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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Chelle

  1. Can I just share for a minute??? Monday I start my pre-op two week diet like most of the rest of you have done/are doing. It just hit me this morning that life as I know it will be over soon. At the same time as they do my bypass, they will be removing my ovaries as well. So.....transition into life after bariatric surgery AND surgical menopause at the same time. My head knows it will all be fine....but I wish this knot in my stomach would figure it out!!!!
  2. We have the same date!!!! Three more days of normal food before our lives change forever. Im so excited I can't stand it!!! Good luck to you!!
  3. Chelle

    October 2013 Surgery Dates

    I'm Chelle, and my date is 10/21/13
  4. I have only tried the Pure Protein stuff in vanilla. Its pretty thick, like a shake- and way better when its really cold. I was actually blending fruit in with it- and that was pretty great. I am on a quest to find a protein drink that is more of a liquid texture, as opposed to a think shake type texture.
  5. 13 days until I start my pre-op liquid diet thing- and here I am eating gummy Starbursts. REALLY?!?!?!?!?! Oh yeah....and a Mtn Dew (through a straw no less....). Pfft. I have been so good until the last couple of days. I keep thinking of restaurants I need to hit in this 13 days. I wish I had no money right now. I swear this has been the longest six and a half months of my entire life!!! Oct 7- start pre-op liquid Oct 21- surgery....FINALLY!!!
  6. I start mine on the 7th...whats your pre-op like?
  7. Chelle

    normal bmi!

    My goal: To look like you! You look amazing!!! Great job!!!
  8. Yesterday it became official. October 21st WOOOHOOOO. Start my pre-op diet on the 7th. Wow its been a long 6 months getting here!!! How is everyone else doing????
  9. I had my appointment this morning with the dietician- she gave me my nutritional clearance for surgery. One more appointment with the surgeon on Friday. OOOOOOH SO EXCITED!!! Still hoping for 10/21.
  10. Hi all.....wow October is going to be a busy month. This is a big week for me. I am done with my 6 month pre-op program and all of the tests. So I meet with the Dietitian on Tuesday for her to quiz me on what I have learned and sign me off, then I meet with the surgeon on Friday to sign me off. I think I'm good to go, but until all is said and done I am having huge anxiety!!!! Hopefully I will get my surgery date at that point- still aiming for Oct 21st. Wish me luck.
  11. I would rather have one surgery and have both procedures done...hope it all works. Sounds like there are several of us in that boat. Go us!!! lol I vote for OMG October. LOVE that!!!! Thank you for mentioning the small containers- I completely spaced getting those types of supplies. Off to Target I go.... :wub: I am also at the point that I am consumed (daily!!!) with thoughts of this! Im so glad I found this board- I think hubby is sick of hearing about it!!!
  12. I need to share my frustration today!!! When I get my surgery, I am not only getting the bypass, but they are also going to remove my ovaries. So- trying to coordinate with the bariatric surgeon and the OBGYN surgeon. My OBGYN surgeon just called me and said the ONLY day she is available in October is the 21st. I called my bariatric surgeon, and he refuses to schedule me until I have my next appointment on Sept 13th. Im freaking out- if we wait too long to get it scheduled, who knows when they can coordinate another day. Im just irritated they wont just schedule it. :| GRrrrrrrr
  13. YAY Happy Birthday to you!!!!! Please please please say that when we jump over to the 'Post Op' group- we stay active and support each other!!! Some months are more active than others!!!
  14. I will be an October surgery girl too! Im hoping for the 14th or 17th. I have my pre-op appointment on September 13th. Soooooo excited! I have been lurking on these boards for months now. I had a 6 month pre-op program where I see the dietician every month, an EGD, sleep study, and the psych guy. 24 days until my last pre-op appointment!!!!!!! :D:D I guess I should load a pic of me. Hmmmmmm
  15. Hi all. I have had the best time looking at different kinds of clothes that I will (hopefully) be able to wear this time next year. I have been overweight for the last 20 years, and I certainly cant wear those styles anymore. I feel like I have been stuck in layers and stretchy jeans forever. I really havent even paid much attention to fashion because I dont feel like they look the same on me, at my size now. I can't wait to buy a pencil skirt suit to wear to work, along with a white button down the front shirt with a belt around my waist (assuming I still have one of those lol). Anyway....just something fun to think about while waiting for time to pass. What kind of clothing are you excited to wear that you cant right now???
  16. I just came across one today My friends are all going tubing down the river this Saturday- and I just pulled up the website: "Inflatable kayaks, Rafts and our New TubePro Double tubes are better and safer options for kids and Adults who don't fall under the recommended age, size and weight." How embarrassing. There is another thing I will be making an excuse to miss. So.....I am excited to stop making up excuses why I have to miss fun activities with my friends and family.
  17. I have 49 days until I am done with my 6 months pre-op supervised weight loss. Hopefully will be able to schedule surgery in September. So I have had all the tests that they require, but Im really struggling with this sleep study for sleep apnea. So I had my study....and yes I have sleep apnea. Not terrible- but enough that a CPAP machine would be good for me. The doc said that even with the machine on, my oxygen levels go down when I sleep. Lovely. My issue is....in a lot of cases, sleep apnea gets better as you get thinner. Why in the world wouldnt they wait for 6 months and see if I still have it- then go through the process of putting me on the darth vadar sleeping machine??? Seems completely counter-intuitive. I have not died in my 40+ years yet, and its unlikely Im going to bite the big one in the next 6 months. Will someone please talk me out of being so negative about this stupid machine???? Chelle
  18. I wasnt going to tell ANYBODY but my husband, but as this pre-6 month thing has gone on, I have slowly told more people. Just my close friends. Its sad that it has to be so hard sometimes, to share something that is going to literally save your life! My mom had the surgery in the early 80's when they were still feeling things out- and had every side effect and problem possible. My dad cursed the surgery ever since she had it and up until the day my mom died (even blaming her ovarian cancer that killed her, on bypass surgery!)....so my goal is for him to not know I am having it. He will flip a lid!!!!
  19. Chelle


