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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilBoo007

  1. I have had this condition for almost 4 years now. Weightloss is supposed to improve or eliminate it. So far nothing : ( wondering if anyone else on this forum has it or had it and if loosing a lot of weight helped and when did you start seeing a change? I have lost 40lbs. Have 40-50 left to reach goal.
  2. So I went to my surgeon for my 9 month follow up and he told me do not loose anymore weight at all no ifs an or buts!!! I was at my goal weight of 120! Now a bit over 2 weeks and I'm steady dropping, like a pound a day!! I've increase my food like he suggested and even added 2-3 servings of fruit a day and it is just steady dropping! I'm down almost 10lbs in 2 weeks!! And I don't know what to do! Any body been through this once they reached goal and if so how do you make it stop???
  3. Today marks my 8th week post op from plastic surgery! I had a tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift and augmentation. It was hell the first week but now I am really starting to feel more and more like my old self each day! I still have days that I get really tired or sore.. But fore the most part in doing and feeling great! I am loving my new body! Here are some before and after pics ! Same arm before and after Same arm before and after Tummy before and after Where he got rid of the side of boob skin!! With workout clothes on! Before Gastric Bypass After plastic surgery
  4. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    I am now 3 months post op and feel back to my old self!!! Well mainly back to my ok self sometimes I will still get a pain here or there! I have no restrictions and can do anything I want now! I must say doing ab exercises were hell in the beginning but are getting easier as time goes on! My boobs still get sore at times like when I first wake up and at the end of the day but they look awesome and have really rounded out and taken a beautiful shape! I couldn't be happier with all my results!
  5. LilBoo007

    5 Weeks Post Plastics

    You look fantastic!!! He did great work!!
  6. I have very good results as well, I was told to massage the scars with my compound which is like maderma but by Rx. As I did that I would hear and feel a pop. It actually felt good! I was told it was the scar tissue breaking down. At the moment down near my pubic region underneath my scar, I have a few internal "lumps" from the internal sutures that I am massaging trying to break up. If I can't break them up my surgeon will use laser treatment to break it up. It's only like an inch an a half area so not bad for everything I ha done even if it were to remain! But I have faith in my surgeon that it will go away!
  7. From what I understand implants under the muscle hide the implant so to speak. For people like me who don't have any breast tissue or breast "fat" left an only have skin on top of muscle... If they were to put the implant on top of the muscle you would see the implant and you would see rippling and what not, so they put it under the muscle to try to mask or hide the implant so you hopefully won't see any rippling or anything.
  8. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    I am located in the Hampton Roads area in Virginia. My surgeon was Dr. Vonu and his practice is Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads
  9. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    I usually use my iPhone to go on this site so I rarely see my ticker, but I will try to remember to change it soon! I had my PS done in the US.
  10. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    No, none of mine was covered by insurance... It was all out of pocket unfortunately !!
  11. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    Thank you ; ) never in a million years would I have thought people would refer to me as a Hottie! But I like it... I like it a lot ; )
  12. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    I will definitely keep everyone updated on how my scars progress as time moves on!!
  13. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    Awww thank you !! I never would have thought "I" would have a body other women wanted !!! It is truly touching to hear the responses!
  14. Oh and front close was a life saver for me when it came to sports bras!!! Trying to wrangle one over top of your head after a breast augmentation AND an arm lift isn't gonna happen so try to find one that fastens up the front
  15. You need actual compression garments for your arms, surprised they aren't providing those. You can order them online. For your boobs, any good sports bra should do. Not the little donkey ones with spaghetti straps. I'm talking the maximum support ones.. No underwire either!!
  16. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    Thanks everyone !!!
  17. Congrats on the baby and the weight loss!!!
  18. LilBoo007

    Peanut Butter

    At 2 1/1 weeks post op I don't think that crackers should be something you should be eating. I understand the craving but please don't sabotage your new tool by divulging in your old habits, you will not only self sabotage yourself but this early on you could possibly hurt your new pouch! please try and stick to the foods your surgeon and nutritionist have you eating at this stage. It's not only for weight loss but also for your new pouch to heal. If you are craving peanut butter try PB2 sometimes you can find it at Wal-Mart but you can definitely find it at GNC. It has 85% less fat and calories than regular peanut butter and you mix it with water. Try to find healthier alternatives for things that you crave, but also remember that a lot of times when you think your hungry it's really just thirst
  19. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    Lol !!! I've always been a curvy girl even when I was fat, I had big boobs a big butt and considering I was fat a small waist! After I lost all my weight I lost all my boobs so I replaced them!!! Lol ????
  20. Usually if insurance will pay for a reduction and lift if you want implants MOST plastic surgeons just make you pay for the implants themselves. My implants for the implants only were $1900. I got the new cohesive gel that have a 20 year guarantee (gummy bear) because my surgeon said they last longer they don't leak, they retain there shape even if they rupture and they are less likely to ripple. And being very thin and petite with no breast tissue before surgery that was the best option for me. They were also placed under the muscle so I can still have mammograms yearly. I have a very high chance of breast cancer in my family so that was important as well. They just have to take more images and you need to let them know before your mammogram
  21. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    I am tiny ; ) I am 4' 10" and now weigh 105lbs
  22. LilBoo007

    8 weeks post op!

    No, I am 8 weeks since plastic surgery. Thank you everyone for the compliments!! I feel like a whole new women and I'm loving every minute of it !!!
  23. LilBoo007

    pre op

    Good luck!! It's all worth it in the end! You will love the end results !!
  24. Yes the extra protein is a must!!! Your body needs it to speed recovery and to heal...
  25. I didn't need ice packs or bandages etc. either... Except for I needed some sterile gauze, tape and triple antibiotic ointment for an open wound I got on my breast that healed rather quickly!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
