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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by staindgal

  1. staindgal

    8.01.07: pretty uplifting

    Dear Plumpy Pad, So I went to the gym last night. I speedwalked a little over a mile, and then peddled on a stationary bike until my husband said he was ready to leave. It felt good to get out there... However my gym did the most evil thing while we were there... They put out a HUGE SPREAD of free food! We both abstained... but what kind of gym puts out a huge buffet of fried shrimp, chicken wings, sandwiches, jalopino poppers, etc... to celebrate their 25th anniversary! It was EVIL I tell you! Anyway, we went home, took showers, and then headed out to meet some friends to see The Simpson's Movie. It was super funny, I must have laughed enough to burn a million calories!!! :car: I thought it would be really hard to go to the movies and not eat popcorn/candy/non-diet soda... but it wasn't!! We saw a great movie, and consumed zero calories - life is going pretty good!! PLUS - I have joined the "August Challenge" to enter TWOterville during the month. That's right, my goal is to lose 20 lbs in one month and make it to 299. Crazy? Yes. Realistic? No. Trying like hell to actually make it? Your damn skippy I am. Anyway, that's all for now! Peace!
  2. staindgal

    8.01.07: pretty uplifting

    Dear Plumpy Pad, So I went to the gym last night. I speedwalked a little over a mile, and then peddled on a stationary bike until my husband said he was ready to leave. It felt good to get out there... However my gym did the most evil thing while we were there... They put out a HUGE SPREAD of free food! We both abstained... but what kind of gym puts out a huge buffet of fried shrimp, chicken wings, sandwiches, jalopino poppers, etc... to celebrate their 25th anniversary! It was EVIL I tell you! Anyway, we went home, took showers, and then headed out to meet some friends to see The Simpson's Movie. It was super funny, I must have laughed enough to burn a million calories!!! I thought it would be really hard to go to the movies and not eat popcorn/candy/non-diet soda... but it wasn't!! We saw a great movie, and consumed zero calories - life is going pretty good!! PLUS - I have joined the "August Challenge" to enter TWOterville during the month. That's right, my goal is to lose 20 lbs in one month and make it to 299. Crazy? Yes. Realistic? No. Trying like hell to actually make it? Your damn skippy I am. Anyway, that's all for now! Peace!
  3. staindgal

    Road to "TWOterville"

    That's great, I hope I can join you all on the road through soon enough... but first I have to find my way to the city limits!
  4. staindgal

    Whats your inspiration?

    I've never heard of torrid? Are they a national chain... or am I just living under a rock???
  5. staindgal

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Why don't you jump onto the list as well!! Moving towards Twotersville from any location is something to be proud of, and to shout from the rooftops!! We'll be inspiration buddies... since I need every drop of inspiration I can get!!!
  6. staindgal

    Whats your inspiration?

    my motivation is i want to have children soon, and start my own little family... but i don't want to do that with me being too fat to take care of my kids! plus i hear being over-weight makes it harder to get pregnant anyway, so i am doing everything i can to prepare so i feel ready when we try to have children! plus i want to feel like i can go back to my hometown without "blowing the secret." no one there knows what i have morphed into, and i like to let them think i'm still the same 'ol me that was half the size i am now. maybe mostly, i just want to feel normal, and do normal things without getting winded!!
  7. staindgal

    Road to "TWOterville"

    i am so excited for august to begin! i have a goal of running 30 miles in august as well so when you see me (in online-land) i'll either be working out or doing my best to eat healthy and drop some pounds!! YAY for the team effort!
  8. staindgal

