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Everything posted by Annie67

  1. I have a question about weightloss surgery. Someone in my family had decided to have it done. She weighs 200 pounds (we don't believe she needs it but who are we to say that I guess) anyway she went to the surgeon for it and they didn't approve her because she's only 200 pounds but then she started crying in the office so they came back in and said ok well approve you we will just add weight onto your paper work and change a couple other things to. Is this safe? I don't think she should be going thru with this.. There's regulations put in place for reasons right? I dont know we just can't believe the doctor has done this and also can't believe she's ok with it.
  2. Annie67

    Surgery safety

    Well that's the thing she's passed everything, she has her surgery date set for two weeks from now. Everyone has given her the thumbs up. I'm torn because my father is an investigator for the health department and I haven't told him about what the doctor did... That's what he does for a living he investigates people like that doctor.. But I don't want to over step here and ruin her date... I no she wants this I'm just scared that they fudged the papers. I dont know I won't be saying anything to my dad I guess but i dont know what to do here. If anything or maybe I should not do anything. Sorry to seem all over the place I just am lost in these waters I've never been in before no what I mean
  3. Annie67

    Surgery safety

    Yea I read it after I sent that through lol
  4. Annie67

    Surgery safety

    Thank you that's very helpful Jamie! I did not no any of that. This is why my family and I posted to here to try to get my insight on the subject. Thanks again!
  5. Annie67

    Surgery safety

    First of all I am not telling her she can't do what she wants but as her family I am comcerned for her safety. I wanted feed back not your personal opinions If you have nothing that is helpful to day please don't waste my time! You are not answering my question. She is 50 years old 5'4 and 180 pounds right now. The surgeon is legit. I just worry for her I no those regulations are put in place for a reason I don't want to see something happen to her during surgery because this doctor lied on her paper work. He added 30 pounds to her paper work and she has no health issues but he added some on there.
  6. Annie67

    Surgery safety

    Also she is now 180 something pounds now and two weeks away from her surgery now. Is this normal that people at these weights have surgery?

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