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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by kraney

  1. I've missed reading up on everyone. I'm 4 weeks post op and readmitted to the hospital yesterday. I will likely be here for a week or so. I thought I had pulled a muscle in the left side last week' date=' but after a couple of days of icky fever and a CT scan it turns out I have "retroperitoneal inflammation involving lymph nodes". I'm a wound care nurse so I only heard blah blah blah. Google tells me it's a big deal, but there seems to be no consensus on the cause. If its not related to my RNY surgery I have seriously bad timing. Hope the world is treating everyone else a bit kinder.

    Kraney...thinking of you always. Get better soon.[/quote']

    Oh no! I hope you get well fast! Thank you so much for your thoughts. I am praying this will end soon so I can get on with my journey. Please keep us updated.

  2. Hopefully getting better!! Today was a much better day. Took a shower. After 13 days with a drain tube And pic lines that was a huge accomplishment. Hoping to take another one tomorrow! :) I was able to go on two half laps around hospital floor...without throwing up after = miracle!! Funny thing is the surgeon came by and apologized because they admitted yep admitted to letting me get way beyond dehydrated. But since they have been pushing iv fluids in me like crazy I am feeling better! Biggest items were I drank 16oz of Water and 12 oz chicken broth and kept everything in!!! I hope I have turned the corner! My hubby has been such a great support. He's here everyday. Such a good man. Married 18 years and counting. My parents will be back in town tomorrow or Tuesday so I am also looking forward to seeing them. Thanks everyone for your support and kind words and prayers. Only people on this board really understand how hard this is. I would not go back aNd change anything, or cancel the surgery. I just happened to be the 1/100 or however many that just ran into issues. I will tell you that if you are in pain or you think something is wrong get to your dr ASAP!!

  3. Day 13 of hospital stay. Still wanting to go home. Can't keep fluids down at all. Not ice chips, water, nothing. Blood pressure this morning only 95/60. So they are pushing fluids in me like crazy. Now found out I have a rash on my arm. Maybe from antibiotics, but they are not sure. Feel like I took twenty steps back. I was doing so well I could do laps around the floor like crazy. Now I did half a lap yesterday had to stop twice and when got back to room couldn't stop dry heaving. On a brighter note maybe I will get a shower today. Hoping it gets better so I can go home tomorrow.

  4. Ok it's been a few days since I posted. I am still in the hospital. Been here since the 25th exactly one week after I was released. No end in sight yet. They were talking releasing me on Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday. Not thinking Sunday is going to happen either. Bummer. Yesterday they took away my PAC? Diludid? No weaning off nothing just took it. Boy did I have a reaction to that. Chills, shakes, vomiting, you name it I had it. Couldn't even drink Water without having it come back up. Yesterday was just pretty hard. I want to go home to my husband and dogs. Start living normally again. I am just hoping that this is not the type of journey I signed up for. I thought I really really thought that I would be feeling better by now. :/ just depressed I guess. Two weeks away from home does that to you.

  5. Excited!! This morning the surgeon came to see me and told me great news! Since I did so well on Water yesterday that as long as today goes well with the water I may be able to go home Friday afternoon or Saturday! Tomorrow I should start the clear liquid diet again. Then will restart the diet from the beginning again. Clear Liquids, full liquids, purée, etc. excited to be able to go home possibly. .

  6. A little funny....

    So one of my surgeons comes in my room and says "did anyone tell you the good news?", I respond and say "YES, I get to drink water!!", she looked at me like I was crazy and then said "ya that too, but more important you don't have a leak anymore!", to which I say "oh ya that too!! I think I am just more excited about drinking Water right now!"

    Ok well it was funny to me because she looked at me like WTH is wrong with this girl!?! Lol!! :)

  7. Fingers and toes crossed! Keep us posted ;)

    Leak test went great!! There were no leaks that they could see!! Yay! I am approved to drink water!! I am so excited!!!!!! Today is one bottle of Water, then we will go from there. Still have my drain in just to make sure I don't have any problems. Will also still be here until Monday, but that's ok too! I am glad this is almost over! :)

  8. Just an update :)

    Still in hospital. This visit has been since the 25th of March. The doctors are still suspecting a leak. They are trying to give it time to heal' date=' if that is what the outcome is. So I don't have a cat scan leak test until Wednesday of this week. Really at this point the only pain I have is from site where they put a drain tube in last week. I have my pic lines now and must say I absolutely love them. No more pain from blood draws, new ivs, new meds! Of course the most important thing is that I can get nutrients I need from the pic line.

