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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by punk.rock.mama

  1. punk.rock.mama

    Intense Results

    I totally agree! My number one reason for doing this surgery was so I can properly take care if my daughter, she deserves so much better than I was able to give her before the surgery. Between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and the weight it just seemed like she was doomed because of my shortcomings! I just can't believe I have been strong enough this far, between the restrictions, the pain and sacrifices I just can't help but feel I have earned this little slice of happiness for me and my little family (besides, we are VERY much looking forward to spending time together as an active family!!)
  2. punk.rock.mama

    Intense Results

    I have gotten LOTS of comments, but I only trust a few of then lol I hate when people stroke my ego
  3. punk.rock.mama

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Dr. Raiche at Weight Management Clinic Civic Hospital
  4. punk.rock.mama

    Day 2 Post Op

    I am 8days post-op and still struggling to get enough fluids and protein, while the severe pain has eased up I am still VERY sore and move very slowly. I take a nap EVERYDAY around one and try to focus on water and walking every other hour (10 mins walking x4/day) it has made HUGE improvements on gas release and I get thirsty which encourages water intake
  5. punk.rock.mama

    What Do U Miss The Most?

    BACON! Root beer pizza and def late portions. That being said I DO feel better and I LOVE getting to wear new stylish clothes... So it evens out
  6. Havn't had watermelon yet (one week post-op) but I find most things far too sweet also /
  7. June 14 2010-450lbs June 14 2011-375lbs July 19 2012-366lbs (start Optifast 21days) August 9 2012-344lbs (roux-en-y) August 15 2012-333lbs (one week post op) Looove watching those numbers shrink!!
  8. @ryan I cannot say with utmost certainty why MOST people are put on liquids after rny, but I know the complications I faced during and after the rny made it imperative to have liquids (several feet of small intestine and several inches of bowel were removed during my procedure) plus it helps to keep you hydrated which is a huge concern at first...? @paul I am already drooling! I JUST got approved for puree diet today and picked up some baby food on the way home, potato broccoli & cheese casserole AND banana graham pie! SO EXCITED!! oh and i picked up some strawberry Protein supplement and was finally able to mix in some puree blueberries....HEAVEN!!
  9. That is what all the education I have received has said, as of day 30 I have lost 33lbs...we shall see what the next 60 shall prove (I am also adhering to the VERY strict meal and exercise planner provided by the weight loss clinic, in addition to ensuring FULL protein and water intake...)
  10. punk.rock.mama

    120Lbs Lost (But Not Missing Lol)

    Thanks SO much everyone, it is hard to get words of praise or encouragement in my daily as I find many people are jealous or prejudice against wls, but I AM proud and I AM so glad to FINALLY be seeing results, and as soon as the surgery pain subsides I will be VERY HAPPY to (hopefully) suffer less of the symptoms of fibro and cfs!! IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT! SO WORK IT! YOU'RE WORTH IT!!
  11. I know I counted my 25lbs weight loss (from optifast 21 day liquid diet) as pre-op, but like someone else on here said, EVERY pound lost is a challenge accepted and won!! As it stands I am currently losing approx one pound a day (as is expected for the first 0-3 months)
  12. punk.rock.mama

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)
  13. GOT OUT OF BED BY MYSELF TODAY! Sadly that is THE most productive thing I will end up doing today...on the upside, my Unjury- Medical Quality Protein chocolate supreme&almond milk morning shake are making me VERY happy at the moment

  14. punk.rock.mama


  15. punk.rock.mama

    P23638S1204521 P 47

    From the album: BEFORE

  16. punk.rock.mama

    P23638S1204521 P 45

    From the album: BEFORE

  17. punk.rock.mama

    P23638S1204521 P 37

    From the album: BEFORE

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
