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7 Bites_Jen

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by 7 Bites_Jen

  1. " I need to pay attention to my Protein intake not just because my body needs good-quality Protein to repair the muscles I use during my daily workouts, but because low protein intake often represents maladaptive eating."

    YES. THIS!!!
    I LOVE that you brought up the maladaptive eating. This is one thing that I have had real issues with. I never even THOUGHT of it being directly related to my protein intake. Good stuff!!!

  2. I had to do a mandatory six month program with my insurance, and my surgeon also required us to go through a six month program to to even be considered.

    I think this is brilliant and that more people need this kind of thing! Maybe not a 6 month program, but at least 1-3 months. The education prior to surgery is HORRIBLE. Yes, we can google everything now, but sometimes it takes months to even know where to look.

  3. SUCH a great article!

    We're developing some recipes right now with this exact theme :) One of my favorite, simple recipes is to puree some strawberries and fold them into homemade whipped cream then put them into popcicle molds and freeze. If you like, you can add some Protein powder to the mix when you blend it, but I don't like the texture it gives.

  4. I personally use vegan powders just because I can't tolerate anything else. Vega's a great brand. There are a few other really good ones out there too. I would actually wait until after surgery and get a TON of sample packs of different ones before committing. Your tastes will change and you may end up intolerant after surgery. If you go for the whey version, Chike and Unjury are super popular and I think you can get sample packs of both online to try :)

  5. Have you gotten off track and lost your "Bariatric Brain"? Maybe it's time to start thinking like a bariatric patient again!

    Let’s face it - after bariatric surgery, life is not the same. Your diet will change, your body will change, and in many cases, your attitude will change. For many of us, however, a point in time comes when we find ourselves in a different state. In some respect, we almost forget that we’ve had bariatric surgery.

    After our initial phases of being on liquids, soft and chopped foods, and transitioning into full solids, we spend some time reveling in our ability to eat a ton less and to be able to only eat certain foods. For the first 6-12 months, we are in a “honeymoon phase” of sorts - we’re losing weight easily, we have the assurance that we just CAN’T eat certain things such as rice, bread, Pasta, etc., and we’re in a certain mindset that I’ve dubbed the “Bariatric Brain”. For some of us, that mindset remains because we are never able to eat certain things without them getting stuck or without experiencing dumping syndrome. For others, that mindset all but disappears when we discover that we can eat certain foods without sliming or them getting stuck, or that other foods no longer send us to the bathroom for an hour.

    From my own experience, the downfall out of the “Bariatric Brain” began 6 months after my surgery. I was told my my nutritionist that I was allowed to have carbonation from that point on. I was a little confused, as all of the other people I knew with the sleeve had been told they could never have it again, but my addiction to diet soda was stronger than my common sense. From that point on, I learned I could also eat bread (8 months), pasta (10 months) and rice (14 months). From there, it was no-holds barred.

    Something else that happens with the sleeve that they don’t tell you is that at a certain point - your stomach capacity will increase after a time. This is because for a few months, it’s swollen to a point that you can only hold about ½ a cup of food at one time. After the first year, and it is completely healed, that capacity increases to about a cup. For someone that’s not expecting that, it can be a little confusing. For a food addict, it can be exciting and tempting. At that point, you are no longer bound by restrictions.

    When this happens, some people begin to forget about their surgery. They begin to get back into a different mindset. One of “oh, I can eat this!” instead of, “Nope - gotta leave that off”. When this happens, the diet shifts to one of fast food, sugar, carbs, soft drinks, and alcohol (not every food in every case, mind you). It is that moment when the tool that we so greatly loved and admired begins to fail us. Or, rather, WE begin to fail our TOOL.

    When this happens, it’s time to return to the mindset we were in during the first year. It’s time to think like a bariatric patient again.

    This is no easy feat, after all, we’ve returned to our addiction - FOOD.

    But at the same time, in the case of most other addictions - drugs, alcohol, nicotine, etc. - there is almost always a backslide. A heroine addict may sneak out of rehab for that one more fix, an AA leader might get depressed one night and get insanely drunk, someone trying to quit smoking might sneak a puff or two at a rock concert. These instances are normal and, some believe, even a healthy part of the healing from addiction. If this is acceptable in these cases, why is it not acceptable in the weight loss world?