    Good Luck! I hope everything goes well for you 24th-ers! (Im soooooooooo jealous!!!!)
  20. I am planning about a week off also- hoping for no problems. Good luck to you!!
  21. Thank you for this thread. I am glad I am not crazy wanting "one more" smothered burrito...or wanting to hit Olive Garden just "one more time". Pfft. I hope that stuff makes me completely sick after surgery!!!!
  22. I am on my 6 month diet right now....and I have gone up and down. What I notice is that I am learning all of these things about food, eating, etc......so I seem to have food on the brain 24/7. I have another 50 ish days before my pre-op appointment, and if they weighed me right now I would be up a couple- hoping I can drop 10 in the next 50 days. Good luck to you!!
  23. This whole pre-op waiting is making the hairs (that will probably fall out after surgery) grey. Im usually so positive- but not today lol. I am on a 6 month pre-op program. I had my initial consult with the doc, my endoscopy, my psyc, my sleep study (still more to do here...), and I see the dietician in a class every month. Jeez. It seems kind of like an oxymoron to learn all of these things I should be doing now..(nutrition wise)...just to have them tell me it will be totally different after surgery. REALLY?!?!?!?! Just give me the dang surgery and I will do those things rather than change once, then do it again later. Sorry- just frustrated. Perhaps looking back it will seem like the time 'flew by'...but living through it is LONG! I have 66 days until I see my doc for my pre-op appt and hopefully schedule surgery for the end of Sept/beginning of Oct. AARRRGGGHHHHHH! On the upside- thanks to everyone who posts here. I have learned so much!!!!
  24. Chelle

    Jealous best friend :(

    The friend situation is tough. I have a friend who had bypass surgery 4 months ago, and I can understand the feelings. I am watching her drop the weight, she looks great and feels great. Moreso, she has all this ambition and energy and wants to go do things that I know will make my knees ache and I just dont have the stamina for. Its hard to listen to all of the things she wants to do...knowing she is growing in a completely different direction. I only say this because she may be feeling the way I am feeling. Perhaps having a very frank discussion with her about how your friendship will be changing....because it likely will. Good luck! Chelle
  25. Chelle

    Such a long wait!

    I hear ya!!!! My 6 months started on 3/8, and waiting is not fun. I figured it would go by fast, but wow time is dragginngggggg! I should have waited until now to quit the Diet Coke- which to me has been the hardest part!! It seems like all I do is go to the doctor. When I have my surgery, I am also having my ovaries removed and a bladder sling thing done. One surgery, versus three. I was already hitting my out of pocket max this year, so I figured i might as well. Luckily the docs are all good with it- but getting all the prep appts for all three surgeries is CRAZY. I have never been to the doctor more in my life lol! Happy Waiting.

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