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Posts posted by nursie026

  1. Had bypass in 2012... Everything went wonderful. This last year everything crashed, I've been binge eating and put on 20lbs Panic attacks happened and now I feel as if I lost some control of things. How do get control? Anyone recommend a medication for panic attacks that we had bypass can handle? I have to lose this extra weight

  2. Today, November 1st is the one year anniversary of my bypass surgery. I feel extremely blessed to have been even approved. I'm so thankful for my difficult journey and even when I feel discouraged or fall off the rules bus... I remind myself of this opportunity God gave to me and how I must learn to take full advantage of the tools I've been given. It's only by the grace of God that I have lost the weight and remained complication free. Praise you Father!! .. And thank you! I will succeed on this journey!

    Pre- surgery weight: 247

    Post- weight: 146

  3. First of all' date=' you are having a challenge right now and you've reached out to the community for a helping hand. That's a great first step and if you haven't already, congratulate yourself on taking that first step. It says to me that you're still as committed as ever and just need an idea or two on how best to get back in the zone. Secondly, perhaps it's important to remind yourself that you are not the first to hit this particular bump in the road and you certainly won't be the last. The fact that you're struggling a little at the moment does not in any way diminish the amazing progress you've already accomplished (congratulations!) nor does it mean even better things are not well within your reach. Many have experienced the same challenge and gone on to realize all of their goals and more. It is not uncommon to hear folks say "I can eat this and this and this and have no problem." Back to The Prime Directive - lifestyle changes. Are lifestyle changes about what you "can" or "can't" do? Or are they about what you "choose" to do or "choose" not to do? If you accept the premise that they are about choice, then I would submit to you that the single most powerful tool (in the universe - lol) for helping us make better eating choices is - a food log. food logs allow you to set a daily calorie goal. Every minute of every day you have instant access to exactly where you are at calorie wise relative to your goal. Why is that so important? Because it allows you to make informed eating "choices". Every meal. Every snack. Every drink. Every calorie. Every day. Or to put it another way, food logs make you accountable - to you. Food logs do amazing things for your confidence. I like thinking of my log as a compass - always pointing me in the direction that I want to go. Sometimes I get a little off course. That's just fine. I don't panic, I don't stress and I don't worry. Why? Because I always know that a minor course correction will get me right back on track. I gain a pound or two, make the correction, and my weight goes right back to where I want it to be. You don't have to do that very many times before your confidence goes right through the roof. You "know" you're in control. You "know" you can manage your weight instead of your weight managing you. And you prove it to yourself - again, and again, and again. The secret to food logs is what I like to call the "Law of Averages". Although you have a daily calorie goal, it is ridiculous to expect to hit that goal every single day for the rest of your life. And who would want to? Unrealistic, not sustainable, and absolutely not necessary. But change that daily calorie goal into a weekly calorie AVERAGE and it almost magically changes everything. Life is supposed to be fun! Life is full of special occasions and many of those occasions involve food. So you enjoy and savor one of those special occasions and you see that your calories go up for that day. No problem! You simply make a minor, 100 to 200 calorie adjustment for a day or two and you're right back on course, right back on track, with your AVERAGE. It's simple. It's painless. And it is so, so effective. Commit to logging your food for 90 days and you'll never go back. My Fitness Pal highly recommended but there are any number of options that do pretty much the same thing. Regardless of the one you choose, you're gonna love the new you![/quote']

    I find such encouragement in your posts. I read them and reset my thoughts in this difficult journey. Thank you once again my friend. You are an inspiration.

    And thank you all to have words of encouragement!

  4. I am almost one year post op (November 1st) and I'm down 102lbs.. However since June I've had no control over my head hunger and feel I may have stretched my pouch. Maybe it's normal, maybe it's not.. But I can eat 2 scrambles eggs and a whole grilled cheese for a meal and still feel fine.. That never used to be. I've lost the sensation of knowing when I'm full. I'm truly at wits end and will see my surgeon next Monday.. I've come so far, but am I just destined to give up and start all over again?? I can even imagine gaining that weight back. I've gained 4lbs and I'm a bit stressed. With malabsorption wearing off.. I wonder if I did the right thing with my weaken will power..

