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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by RNYKristin

  1. RNYKristin

    5 day pouch test

    Hey all! So I have started, well yesterday, doing the 5 day pouch test. Anyone doing it now? Thinking about doing it?
  2. RNYKristin

    HELP! Snacks!

    So, I am finding myself eating carbs and empty calories with little to no Protein at work. I need easy to hide, go to Snacks that will help me see results on the scale. Perferably, ones that don't need to be refridgerated. I mean, it can be, but it's hard for me to get to the fridge after 4pm when I am maning the desk by my self. However, I am open to ANY and ALL suggestions!!!!!!! Thank you!
  3. RNYKristin

    HELP! Snacks!

    Thank you everyone for all the suggestions. I rather not snack. But there are some days that I am actually hungry. I test my self by drinking water and chewing gum to see if it's really hunger or head/boredo hunger.
  4. RNYKristin

    HELP! Snacks!

    I think it is bordeom hunger. I am sitting at a desk and when there is downtime, which there is alot of, I just feel I need to snack. Some days though, I am actually hungry, so I am looking for wide range of Snacks, that benefit! I am trying to get in the habit of drinking more and chewing gum in replace of actully eating.
  5. RNYKristin

    Need Help...

    Ok! Here is the link. http://wlsjourney2012.blogspot.com/
  6. RNYKristin

    Need Help...

    Hi, I had my RNY 2 years ago July. I just gave birth to twins in Feb. I gained almost 40lbs and have successfully lost almost most of it. However, I am now at a MAJOR stall and having a HORRIBLY difficult time getting back into the swing of things as a WLS patient. I tried to do the 5DPT but having newborns and being sleep deprived, I was in the worst mood and didn't feel I could take care of my girls well enough, so I stopped. I believe I need to do it again, I did it once before and it worked wonders, I am just afraid of failing again and not being the best mommy I can be. I was apart of a different support group on FB, but that turned out to be so much drama, although, I did learn alot from them and it was helpful, I just couldn't stand the consitant battle between people and the disrespect, so I left. Now I feel alone. I feel like I have no one on my side and no one that can help me get back on track. My family doesn't understand because they can eat whatever the way and not gain freaking weight. UGH! Any ways, I am reaching out for help. Can someone please help me get back on track. Can someone please be my go to person, be my advocate, my mentor. PLEASE!!! Thank you, Kristin
  7. RNYKristin

    Need Help...

    Well...I am started the 5 day pouch test. It has been a real challenge. But I think it's going to be all worth it. I made an initial menu and then I had to do some more research to see what others did while do their 5dpt. I am writing in my blog about it. I am not sure if we are allowed to put our blogs on here, but if you are interested in ready my blog, please let me know and I will give you the link.
  8. RNYKristin

    Need Help...

    Yeah I was thinking about doing the 5DPT test again to get my restriction back and to detox my self from the carbs and all that YUMMY stuff. I have GOT to do something. If I am going to start that, it will be on Monday. That way I can be grumpy and irritated at work and not at home with my girls and husband.
  9. RNYKristin

    Need Help...

    Hi, So maybe you can give me an idea what your day consists of meal wise and exercise. Thank you, Kristin
  10. RNYKristin

    Period Concern

    Before surgery I was always late on my period, and when I would start it would start off with dried blood looking color. Well I am 7 weeks out as of yesterday and I have had 2 periods. They have been on time, heavy and very VERY painful. Is anyone experiencing this or experienced it? Is it normal? Should I be concerned? I have history of PCOS.
  11. RNYKristin

    Feeling Lost...

    I am struggling with managing school, home and WLS. I did good the first week of school, made sure I brought enough protein, I worked out 3 times at the gym that week. And here we just ended the second week and I feel like a failure. I have slacked off on the protein, on the working out, even my homework. I am thinking it's contributed to my PMS, but now I feel anxiety coming on about managing everything in life. How do yall do it? The ones who are months and years out. I am almost 11 weeks out. I bought the book "Before & After, Living and Eating after WLS" but it hasn't come yet. I am thinking I need to buy the WLS for dummies book, I sure do feel like a dummy.
  12. RNYKristin

    Period Concern

    Thats what my husband said, since we release estrogen when we lose weight it just might be a huge hormonal imbalance issue. I have had a headache for the past 2 days, been on my period for 3. Ugh! Well, it looks like it is pretty common to have messed up periods after surgery. LAME!!! Thank you everyone for your reply. I feel better knowing that i am not alone. But I hate that we have to go through all this. Being a woman sucks sometimes. LOL.
  13. RNYKristin

    First Goal Met!

