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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by drgn_l8e

  1. I am exactly 3 months out today and I have been eating baby spinach salads for a few weeks at least. I don't eat them often and I only eat about 1/4 to 1/3 cup over a period of time but I don't have a problem with it.

  2. Has anyone participated in a "Walk from Obesity" walk? I just discovered the website and notice there are no events in or within resonable driving distance to Virginia for Spring of 2013 but I would like to participate in one when there is one close by. I was just wondering if it is like other walks, like breast cancer and such.

  3. For the longest time my PCP and I have tried to get my weight down. Finally I began looking seriously into gastric bypass last year around my birthday in July. I had my seminar class set up in August and first surgeon consultation in September. My insurance only required a PCP visit, mental health visit and a dietician visit before surgery could be approved. I already knew I wanted my surgery to be scheduled after the new year because it worked best for my work schedule and requesting the time off. I was able to complete all my required visits and was scheduled for a pre-op visit January 2, 2013 and weighed in at 353 lbs. January 3rd I started the liver cleanse where I was drinking 3 Protein shakes a day and having one low calorie, low fat meal a day. I was the first surgery of the day on January 14th and I weighed in that day at 343 lbs. Surgery went well and my hospitalization I spent sleeping quite a bit when I wasn't walking the halls or to the bathroom. I have kept a mini diary in my phone of my weightloss at random times but my one week post-op appt I had lost 17 lbs. I started back to the gym after 2 weeks however I would only walk on the treadmill for about 40 minutes at that time. Each day after surgery I felt like I was a little better than the previous so at my one week post-op I also requested to go back to work. I am a dispatcher so I don't do anything strenuous and it was exactly 2 weeks to the day of surgery that I returned to work. As of March 1,2013 I started P90x which I have enjoyed (the results at least) and there have been periods of time where I slack off and don't exercize for days and I have to straighten myself out. I live in Virginia and this year the weather has been pretty crazy but Spring has arrived so I am looking forward to outdoor activities and exersices. As of today, April 14, 2013 I am one day shy of 3 months post op. I haven't weighed for at least a week as I am trying to refrain from weighing myself so much but I have my 3 month post-op appt Wednesday and will find out then what my current weight/weightloss is. The last time I weighed was the beginning of April and I was 289 then.

    I look forward to reading and interacting with so many new people who are experiencing the same journey I am.


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