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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MrsLulu

  1. MrsLulu

    What ya eating tonight?

    When I started soft foods, I just took a couple bites and then waited for about 10-15 minutes to see if anything would happen. I was petrified of dumping. I have been able to eat a lot of things, had no problems with it. I started out with really soft food like tilapia. I would eat a few bites, then have a few sips of the protein shake in the beginning to make sure that my tummy could handle the soft stuff and to avoid getting constipated. That worked really well. I did the same thing with everything I tried u til I knew my pouch could handle it. Salmon burgers from Walmart were really easy to eat and like 22g of protein for 2.8oz (I split it into 2 meals and added some cheese on both of them to up the protein. Was really soft. Good luck hun!! You are probably soooo excited to finally be at the soft food stage. We had surgery the same day, I can hardly imagine waiting that long to progress.
  2. MrsLulu

    What ya eating tonight?

    Turkey chili with cheese... was delicious! I have a hard time not eating too much because I don't have the full feeling and it doesn't hurt or anything. I also get THIRSTY during or right after I eat. It is hard to not drink anything for awhile after eating. Anyone else deal with that?
  3. MrsLulu

    What ya eating tonight?

    All of that sounds amazing. How far out are you?
  4. I know! I switched it up a bit. Got some vanilla and added some different flavors to it. Can't stand them anymore. Sick of protein shakes.
  5. MrsLulu

    What ya eating tonight?

    Salmon burger pattie. Soooo yummy and soft so I can eat it. Not the whole thing, but half now and half later. Delicious.
  6. MrsLulu

    Relationship issues

    Totally understand. It seems like things change so quickly. RNY is a choice you made, but you did it to bring about a healthier you so you can be around for your family. I had surgery on 4/15 too. I felt that way until only a couple days ago. I was hurting all the time, couldn't do much and had to depend on others to do stuff for me. It was frustrating for me and them. Right now my hubby is feeling like this big change I have made is a step to finding a better life, but he is worried that means a life without him. We struggled for the first week because he was trying to keep the kids fed and taken care of which meant he ordered pizza or brought home other food I couldn't eat. I went for a walk a few nights because it was soooo hard to be in a house that smelled like pizza and not be able to eat. It is much better now, since I can do most things myself again. It is going to be fine, it is just a major change for everyone. Stick with it, get healthy, and enjoy your life together.
  7. MrsLulu

    What foods do you miss?

    Pizza and Pepsi! Changed my eating habits 2 months before surgery, so haven't had soda or most carbs since then. I crave pizza, I think it is mostly the TV commercials. I also LOVE pasta so I am missing that too, something fierce. Can anyone eat wheat pasta? I am wondering how long out that is on the list.
  8. I can't remember how long we are supposed to wait to try a carb like wheat pasta? I am totally going to struggle tonight. I am making spaghetti for the family (after the kids begged for it) and I LOVE spaghetti. I think I will feel better if I know when I am allowed to have a little bite of it. Give me a goal to shoot for. I think I will have sauce and cheese for dinner but I sure miss pasta. :-(
  9. It really is crazy. My surgery was 4/15 and I can have mushy foods like tuna and fish, cheese and turkey chili, as well as eggs. I think some people have such a long wait time to have actual food, and that gets pretty old real fast!
  10. MrsLulu

    The "old" stomach

    I would think severe and painful constipation would be one of them.
  11. MrsLulu

    What ya eating tonight?

    Got in all my protein today but did have to drink one protein shake. I am on the mushy food part of my food stage, and I am loving all of the fish and today I even had an egg. It sat well, but I was worried since everyone tanks about having issues with eggs. Was yummy...
  12. MrsLulu

    The "old" stomach

    I would think that if the old stomach wasn't healthy and working correctly, you would have issues with it not producing bile and have bad issues with not being able to have bowel movements. Just my thoughts.
  13. I am glad you had a good day! I know you have had a hard time, but it gets better. I finally felt like a normal person for the first time since surgery yesterday. I had to go through my closet to find clothes that I could wear. All of my others are like tents on me. I am down 61lbs now and can hardly believe it. I have already gone through all of my old clothes and worn the smallest and they were BAGGY! Was FRIGGIN AWESOME! I also went out with friends for the first time last night and everyone was having drinks so I brought sugar free Hawaiian Punch packets and just ordered water and added them. It looked like I had a drink so no one knows I wasn't having drinks. Worked out well.
  14. Because of the pulled muscle on the left side of my tummy, I cannot walk around without holding up my stomach. I was thinking it might help to try one of those compression belt things (not really tight, more supportive) so I can actually try to walk around. Being only 5 days post op, it seems scary. Has anyone tried this before?
  15. Has anyone purchased a medical alert bracelet? I know that after Gastric Bypass we cannot have NSAIDS and also no NG tube in case of an emergency. I have been told that it is a great idea to wear one, but no one knows I have had this surgery. I don't want a bracelet to announce it.
  16. Yeah it does, I think. There is another brand called Pure Protein. I haven't tried that one or checked the carbs on it.
  17. Mine didn't either, but I found some really good info and this was one of the ideas. I feel like it is a good idea just in case.
  18. Banana cream shake by Muscle Milk.
  19. I got it at Fry's. I know you can order them online too. I wish they were less expensive but I compare it to all the money I save on actually buying food. Lol!
  20. MrsLulu

    What ya eating tonight?

    Tiny piece of salmon. Finally got the okay to have this. Yay! I needed something different. Lol!
  21. I am on day 17 right now. It is so strange to not be moving much but to be dropping weight. I am starting to move more today because the pain is a little better. I am trying to remain determined.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