  5. AUGH!!! So im totally disappointed with myself! I did really good allll day until dinner time came! I made homemade potato Soup for the fam bam... and I was only sipping on the broth.. then this evil food starved demon came out of me and ate not 1 but 2 bowls!!!!! gees;.... im so upset with myself!! anyhoot I am going to do it again today.. I didn't mess up to bad.. but still I messed up bad enough! So I am going to have to even stricter on myself today.. which wont be to hard since its just the kiddos and I tonight.

    Today is a new day!!! I cheated a little too.. Had a slice of pizza! I was mad at myself as well.. But I still stayed under calories and I'll follow it today for sure! Good luck to you!

  6. I do think that my pouch has gotten bigger. I don't get that full feeling anymore.. not at all! I have been really bad though' date=' and I have gained 10lbs! I was at 145 and now I am at 155!!! so I really need to re evaluate the way I have been doing things. It gets out of control before you even realize it! Its a pretty scary thing.. so that is why im doing the pouch reset. I hope it works. I also just had major back surgery.. so because of that and being stuck on the couch for 2 months.. all I did was eat and I wasn't able to exercise...[/quote']

    Let me know how you do! I'm in the exact same situation as you.. It gets out if control quickly! I keep thinking of good too!! I'm going to go for a walk and watch the Pirate game! Good luck to you! We can do this :)

  7. Can someone please tell me how the fit bit works? Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk

    It's a device that you keep attached to you.. I.E. Wrist band or clip- that measures steps, food intake, calories burned and sleep pattern. It's wonderful! It can be synced with MFP and is pretty accurate. Great tool!

  8. Can someone please tell me how the fit bit works? Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk

    It's a device that you keep attached to you.. I.E. Wrist band or clip- that measures steps, food intake, calories burned and sleep pattern. It's wonderful! It can be synced with MFP and is pretty accurate. Great tool!

  9. I've been horrible on my diet since June.. Sweets, carbs .. You name it.. My ouch had hated me and yet I don't learn. I gained 3 pounds and have tried to find a support group in Pittsburgh area. My question is, should I be talking to my doctor about pouch stretching or testing to are if it's happened? I can eat more now that I'm 10 months out.. I had 3 pieces of small pizza (home made) and a half hour later had a sugar- free cupcake.. So I'm failing somewhere.. I'm worried my pouch is damaged or possible gone. Should I contact my surgeon?

  10. I have the same problem' date=' I just can't figure out why I get this way. I was like this before I had my surgery in Jan. In the beginning I had no problem, now I feel like I'm hungry all the time, I don't eat things that I shouldn't, but I have no desire to eat any Protein, I only eat yogurt, Soup, pita chips,& cheese, tuna salad & Fatima. That's it, I drink diet iced tea or Special K Protein Drink. I'm not really loosing any weight just a pound or 2 here. I've gained a pound & I get scared eat life & loose the pound again, I'm so terrified I'm going to gain it all back ( I've lost 115 since January) I guess this doesn't help you much, but just so you know your not alone Peace, Mary[/quote']

    Thank you Mary. We can beat this.. I go over my calories daily, but work extra hard in walking to try and burn it off. It's by the grace of God I've come this far. I believe some how, some way the snacking will eventually taper.. And Ill go back to wanting to eat healthy and forget these bad habits. It's a daily struggle, but I never want to be fat again.. I've lost 109lbs. I've got to keep going. Prayers needed.

  11. I'm diagnosing myself as a grazer..my snacking is out of control.. I'm embarrassed to even have my diary open on mfp. Anybody have sever snacking issues after surgery.. If so, how did you beat it?? Because the distracting myself with a walk etc.. Isn't working.

  12. I have two' date=' sometimes three cups of Decaf every single day. I was really worried about having to switch to decaf following my surgery but Keurig decaf K-cups are fabulous and I had no trouble at all. coffee is loaded with anti-oxidants and studies have pointed to a number of other health benefits as well.

    I'm 21 months post-op, my weight has been stable at 155 for eight months and I have my routine down pretty well at this point. But coffee was my absolute go-to during the entire rapid weight loss portion of my journey and continues to be so to this day. Any time I'm hungry and eating is either not practical or not appropriate, I have a cup of coffee. It's filling, practically calorie free and delicious!

    For anyone who might be interested, here are links to just a couple of articles from WebMD regarding coffee. Since coffee is so pervasive in our culture, there are many other very good sources for health information about coffee.


    food?page=3" rel="external nofollow">http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food?page=3[/quote']

    I absolutely love your input! You've commented on several posts and every one has been knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you!

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