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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mariaxoxo4u

  1. mariaxoxo4u

    I'm another newcomer..

    Welcome Secret! Good luck on your journey - this site is awesome, learned so much about the procedure and what to expect pre and post op. I'm not banded yet, but hope to be soon! Maria
  2. mariaxoxo4u

    Starting the process...

    HI Angel, Well, I'm not really sure if it will go that quick, but my friend went for her nutritional assessment and got her surgery date in one month and we are going to the same group of surgeons - so I should say I'm HOPING to go in October, but not sure. I still have to wait for all the results of my blood work, cardiac, chest xray etc... to see if I'm even a viable candidate for the surgery, so all in good time! Maria
  3. mariaxoxo4u

    Starting the process...

    Welcome to LBT!! I am awaiting my consult as well, Sept also. Maybe I'll be able to have the surgery in October!!! Yippee! Can't wait... This site is an awesome tool. You can get just about any answer to any question. Keep surfin' it and keep in touch! Maria
  4. mariaxoxo4u

    My gallbladder has been attacking me...

    I always had GB attacks but was misdiagnosed for years (put on Previcid for reflux). When I got pregnant those attacks became bigger and more frequent - finally at 8 months pregnant and several trips to the ER it was confirmed - gall stones. Had c-section on July 7 and GB removal on July 28. It's mildly uncomfortable. Not having your GB does not affect your life too much but as gwhite said, some bathroom emergencies - but I am NOT banded yet - so I agree eating healthier, as you do with the band, will eliminate those unfavorable experiences. Good luck to you! you'll be fine! Maria
  5. mariaxoxo4u

    On preop and not losing ????

    I betcha tomorrow the scale will move! Maria
  6. mariaxoxo4u

    I'm New...

    Sorry to hear about your ordeal in the hospital. Welcome to LBT - you said you are in NY - did you research any lap band doctors yet? Maria
  7. mariaxoxo4u

    Been Approved

    Wow Chazn that's fantastic!! Congrats on getting your date! Imagine how well you will do with the band! Maria
  8. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    You are movin' and shakin' baby!! Love Ya! Maria
  9. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Good, I'm glad you are back on track since your PCP is back! You were lucky to get an appointment for the Nutitional Assessment on 08/30/07! I'm not going until 09/10/07. Things are rockin' & rollin'! Yeah, I think we need to bring that patient survey with us, copy of our insurance card (front and back), recent full body picture... can't remember if there was anything else. Keep in touch! Maria
  10. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Hi Geccofoxx! Welcome! You are going to love Dr. Huberman. He's so nice and down to earth and REAL. He makes you think. I am not banded yet, and any of you experienced bandsters can correct me if I'm wrong, but from the questions he presented to me, I think the psych eval is to make sure you are mentally stable, not suidicidal, not bulimic or have anorexia, and you have decided to have this operation for the right reasons. He did express concerns about binge eating which initially I said I was not a binge eater. After some discussion, it was clarified that I was in fact a binge eater and he will give you the explanation of a "binge eater". (Which I cannot remember what the explanation was because I was preoccupied with "Oh, my God - I failed the psych exam" ringing in my head!) He will have you fill out a form with a short family history and typical meals that you eat now and general info about yourself. It was virtually painless! It's a necessary step if you want Dr. Fielding to do your surgery and I'm soooo excited to have this procedure done by a PIONEER in this field - We are so lucky!!! Maria
  11. My psych eval was about an hour and 1/2. I didn't have do do any puzzles or IQ tests though! He was concerned that I presented signs of being a binge eater. Also, that I have been in recovery for 11 years and he said a lot of people who lose weight after being heavy for a long time, switch addictions from food to something else. So, I guess he was concerned about me relapsing as well. Maria
  12. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    I hope you find out soon about your insurance. Did you call the insurance company and ask if the procedure was covered? Did your PCP get back from vacation yet? I have Oxford and they cover the procedure and I don't need to do a 6 month medically supervised diet. What's weird is I just switched from MDNY about 3 months ago - I didn't know it 3 months ago, but MDNY does not cover the operation at all. Divine intervention? Maybe.... Well, we WILL be banded, all in good time. Sometimes we make plans and God laughs, ya know? Keep in touch.... Maria
  13. mariaxoxo4u

    Newbe here

    Welcome heyhon! Keep on posting! Maria
  14. Welcome and buckle up for the ride! Good Luck!
  15. mariaxoxo4u

    Today is the day!

