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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cookielover

  1. cookielover


    I am setting my goal like this- I know I can hit 150. I really don't give a rats ass about my BMI. I think to be in normal range I have to be 135, and hey if I get there I will be pleased but I don't mind being a little chubby...it's better than being mor. ob. Also I exercise everyday so I want a lot my weight to be muscle.
  2. Hey Tenacious Tens- I believe in you all so much, and I watch your progress on your tickers and your messages. I searched out this post because in it we had the "SPARK and FIRE"! We talked about what we knew we were going to accomplish and we were ready to make it happen. I just wanted to remind us all of how far we have come. Look at those pictures!!!! ABC Amy- if you are reading this- don't leave us. Also I found this excellent website that I love it helps track calories, exercise, and it will make a meal plan for you to help you reach your goals, and the best part is it is FREE! No strings attached. Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople I started to use it and I have lost another 3 pounds. It is AWESOME! If you decide to go- look me up my user name is: acdane... we can be buddies there too. Hope to see you there.
  3. cookielover

    Is This Slow?

    I know I am going against the grain, but maybe you are not eating enough calories. If you work out 5 hours a week then it may be likely that you need more than 1000 calories for your body to start releasing some of its extra resources: your fat! I eat more calories that the average person on this board about 1700, and I workout everyday to minus around 500 to 800 calories. Could you imagine if I was only eating 1000? My body would be living on a net calorie count of 200 calories, and I don't think it would be very easy to convince it to part with my fat. For the 1700 calories I eat whole foods and veggies, and I drink Protein. So far in the last 4 months I am down almost 50 pounds, and I feel great. The most important part is I know I could live the rest of my life this way, and I know I would be happy.
  4. cookielover

    Treadmill VS Elliptical

    I like the elliptical because you get more bang for your buck! It burns a lot of calories in a shorter time frame, and it seems to build more muscles. I am happier when I am on it, because it is less impact on my body. Plus I walk everyday outside, so the treadmill is kind of redundant.
  5. I had the same question before I had my surgery too. I was almost afraid to be thin, because part of me did not want to be noticed. I thought being fat made me invisible. I also didn't know if I had the self-control to handle all the extra attention I imagined I would be receiving from the boys. What this all boiled down to was a self-esteem issue. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> In the end I my best friend dumped me over my surgery; no bones about it- she did not want any part of it, also she did not want to be the fat one. Sad...very sad. I don't care if people talk to me or not. If they are catty then they are not worth my time. To my friends that stayed they are supportive I appreciate them even more! I have opened myself up to making new, stronger, healthier relationships, which I cherish. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> As for men...HA they do check me out and I absolutely love it. But the guy who checks me out the most is my husband, and wow that is a total thrill. (However, he was always doing that- I just wasn't open to his advances.) <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I laugh at my worries that I used to have, because they were so in vain. Yes my world was flipped over, but underneath I found a diamond…ME!<o:p></o:p>
  6. cookielover

    Is This Slow?

    It all depends on what effort you actually put into it. For example I could lose weight quicker if I cut more calories as I currently consume about 1700 a day. I exercise about 500 to 700 off per day. Some people consume less than 1000! I think I would go crazy if I did that. I drink a high calorie (175) mocha per day- it keeps me sane and happy. If I cut that out I could lose 18 more pounds per year, but it is not worth it to me. On the positive I track my calories and exercise, and drink my water. I do everything possible, expect of course give up Starbucks. Oh well when I can't lose those last 20 pounds I guess I will know why.
  7. cookielover


    Too many people beat fat people up; we need to stop beating up on ourselves too . I think what you may be going through is "last-meal-syndrome" It is very common: get it while the getting is good. Before my surgery I had a lot of "last suppers", "last desserts", and "last lunches". I even went on vacation twice to get my fill of food, because what if I could never enjoy food again?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> The funny part is I can still eat anything I want...my band is very flexible. I wish it wasn't, because it requires that I do a lot more "policing" on my own, and I thought the band was going to do that for me. So it is willpower that keeps me away from white bread. DAMN.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Lastly, I think most of us are to some degree food addicts, because if we could stop eating we wouldn't need the band. <o:p></o:p>
  8. I for one am VERY proud of you for losing 119 pounds! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I used to be the first to blame myself if things were not going smooth. More importantly I would set really high expectations, and then hate myself when I failed. By having this pattern it allowed me to say, "Screw it I am a loser! I totally knew I was going to fail. I am so tired of trying anymore I am giving up." And I did things that were not in my best interest.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I am NOT saying this is what you are doing, but I think berating yourself for eating half of cheeseburger is non-productive. Don’t be so hard on your self.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I read some of your blog and you are a truly powerful woman. Don't give up. I wish you all the best luck, and in a year I hope that I can enjoy the same successful results as you. You are an inspiration.<o:p></o:p>
  9. cookielover

    Oprah needs a lapband....