    Road to "TWOterville"

    oh PLEASE let me join in this august challenge!!! i am only 19 pounds from the cozy 'burg of twotersville, and i am going to make that my (unrealistic) goal!! August Challenge Name...............................Starting…....Current…......Goal…..........To Go losingjusme..(Christine).........293.............. 293... ..........275..................18 tann.............(Tammy)...........211............ . 211..............212....................0 Josette.................................322....... .......322..............307..................15 RidinMyHDDream.(Carol).. .....266..............266..............256........ .........10 FaithMD............................... 308..............308..............299............. .......9 Elisabethsew..(Elisabeth).. ....275....... .......275 .............265..................10 Libra..(Angela)...................... 214...........;...214..............208............ ........6 glindab..................................282...... ........282..............275....................7 Inner_me.....(Chris).............. ..295...............295.............280........... ........15 waterlily1072...(Nicole)............279........... ....279.............269...................10 Rainer (Lorraine).....................311...............311..............299...................13 staindgal (Bridget)..................319................319.............299................... 20
  9. Dear Plumpy Pad, Note to self: I should put off eating until I am actually hungry. I got to come home early from work today, and so the first thing I did was eat... but I ate my entire 500 calorie limit in one meal at 3:00PM... I'm sure that was a bad idea... I bet I'll have to eat something for breakfast tomorrow to hold me through until dinner tomorrow night! Now avoiding that "eating to have something to do" feeling is going to be even tougher than usual. Oh bother. On a good note, I am 319 pounds. I cannot wait to get in the 200's again. I remember when one time I got up to 198 and I was disgusted with myself. I promised I would never go that high again after I got back down to 150. Now here I am 7-8 years later, and I am TRYING to get into the 200's on my way down the scale. Life's crazy. I think I'm going to go to the gym for a bit. Laters!!
  10. staindgal

    7.31.07: done with food for the day...

    Dear Plumpy Pad, Note to self: I should put off eating until I am actually hungry. I got to come home early from work today, and so the first thing I did was eat... but I ate my entire 500 calorie limit in one meal at 3:00PM... I'm sure that was a bad idea... I bet I'll have to eat something for breakfast tomorrow to hold me through until dinner tomorrow night! Now avoiding that "eating to have something to do" feeling is going to be even tougher than usual. Oh bother. On a good note, I am 319 pounds. I cannot wait to get in the 200's again. I remember when one time I got up to 198 and I was disgusted with myself. I promised I would never go that high again after I got back down to 150. Now here I am 7-8 years later, and I am TRYING to get into the 200's on my way down the scale. Life's crazy. I think I'm going to go to the gym for a bit. Laters!!
  11. staindgal

    In need of an intervention

    just remember that you got the band to help you lose weight, and that would be an awful thing to jeopardize!! plus you only have 2 days till mushys now... right??
  12. staindgal

    7.30.07: keeping it quiet

    Dear Plumpy Pad, So my husband has been put on a 500 calorie a day diet due to his diabetes, and I am matching him day for day to be supportive AND lose the weight I drastically need to lose. Today the thing I always dread when I go on a diet happened... A friend decided to tell me 500 calories is way too little and it will give me jaundice, kill me, etc... I know they mean well, but c'mon... no it won't. My father is a doctor, and he knows me pretty well, and he is supportive of the 500 calorie and under diet. It is for 100 days, and then we will both step up to 1000 calories and under. I just cannot handle it when people try to tell me I'm not eating enough... Hello? Have you seen me? Plus it's not even like I'm unfulfilled and hungry all the time either! I feel full, I have my 475 calories today and I feel great! I guess I just can't talk about what I'm doing with my friends because that will be the reaction I get. In high school I only ate like 200-300 calories a day and none of my friends got in my face... ::car:: oh well... I'm still going to continue with it.
  13. staindgal


  14. staindgal


    i may be way late to jump in on this thread, but i just need to vent some things that i now feel comfortable venting because of the things all of you have shared... the last relationship i was in before i began dating my husband was super fun and filled with sex... i always felt desired! it was amazing! i was thin at that point, and i was still thin when i met my husband... my husband was already heavy when i met him, and he would turn down my advances for sex all the time! i associated his lack of desire for sex to be that he was not attracted to me, and i began to eat my feelings. 150+ pounds later i realize that he was always very affectionate towards me, but that he simply could not have sex with me whenever i wanted him to because his weight was affecting his ability to do so... i built such a wall between us thinking that the lack of sex was because of me, but in the end it wasn't... and i missed all the signs. now we're both fat, and he has very recently been diagnosed with diabetes. we have sex rarely, but he meets all of my emotional needs, and then excels. we are both working hard to lose weight together now, and i know that he wants our sex life to be different too... and i know that when we are both healthier, it'll happen.
  15. staindgal

