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Posts posted by pookybear

  1. So last month I had some awful pain (I posted about it at that time to get feedback). Since then I've had a few instances of minor cramping/aching on my right side under my rib cage. I called the surgeons office yesterday because I knew they'd want to schedule a test. I already have my 18 month follow up scheduled for next Friday and didn't want to have to go in a second time for test results. So I went for an ultrasound this morning. They called this afternoon to tell me I have gall stones. They wanted to move up my appointment so I could be evaluated, but I told them to leave my appointment as is for now. She said if I have another attack (severe pain, not minor. I asked) I have to go to the ER right away and most likely have surgery. I'm kinda nervous. I've heard gallbladder surgery is really painful, and I can't afford to be out of work. :(

  2. I highly recommend checking out websites and nutritional information ahead of time, and make a list of things at each place that you are comfortable with eating. Makes it a LOT easier to have your own little personalized menu. Less confusion and less temptation to order bad stuff.

  3. I remember when I was 3 (yes, I remember that far back) I was extremely close to my grandfather. Then he was in a fire and was in the hospital. We went to visit him and I wouldn't go near him. I didn't feel abandoned, I was scared. He was hurt and that was really scary to me. I'm not sure if I was afraid to touch him and hurt him, but I remember feeling like the grandfather I knew wasn't hurt, it didn't feel like it was him. Kids that young don't necessarily realize Mommy is the same Mommy, just with a boo boo. To them, Mommy is invincible. Just something to consider. They pick up on emotions and pain very easily. I'm sure he senses you're 'different' right now and it's scary to him. He should get more back to normal as you do.

  4. I've had Wendy's Chili many times. It's actually pretty healthy. Haven't had it since I gave up red meat, though. I've also had Subway a few times, though I don't really consider them fast food. I have had a biscuit or some of a mashed potato bowl twice since surgery. An indulgence once in awhile is ok in my opinion, as long as it isn't a regular thing.

  5. Same here. I don't dump at all. I only get sick if I don't chew enough or eat too much, or if I have anything greasy/oily. Also, I've found that I really can't tolerate beef or much pork. So I've cut out all meat except for chicken, turkey, and tuna.

    Keep in mind that you're insides are still numb from surgery. Eventually, as you try more things, you'll find things you can't tolerate as well. For now, be glad it's going so well. Just don't push it too much! At 8 days I wasn't even on soft foods yet :-/

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