    Congratulations BigHarleyGuy!! Hope all is well - drop a line when you are feeling up to it! I can't wait to join you in Band Land! Maria
  16. Welcome to LBT! I have also just started my journey to Band Land and this site is such a great wealth of information. What caught my eye on your post was that you have an 11 year old son with autism. I also have a 3 year old son with mild autism. He has been a great motivation for my wanting to lose weight. He is EXTREMELY active (too young to diagnose ADHD or ODD, but it's a definate!) and I have a very hard time keeping him safe, ie: running into the street, running away from me, running out the door when we are in any store etc.. I have no mobility, I can't even take him to the park or the beach alone because I simply cannot catch him. So, just wanted to say "hi" and "welcome" and if you want to PM me, please feel free! Maria
  17. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Hi All, MissNilsa - it's getting closer!! You lucky girl! Sooverit - You helped make my decision to have Dr. Fielding do the operation because I have had laproscopic gall bladder removal and a c-section as well and I know he's good at navigating scar tissue. Yeah, we are pretty much neck and neck! From what I can see with how these appointments are being set up - I'll probably go in October, maybe you will go in sooner. Snowangel - I hope all goes well with the repair of the leak, sounds like just minor discomfort and inconvenience. Spunkywoman - I LOVED Dr. Huberman! He really picked my brain! The questions he asked! LIGHT ER NYC - Kotabuki it is!!! That place is calling my name! :hungry: Love to All, Maria
  18. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Update: I had my psych eval on Aug. 3 - almost didn't pass, Dr. was leery about the fact that I have a tendency to binge. Hello? How does he think I got this huge? By eating like a bird and not eating in between meals? Is there anything wrong with eating 8-10 MINI Reese's Peanut Butter cups one after another? Ha Ha! I also had my physical & bloodwork. Made appointments for cardiac workup, mammo, chest x-ray, & gyn. Starting Chantix tomorrow to to stop smoking. Nutritional Assessment is scheduled for Sept. 10 - so things are moving. Congrats LIGHT ER NYC!!!! We are gonna do this!! It's surreal... but fantastic:bounce:!!!!
  19. mariaxoxo4u

    My Surgery Date's Been Set!

    Hi Jean, Congratulations! God, what a feeling - finally getting the date! I can't wait for mine! Good luck to you! Maria
  20. mariaxoxo4u


    Hi blushn! Welcome! I have yet to be banded and am going through the appointments now as well. It is a serious decision - not one to be taken lightly. But, from what I read here (and I'm on this site everyday) it's changed so may people's lives for the better and I'm ready for the journey! Good luck moving along and we'll be taking our ride to Bandland together! Maria
  21. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Thanks for the info Josiebies! Nice to hear good things about the NYU program! Hope you are doing well! Maria
  22. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Hi There Girlinnyc, So happy to hear that you were satisfied and had a good experience with NYU! Dr. Kurian spoke at the seminar I went to. I like Dr. Fielding, Dr. Ren and Dr. Kurian - and yes, I would have any of them do my surgery if it was an insurance issue (I have Oxford). Question - does NYU use a flouroscope for fills? Hey Joan, The seminar is very informative - lots of info! I have my psych eval w/Dr. Huberman on Aug. 3 and then a nutritional assesment (which I'm told cannot be booked until after the psych eval). Good luck to you and maybe we will be getting banded around the same time! Maria
  23. mariaxoxo4u

    NYer going to NYU med center

    Hi Joan, I am also going to NYU to be banded. Which doctor do you like? I really like Dr. Fielding and he has been banded as well. I'm only starting my journey - I have my psych exam on Aug. 3rd. I think this is the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. I am substantially heavier than you so my BMI is over 40. I am travelling from the East End of Long Island - but I feel NYU is a really good place to have this procedure done. Good Luck !! Maria
  24. Hi All, My psych eval was tomorrow, but I just got a call from the psychologist - my appointment has been cancelled due to the Water pipe blast in NYC, his office is 1/2 block away and his office is in a "frozen zone". I was so looking forward to getting one step closer to my consult with the surgeon.:cry He said he will call me later in case the Police gave him clearance to his building - but guess I'll have to reschedule. Just feeling disappointed.... Maria
  25. mariaxoxo4u

    I'm So Disappointed

    Thanks you guys! So glad you were all here so I could share my disappointment. After I posted I felt bad because I know so many people got injured in the blast - so I am praying for them now. Maria

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