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Posts posted by itzme752

  1. Last night my husband and I were in a sporting goods store and walked by the weights. I have lost 60 pounds since surgery and asked him to pick up the 60 pound weight and put it in my arms (there was no way I could lift it myself lol). Anyway, when he gave it to me I almost fell on the ground cause it was so heavy. It's hard to really see how much weight you have lost until you do something like that. I can't believe that my body had to carry around all that weight just a few months ago!

    I encourage everyone to do that at some point to really put into perspective how much we have lost even if you can't see it so much! It put a smile on my face and I'm sure it will for everyone else too!

  2. Had surgery on a Tuesday and was supposed to go home Thursday but had to stay until Friday cause my white blood cells were up and they wanted to be safe. My insurance only approved the first day too but they ended up approving the entire stay. The lady I talked to said they always approve the first day and then approve more based on medical need so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Your doc wouldn't keep u there if he didn't feel like you needed to be there.

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  3. My nutritionist said calories aren't really the main thing to focus on. She said tracking Protein and fluids are most important. I'm about 3 months out and average about 800 calories a day and that's what I've been averaging since I went to normal foods so I wouldn't freak out too much.

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  4. Caffeine in tea is the same as coffee. They do make Decaf tea. I had some before surgery because I love iced tea and couldn't tell too much of a difference. I have not had any since surgery though cause I always had it with sweet and low and I'm afraid how my pouch will react to it. My nutritionist said that caffeine also effects the absorption of Calcium in the body so that's another reason to drink it in moderation or avoid it altogether if you can.

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  5. I'm starting to warm to the idea of rny - I think I'll be more successful with it. It's just a scary surgery to do!!

    I have a LOT of weight to lose - 200 or more lbs. I think with VSG' date=' I'd probably have to have the surgery converted down the line - most of the people on VStalk are a lot lighter than me to start out with.

    From what I've researched, I'll be on a multi-Vitamin, Calcium w vit D, a Fiber supplement (unless I can get my diet to include enough) and B12. Any other Vitamins that you guys have been told to take? Are you required to take an anti-acid? I have no GERD issues now... if that makes a difference...

    I really appreciate all your responses, guys! Keep em coming![/quote']

    I never had GERD issues before surgery either but my doc puts all of his patients on an antacid for 2 to 3 months after surgery as a precautionary thing. All docs are different though so yours may not have you take one.

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  6. Fat free refried Beans with lowfat cheese is good. Mix in powdered milk into mashed potato for added protien. Get protien fortified broths which have 15g of protien per serving. I also found New whey shots at Walmart that have 42g of protien. They are strong but I tolerate the grape flavor. tuna is also a 3rd week food (canned in water) not albacore. Hope this helps.

    Just curious, why not albacore?

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  7. Yeah one of my drain sites drained for about a week after I got home. Just monitor the drainage and make sure it doesn't turn a green or yellow color or have a fowl odor. Those are signs of possible infection. Most of my drainage was clear or pink from a little blood here and there and eventually closed up.

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  8. Not everyone has the dumping syndrome. I am almost 3 months post op and have never had the dumping syndrome. And if you avoid things high in sugar then you shouldn't get the dumping syndrome. Dumping is caused by sugar entering your intestine too quickly. Once you are off the puréed and liquid phases you can eat normal food again it's just smaller portions. I have had a bite of a brownie after eating some Protein first and was satisfied and it didn't cause any dumping or anything. As far as the nutrients that has to be the biggest difference in my opinion between VGS and RNY. With RNY you will have to take. Vitamins for the rest of your life because of the nutrient deficiency. But as long as you take the Vitamins like the surgeon wants to you shouldn't have a problem with deficiency. Hope this answers some of your questions.

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  9. I'm two and a half months out and have tried some sips of diet pop but I can't have much at all cause of the carbonation in the pouch. Usually my husband will open a pop and I'll have a sip and give it back to him and be satisfied. If you want to try it I would suggest to just take a little sip and see how you tolerate it.

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  10. I'm 2 months post op too and going on a long trip in a couple of weeks. I've started to stock up on Quest Protein bars cause my surgeon wants 5 small meals a day and I know we won't be stopping that often so I'll have half of one every so often to get my Protein in. I'm also going to take a little cooler with bottles of Water to make sure I always have something to drink. And as far as eating out all restaurants have some sort of protein that you can have so that shouldn't be a problem. Even if you guys stop at a fast food place like McDonald's or wendys. A lot of those places now have wraps with grilled chicken in it. I just open it up and eat the chicken which is a good portion for us and throw the wrap away. Hope this gives you some ideas :-)

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