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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MyTimeToLose

  1. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Yumm, I like that gum. Just remember don't swallow it My doc says to not chew much if it causes me to burp since I am getting too much air in my pouch, but if you are not burping he says it is fine, just don't swallow Enjoy your ice cream!
  2. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    You poor thing, I do think a few months from now when you are all better you will be happy you made the decision. I am so happy you have a great support system. I have boys too, they are the light of my life for sure. I am praying you have a fast recovery. I am happy they have the PICC line in right now for you so you can concentrate on healing and not worrying as much about nutrition. I hope you are better soon, you are in my thoughts!
  3. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Your poor stomach looks so sore, I am happy it doesn't hurt. I didn't get much bruising, but luckily it is only temporary for those who did. I am glad you are doing well!
  4. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I had my 3 week postop today. I had a desolvable stitch from inside, come outside which is why I was having some discomfort around the incision on my left and the doctor removed it. Everything going well so far. I need to drink more and he said to up my protein to minimum of 50, hopes for 60. Anything less than 40 he said I will have hair loss around 3 months, so keep it high daily. Water intake was ok. He said to start all my other vitamins now, so I took those today. I was only taking my mutlivitamin twice a day after surgery and a shot of b12. Major concentration is protein and water and my nut said to start a little weight training since muscle burns calories and most people plato faster, around 3-4 months if they are not doing any weight training. So something to add to my list. He said my energy will increase within the next month as I start eating more. I am only doing about 500 calories right now, so low which he said was ok, but by 6 weeks when I am on regular food he wants to see about 800 and by 1 year around 1200-1500. I hope everyone elses postops go well. I am at 250 according to their scale. Mine says 252, so I will just go off mine for now since that is my weekly weigh in I can't wait to be in the 240's
  5. MyTimeToLose

    Bridesmaid Dress- ordering size question

    Thanks for the advice! That is crazy to think about, lol. 100 pounds, I am not sure I remember ever being that small. Size 12 seems small to me I think I will plan to order 2 then. Maybe a 16 and a ...... 10? That just seems so small, lol. But if I lost 100 pounds that would put me lower than a 10. Hmmm. Excited and nervous now. I guess we will see where I am at in 2 months and I will go from there. Order 1-2 size smaller than I am in 2 months and then maybe 4 sizes smaller than that for the 2nd one. Thanks again ladies! I guess I will hang the smaller one by my treadmill to make me get on it, lol.
  6. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Wow you have been through so much! I hope you heal fast and everything goes smooth from here. Take care of yourself.
  7. MyTimeToLose

    post Op 218 Lbs Dec 18 2012 number Two

    Wow, what a difference! You look great! Keep up the good work
  8. MyTimeToLose

    7 weeks progress

    Wow, What a difference! You look wonderful!
  9. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    So I talked to the bride as suggested and it didn't go bad like I thought. So now....the question....I am a size 18 right now, size 20 dress. The wedding is 8 months away and the dresses are being ordered in 2 months since she has 6 bridesmaids and the store said we had to, to get them in time. So, I hope to be a 16 (18 dress) in 2 months, but still when ordering I will be 6 months before the wedding, not sure what to do. The dress, per the store, can go in 2 sizes without looking much different, it can go up 1 size only. More than that depends on the dress. Thoughts?? Do I dare order a size down, so maybe a 16 dress (14), since dresses run about 1-2 size smaller than clothing. That would mean I would have to be about 200 pounds to be in a 14 at my height/body structure.
  10. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Ooh no, I hope it goes fast. My first lastest 30 minutes of feeling yucky I didn't actually have a BM, just felt horrible, sick, sweaty, like I had to vomit, horrible experience... then it stopped. I hope yours is as fast or faster. I haven't tried Chx Breast, maybe I won't, lol.
  11. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I am going to have to try Wendy's chili that some of you have tried. I have my postop tomorrow morning and I think i will end up getting fluids, my skin is not looking great and the pinch test is a fail, so my goal today is to just drink and not worry so much about my protein since I hate getting IV's. I will keep you posted. I hope Lisa and Southern feel better soon as well as everyone else having issues right now. Take care everyone and have a great Thursday
  12. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Gen thanks for sharing your story. I know you will find someone who will love you in the future and so happy you chose the healthy path. Those who are regretting their decision- I think all of us have at times. The holidays were rough for me due to all my favorite foods, but now that it is passed I am so happy I was someone who didn't gain more weight like I have in the past during the holiday season. I think our decision to have surgery was for a valid reason....To be healthy. I hope that as time passes we will not have so many regrets. I have had my fair share, but watching myself already start changing is so rewarding even though it is tough. This is definetly not an easy way out. I hope all of those who are having some complications with their surgeries improve fast and I hope this new year brings everyone better health and happiness.
  13. MyTimeToLose

    before surgery n 3 weeks after

    You are looking great! You can really tell in your face!
  14. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I hope everyone had a fun, safe New Years!
  15. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Having a hard time with fluids again. Not sure why? It hurts about 30-60 seconds after I drink, strange feeling? Anyone else? My weight stalled for a while too, lose a pound, gain a pound, finally lost 2 pounds today. DOS weight was 269. Is everyone else averaging around 10-20 pounds since surgery...those who are 3 weeks postop? Thinking I might need to get some fluids soon if it continues to hurt since I find myself not drinking as much.
  16. MyTimeToLose

    Pre-op liquid diets?

