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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladyspl

  1. ladyspl


    I love the rhythm of Zumba, but man, did it ever make me realize how bad my 2 left feet really are!! LOL cannot wait to have a waist again so that I actually look like I'm doing the Zumba moves and not just jiggling my jello LOL
  2. ladyspl

    Hey Fat Girl

    Teary eyed but inspired. Great post.
  3. ladyspl

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    From Erie, but am having Dr Gagne in Pittsburgh perform my surgery November 15th at West Penn. Just had my 5th PCP weigh-in on Thursday. Only have bloodwork, 6th weigh-in and then pre-opt nutritionist appt left til the big day!
  4. ladyspl

    Nothing Fits!

    One of my goals is to close my Lane Bryant account. So I cannot wait to have the "problem" you folks are referring to LOL
  5. ladyspl

    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Im from Erie but am having Gagne do my surgery. Scheduled november 15th. Thursday is my 5th weigh in and im up 3lbs, and are freaking out about it. Its my period week so I know where the 3lbs came from, but cannot help worry that those piddily 3lbs will cause me to loose my surgery. Raquel, how was your stay at West Penn?
  6. Thanks for the heads up, because I am also 3 hours from surgery site! I will have to remember this!
  7. Initial PCP monitored diet started 4-23-12, surgery date will be 11-15-12
  8. First off, congrats on the no pain!!! Woo-hoo! I have read where many women who have had this surgery, as well as having had a Cesarean Section, compare them and say the Cesarean was more painful. I have had a C-Sec and much like you were, was told to "slow down", "take it easy" and "stop with the laps around the maternity ward". LOL So I hope that my surgery goes just as easy as yours! PS. During my C-sec, the nurses prepped for additional blood loss and had 2 anesthesiologists in the room...They said that us red-heads bleed more and need more anesthesia than the rest of the population. Did they do anything special in the OR for your surgery?
  9. WooHoo! That's my surgery date too!!! Congrats!
  10. ladyspl

    Today Is The Day!

    Rock on sista!
  11. ladyspl

    Not A Happy Camper!

    This has been my only negative about this surgery so far! LOL Every single time I experienced weight loss in the past, it ALWAYS came from the girls, so huge demotivation! This time, I expect to loose what little 40b I have left, but with a back up plan! If I meet my goal weight of 130, I am buying myself boobies!! Husband is on board, and so is one of my BFF's! She took the pact with me, to keep me motivated to loose the weight and we will get new boobies together!
  12. I agree, although one could take it as they know how to get the most while doing the least LOL!! I'm just trying to find the humor in everything right now because I am so afraid all my work thus far has been in vain.
  13. I made my decision in April to start the journey to Gastric Bypass. I made my surgeons appointment and started my 6m monitored weigh-ins. Surgeon requires clearances from cardiologist as well as pulmonologist. I called those offices to make appointments and both required referrals from the Dr requiring the clearances. I naturally called the surgeons office, they informed me they do not submit referrals, that it was up to my PCP to refer. Fine. Called my PCP, they flat out refused. Said they "have no reason to refer you". Return call to surgeons office with tears of desperation, managed to get the PA to "see what she can do". Woo-hoo! Got the cardiology and pulmonology appointments! Went to my 4th month weigh-in at 4lbs up, uggh! how did that happen?!?!?! Called surgeons office to see if I would have to start over, or if a little flub is still ok, the PA (again, love her!) said the only insurance she knows of that gives grief over weight gain in those 6m is Gateway, and I don't have Gateway. Whewf!!!! *sidenote* Still totally working on getting those 4lb gone by next weigh-in!! My next appointment with surgeon is on Aug 31st, at that point I figure, I will have 5m weigh-ins, cardio clearance, pulm clearance, bloodwork and psych eval done, we will probably be submitting to insurance. The insurance coordinator told me I need to have a letter from my Dr's on their letterhead, with the years and my weights on them for the last 5 years. Now I already had these Dr's fax over my medical records and they did, so now I need to ask them for more? OK fine. I called my OB's office (because I have seen them consistently, whereas the family Dr I hadn't seen in 3 years previous to my 1st weigh-in) asking them for this letter, was told "No. We faxed them all the records, they have it. They are just being lazy and do not want to organize the paperwork themselves and are passing the buck" Really? Ok maybe. But really? I'm afraid to even call my PCP to ask, in fear they will tell me the same thing, especially considering they were the ones to refuse my referrals. UGGGGHHHH!!! Are the stars against me for this surgery?!?!?! I know, in the scheme of things, these are not horrible setbacks, but nonetheless, should I take them as an omen that I shouldn't have the surgery. Or listen to my husband and say, they are hurdles to jump to make me sure I really want this surgery. I DO! I DO! I DO!! Please, tell me I'm an idiot and just being over scared. Or tell me to turn and run and never look at surgery again. Sincerely, The worry-wart LOL
  14. My surgeons office has been great and bad. If I didn't live 3 hours from them, I would just walk in and get the problem solved asap, but since I cannot, I will address the issue on the 31st which is my next appointment. I am unfortunately stuck with the surgeon due to my insurance requires a Center of Excellence, and they are the closest.
  15. Thank you! Yeah, I absolutely, after this, plan to join my husband at his PCP! As far as my OB, this was the first time I have ever had an issue with them, and to be quite frank, I don't blame them. Especially since they're right, the surgeons office has all my records from them, all they have to do is take those papers, highlight if they must the dates and weights, and submit to insurance. I have fought with insurance companies in the past, times when most people would have just given up, and I got the results I wanted. This time should be no different, but I am psyching myself out due to the magnitude of the surgery.
  16. How did your clearance go? Had mine this morning. Had the skinny technician try to lecture me on how major of a surgery this is after she felt it was necessary to say "Have you tried weight watchers?" No, I haven't geez, perhaps its that easy?! Shut up! GRRRRRR Now I normally am a mouthy red headed pistol, but for some reason, the only thing that came out of my mouth was "I guess you've never been overweight" and left it at that. When the dr came in, he was great. Got my clearance and will not have to deal with them again.
  17. ladyspl

    Scared To Be Skinny

    *crying bc ur singing my life like all of u found my diary and are reading it outloud.
  18. My cardiologist appt is Fri and I'm nervous too LOL fingers crossed that ur as healthy as can be, ready for surgery! Side thought....what should I expect at the cardiologist appt, will they actually throw my butt on a treadmill, bc if they do, I sure as heck won't be wearing jeans and heels! LOL
  19. Erie PA, but using Dr Gagne in Pittsburgh for my surgery :-)
  20. ladyspl

    Phone Pictures 665

    From the album: Untitled Album

  21. ladyspl


    Bleh, I hadn't thought about dear old mother nature during this process until I read your post. If thats the week of my period, I think I may just skip taking the placebo and just start the next pack of pills. Not wise to do on a regular basis, but in this instance, I would rather do that then have to worry about cleaning up a mess while in pain.
  22. ladyspl

    My Journey So Far....

    I am still pre-op, so I have no answers, but sending you big hugs ((HUGS))
  23. I feel ya on this one. I love the bras from LB, but when I walk past the VS in our mall, it just makes me sick. I want to wear those beautiful bras and panties and not have a thong look like the string holding a Christmas ham.
  24. ladyspl

    What Is Your Ideal Size?

    I just dont want double digits anymore. So anything less than a 10. Also, anything that doesnt have "x" in front of it. Once I get to those mini-goals, then I will pick a size and set a new goal LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