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    when i met my (now) husband, i was thin. when i started gaining the weight (because my feelings just tasted SO good!), i tried to shut him out because in the past i had dated guys that i knew would never continue seeing "a fat girl." he's still with me, and loves me for ME. it does mean something special to be with a man who does not just look at the outside, but also the inside. I have a friend who never had a date until she had gastric bypass surgery when she was 20 years old. now she has boyfriends, but no real connection with any of them because she always thinks in the back of her mind that if they see a picture of her from 5 years ago they'll leave her. it is a tough place... but if they really care about you, and there is going to be a future, they won't care about the band one bit... nor will knowing you have it impact the way they think of you. just find those men of QUALITY!
  16. staindgal

    7.29.07: and then it was 12 pounds...

    Dear Plumpy Pad, So sorry I have not been keeping up with this, but as you may have guessed, I had quit keeping up with this because I had quit keeping up with me. I turned a blind eye to the scale for a few weeks there... and although I was eating better than I used to, I was eating too much... again. I am back on the wagon again, and I think I will be on the wagon permanently now because of a recent event that has hit in my own backyard. My husbahd was diagnosed with diabetes this past Friday (the kind you get from being fat), and now he is on a 500 calorie (or under) per day diet to try to keep himself from having to go on insulin shots. It's been a real awakening learning about all the long term effects of this disease, and how getting excess weight off immediately is now job one. I am doing the diet with him, and the fact that he has to do it because of an actual life or death situation makes it easier for me to know that I can't cheat either. Since I first weighed in 3 weeks ago I am down 12 pounds, and I have a long way to go. I'm up for the challenge, and I know that this is the race of my life. Hopefully in a year I will look back on this journal entry as a much healthier, and much more attractive person. Wish me luck!!!
  17. Dear Plumpy Pad, So sorry I have not been keeping up with this, but as you may have guessed, I had quit keeping up with this because I had quit keeping up with me. I turned a blind eye to the scale for a few weeks there... and although I was eating better than I used to, I was eating too much... again. I am back on the wagon again, and I think I will be on the wagon permanently now because of a recent event that has hit in my own backyard. My husbahd was diagnosed with diabetes this past Friday (the kind you get from being fat), and now he is on a 500 calorie (or under) per day diet to try to keep himself from having to go on insulin shots. It's been a real awakening learning about all the long term effects of this disease, and how getting excess weight off immediately is now job one. I am doing the diet with him, and the fact that he has to do it because of an actual life or death situation makes it easier for me to know that I can't cheat either. Since I first weighed in 3 weeks ago I am down 12 pounds, and I have a long way to go. I'm up for the challenge, and I know that this is the race of my life. Hopefully in a year I will look back on this journal entry as a much healthier, and much more attractive person. Wish me luck!!!
  18. staindgal

    Pretend Banding

    i guess we'll see. i've never really had to lose weight before, or even tried to. i gained all my excess weight in a year (yes, it was a HORRIBLE year) and have just been maintaining that obese weight for a year since then. i think if i get it off, and then resume to my normal eating to maintain again, that i will be AOK.
  19. staindgal

    Pretend Banding

    so i had kind of quit weighing myself and hit a plateau... but on friday my hubby was diagnosed with type II diabetes. now we're both eating like we have the lap band! he's been recommended to drop some weight FAST to possibly avoid a life of insulin shots and finger pricks, and placed on a 500 calorie per day diet. i am matching him everyday, and we are doing it together. i think this "pretend banding" might work afterall!!
  20. staindgal

    7.12.07: and then i gained 2 pounds...

