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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About liane

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    Expert Member

About Me

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    New York
  1. Hi there everyone! It is sometimes hard to see progress for ourselves so I did some before and after pictures. I am so glad I did. It helps me to stay inspired and stay on track. I am 5.5 months out and 81 lbs gone, FOREVER!! getting closer entering wonderland very soon!!! So psyched!! What do you all think?
  2. liane

    upstate ny

    Where in upstate are you? are you still looking for clothing?
  3. I sipped all day long using little medicine cups. One every 15 minutes. Its what my surgeon does and I could not go home until I was off IV and sipping enough fluids all day long. It is hard for sure but you can do this!!
  4. Thanks! I will start using it for sure Do you know how many calories one should have approximately. The fluid thing makes sense as I struggled the last two weeks getting enough in. I am heading to my fitness pal now to sign up. Thanks again!
  5. Hi! I have been stuck at the same weight for two weeks. I had my last pause in loss when I was pre menstrual and am at this time as well. have anything to do with it? I need a good week of loss as I am feeling a little down. Any advice? Something to change up? I have lost around 46 lbs in 10 weeks and was happy with that but I want that 50 so bad!!! Give me some feedback please...feeling a little down
  6. Good luck Melissa! As long as you have done everything your insurance expects you will have no problems. I had my RNY surgery 2.5 weeks ago and am so blessed to be doing well. I will wish you luck!!
  7. liane

    What Exercise Did You Do Today?

    4.30 mile walk this morning ))
  8. liane

    Pen Pal Goodie Boxes?

    Yes! I am interested. Send me the email liane_eggleston@yahoo.com
  9. liane

    What ya eating tonight?

    Tonight...tuna salad (less than 1/4 cup) and 2 crackers. Its was delicious!! ))
  10. liane


    I could have it week 2 but only 1-2 teaspoons at a time I just graduated today to week 3. Tuna and crackers it awesome!! I have such an appreciation )
  11. That is awesome news!! Congrats!!!
  12. I am 2 weeks post op tomorrow. I still have some glue on my incisions but healing nicely. I don't go to the Dr for post op visit until September 13th. I currently and walking or using elliptical and going a little over 2 miles a day. Can you tell me when you started toning? I am not allowed to lift more than 15 lbs. I could use 5 lb weights or under but not sure if I should. How far along with cardio were you before toning? THANKS!!
  13. I had my surgery the day after you and I can completely understand what you are saying. I am done Protein shakes the end of this week and have to focus more on foods. I am excited for some of the items I can have at that time. Right now I eat greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Only 2 teaspoons at a time thought. I can also have a few other things but my focus is protein. Thursday I can add tuna and scrambled eggs and a couple small crackers if I choose. Only a 1/4 cup but may feel full before that. It sounds like you are doing a great job!! Keep up the great work You will get to real food soon enough!! Liane

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
