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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bigbeaz

  1. Bigbeaz

    Valentine's Challenge

    Starting:307 Current: 297 Goal: 292 Moving on down....
  2. Bigbeaz

    4 months

    From the album: Bigbeaz

    I used to be able to hold these up without a belt.... crazy what you can do with motivation. The sleeve helps too lol.
  3. Bigbeaz

    Valentine's Challenge

    I know I'm a day early but I couldn't help it.... Starting:307 Current: 299.8 Goal: 292 WOOHOO It's my first time under the 300 Mark in 5 years. Cant wait until I hit that 200 mark.
  4. Bigbeaz

    Valentine's Challenge

    Congrats everyone.
  5. The stall continues.... gerrrrrr

    1. KhadijahRose


      I was stalled for as long as 2 months!! So I totally feel your frustration. I fasted for 3 days and it finally broke

    2. Travelbug1955


      I was stalled for 2 months. When I got the flu and couldnt eat, I lost 5 pounds.

  6. Bigbeaz

    Valentine's Challenge

    Starting: 307 Current: 303 Goal: 292 Starting: 307 Current: 301 Goal: 292
  7. Bigbeaz

    I have a 10 month old baby

    I have a 4 year old and a one year old and I didn't have any issues taking care of them. They just weren't allowed to jump on me like they usually do for a while. But all in all you should be able to care for them post-op. Just don't recommend pushing yourself because you'll need the rest.
  8. Bigbeaz

    Belching and gas

    Yeah I've seen a huge decline in mine as well.
  9. Bigbeaz


    I'm 3 months out and I've already had two. One at about a month that lasted 2 weeks and one i am going threw now. It's been about 2 weeks also. I know I'm getting small but it's annoying when the scale doesn't follow lol.
  10. EH! Stalls are no fun

  11. It goes by so fast. Iol, it only feels like yesterday I went under.
  12. Bigbeaz

    need some advice

    good thread.
  13. Bigbeaz

    Not too bad

    Congrats. Welcome to the club.
  14. Bigbeaz

    Before After

    Great work man. Truly inspiring to the rest of us.
  15. Bigbeaz

    4 random post-op questions

    Speaking for myself of course, hope this helps. 1. what exactly does the pain feel like right after surgery? Most of my pain was on my incisions themselves. And I wouldn't call it pain really. It was more like a tightness. Same as with any large cut. I had no internal pain at all. My larger incision was tacked down to my abdominal wall so when ever I tried to sit up or move the wrong way it would pull. But it was more annoying than anything. That eventually released and after that I didn't feel any more pain what so ever. Of course everyone has different pain tolerances, mine happens to be pretty high. 2. Do they let you wear underwear during surgery? I was completely nude under my gown. I was extremely worried about this too. I was insecure about having so many people around me while I was completely naked. But once you put your gown on they gave me blankets that I covered up with the entire time I was awake. To answer you question, No. They told me to take them off. 3. were you have to use the restroom by yourself? I tried to go by myself about 4 hours after my surgery. Bad ideal lol. I made a mess. I recommend a spouse or family member to be there to help you the first time if you are not sure of yourself. I wish I wouldn't have been stubborn lol. 4. Is there a trick to making it less painful when getting up or sitting? I found there was only two ways that I would not be able to feel any discomfort. One was to left my wife pull me up from the couch/recliner and or I would basically roll off the couch and lift myself with my legs and back. After a few days I could gradually get up with no to little pain though. If you take your meds like you should then I don't think the pain is going to be that severe that you will not be able to get up at all.
  16. Bigbeaz

    Valentine's Challenge

    Starting: 307 Current: 303 Goal: 292
  17. Bigbeaz


    From the album: Bigbeaz

  18. Bigbeaz


    What a difference. I cant wait until I'm 8 months in. How does it feel?
  19. Bigbeaz


    You look amazing.
  20. I'm so close to being under 300.....

    1. BigGirlPanties


      when I hit the 299 I couldn't believe it! Now I'm slowly creeping DOWN to the 199 mark... I can't wait to see THAT day!!! :) good luck


    2. RJ'S/beginning


      I'm with you...Once I was under 300 I felt I was right on Q and the rest was gravy!

  21. Bigbeaz

    Oct 21-26

    I'm just now finding this one. I was sleeved on the 24th. I hope everyone is doing great.
  22. Bigbeaz

    4985 193294645643 4712950 N

  23. Bigbeaz

    What I want to be again

    This is me when I was in the Military. It's my goal to be back down to this.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