    Dear Plumpy Pad, So I had been on cloud nine, counting my calories like a fiend and suprising myself every morning when i stepped on the scale! I was down 9lbs. from my start weight and feeling fine! Then yesterday the new Harry Potter movie came out, and I went to see it. We had popcorn (which i dip in guacamole because i'm weird... and fat), and then after the show -which was REALLY GOOD might i add- we went to get some southwest cusine at moe's. several chicken fajitas later i rolled myself home, and figured that because i was already bad, i should just go ahead and eat a klondike bar. i was running late this morning so i didn't get to step on the scale, but i just got home from work, peed (to lose every last drop of weight), and stepped on the scale. now i am only down 7lbs. that means i am up 2lbs. that means i am sad. :think on a (weird) side note, i ordered a chicken caesar salad from crisper's today for lunch after checking at the total calorie count would be 760 including the dressing. i took it back to work with me, set up my meal at my desk, and discovered that i received no caesar dressing. not a drop. none. so basically the diet gods were watching over me, and lowered my caloric intake for the day by only eating a plate of romaine lettuce with some grilled chicken and grape tomatoes. how bittersweet... next time i weigh in, i will be heading downward again. i refuse to have any more trips up the scale!! REFUSE! peace out cub scout!!
  21. Dear Plumpy Pad, So I had been on cloud nine, counting my calories like a fiend and suprising myself every morning when i stepped on the scale! I was down 9lbs. from my start weight and feeling fine! Then yesterday the new Harry Potter movie came out, and I went to see it. We had popcorn (which i dip in guacamole because i'm weird... and fat), and then after the show -which was REALLY GOOD might i add- we went to get some southwest cusine at moe's. several chicken fajitas later i rolled myself home, and figured that because i was already bad, i should just go ahead and eat a klondike bar. i was running late this morning so i didn't get to step on the scale, but i just got home from work, peed (to lose every last drop of weight), and stepped on the scale. now i am only down 7lbs. that means i am up 2lbs. that means i am sad. :think on a (weird) side note, i ordered a chicken caesar salad from crisper's today for lunch after checking at the total calorie count would be 760 including the dressing. i took it back to work with me, set up my meal at my desk, and discovered that i received no caesar dressing. not a drop. none. so basically the diet gods were watching over me, and lowered my caloric intake for the day by only eating a plate of romaine lettuce with some grilled chicken and grape tomatoes. how bittersweet... next time i weigh in, i will be heading downward again. i refuse to have any more trips up the scale!! REFUSE! peace out cub scout!!
  22. staindgal

    Pretend Banding

    still headed downward... THIS IS THE LONGEST I HAVE GONE WITHOUT SODA EVER! :faint:
  23. staindgal

    7.09.07: two year wedding anniversary

    Dear Plumpy Pad, So today is my anniversary, and with that being said, it is also a day I usually equate with eating anything I want because IT'S A CELEBRATION! Hubby and I still had a nice meal together, it was just much smaller than usual! In the last two days I have averaged 600 calories a day, and that makes me happy. I feel okay, I'm not starving! Tonight I am going swimming to complete the second hour of my 20 hours of exercise in July. I'm 10% of the way there with 22 days left... I really can do this! Nothing else to say right now, other than it is less than two days until I go to see the new Harry Potter movie!! CHEERS! :whoo:
  24. Dear Plumpy Pad, So today is my anniversary, and with that being said, it is also a day I usually equate with eating anything I want because IT'S A CELEBRATION! Hubby and I still had a nice meal together, it was just much smaller than usual! In the last two days I have averaged 600 calories a day, and that makes me happy. I feel okay, I'm not starving! Tonight I am going swimming to complete the second hour of my 20 hours of exercise in July. I'm 10% of the way there with 22 days left... I really can do this! Nothing else to say right now, other than it is less than two days until I go to see the new Harry Potter movie!! CHEERS! :whoo:
  25. staindgal

    Pretend Banding

    I'll keep you updated... But I plan on suprising myself!!

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