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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by aNuMe

  1. Absolutely if my Dr was not on the same page as me when it comes to blood I would have a different surgeon
  2. aNuMe

    October Members

    I say it wouuldnt hurt but be careful talk to ur surg about it, cuz there are side effects to fasting. Nothing serious tho.
  3. aNuMe

    October Surgery Dates

    This may sound strange but between falling on ice my knees is messed up and I have a foot condition called plantar fascitis that causes major pain, so one thing I want to do pain free is shop and I want to be able to get down on my floor and not have to struggle & coach myself up (with the 1 2 3}.
  4. aNuMe

    October Surgery Dates

    Thanx for adding me & October cant come soon enough.
  5. aNuMe

    October Members

    I havent found it yet either
  6. I woke up today so mad at myself, well first let me say this is day seven of my liquid diet, & I have been very good I have not cheated. Now I guess my subconscious mind wants to start messing with me, I had a dream that I made some steaks for my son & I. I mean they were perfect, let me tell u I woke up licking my lips I swear for a minute there I could really taste it, then I instantly became mad till I realized it was JUST A DREAM. So as I sit here sipping on my shake I think "it was good while it lasted, but im happy it was not real".
  7. aNuMe

    Messed Up

    Sorry to hear you had a bad day, stay strong and try to remember the pain your in next time so maybe you wont eat your feelings.
  8. aNuMe

    October Members

    Where can I find that forum
  9. aNuMe

    Fresh Meat!

    What do they start you out on chix broth?
  10. aNuMe

    October Members

    Exactly 10 days after mine in fact I have an appointment my first follow up appointment that day. I will be sending out prayers for you.
  11. aNuMe

    October Members

    That week will fly by especially if you keep yourself busy, unfortunately for me like I said I had those side effects, and when I'm dizzy or have a headache I'm done for so I only left the house this past week to drop my kids off and pick them up from school, but my week still went by pretty fast. hopefully yours will too.
  12. aNuMe

    October Members

    I lost almost 17 pounds in 1 week and I only started working out on the 6th day due to side effects from the Opti fast, I had the nausea, headaches and the fatigue so I've just been kind of taking it easy this first week, but yesterday I started walking on my Wii Fit and doing aerobics on it and I tell you it works I have a treadmill but I didn't want to risk getting dizzy and hurting myself. a friend of mine had surgery about 4 years ago and she said she didn't lose any weight on the fast now I don't know if she didn't do something right or if she did some thing wrong but she said she could loose. I can tell you I was really worried about this part of my journey I thought that I would struggle really bad, with having 2 kids to prepare meals for but so far I've been doing great I have not cheated not 1 time I just pray that these next 3 weeks are smooth. When do you start?
  13. aNuMe

    October Members

    I take in 7 Optifast supplements a day. I can have unlimited amount of sugar free popsicles, sugar free and caffeine free soda if I drink anything that has caffeine in it I have to replace it with Water, because you have to get in 64 ounces of fluids a day, and caffeine drinks does not count. I can have up to 1 cups worth of vegetables a day which are cucumbers celery any color bell pepper and any color lettuce, and you can have red wine vinegar on the lettuce. Also you can have sugar free gum & mints and 1 cup of sugar free Jello. The dietitian also told us ways we can doctor up the Soups & shakes so they won't be so plain, you can add herbs as long as they don't have sugar or salt I like the Mrs Dash in my soups. You can add instant decaffeinated coffee, vanilla, almond or mint extract to your shakes. I personally like the coffee in both the vanilla and chocolate shakes it taste like a mocha shake or you can put root beer or orange soda in your vanilla shake to make it takes like a vanilla cream popsicle or a root beer float, oh yeah the water that goes into the shakes and soups counts towards the 64 ounces of fluids a day. I hope that helps.

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