    My nurse tonight asked me when my original surgery was. When I told her she said wow its been almost a month since your surgery. (Ok she was exaggerating a bit) Makes me kinda to hmmmmm never thought anything like this would happen to me. So far I have been in the hospital from 3/14-3/18, 3/25-present, I've had more iv lines than I can remember (seriously), I have two pic lines, one drain, numerous chest X-rays, upper gi series with contrast, 4 or 5 cat scans (never had one in my life before this). I know way too many doctors and nurses now by first name! :)

    Overall still not an experience I would wish on anyone. Not as hard or bad of a situation I thought it would turn out to be. I never knew how hard this would really be on my family if something went wrong. Ive worried my husband & parents to death! my plans of not telling My Extended family and some of my friends went out the window. had to tell them why I kept staying at the hospital. I'm jealous I'm behind my other 'march' post ops with drinking and eating and even exercising. I hope this motivates me even more that there is no way I would go through this whole situation and not make sure it works for me!

    Wow that seems like a long post. Thanks for letting me rant! :) still wishing all the other post ops speedy and non eventful recoveries!!![/quote']

    Yay!!! Finally the first leak test tomorrow!!! 10am! So excited! First one will be a live one, meaning I will drink the contrast as they begin the ct scan and they will immediately begin to take pictures. Then after that they will do a full ct scan and possibly some X-rays. Surgeons said even if there is a leak it may not be healed up all the way yet. Their guess is I will be here at least until Monday. That's if the leak test goes well, the leak is still healing. That way they can have some time to adjust me to start drinking my liquids. Making sure the liquids go the right way and there are no issues. Cross your fingers!!


  9. Just an update :)

    Still in hospital. This visit has been since the 25th of March. The doctors are still suspecting a leak. They are trying to give it time to heal, if that is what the outcome is. So I don't have a cat scan leak test until Wednesday of this week. Really at this point the only pain I have is from site where they put a drain tube in last week. I have my pic lines now and must say I absolutely love them. No more pain from blood draws, new ivs, new meds! Of course the most important thing is that I can get nutrients I need from the pic line.

    My nurse tonight asked me when my original surgery was. When I told her she said wow its been almost a month since your surgery. (Ok she was exaggerating a bit) Makes me kinda to hmmmmm never thought anything like this would happen to me. So far I have been in the hospital from 3/14-3/18, 3/25-present, I've had more iv lines than I can remember (seriously), I have two pic lines, one drain, numerous chest X-rays, upper gi series with contrast, 4 or 5 cat scans (never had one in my life before this). I know way too many doctors and nurses now by first name! :)

    Overall still not an experience I would wish on anyone. Not as hard or bad of a situation I thought it would turn out to be. I never knew how hard this would really be on my family if something went wrong. Ive worried my husband & parents to death! my plans of not telling My Extended family and some of my friends went out the window. had to tell them why I kept staying at the hospital. I'm jealous I'm behind my other 'march' post ops with drinking and eating and even exercising. I hope this motivates me even more that there is no way I would go through this whole situation and not make sure it works for me!

    Wow that seems like a long post. Thanks for letting me rant! :) still wishing all the other post ops speedy and non eventful recoveries!!!

  10. I had one as well. Three actually. The first put in on the surgery table while I was out. They removed it while I was still in icu, but dealing with complications. So needless to say a new one went in. After 24 hours tried it again without that one, again had to insert a new one. They are not uncomfortable to have in. Felt like to me it helped me ease into recovery a bit better. Having new ones inserted when you are not knocked our was a little painful. Good luck to you!

  11. Where are you from? I had my surgery done in San Antonio. I sure hope you are feeling better soon and that this will just be a stepping stone to get you there. We are all certainly thinking about you and pulling for you.

    From el paso. Here at the army medical hospital. William Beaumont. The best doctors and nurses. Hopefully in a day or two we will know if the drain they inserted into my lower left abdomen was the right course if action. So far it is giving back a lot of discharge. Now we just need to make sure there are no leaks anywhere. Staying until at least Monday if not longer. I know these situations are very one off and do not happen often... Thank goodness! Even going through this again I would still do the same wls option

    Hoping everyone else is doing well!! I must say I am in love witty my food stage! Ice and ice chips!!! My next goal is ale juice! Haha not ale juice apple juice!!!

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