    Amen-Amen-Amen! But then she would have to give up all that "gourmet" food she loves eats like fried chicken, pizza, and hot dogs. (:whatchutalkingaboutI saw that Macon show, and the Gayle and Oprah Summer Road Trip Show) The lady just doesn't have that much will power. :piggy:Face it people we are power bunch of people:hurray:...the easy way out- my butt!:tongue:
  10. cookielover


    I have not PB'd or slimmed once since banding. I also am able to eat veggies, fruit, meats, legumes, and all the other healthy stuff I used to avoid. I do not touch white bread, cakes, candy, soda, juice, potato chips, and mainly all other junk food. I eat until I feel full. Sometimes it takes a little to make me feel full, and other times it takes more. I try not to stress too much, and take it all in stride. ( I do miss brownies from time-to-time...)
  11. cookielover


    I watched that POS (pardon me.) and I laughed and then pitied the two poor people "sharing" their stories. Without knowing their entire story, and just giving an opinion based on what I saw: I have to say they were pretty irresponsible when it came to their band. Barfing "everyday" and being able to only eat chips, candy, chocolate milk, and other junk food; come on! "I haven't had a vegetable or an apple in years..." It is no wonder why they didn't lose weight and didn't feel good. I am surprised she didn't die from malnutrition! Apparently these two did not feel it was in their best interest to work with their band...they just let things happen to them, and then bitched when they didn't get the results they wanted. I just want you to know I mainly LAUGHED.
  12. cookielover

    Teenage Lapband On Oprah

    I am in two minds about WLS for young teens. As a young teen growing up I would have loved to have the ability to have this surgery, so the emotional pain that I suffered as I got older would have been far less. That being said as a young teen I am not sure that I could have handled the emotional toll and mental energy the surgery requires post-op. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> For example when Oprah asked what the young teens ate for food- the response was "half of a cheeseburger and a few fries." Since I have been banded I have not allowed myself the opportunity to have such treats. (I have to assume the parents do their best to keep them on a strict diet, but that is my point-the parents have to participate in the process. Left on their own- it's cheeseburger and fries.)<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> My advice is unless there are serious health risks (not being able to find the perfect boyfriend does not count.) everyone (including the parents) should do everything to support weight loss, and promote a healthy self-esteem until the time is right to have the surgery. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I also agree that Oprah was biased against the kids who had WLS. They are also inspirations! <o:p></o:p>
  13. cookielover

    Oct 07 Bandsters - how are you doing?

    I am happy with my band, but more importantly I am thrilled with my efforts. I have had three fills. I am not sure how much I have in my band, but I am not quite at my sweet spot yet. My band is tight in the morning and lose at night; it kind of reminds me of a pair stretch jeans. My mornings are easy, and my nights are a challenge, so I must rely on my better judgement at night. I work out EVERYDAY...no excuses. My success has been a 50 pound weight lost. To celebrate I went out and bought new make-up, clothes, and got my hair done. When I lose the next 50 I am getting a tummy tuck, more new clothes, and a trip to Mexico! I love my band...
  14. cookielover

    NSV - first time for me in many years!

    I am so close to the "regular" clothes department I can almost taste it! By the end of March I will be leaving Plus-Size-Land forever-that is a promise you can take to the bank! BABS-WAY TO GO ON BREAKING OUT!
  15. cookielover

    Where is everyone?

    Hey Lizzie- I just checked in today and here you are I tell you it must be kismet! Hi Carrot- How are you doing? I keep reading the board and it is kind of depressing me; what happened to our Tenacious Tens? From what I have been reading we are "struggling". I prefer to think of it as "recalibrating". Think about it most of us lost a ton of weight in a short amount of time, and our bodies went, "Whoa, hold on we need to hold on to our fat. We must be starving. Is there a famine we weren't told about?" So the weight lost is suppose to slow, but you have to kick it in the ass, by working your butt off. I started working out everyday when my body pulled the "I-am-keeping-the-fat-for-a-rainy-day-syndrome". I actually love to kick my body's ass. My workout routine is on my blog if you want to see it. Don't give up-it isn't worth it. We are in this to win it!
  16. cookielover

    Putting things into perspective

    Hi Everyone I have been M.I.A. for a little while thought I would peak in and see how everyone is doing. Bandster 1007- 226/216/130"] ...finally..i lost some weight!!!!!!! Congratulations, I am so happy for you! You are on your way. :tongue:
  17. cookielover

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Please add me to the challenge too! NAME ... Start Weight ... Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go Cookielover ..198 .........175 ....... 198 ............23
  18. cookielover

