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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sc_mama4

  1. sc_mama4

    Can i have almond milk ?

    YES!!! My favorite oh my gosh my favorite thing in the world. I wouldn't go nuts and drink like 20oz of it, but a 6oz would prolly suffice. If you've never drank it, be warned it tastes a lot different than milk. What got me was the after taste, but after that I never tasted it again.
  2. sc_mama4

    TMI - Black stool

    Since your so new out, you really need to probably visit a ER. There they can page your Dr and he can do a complete workup. If you weren't my first thought was it may be from pepto that can cause that. I hope your ok!
  3. sc_mama4


    Hang on u may not like me after this LOL... Pros: my clothes are cheaper bc I can shop in the kids aisle. I sit better in chairs My feet no longer have plantar fascitis Goodbye insulin shots My feet shrank from a 8.5 to 7 Guys notice me now which is honestly annoying Ppl who don't know think I've been like this my whole life lol Ppl who do know me from school that bullied me were preppy are now my use to be size lol I can booty dance to the floor Lmao The final last precious one..my kids can wrap their arms around me. Cons: (potential could apply to u) You develop complications which require several surgeries You need blood-from a total stranger You can't sleep bc ur bones hurt against the mattress Ur hair falls out U stay lethargic U vomit..sometimes a lot U catch more colds U constantly freeze Ur body hurts everywhere bc its use to carrying loads of weight. U may continue to keep a few co morbidities U stay scared bc at anytime a food can cause dumping U get sad bc now u don't know how to cope like u use too. Alone u wonder why did I do this Intimately you feel ugly and unwanted bc your stomach is full of scars U don't tell anyone bc u don't want to hear how cruel and harsh ppl can be even if u are a size 4. What I've learned in this is u can 300lbs or 100lbs either way somebody somewhere is out there ready to berate u. One thing I urge u to do. Come to honest grips as to why and how u became obese. Lots of luck and love on ur journey.
  4. sc_mama4

    Destroyed my life

    17 mos is when the volvulus occured. Then a week after that the epilepsy began. Since then I have had several more surgeries w pic peg and then finally the port. I'm in SC.
  5. sc_mama4

    So sad

    Hey hon I'm five years post op. When I read they say this is easy tell them this. GB is life altering it can save ur life or it can take it. Its painful complications arise you develop sensitivities to things you never had before. Your body aches bc its use to the cushion, you jerk all over freezing bc you can't keep warm. You partially lose your hair and sometimes long time friendships. You worry everytime you sit to eat out how much sugar, carbs or Protein is in this or am I going to get dumping from this. You tell them this and end with I'd rather die trying to save myself than to die from a heart attack stroke or diabetes costing me my quality of life. Say are you brave enough to do this as I am.... That's what I thought. Hang in there...the path to skinny grass isn't ever easy.
  6. sc_mama4

    Destroyed my life

    Thank you so much. I just tell you life like this is very hard and it infuriates me when people tell me "Oh you went the easy route" no way shape OR form is gastric bypass easy. It messes with you emotionally, physically, spirtually..basically completely! I'm going the 10th to see what is supposed to be a very good bariatric surgeon. My lower half seems fine now, but its the upper I guess where the stint is. My spasims are so severe they feel like a heaart attack. It's horrible. I can truly honestly understand why suicide rates are so high due to this surgery. It's horrible. I'm probably scaring all these poor people to death, but i'm just trying to be honest and show you all that not everyone wakes up off that table "healed." Obesity is a disease something we all have to figure out ourselves. How why when did we get this way and then comes the hard part accepting you did it yourself...no matter how hard you try to deny it. Trust me I did it. Advice to those having surgery. Listen to your bodies you hear full, you stop walk away. Learn to eat things you thought you never would. Tofu is my favorite and your going to laugh but dehydrated vegies are also my favorite. I can't drink any milk because I became lactose intolerant afterwards. Be careful and listen to your body please. i have a friend who is the same amount of time out of surgery as I and she's already gained back. I teeter between 124-133 and have since 2011. 5 years post op and saying that I feel is a big thing. I'd like to see the ones having surgery come back wih the same success stories. I wish you luck and if you need me just hollar. Thanks yall
  7. sc_mama4