    I wouldn't buy protein powder in bulk until after surgery. I did since I liked it, but post op it make me vomit. I tried it again since I am a couple weeks out and I still get sick, so I would suggest buying some of the smaller packages to "try" first for postop, watching protein and sugars. Preop, I wasn't as picky, looked for high protein/ low sugars, but just did what tasted good. Your taste does change some after surgery. I hated eggs, now I love them. I wish you the best, it was the best thing I ever did for myself
  17. MyTimeToLose

    Coffee Drinkers

    hmm, my doctor told me small amounts are ok. Yes coffee is a diuretic and a stimulant, but usually it causes me to not be hungry after drinking, but I haven't had any since my surgery since I am only a couple weeks out. I was told skim latte's are fine too and to add only sugar free flavoring or add chocolate protein powder to it for a mocha type coffee. I will be giving it a try around the 2 month mark. I guess everyone's surgeon is different. I do think some may worry if you drink in excess due to empty calories and possible weight gain because of that?
  18. MyTimeToLose


    Agreed, empty calories is the biggest. Also you get drunk easy on very little alcohol and the addiction rate with bypass surgery is very high, so if you do make sure it is very little and doesn't become a daily or even frequent thing.
  19. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I was asked to be a bridesmaid for a wedding this fall. Excited, but not sure what to do about ordering. The bride already wants to try on dresses. She doesnt know I had this surgery and I dont plan on telling her, since I do not think she will react well. So my question..... What do you think I should order for a size? I can get into 18 right now. And dresses are usually 1 size bigger than you are, so I was thinking maybe a 16? Worried the dress will look strange if I am taking it in 4+ sizes. Maybe I should order 2 dresses, one a 16 and one a 12? They are not too expensive, so I could do 2 if I had too (but of course really dont want too). I think the bride will freak if she sees me order just a size 12 or 14 or something, lol. And what if I dont get that small. This came at the perfect time, lol. The dresses take 12 weeks to come in but for some reason the bride wants us to order in Jan? Makes no sense to me, but what do I do. NEED ADVICE!
  20. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I sometimes have that problem too, especially on an empty stomach, it just hurts. I found that if I eat something and then drink 30 minutes later I can drink a lot easier, not sure why? Maybe since it is not running through like it would on an empty stomach and I am not totally healed yet? Not sure, but I have hard days too. I have even taken 1 tiny bite of cottage cheese and then 10 minutes later was able to drink just fine, although that is not something you should do long term since you want to do the 30/30, I just did since I was getting dehydrated and feel it is easier for some reason to drink when something is in my stomach. I will be talking to my dr about it at my next appt to see why this is
  21. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I actually took a measuring cup out, lol. But I ate after everyone, so most people were not paying attention to what I was doing. I just fed the kids first and then moved on to myself since not everyone there knows I had surgery, they just think I am dieting, only a handful actually know.
  22. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Thanks for all the suggestions and recipes. So I attended another Christmas party today and it went much better. I thought I was doing well at the last one, thinking I was only eating a little, but I learned my lesson and brought my measuring cup this time, felt full, but not over full and had a great time socializing. It is amazing that my mind can look at something and think yes that is about a 1/4 of a cup and then measure it and it is 1/2 a cup, lol. Stupid brain still doesnt want a small portion, but I was prepared with my measuring cup today and I was satisfied.
  23. MyTimeToLose

    Pre-op liquid diets?

    I lost 10 pounds in 11 days of liquids. I also did the protein shakes like mentioned above and then I did jello, pudding and popcicles for snacks, but I do like greek yogurt now that I am post op, never tried it prior. Oh and I loved sugar free popcicles, especially after surgery when it is difficult to drink and get your liquids in they were wonderful and went down with ease and taste good Good luck on your journey, you will be happy with your decision, I still have some days, but I am so happy I made this decision for myself.
  24. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I had my first xmas family party today and I suffered due to my own mistake. I was "good" and avoided all the temptations, but I decided to eat a deviled egg which was prepared with lowfat mayo and just salt/pepper. I ate two 1/2's, so 1 full egg. No problem, felt fine, chewed it well. Then about 1 hour later I decided to have another 1/2 one, that was also fine. Then 2 hours later I had fish, plain with no sauces or anything. (was okay by my doctor to have) Well I had 2 bites and I was soooo sick, felt something in my throat, horrible feeling and then I went downstairs in their bathroom and proceeded to vomit multiple times and I still had a lot of egg come up, so I obviously over ate and that was the problem. Never again, that was painful. I will be sticking to my 3 meals a day and that is it. I have 3 more xmas parties. Any ideas on what to eat or even bring for a dish that I can eat? I am on soft foods now. What is everyone elses plans for this holiday season when it comes to food? Maybe I will just do a shake? IDK.
  25. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Today I can finally take bigger drinks of water! I am hoping I dont stretch anything doing it, but after feeling dehydrated and only being able to take sips all day it is sure nice to take a big drink when I want. If anyone hears anything from their Dr that this is not ok, let me know. I don't see mine again for 2 weeks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