    Frustrated and disappointed

    There is a reason that most of us became overweight- we didn't have the greatest eating habits. Before I was banded I believed that I made GREAT food choices, (I am totally telling the truth.) and I couldn’t figure out why I was heavy. I blamed my weight on being hungry all the time- so I got the band. There I won't be hungry anymore! How many more times can a person be wrong? I was still hungry with the band- especially in the beginning; the only difference is now I was more accountable. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> The greatest gift the band gave me was it forced me to examine my food choices. I don't have as much "real estate" in my stomach as I had before, so I can’t eat cake or cookies, which I ate a lot of before. I don't eat potato chips or drink high calorie beverages. I haven't had a chocolate bar in almost 4 months, and I used to eat one everyday, but that is probably because now I can't figure out where to fit it into my eating schedule. I ALWAYS eat my protein first...veggies second...and IF I have room then my carbs. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I also log my food AND my exercise. I exercise daily because I get a rush from knowing that my body is getting stronger and stronger. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I have never thrown up or PB'd- if I was doing that a couple times a week I would go to my doctor and get a un-fill, or change my eating habits. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Remember the band just levels our playing field. You have what it takes inside you to succeed. If you are not happy with your results then change your behavior...I am living proof it can be done!<o:p></o:p> Good luck!<o:p></o:p>
  19. I have been banded since October 3rd, and everything has been rolling along smoothly...until recently. Last week I went snow shoeing and the next day my port area was bugging me. It felt like a dull ache; kind of like I had pulled something. It went away after a few days and I forgot about it. A few days ago the pain came back but it was a lot worse, and when I touched my port area it felt like my port was bulging out from under my skin. I have to admit that I really never touched my port before; I figured that if I just let it do it's thing we would get along just fine without getting too personal. I hate the idea of having to touch something foreign in my body. However due to the pain that I am in I have now been forced to explore my port and it feels like there is a big round lump under my skin. Is it suppose to be flat on top, or is it suppose to be round? I know this is so sad that I have to even ask this question, because I should know how it is suppose to feel! If anyone can shed some light on this I would sleep better tonigiht. Is it normal to have a dull ache around your port? I know my doctor did not stitch it down, so I can move it a bit with my fingers (side-to-side.)
  20. My husband totally knows how much I weigh because when I get off of the scale I run around the house and tell him, "Watch out I am coming for you...only 8 more pounds and I will weigh less than you! Baw Whaa Whaa!" And since he is an accountant he can pretty much do the math and figure out how much I weigh. He has always known how much I weigh, because there has never been any secrets between us. For godness sakes the man sees me naked. (I am not a lights off kinda girl.), and like I said he is pretty good with numbers so why hide it. (I also never hide shopping purchases from him either, but I guess that is for another poll.):eek:
  21. cookielover

    Strange Question - Please Respond

    I have heard of people living a "bandster" lifestyle before they get the band and getting results. Such as eating slowly and chewing their food as if they had the band. Eating smaller portions, and cutting out junk food of course. I say why not try it what have you got to lose? The band only levels the playing field for us overeaters. It helps control the physical need to eat. (Not the emotional, which sometimes can be a bummer.) Anything you do to improve yourself is a step in the right direction. Good luck.
  22. I went to see my doctor today and he said that my port has moved, but it is nothing to worry about. My port is not stitched to my muscle, and he feels that by not stitching it the port needs little to no repair. (He has never had to repair a flipped port.) He moved it back into place and everything was status-quo I guess. He did show me what an actual port looks like, and it wasn't so bad, but I am still not poking at it. Let's just say that me and my port are going to have a long distance relationship if it is possible. I am just happy everything is marvy. WHEW!
  23. I called my doctor today and I have an appointment for Thursday. I have to admit that my port area does feel better today. I guess I had a weird phobia about "something" sitting so close to my skin. I talked to the nurse today on the phone and told her about my phobia and she chucked at me. I guess that is why I pay my doctor...he will be able to tell me if my port is where it should be. Then I will have a point of reference.
  24. I love a challenge! name ........ starting# .... current#......goal#.....togo# Rainer..........264............264..........248.......16 wombat712.......154.8..........154.8........140.......14.8 LessnLess.......172............172..........164.......8 metawnny........252............252..........240.......12 Skinny_Jill.....195............195..........180.......15 Candle .........218............218..........207.......11 KarenG..........207............207..........199.......8 Hoppingto.......350............314..........294.......20 SWEETY..........180............180..........170.......10 juliegeraci.....220............220..........210.......8 Trystelle.......219............219..........205.......14 Susan4794.......240............240..........225.......15 rharriet........367............256..........248.......8 nip50...........250............250..........238.......12 keekahari.......220............220..........205.......15 Hollyberries....298............298..........285.......13 Stacy73.........230............230..........222.......8 Irishmae11......233............233..........219.......14 jfran...........187............187..........177.......10 liz_hager.......202............202..........190.......12 SueMagoo........230............229..........220.......9 MJRouse84.......274............233..........218.......15 Cagstorm........360............360..........345.......15 Jsrico..........255............178..........165.......13 kjl315..........237.5..........237.5........220.......17.5 chickatee.......188............188..........175.......13 want2lose.......236............236..........225.......11 Cerrin..........350............350..........325.......25 Twilight........206............206..........185.......21 RenewedHope.....228............228..........210.......18 georgia girl....275............275..........260.......15 Anitak33........245............218..........199.......19 Redtulips3......248............248..........235.......13 cQQlgirl........220............220..........210.......10 Manatee.........188............188..........175.......13 Jennie1976.......290..........251...........235.......16 Cookielover.......202..........202...........192.......10
  25. cookielover

    Back to Reality

    You guys are my heros! I would have not been able to go back to work for at least three weeks post-op.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