    When this happens, take a step back. Look at yourself from the outside in. It’s important here to remind yourself that getting off track is NORMAL and OK. Although not everyone has done it, many MANY people have - and some of those people have the most successful weight loss stories on the Bariatric Pal forum.

    With that in mind, how does one go back to the “Bariatric Brain”?

    Go Back To Basics

    Remember what started the weight loss to begin with? Protein, Water, walking? Get back to it! Make sure you’re getting AT LEAST 60g of protein a day (even better is 80-90g!). Make sure you’re getting AT LEAST 64oz of water a day, and make sure you’re getting some kind of activity for AT LEAST 15 minutes a day (30-45 minutes is better).

    Return To Liquids?

    Some people return to a liquid diet for a few days (no more than 3). They feel that this helps “reset” their system and returns their mindset back to where it should be. One way of doing this is through the “5-Day Pouch Test” (designed for RnY or Gastric Band patients) in which you return to liquids for a few days then gradually return to solid foods.

    For those that have the sleeve or the duodenal switch, the pouch test might not work for you as it’s not designed for that kind of surgery. That being said, if you feel the need, you can also return to liquids for a few days.

    Return To Support Groups

    Support groups are the #1 key to a successful weight loss surgery, regardless of your surgery or your stage. If you are a year or more out, consider returning to a support group. Hearing what the people in the early stages are having issues with, and helping them work through those issues can, in fact, help you work through yours.

    Read, and Educate Yourself

    Consider finding books, articles, cookbooks, and magazines on bariatric surgery. Do research on one aspect that really interests you. Immerse yourself in it again like you did in the beginning!

    Remember Your Motivation

    What was your reason for having Bariatric Surgery to begin with? Your health? Your family? Your looks? Looking at what you wanted from your surgery and where you are now might help you to refocus.

    In The End Remember …

    What you are going through right now is okay, and completely normal. Thousands of people are going through exactly the same thing you are. You are not alone!

    Remember that if you’re REALLY struggling, you can always find help. Talk you your nutritionist or dietician, seek mentorship in a support group, or find a good counselor that has experience with food addiction and bariatric patients. And ALWAYS remember - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

  6. I physically cannot eat and drink at the same time. When I do, I immediately get nauseated. Some people can eat and drink at the same time, some can't. My best advice to you is to always follow your surgeons instructions, no matter how silly or unneeded you might think they are. They are there to keep you from hurting yourself and your new stomach!

  7. This has really given me some meal suggestions and I am sure it has others. I had never considered oats before as I was told by my NUT (which was a nut) that it was forbidden.

    A lot of doctors and nutritionists are telling their patients no carbs at all for the first 6-9 months. I believe it's because you're in the losing phase and carbs can hinder that in some people. Beyond that, though, I can't see why oats would be a no-no. You might ask about that!

  8. I'm at 2 years and my day looks like this (about)

    B/F - 1 scrambled egg or a smoothie with a serving of Protein with 1/4 c fruit and a few leaves of spinach in 6-8 oz almond milk

    lunch - 3 oz Protein with some kind of veggie and a little starch

    dinner - 3-4 oz protein with veggies

    For Snacks I keep boiled eggs, boiled shrimp, and fruit and raw veggies on hand.

    It really varies, but I usually can eat up to a cup of food at a time total.

  9. Hi Jen- just wanted to let you know i have enjoyed several of the 7 Bites episodes and make your little individual meatloaves all the time!

    I prefer online support because i can come here on my own time and can be here for 5 minutes or 2 hours, whatever i prefer. the face-to-face that my program offers is a good group but they meet at a time that is not great for me. i get out of work an hour and a half earlier than the meeting starts, and it's a 20 minute drive home. so i can't go home and back-waste of time and gas- and little to do if I wait in town. i DO go occasionally and have had a good time at the meetings i go to, always great info and fellowship!

    Aw, thanks mi75!!! That means a lot to me :)

    Is the online support working out for you well?

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