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Posts posted by BirdAlert

  1. Lisa, Are you drinking like this before or after surgery? Not that one is less important than another, both are very serious.

    Have you discussed it openly with your PCP?

    Keep on the right path, no matter how painful. We don't need those types of addictions. And especially if WLS is something you want to improve your quality of life. Alcohol will end up destroying you. Don't allow it too.

    You are in my thoughts!


  2. According to my sleep doc it depends what kind if sleep apnea you have. I cant remember what type i have and I haven't had surgery YET but according to him' date=' losing weight can alleviate it but won't cure it. He said he doesn't even bother telling older individuals to try losing weight to get off the machine bc it doesn't change anything.

    And oh my, do I miss sleeping on my belly. Don't know what you have Til it's gone lol[/quote']

    Hi King Richard,

    I will check to see what type of sleep apnea I had/have...

    And, yep, belly sleeper too... Missing it as well.

    Certainly don't want to have to use the machine again tho!

    Funny thing... I was in a rental situation for the machine with my insurance co., and the very month that I had my surgery was the last month of rental! I now own my very own sleep apnea machine, with a balance of $700.00 that my insurance plan didn't cover!

    And I will most likely never use it again.

    Can't sell it, cause it is programmed to my sleep needs.

    Nice, huh?

    Maybe I'll search Pintrest & see if I can make something out of it!!


  3. Yea im so tring to reach my idea wieght. I am seeking friendship/suport. My idea goal is to be 260 and goal is 200. My strating wieght was 423. I praying drop about 99 more pounds and I strive to workout 2.5 hour daily' date=' eat what on Doc list to, eat. Still I find I am not losing wieght, so if you guys would tell what working for yall.[/quote']


    Sounds like you might be burning more calories than you are taking in.. Working out 2-1/2 hours per day, and eating what's on the Dr. list? I think your exercising too much.. (Funny to hear that, huh?)

    That's my guess.

    Call your surgeon & get his/her opinion. I was told to 'walk' after surgery... That was it, 30 min per day.

    My weight loss came to a halt when I wasn't taking in enough Protein & Water. I'm still working on that..


  4. Frank I know how you feel. Alot of my heavier family members couldn't except the weight loss for me. It's sad that I feel like I lost half of my family. But I just remember I did this for me. If they can't support me then it's best we don't talk. Be happy and enjoy. I bet you feel and look great:-).


    In addition to your comments, my best friend who is heavy, told me before my surgery that her concern was that "I" was going to change & we would loose contact. Her neighbor had GBS and they noticed a change in his attitude. I've sworn not to change who I am! And, I asked my BFF to tell me if she sees a change in my attitude, so I can stop it right away.

    Sometimes I think our family & friends think because we loose weight & get healthy that we think we are better than them. Reassure your family & friends that you are still the same person as before, just in a different body! I've offered to help my friend loose weight by exercising with her, we created a board with encouraging quotes for her to be motivated by and we are working on a goal chart for both of us.

    Let them know you still love them!! We need our families & friends!

    Just sayin'


  5. My doctor only has given me the "ok" to walk. Then our weather got cold & wintery.. So, to answer your question 'am I working out?' No. I try to do enough walking indoors all day, and I am looking for alternative exercises.

    I'm still recovering from the surgery, so it's slow going

    Thanks for the encouragement!!


  6. I'd like to be as successful as Christi has been!

    Here's my most current updated pic.

    Started at 223

    Presently at 182

    Surgery date 10/29

    Plenty to go, lots of work to be done... I've only just begun my adventure into The Looser's Side, but I think I've got a good head start!





    How about others? Lets see your successes...

  7. Anyone else out there have sleep apnea and sleep with a cpap machine?

    How long did it take you to lose enough weight to ditch the breathing machine?


    I have one. They had me using it in the hospital, but once I came home, I pretty much stopped using it. Now, I'm down 40# in 4 weeks, and that most likely helps, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't need it.

    I will check with my PCP and get the final ok to be done, sine I have sleep apnea & tend to stop breathing at night... I don't want to create additional problems!


  8. Tomorrow my journey continues since I have to lose ten percent of my weight and the doc put me on a strict diet of Protein shakes for bfast lunch and Protein meat and leafy veggies for dinner. No snacking will be the hardest part. I know I can do this not only for me but for my daughter. I want to be here when she graduates high school and college.

    "YOU CAN DO THIS!" The protein diet is TEMPORARY! A short time considering the rest of yours & your daughters life after graduation.

    Just remember "Nothing is leaving the planet". You may not be eating certain foods now, but they will be there later. No food is leaving the planet!




  9. I don't know where to post this, so this looks like a good place.

    I'm 3 weeks post op and having some issue with my teeth! They are so sensitive! Any ideas?

