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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by eilujann

  1. I think you need to drink more Water or fluids. Sugars free that is. You already don't feel we'll you don't want to get dehydrated. Whatever you do you have to take your meds and Vitamins. Call your doctor ASAP. I wish you well.

    Thx for all the advice. I love this resource and u all for ur help. I did call my doc yesterday and was able to start anti nausea meds today! The meds worked right away and it feels so great. I am also going back to a soft foods diet because they believe i am inflamed. not being nauseated motivates me to fix all my other probs. I have a dr appt in 15 days and they will adjust more then. For now i am good. Thx for the support everyone! September Losers ROCK!

  2. I forgot to mention that its alot easier if u have a food processer. Put in the heads only no stems. A tiny bit of Water. Then pulse until it looks like rice. Lay on a cheese cloth and squeeze as much water as possible out then follow the recipe. it helps to have it dry cuz then ur crust sticks together better with the cheese and egg.

  3. Hi' date=' sorry your having a difficult time, I was the same way I used Colgate Optic White tooth paste and I brushed and brushed scrubbed my tongue and then I used the Colgate Optic White mouth wash and that took that cotton spitting and sickthx feeling away. I hope it works for you. The tooth paste is strong and it gets all that bacteria out of you mouth. Hope you feel better.[/quote']

    Thx for the advice. does it ever go away???

  4. I am just here to whine a little I hope that is ok. I never feel well. I am having major ketosis symptoms. I brush my teeth a million times and my mouth still tastes so bad it makes me constantly gag. I get so tired and dizzy. Its all i can do to eat my 2oz 3xs a day because it doesnt taste that great. I have not been able to force myself to take my meds and Vitamins. I have tried pill, liquid, and chewable vitamins and i cant make myself take them. I feel gaggy/vomity all the time. My son and hubby r sick of me being sick (me too). Smells bother me too. A few weeks ago I loved the smells of food cooking even tho i couldnt eat it. I am about 2 months postop. I am worried because I have been skipping my anti depressants and anxiety meds. I have also been having problems with pain control during my pms. I have always had pain but this is way worse. Trying to manage the pain with Tylonol instead of ibuprofin is so difficult for me. Not to mention taking the tylonol pills is hard. I know i dont have a stricture because Water is fine and other than the bad taste the food is fine. I am debating eating some healthy carbs just to stop the ketosis. My drs diet orders r no carbs. I wish ther was some way to get my meds in a shot form. And a more powerful pain relief for my pms.

    Thx for reading my rant. Any replys r welcome.

  5. Im back in the damn hospital :( really hoped that this would happen. Woke up and had dark tarry stool. Right away I knew this wasnt right by anymeans. My regular doctor didn't think much so I went to my bariatric center and the admitted me to te hospital right away. Turns out I have a big ulcer which I can't figure out from what because I don't use alcohol or smoke or take medications. So now I'm back and dehydrated because my nurse unplugged my IV machine and never started me back up.. So I have had half a bag of Fluid all day :( and alls she said was ops in sorry I just got busy! Now I'm dealing with all sorts of xrap and they took away most liquids for me! I can only have broth :( lame!!! Oh and they started me on an anxiety medication because all the blood work and needle poking they were doing to me made me feel like I was having a nervous break down and I couldn't stop crying!

    WTF! I cant believe all she said was oops sorry! I am so sorry u have an unexplained ulcer. Do they think it will heal? Let us know how u r and what they will do to help u. Hang in there!

  6. One month and a few days post op and have lost 34lbs!! I am ecstatic! People are noticing and its awesome. I also colored my hair to look brand new and I am starting to lol. About 60lbs to go. I weighed 253 and today I weighed 219. I hope to weigh 200 by Thanksgiving. I need to kick in the work out! Just wanted to share. Feeling so proud.

    Our stats r eerily similar and surgery dates. Congrats to us both! U rock!

  7. I am a new transplant from Cali now living in Utah!!! Anyone home here???? I am 71/2 years out and have maintained within 15 lbs..trying to remove that and well...yeah....lol anyway looking for a little love from Utah!!

    Hey! Welcome! Currently I am sitting at St Marks hospital waiting for my support group to start. U should come check it out. It is called RMAP. They r the best in UT. Stands for Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians. Offices in St Marks Hospital. I heard they welcome people from elsewhere into the support group. Also they have contacts of people who r over 10yrs out. I am only a month out. Hope to c u there some time. Either way they can give u some info.

  8. Well i feel much better today. i am taking very little sips thanks to some great advice and realizing i dont have to eat the four ounces with each meal right now. Just eat what I can....again great advice. I do miss those days I could gulp my drink. I stay so thirsty all the time. I know i have to play catch up with my hydration. Thanks for all the advice! I feel like a new person today.

    Four ounces!!!!! Try 1 or 2 at Breakfast lunch and dinner. No Snacks. If u cant get anything down even Water u prob have a stricture. I have not had one but I heard they r a pretty fairly easy fix. And common. U need to tell ur dr tho so they can fix it. sum times if Water doesnt work crystal lite works. I used Powerade zero when i had diahrea. It really helped by replacing lost electrolytes. I am over a month out and I can only drink bottled water I dont know why. Maybe less minerals and air bubbles. Who knows. Try different things to find what works for u. Good Luck!

  9. You would think there would be a bariatric standard that all docs would follow. I ate a soft taco' date=' meat and cheese only and only about 1/4. I chewed, chewed, chewed. Sometimes it wouldn't mash up so I would spit that part out. food doesn't taste good right now. I also managed to get about half a Protein Bar in yesterday. You have to be really careful with the chewing on anything! After I'm done chewing, I move it around in my mouth to make sure there are no pieces. I'm on puree but my doc said that didn't mean it had to be put through a blender. You can do it with your mouth just be careful!

    Jess...Surgiversary 9/19/12[/quote']

    Wow! My doctor does not allow any Carbs except veggies. I am allowed Protein and veggies. Nothing else. 3/4 bites protein 1 bite veggie. I would love to have a taco! Yum.

  10. I am packing my bags' date=' any suggestions?[/quote']

    Yes! A bunch. Pillow, earplugs, and eyemask r a must! Chapstick for sure. My mouth felt like the sahara desert inside and out.

    I was so glad I brought underwear. I didnt mind the hospital gowns but if they slipped I was happy not to flash all the nice people. U wont need a bra unless u want one but it might push on the incisions if u do.

    Bring ur cellphone and charger. Camera and charger. Camcorder and charger.

    Sumthin to read before surgery while u wait. After ur high on drugs and wont b reading.

    Paper and pens for any drunken notes for later. An outfit to go home in.

    I suggest a large tshirt that goes down to ur mid shin/lower leg.

    Ur meds if they r not supplying them.

  11. Is anyone having cravings for junk food. If so what do you use to substitute those cravings.

    Head hunger. I have it but i am pretty sure the way i deal with it is abnormal. i was never rally a cook or baker before surgery. I am 32 days out and i have been cooking and baking up a storm. Making all things i can never eat. But smelling and seeing them makes me feel like I ate them. I know. Bizzare. But wahtever works right?

  12. I had gastric bypass in July on the 9th I have added Biotin and I take a thyroid pill to I haven't had any problems with them getting stuck. I'm so frustrated I feel like I am gaining weight instead of losing from the beginning I weighed 235 and now I weigh 196 but I was weighing 193 so I'm getting frustrated I'm going crazy thinking I'm gaining

    U gotta stop stressing about it. I know easier said than done. But just think about how much healthier u already are with 39 pounds lost! U r doing jusy fine. Hang in there.

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