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Posts posted by staindgal

  1. Well that IS good news! Very pleased for. Think I set my goal too lofty to reach by the 31st probably will readjust. Am doing my girl thing, so maybe will have a HUGE loss next week..(we can always hope!)

    I'm sure you will, I always drop a bunch of Water weight after!! I cannot wait to dance across the county lines of TWOterville with you very soon!!!

  2. Thanks Nikki, I will check out that site! You never know what the future brings... I live in Polk County btw... Exactly halfway between Orlando and Tampa.

    bthin I feel that way EXACTLY... I am always kind of shocked when I see a picture of myself because that is not what I envision myself being! I also am focusing on the future... and I am so motivated to lose weight! I just KNOW I can do it!

    I really dont think I ever tried to lose weight before the last year... If that makes any sense? I was pretty normal until 21 when I seriously gained 100+ pounds in 3-6 months. I've known I am terribly obese... but it was easier to ignore it than to focus on it!! I want to focus on it now... I want to face it!!

    Thank you so much everyone for all your wisdom and support. Each and every one of you is an inspiration to me!!

  3. I am 36 yr old mom of two (15 and 13), been overweight since my oldest was born.

    My husband and I have been together 8 years but were just married a year and half ago, we have no children together and do not plan to have any more (mine are more than enough, hehe)

    I haven't been to this site in a long time, I was approved for surgery in September and chickened out at the last minute. I hadn't lost anything on the pre-op diet and the Dr. was not happy with me at all, I got really scared that I might cause myself more problems by having the surgery with complications. I could never forgive myself if I had gone ahead with it and in so doing brought on other medical issues that I didn't previous have.

    So here I am in Limbo and not really sure what to do.

    Hey! Deciding on a surgery is a MAJOR decision! Take your time and make choices you are secure with! Take everything one day at a time... Try to impress yourself everyday! That's been my method, as I do not have the band at this time. Just remember that whatever concerns you have, odds are someone here has had the same. Good luck on whatever path you choose!

  4. Just because many of us here on the forum have decided on the band to help us reach our goals, I do believe it is very possible ( especially for someone young, like you) to acheive their goal without being banded.

    When we're young, sometimes living with our parents (who also might be overweight) we don;t learn to cook, shop, prepare meals for ourselves and learn what's healthy food and what healthy portions are.

    You're on your own now and this is a great time to try to do this without the band. There is a local woman in my town that lost over 200 pounds on weight watchers AND she has kept it off for many years. It is possible, it's not just possible for all of us.

    You are motivated now and keeping in touch with people on this forum with the same goals will be very helpful to you. If you feel at anytime, you need extra help, I would suggest you try a weight watchers meeting. While I wasn;t able to maintain my loses using WW, I did learn many skills, like weighing, measuring etc. that have helped me now with my band.

    I applaud your efforts to get healthy and your reasons are valid. You want to live a better life. Good for you!

    That's really good to hear... because I do feel like I can do this if Ireally work at it. This is a lapband site so I understand the general push towards WLS... but I really think I can do it on my own! I love this site because it is the best support forum I have found - PERIOD.

    I don't want to feel like an intruder here because I have not had WLS, I totally respect the choice to do it! I've just never really tried to lose weight on my own... and I owe it to myself to do it!

    I'm struggling with willpower, but I am winning the battle most days... I just need a LOT of support! I am keeping a food log and started swimming 5 days a week... I really want this. I really want to just be ME!

  5. ahem... I just wanted to make an announcement...

    I AM DOWN TO 303!!

    Is that still morbidly obese? Yep, but it's the lowest I have been in years!!

    Hey NikkiD, BCBSFL (my plan at least) still has a strict restriction against WLS. So if you would all cross your fingers for me to win the lottery or something, that would be SPECTACULAR! :thumbup:


    reach goal weight by 3/31/08

    Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo





    Globally Yours........308................0............308.........290........18


    I just couldn't stay away from the scale! I only went 3 days without weighing in before I caved!!! :thumbup:

    However, I'm glad I caved in because I was beginning to rationalize fast food feeding frenzies! Now that I've seen the drop on my scale achieved by being good I can toss those massive cheeseburger dreams aside! :w00t:

  7. You look awesome! I'm so glad you're recovering well!!

    I am so excited to weigh in again (in 12 days)... I know the scale will be down more than just 1-2 lbs. and I will do a little happy dance! Perhaps I will even be in TWOterville by the next time me feet hit the scale!! :angry:

    Just to encourage people to join the challenge, here's the weight loss standings for you to jump on!


    reach goal weight by 3/31/08

    Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo





    Globally Yours........308................0............308.........290........18


  8. Hey Everyone!

    I have decided to try and curb my scale obsession! I just had my hubby hide it, and I will not weigh myself again until Saturday, March 15th!!

    So when you don't see me updating my weight don't think I fell off the wagon, I am very much on the wagon... just exercising some scale willpower!

  9. <TABLE class=boxBackground style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>Below 18.5 BMI </TD><TD>Underweight</TD></TR><TR><TD>18.5 - 24.9 BMI </TD><TD>Normal Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>25.0 - 29.9 BMI </TD><TD>Overweight</TD></TR><TR><TD>30.0 - 34.9 BMI</TD><TD>Obese</TD></TR><TR><TD>35.0 - 39.9 BMI </TD><TD>Severely Obese</TD></TR><TR><TD>40.0 - 49.9 BMI</TD><TD>Morbidly Obese</TD></TR><TR><TD>50.0 - 59.9 BMI </TD><TD>Superobese</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    I've only lost 27 pounds so far, but noticed my BMI has changed from Morbidly Obese to Severly Obese. It's kind of an interesting way to think about it.

    My short term goal is to get to just regular Overweight, which for me is 174 pounds. Thats basically just a regular chubby person. Then I can worry about getting to my final goal which is 134.

    It can be daunting when you have over 100 pounds to lose. It's a big sense of accomplishment to get yourself out of one category and into a healthier one!:laugh:

    Thank you so much for posting that!! Yes I am still morbidly obese... but when I started I was very nearly superobese!!!

    I cannot wait to be a normal person again... someone that is half the size of my former self!! :drool:


    reach goal weight by 3/31/08

    Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo


    MrJumbles............288................4.2..........283.8.......268 ......15.8



    Globally Yours.......308.................0............308.........290........18


    Globally, we are SO doing this! I don't know about you... but this will be my first return to TWOterville in at least 2-3 years!

    Welcome Insubordination!! Nope, I have never been banded... I have researched the heck out of it, but until I win the lottery it appears to be bit out of reach. (BCBSFL says NO WAY!)

    Good luck to everyone... and happy March!! :laugh:

  11. Oh hey there, my name is Bridget!

    I am not banded, and still researching self-pay options because BCBSFL basically laughs at the thought of covering anything like this!

    I'm a Juvenile Probation Officer with an awesome husband, 2 dogs, and 3 cats! I volunteer for the Basset Hound Rescue by fostering dogs that would be euthanized withou us, and I love to write. If I can quit being lazy long enough to finish a book I might just get famous! :w00t:

    My main reason for wanting to lose weight is that I want to feel better about myself! I want to feel attractive! I also have been trying to get pregnant for the past 1-2 years... and my doctor told me my weight can be greatly affecting my attempts to be a mom. I want to lose weight so that I can (hopefully, eventually!) have a child, and be an amazing ACTIVE mother!

    I am aiming to lose 185 pounds total so that I can be 150 again!!

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