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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ponchik

  1. ponchik

    Things I will not miss...

    I want to get rid of my back boobs...
  2. ponchik


    I peeled them off close to 2 weeks, they were gathering bunch of fabric from my clothes and it looked nasty. I watched edu video after the surgery and they said to peel them gently after 14 days, because they no longer serve the purpose after 2 weeks... I'm not a doctor though, maybe your strips are different
  3. ponchik

    Pureed stage

    I run chicken and then separately potato with veggies through 30 sec in my food chopper, it comes out as purée.
  4. ponchik

    Pureed stage

    Hah! Sorry, there is no favorite, but I understand that this is welcomed change after liquids I liked chicken breast plus mashed potatoes with canned peas and carrots.
  5. I gained 14 in the hospital, I lost it within the week. The more you move, the faster it goes away...
  6. ponchik

    August 2013 surgeries

    Agree, I am so sick and tired of sweet, I got chicken soup flavored protein powder and now add it to all soups. It tastes OK.
  7. ponchik

    Food Logs Discussion

    Thanks much for step by step instructions, DL!
  8. No worries, we are all swimming in the same waters on slightly different boats I agree with DL, there is bunch of folks here eager to help and share their experiences... My hubby never really got interested in my appointments and the surgery, but I am used to it already hope yours will show some interest soon! If you need to vent, you always have us
  9. ponchik

    August 2013 surgeries

    I agree! Isopure drinks are nasty!!! Awful aftertaste and I couldn't stomach it! I think it's even worse than New Whey protein shots
  10. ponchik

    Food Logs Discussion

    Is there anybody to tell me how to modify my daily protein/calorie goals in MFP? Would really appreciate your help my goals right now are ridiculously high...
  11. ponchik

    can u relate to..

    I can relate to the part of being bullied, I am on the beginning of my journey and never experienced such tremendous weightloss as you did ( not to speak of complications). I don't think you are paranoid. I don't open to strangers about my surgery and I will probably never do, but in case of the b brother, I think it would do good to both of you to have somebody in a close circle you can talk to and share frustrations... Plus he'd probably benefit from having RNY mentor like you...
  12. Also remember that having good lung capacity is super important in recovery from the anesthesia... I was smoker for close to 20 years and tried to quit several times. When I was pregnant I didn't smoke at all but started again about year after giving birth... I quit again about 6 months ago, cold turkey; it is doable, but my hubby told me I was angry b##ch for about 2 weeks. I hope chantix works for you!!! Feel free to message me anytime, I know what you are going through!
  13. Yes!!! I had my surgery on 8/12 and tried tuna on whole wheat cracker today!!! I know how you feel!! I was so sick and tired of jell-o, broth and popsicles i could kill for some crunch!
  14. ponchik

    Food Logs Discussion

    I was logging for 6 months before the surgery, but since I was put on liquid diet 2 weeks preop, I stopped. I agree with all of you logging fanatics, it helps a lot and I need to start doing it again, at least to see what may cause my stomach issues and control protein intake. Thanks for the motivation
  15. ponchik

    Hello Newbie Here

    Hello there. I just wanted to tell you that some insurances require psych eval done within 90 days of the surgery. Mine was like that, I have BCBS.
  16. ponchik

    MEN! GRRRRR (Sorry men)

    Oh, I hear you sometimes I think that my hubby is half deaf, but I realized he is just filtering my voice
  17. ponchik

    Thank You.

    Wow, BigWojo, you dropping lbs like there's no tomorrow! I agree with you, people here are awesome help and support
  18. ponchik

    August 22nd!

    Good luck! You'll heal so much better at home! There's nothing better than your own bed
  19. ponchik

    MEN! GRRRRR (Sorry men)

    You are so right, Leticia! I am afraid it is time to copy some of your notes and start putting them up thanks for good ideas, I liked the last one the best
  20. ponchik

    MEN! GRRRRR (Sorry men)

    Oh my... I feel better that I am not alone in my battles my hubby is sweet man, he cares about the family, but he has big problem with over-using the Facebook and Internet in general. He can read Wikipedia for hours, leaving our 1.5 year old twins watching TV and fight over toys. He is not working, I make money and he is stay home dad... Or maybe stay home lawn mower... I love him dearly, but I am so exhausted leaving to work at 5.30am before kids wake up, coming home at 4.30, cooking for the family, cleaning little bit.. And before I know it it is time for twins to go to bed. After they are in bed, I take shower and go to bed myself, because I wake up at 4.30, etc... And the story repeats every day... And he is homegrown computer programmer so he works on his software hobby all the time... I tried to tell him that it is not normal that sitting at the computer is last thing I see him doing at night and the first thing I see him doing in the morning... Kids are fed and diapers are changed, bit he never plays with them, talks or reads to them... I feel like the computer is his addiction... he says he is tired too and i know that watching kids is tough work, but heeey... i am also just a human being and not sure how long I'll be able to go like that ugh... Feels better to just rant about it
  21. ponchik

    water making me sick!

    I found that only liquid in large quantities I could drink was warm tea with lemon. Try that.
  22. ponchik

    Question on Smoking

    Don't be surprised if you get weird dreams while on chantix. I think it took it for a week and then couldn't take the dreams anymore and just quit cold turkey... It was a while ago though.

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