    Plus, I think my taste has changed! I seem to need to stick with bland foods so far. Tried a friends squash Soup, and that's as far as I got was a bite.

    Before surgery, I never met a food I didn't like. WIERD!

    I'm cooking, and it all looks & smells good, but I also don't want any of it.

    Anyone else?


  10. Ok, I'm jumping in also..

    I am 3 weeks post-op Laproscopic / 18 days post-op Revision. Follow that? Obviously I had troubles. One out of a million? Yep, I got the lotto ticket & had to have issues!

    Anyway, my beginning wt prior to surgery was 223#. I am only 5'0".

    Today I weighed in at 189.5. OMG!! 33 # down, and I'm still recuperating -got the ok for walking, but haven't done much.. Low BP keeps me tired & lightheaded. Plus I came home from the hospital with double pneumonia. Walking @ home, keeping busy, still guarding my belly from anything that moves.

    I haven't been 189.5 since I don't know how long!!

    Watching the weight just melt off (literally!) blows my mind. A pair of jeans I bought years ago have not fit me practically since I bought them! Today I found them, tried them on... Slick! Like they were made for me!

    Anyone else just baffled at the pounds melting??


  11. Dawn

    Thanks for the tips! I somehow have gotten into the habit of sleeping instead of eating.....I seriously need some activities that keep me distracted enough that I am not tempted to use or eat. Meditation makes me hungry but I like your idea of getting rid of the old cookbooks and starting a new collection.

    Hey, you are welcome! I'm waiting for my new books to come!

    Look on Amazon.com. I purchased 3 New books; 1. Organic for Dummies 2. Simply Thai (A friend has it, uses it DAILY, it's delicious and healthy!) 3. Cook without a book, Meatless Meals (I will have to adapt!).

    The fornt cover was attractive,

    So look before you buy.

  12. Morning!

    I see my surgeon today for my week follow up. Doubt the staples will come out, but maybe less restrictions?

    Post-op 18 day Laparoscopic / 15 days post-op revision......

    Wt loss: 23#.

    when I saw my PCP tho their day she congratulated me for doing the surgery, and for the wt loss right now. I'm only 5'0" and have not been under 200 # since 2008.

    That day I was (totally honest!) 199.9!


  13. For me, I have to re-educate myself.. Have the right tools!

    Clean out all the un-healthy cookbooks, replace them with organic cooking & recipes that are healthy, which means purchasing the fresh groceries to go along with it. My daughter, my mother and I are going to continue getting together & help cook for each other, healthy meals.

    I have a weekly date with two of my grandsons (3 y.o. & 9 mos) and were going to make healthy pizzas & play games. They can learn how to decorate their pizzas with good fresh ingredients given to choose from.

    Start slow,, food will taste different, textures will be different.

    Spend time researching this site, read what has worked for others; talk to people and find out what works for them..

    Change your habits.. The first day of my 2 week liquid diet had me a little concerned. My 'habit' was to come home after work & pour a glass of wine before anything.

    That first day I came home & literally walked around talking to myself "Must find a new routine" and I got busy with some things I had put off a long time, found myself distracted & alas a new habit was formed. No regrets.

    Keep focused, but don't make it too complicated. Set some short-term goals & long term goals.

    Those are some things I have done...


  14. I'm happy others proceeded with successful surgeries, and are on their path to speedy recoveries... I'm just a bit behind, but I will catch up!

    Going to attempt to sleep in my bed tonight and not sitting up in a caair!

    Quick trip into our Urgent Care today revealed a slight fever, elevated white blood count, and then an I.V. dose of antibiotics. Going for a follow up tomorrow again.

    Sleep well everyone!


  15. I have read that if you have a lot of stretch marks and are older (Im 46) you will most likely have hanging skin.

    First off, 46 is NOT "older". ;-) I'm 48!

    Second, I have a coworker who had the RNY surgery years ago & swears by wearing those spandex tanks... It "holds in what gravity wants to pull down".

    Drink plenty of Water & exercise.. I think you will be surprised... 'You older one you!'



  16. I was def thinking butterfly just haven't found any big enough or to catch my eye I wish I knew a good artist to draw me up a big one

    I know a great artist! And a tattoo artist! My son-in-law! I'm not fond of the tats myself, but I will say he has done some beautiful ones! However, we are in N. Wisconsin!!

    I'll talk to him & see if he has time to draw you a pic.... What size area? And what do you want in it?



  17. This is going to be a long slow recovery..... I'm learning more from my daughter who was there & spoke to the surgeons and other RN'S... while. I was out. NOT an encouraging story. VERY scary. They thought for a time that I may not make it. Now I understand why I hurt the way I do!

    Have a restful night, I can't sleep...


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