    Destroyed my life

    Did they say why theirs started?? Mine was due to severe emaciation and mineral imbalances. That began in Oct 2010. I was admitted to the hospital because a part of my intestine had rotated and I needed surgery. While there I wound up having severe granmaw seizures. They placed a PIC line into my arm and began feeding me TPN that way so that I wouldn't starve to death. I laid for two weeks unconscious, seizing and unresponsive. Finally I became stable enough for them to do the surgery and it nearly took 6 hours. Once in there he had to repair several places and re anchor a lot of things that had worked lose. He also fitted me with a PEG tube into my old stapled stomach. I wore that from March 2009 til May 2010. The tube came out and the seizures continued. November of 2010 I had became emaciated again and developed what was called blind loop syndrome. They took me to surgery and had to fix a stricture in my pouch/esphogas putting in a stint like thing. I was again refitted for a PEG tube and I wore that one from November 2010 til July 2011. Finally, to be honest I gave up complaining. Doctor after Doctor and specialist after specialist, I give up. I take my Vitamins, I never eat more than I'm supposed to, I'm lactose intolerant and the list goes on and on and on. I have three children under the age of 11. It's hard for me to get up and ride a bike with them. My medication list is longer than it was pre-surgery. Pre-surgery I took: Levisin Lisinopril Humulin Nexium Baby Asprin Lasix Post Surgery: Kepra Depakote Sumatriptiphan Levisin Zantac Restoril Lopermide (sp) rx strength not oc. Tylenol because I hurt so bad everyday. Phenegrin to stop me from vomiting and then when things get bad Marinol to help with hunger. I've had a total of 3 PIC lines and now I have a port. So they can gain acess to take my blood because even with vitamins and Iron suppliments I still keep severe anemia. I ask ppl all the time from obesity groups was it really truly worth it. For me, it wasn't and I am living proof that even though this surgery has now became main stream it is NOT to be taken lightly nor to be considered a miracle because it is far from it. I worked as a paramedic many years and now I'm disabled. All because I was told by a Dr it would make my life better. Has it? Is it better that my kids has watched me hit the floor and seize? No, what would have been fair is taking myself to a gym and doing it the proper way. This way, has left me completely broken and I wonder every day of my life how many more years do I have to live this way.
  8. sc_mama4

    Destroyed my life

    well I'm five years post op. I've had a total of 7 surgeries with 7 blood transfusions. My favorite assumption ppl say is "your not following the rules" NO I follow them to the tee. My weight leveled off at 124lbs and has been that way for 4 years. Not following protocol would result in weight re-gain. My health issues are so severe that I'm epileptic and now disabled due to it. When I get sick I get sick, ICU, main floor hospital stays and countless pokes and prods. This surgery is the most horrific kind to have. If i could go back I would have put my butt on a treadmill. There is so much more to this surgery than ppl think. SURE you went thru your psych eval but have you thought about the psychological ramifications of when u wake up? NOBODY does, until your lying in bed alone and viola it hits I was a food addict and now what can i do to cope? Some foods you eat work some you vomit, I vomit A LOT. There are days I give up and could careless if I eve eat at all. I can't even pay with my children because most of the time I feel so bad all I can do is lay on a couch and observe. Yeah this is life and yeah I'm a size four but at WHAT cost? Ask yourself that before u get on that table because I'm telling you the first PEG tube I had I hurt so bad I wrirthed the strongest drug available couldn't ease it. I seize now randomly. My life is destroyed I visit the dr almost once a week. My life is destroyed and its all my fault. Now I'm stuck with these spasims that comes and feels as if somebody is punching me in the chest so hard I couldn't breathe. I vomit and that hurts worse. At times I really feel like dying would be a better option than surviving this, but I have three kids that depend on me. sad part is I can't do the same things I did before cheerleading gamess etc. Now I'm stuck in a house sitting on a couch and getting energy to clean for 30 minutes and sit back down. I've been to a oncologist and give iron supp;iments which made me violently ill. I've had blood from countless strangers. My body is truly no longer mine. Im tired to be honest i just want my normal life back and I'd take being a size 16 over a size 4 any day, Truly you all I am speaking from the heart this surgery isn't all what its cracked up to be, its dangerous and completely life changing in a lot of ways. Maybe somebody here can have suggestions on this spasm stuff and help me because I'm at my ropes in in pain,

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