    First goal of 50lbs gone FOREVER!!!! Whooo hooo!!!!! Feels amazing. Ever since I got cleared to work out harder, I have been feeling pretty freaking amazing. I am sore. But it feels good!!!
  14. RNYKristin

    First Goal Met!

    Thank you!!!!
  15. RNYKristin

    Arm Exercise

    Anyone have some bicep and tricep work outs that have really worked for them? I am starting to notice a bit of lose skin and I know toning won't cure it all but it can help. Thank you!
  16. RNYKristin

    Meals Away From Home...

    Hope I am putting this in the right spot. I am starting back to school Sept 24th. I will be about 9 weeks out from surgery. I was just wondering if there are any older post-op patients who were or are students. What did you take to school for food??
  17. RNYKristin

    Hardest Thing About This ?

    I think this is my biggest problem and you just brought it to the surface for me. I have been feeling very anxious and I can't figure out why. Now it all makes sense!! Thank you!!!
  18. RNYKristin


    Not sure if this is right place to vent a little bit. If not, could someone please point me in the right direction? So....I had Panda Express today. It was a mother daughter outing, we went dress shopping for my cousin's wedding and my daughter wanted to go to PE. I said yes, I thought that I would be able to handle it, BOY was I wrong. Not only did I get sick, literally, after 2 bites but now I have this aweful quilt that I am feeling. I feel miserable that I even went there. Remind you, I am almost 4 weeks post-op. I feel like I should be exercising or something but it's so dang hot here in the PNW (pacific northwest) that going outside would be murder. I don't understand why I am feeling this way. Am I going to feel this way every time I try something that I used to like? This is a learning process, but it is a mental processes as well. /sigh Welp, thanks for reading.
  19. RNYKristin

    Exercise Clearance

    I don't see my surgeon until next Thursday, but man am I wanting to do more intense work outs. I really want to start C25k, but that is pushing it. I want to do at least some of the work outs on Wii. Or even go to the pool and do water aerobics. So I guess what I am trying to get at, did anyone else start working out more before they got clearance from their docs?
  20. Hi everyone! My name is Kristin and I am almost 1 month post-op. Had surgery July 23, 2012. Things have been going pretty well thus far. I haven't had any complications (knock on wood). However, when I eat too fast I tend to throw up instantly. So I am working on that. I am supposed to be on the puree stage and I half doing it. I am also type 2 diabetic...numbers have been pretty good, not fully cured yet, but it's coming along. When I started my journey I was on insulin, 2 kinds, and was put on a 6 week diet to get off insulin. So I lost roughly 30 lbs from that and since surgery I have lost roughly 17lbs. I am not sure if any of you have experienced the 3 week stall, I was one of the fortunates that did not suffer from that stall. However, I think my stall is going to be coming this week. I have been super busy and it's been super hot that I have not gone out and done my walking. I wish I could do more exercise, but I have yet to be cleared from my doctor. I have not gone to physical support groups, being a mom, wife and student, I just don't have much time nor the energy. So I have a couple of support groups that I am in on Facebook. I guess I am looking for something more, more answers and a wider variety of post-oppers. Does that make sense? Well, that is about me. Please feel free to ask any questions if you feel I have left something out or you are just curious. Thank you! XoXo! Kristin
  21. RNYKristin


    I ordered a bowl, chow mein and a chicken vegi side. I forgot what it was called. But..I had 1 small bite of chow mein and 1 small bite of chicken. But technically I am supposed to be in the puree stage, so I am thinking that I just got over zealous and ate too fast or the chow mein didn't sit well. I normally don't have an issue with chicken.
  22. RNYKristin


    No...well I am not sure if it made me dump. I haven't experienced any of the symptoms of dumping. I think I ate too fast possibly. But man when it's ready to come up, you better find a bathroom fast. I barley made it.
  23. RNYKristin


    I just ordered Leslie Sansone DVD off of Amazon. I have a gift card balance, so why not. Thank you for the suggestion. And it will be great since I live in Oregon, where it rains alot, having those dvd's on hand will be great.
  24. RNYKristin

    I Miss You Coke!

    I was just telling my husband how badly I want a diet cherry pepsi. OMG I think I would murder for one. Just sayin...lol. I will be strong. I won't give in to temptation. I WONT!!!!!!!!

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