLS vs death from co-morbidities?
    She's worried about you - mom's worry. Some of us a little too much (I'm a helicopter mom myself ...)

    Just think, though - this time next year you'll be 100 lighter and she'll see how GOOD a decision this was for you! :)

  6. Baked egg dishes are great - and you can do them in muffin tins for smaller portions sizes. You can also add any veggies and cheese you want.

    Juevos Rancheros are awesome - I take about 1/4 c of black Beans (canned - I rinse and drain them to get off a lot of the goop and salt) heat them up in a pan with about a tablespoon of chopped onion, a tablespoon of chopped bell pepper, and a tsp of chopped garlic (you can add some jalepeno too, if you like it!) then I crack an egg on top, turn the heat onto low, pop a lid on and cook it for about 10 minutes or so until the egg is cooked through. You can put some cheese on top too.

    For a quick Breakfast, you can make homemade bars (we're working on a recipe for one that's high Protein, low carb and actually tastes good ...) or yogurt is always good too.

  7. Some days are easier than others, but we all still have the "fat voice" in our heads.

    This is something I was JUST talking about with someone today. They didn't understand why I was still having issues. People that haven't been there have no idea about the addiction and the hold it has on us.

  8. I hear a lot of talk about wls being the "easy way out". And for some reason that confounds me people keep getting their panties in a bunch over that particular phrase. I'm one of them, I'll admit it. But I've been thinking alot about how I'm letting other people determine my feelings with that particular phrase, and I'm changing the way I think about it. I mean, yeah, I guess, compared to the alternative of being 110lbs overweight and struggling with health issues that I couldn't do anything about wls was "the easy way out". Why the he'll should we continue to do things the hard way, especially if it doesn't work? In what other area of your life do you look at your options and choose the longest road or the most difficult path or the hard way? So I'm changing my attitude about "the easy way" and I'm here to say, Your damn right!" And I'm proud of it. Just because wls is "easier" (HA) than anything else I've tried doesn't make it easy, but it sure is effective. Just a thought.

    I've been known to tell people that for ME it was, "Working smarter, not harder" for my weight loss, LOL.

  9. Pre-boil some shrimp or eggs and have those on hand to grab quickly, almonds, greek yogurt, cheese sticks, natural Peanut Butter ... If you're talking about meals, make up big batches of things like Soups and chillis and stuff like that and pre-portion it out in 1/2 cup freezer containers (Ziploc has some - I got them at Wal Mart and Target), have grilled or boiled Protein on hand ... Are you eating raw veggies and salad yet? If so, toss some Protein on top of about 1/2-1 cup of lettuce greens and away you go.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
